• Published 14th Jan 2020
  • 530 Views, 3 Comments

My Little Stories - Layri_Cheetah

Another short stories with other ponies

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Allagro Keen

The hero of this story is ichthyopony, whose life should have taken place in the oceans, far away from the settlements. But he is born on land. How does he live, what does he strive for, what does he overcome? Perhaps in the future, Allagro will share the memories of his adventures and achievements with us.
* * *

The rays of the setting Sun glanced through the apartment window, shattered in dozens of rainbows in crystal hangers of the lustre, glistened upon the sports trophies and golden medals, resting in a wardrobe, glanced upon the photos of famous sportspony, hanging on the wall.

Brawny earthpony covered his hazel eyes, enjoying the play of light on the glass of red wine. Sofa creaked as Allagro stretched, his muscles swelling under the gray with black speck hide.

"So, Mr. Flashback, shall we start?" Allagro looked at the pegasus, sitting beside sofa and shook his black mane. A few silver threads could be seen in it - the mark of many years passed.

"Let's start, Keen." Pegasus pressed the button on the recorder with his hoof. "Special correspondent of the Evening Manehatten newspaper Flashback Kentry coming in, and today I am interviewing the renowned sportspony, Allagro Keen. Tell us, how your life has begun?"

"The way any life begins, with birth. Me coming into the world have been a shock for my parents. You see, I didn't have the hind legs. Or croup, for that matter, instead, I had a fish tail."

Keen sipped from the glass.

"I was examined by the best doctors of Manehattan, and they unanimously decided: I am a lively and healthy foal. Upon receiving such verdict, my unicorn father temporarily lost his gift of magic, and for the whole month he had to enjoy all the charms of earthly pony's life without magic. Well, you can't really argue with "lively". But “healthy”? Mother, Pegasus, took it much more calmly. She was waiting for me for a long time, for her I was a wanted son. After the examination, we were sent home.

There were problems with feeding - I was very weak on my feet. Mother had to lie on the floor so I could milk her. In the first few weeks she was also the one taking care of my upbringing. At first, my father did not give me any attention, but when I got stronger and started walking after him, interested in all his deeds, he gave up."

"Yes, its hard to put up with the fact that your son doesn't look like everyone else. How did your peers treat you?"

"My first appearance on the street made quite a hassle. No one was left indifferent. The fillies showed some healthy interest. They loved my tail." Allagro grinned. "After almost every holiday I brought home a whole bunch of ribbons on this tail, flowers, horseshoes and other tokens of attention. In general, I was well received, we played together, we were friends."

"What do you think about your dis... extraordinarity?" Flashback managed to correct himself at the very last moment.

"Disability, you meant to ask?" Keen caught him on his words and placed his glass on the table.

"Y-yes, I am very sorry" the correspondent looked really embarrassed.

"Disability is when something is broken, lost, doesn't work as intended. But I have everything I need, where I need it, and, dare I say, it's working."

Allagro threw off the sheet, which until this moment hid the back half of his body, exposing a powerful tail. The skin of a pony harmoniously turned into gray scales, which glistened dully in the rays of sunset. A long lateral line of tiny black dots divided the tail lengthwise into distinct halves - a dark gray upper and a light, almost white lower. The angular “rudder” is sharply asymmetric: the upper blade is much longer than the lower. Two small fins grew near the genital fissure, a high dorsal fin stood where the normal pony would have a coccyx, and in place of the hind legs, some mechanisms were attached to the body, folded in ornate segments like a fan, they fit tightly to his sides.


"All achieved by years of training."

"This is impressive."

"Initially, I perceived myself as it is. But the whole street was noisily discussing this anomaly of mine, and wondered what I was. Someone brought the enormous "All-Equestrian Encyclopedia of Creatures" from his house, where they found a detailed description of my relatives - "ichthyopony". They live in the seas and oceans at shallow depths, lead a nomadic way of life, feed on seaweed, and a tail, which looks a lot like a shark's tail fin, allows them to move in water at the speed of a pegasus in the air."

"Pretty fast, I've got to say" grunted the pegasus, who was always getting the last places in flight technic and speed.

"Thorough study of this book has exposed one crucial difference from my relatives. I have lungs and no gills, which means I couldn't stay under water for long periods of time. Thus, I am some sort of middle link between the earthpony and ichtyopony."

