• Published 18th Aug 2012
  • 915 Views, 7 Comments

Mysterious box - Vinyl Scratch™

A story of Romance and adventure, as well as some laughs along the way

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First encounters

"Yet another boring weekend." I sigh, as I slowly sat up on my bed. When I was fianally fully awake I walk over to my computer to check the Internet for anything entertaining. To my surprise there was nothing. I spent some time on the 'net, but was pulled away from it when mum interrupted me, asking me to go to the grocery store, to get some things she had forgotten to pick earlier.

After getting dressed, I left my home, and began the walk to the local sotre. It was chillier today than normal, bit it didn't matter as it was only a shot walk.

I left the grocery store, slightly wieghed down by the bags full of assorted things. But as I walked, I noticed something... odd. A box. Not moving, not overly noticable, other than the fat it was there now, and hadn't been before. And, strangley, although the sun was slowly setting, the bow seemed to have an odd aura about it. It was easy to pick out in amongst the slowly descending gloom. Although I'm still not not really sure why, I picked it up and put it into one of the bags I was carrying.

After a refreshing walk, only about twenty minutes had passed since I left home. I put the strange box in my room before going back out into the lounge room. I walked over to the kitchen bench and placed the groceries there and the spare change that I had left from the money mum me for the groceries.

I went back into my room, forgetting about the box. I sat down at my computer and to read some My Little Pony fan fiction to try and pass the time. I was reading a story when I suddenly remembered the box. It had totally slipped my mind. I left the computer, Fan Fics at the back of my mind by now. I went up to the small box, which was sitting on my bed. I reached out towards it, entranced by the strange light. I could hear strange sounds coming from it. They sounded like... Tree? Leaveins rustling in the wind?

As I leant in to investigate my mum knocked on the door to let me know that dinner was ready. Slightly irritated, I pause and went to go have dinner, making sure I kept the box at the front of my mind.

I finished my dinner quickly, and left the table as soon as possible. I almost ran back to my room, and again I put my hand in the box to feel if there was a bottom to it, but there seemed to be stopping my hand. Then I was surprised, I yanked my hand out of the box, but after a couple of minutes of slowly getting my breath back, I decided to continue.

I leaned in further and further, until I felt myself pulled forward, and I fell in and landed on something. Thankfully it wasn't what I thought it was, instead of the monster I had been expecting, it was simply a bush. I stood up and brushed myself off, checking that nothing was broken, and to make sure I got rid of anything that was on me.

After I had finished I looked up. My breath caught in my throat a I saw two ponies looking curiously at me. What is this? How is this possible? I ask myself. After an awkward couple of minutes I throw all cauion to the wind, and decided to ask "Where am I"

One of the ponies still looked like they were investigating me, as if I was a foreign object (Then again, I kind of was) but the other replied simply with: "ponyville, why do you ask?"

My mouther nearly droped to the floor. My mind was reeling. It was then that I realised that the portal that seemded to have been in the box had dissappeared from view, and after a glance around the immediate area, this was confirmed, But by then, all I could think was: What's going to happen now? I can't go back to my world without that bow! Unless there is another portal somewhere else in Equestria.

The ponies seemed to be confused as to what I was (Then again who could blame them?) The pony yhat had been silent earlier chose t speak up, and she asked "What are you?"

Afer a few moments of wondering how to phrase it, I said that I was a human. They cocked thier heads in confusion. I think about it, and realise that humans haven't been in the show since one of the earlier generations. Suddenly, I got a flash of inspiration. I asked one of them where I can find Twilight. They seemed shocked that I knew who she was and asked wh I wanted to see her. I realise they might need some explaination and so I said " Well you see, I'm obviously not from around here and from knowledge that I have of this place, if anypony could help me I'm guessing it would be her."

The ponies whispered to each other for a while giving me strange looks, and they finally seemed to come to a decision, and one of them waved at me to follow.

After about ten minutes of walking she said "Here we are!" in a happy tone, gesturing to the large tree behind her, which I recognised as Twilight Sparkles' library.

I walked past her and gave them my thanks. After about two minutes of standing in front of the door to Twiights libray, I finally knocked on it. A few seconds later I heard something running down the stairs and soon enough I saw Spike standing infront of me. He raises his eyebrow at me, but after a few seconds, waves me in tiredly. After that odd moment I asked if Twilight was there, he shook his head and said "She's out at the moment, but would you like to stay and wait until she gets back?" He asked hesitently, I nodded my head and sat down on a large couch against the wall.

I'm not sure how long I waited, but it felt like a couple of hours had passed at least, seeing as I almost feel asleep, but then I heard the door opening and the sound of a familiar voice "Spike! Where are you?" The door opened fully, and the mare walking in and suddenly pausing in shock made me bite my lip to stop from laughing at the absudity on her face. But the spell is broken when from my left I heard Spike say "Twilight, he's here to see you. He showed up a couple of hours ago, seems you took longer that you thought hm?" He smiles wryly and she shoes him out of the room, up the stairs. She looks at me oddly, then follows him.

After a couple of minutes sitting on the floor of Twilights house I somepony coming doen. A soft "Hello" came from the direction of the stairs as Twilight slowly came down to see why I wanted to see her. I started form the start, and recounted everthing that had happened in the past few hours.

She put a hoof on her chin to she is she had any explaination to why it happened, but I could tell she was as stumped as me. Then she frowned, and she asked how I knew about her. So I told her about MLP: FiM and that in my woulrd that all of her and her friends are cartoons and that a huge fan base that waches the show. After hat Twilight sat there, staring at me, as if she was wondering about what to do with me.

After about tewo or three minutes Twilight lid off the couch I had moved on to and said " You can stay here as you need to, and hope that we can find a way to help you get home. Maube Pirncess Celestia..." She smiled sincerly at me and trotted off upstairs. After Twilight was up stiars all I could think was jumping around happily as my wish fianallt came true, to come to Equestria and hopefully stay for a long time. But as that htought came to mind, antoher had crept in, the thought of never going back to my worldm where all my family and friends were.

Sometime after she had gone upstairs, Twiligh came back down witha a spare pillow and blanket and passed them to me. She smiled warmly and said "Here, I thought minght need these if you are going to be staing here" Again she smilede at me and I gratefully said, "Thank you for letting me stay here while I try to sort thins out." I smiled back at her.

I'm not really sure how much time had passed since Twilight came down and gave me the pillow and blanket. But I finally started to doze off into sleep. As I did I thought to myself: This is going to be one hell of an adventure, I hope. And with that I dozed off to sleep with a happy smile plastered in my face.

Comments ( 5 )

Good story dude, you get a thumbs up and a cave for your work:rainbowlaugh:

Sorry, fav, not cave

Dude... putting *This is my first story, please go easy on me* is just saying hey! this is a horrible story dislike this

Spelling mistake in SECOND sentence of this fic, wrong choice of wording, lack of commas, more spelling mistakes, story moving too fast, incoming Gary Stu, and that's enough, I'm bored in finding bad things in it.

The next couple of parts are actually going to be a little slower :twilightsheepish:
And thank you for the compliment :twilightsmile:

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