"How did your parents react to this finding?"

"Mother - in no particular way. For her it was important what I was, and not what breed I am. But father - he found somewhere the scrolls with our family tree, going back fifteen generations, Celestia have mercy on his soul, and spent over them all day. Contrary to expectations, he didn't find any "fishpony" among our ancestors. One could assume my mother was having an affair with some ichthtyopony, but that's just nonsense. She never left Manehattan. Discord only knows, how a unicorn and pegasus could produce a creature like me. My parents vowed not to mate again. They didn't want something weird to happen again, so I was brought up as the only colt."

"Did you have any problems with your body and development?"

"Ehhh..." Allagro waved off and took a glass again. "More wine?"

"Thank you, but I'm at work, and I still have to fly home. I'd rather do it sober."

"There was a bunch of problems, worst of them being my tail." Allagro slowly emptied the glass, reached for the tail with his hoof and hit it. "Absolutely insensitive." It still reacts to the injections, but touching, bending and everything else - no way. Knocking on it feels like knocking on a wood. What its position, what way it is turned - the only way to find out is by looking back on it. And so, while I was young, and did not understand what was wrong with the tail, I broke many things that could've been broken, by just turning around. Several noses included.

Apart from that, there were circulatory problems. Ichthyopony are always in motion, their tails are constantly at work. I am, on the over hand, read a lot and often forgot to move. This turned my tail into a log, not only insensitive, but also immovable. I had to knead it by force, put my tail against the wall, lean on it with all my weight, bend it several times sideways, so that it came back to life. This was very unpleasant.

While I lived at home, I didn't have any problem moving around whatsoever - i was gliding down the smooth floor. But the very first games with colts in the streets showed a significant difference: I could not gallop as briskly as they did, but walked on my front legs, dragging my tail along the ground. When I went out to the streets for the second time, a surprise was waiting for me: one of my new friends, Jackson, an earthpony with a cutie in the form of a jigsaw, sawed a couple of wheels from a plywood, a bed from planks, wove fixating straps, and presented this construction to me. He fastened it with belts where my hind legs ought to be. This gurney was light, clumsy and incredibly creaky. it was turning over on sharp turns, but it brought me the first joy of movement. In the future, my father, a professional designer, upgraded this prototype.

Of course, an undestanding of all features and needs of my body came gradually, through labor and pain, disappointment and tears. At some point I was seriously considering cutting off everything that disgusted me, drove me into madness, and restructure my body magically, so I could have normal croup and legs. It is a very costly operation, but I was furious with myself. I even composed a statement with detailed descriptions of all my problems and a rational solution to them. As I thought at the time, the only one possible.

On the day, when I was ready to send my application, "The Ichthyopony in Natural Habitat" exhibition was held at the Manehattan Center for Fine arts. I've decided to say a final goodbye to them and visited the exhibition. They let me in for free, as a race representative. There were lots of photos, statues made of clay and wax, and even full-size sculptures.

I saw how swift, graceful they were in the waters and on the waves, in currents and turbulence, during the storm and calm, how they struggle and how they rest. I saw other, wonderful aspects of life of which I didn't know. I saw life, and realised it was passing me by. I am the same as these ponies, who were frolicking in currents of Koltstream, but they lived, and I did not. They accepted life as it is and enjoyed it, and I almost killed myself by abandoning my nature. Delighted, shocked to my very core, I cried, feeling pride in my wild relatives, and burning shame for my weakness and cowardice. I am one of them, and if a whole nation can live like that, then so can I.

I left the exhibition with great relief and bought the ticket anyway. As a memory of the event, which returned me back to life. The application for tail surgery I burned."

"Did this day change your way of life?"

"Absolutely. In my studies, I paid close attention to speech, writing, and counting as I considered these subjects to be most important. Good speech, correct spelling, ability to count money. To all other subjects, I preferred training in gyms and swimming pools, purposefully developing the body and learning to handle it. Earth pony training programs were only half useful to me. The front half of me, that is. Kicking, jumping and other actions for the hind legs I skipped. Having learned how to handle the tail in the pool, I at least knew how to bend it, swim forward and turn in the desired direction, and not wherever. Then I started to go to the sea with food. There I dived, watched the fish and learnt to swim from them. Once the birds snatched the food away, and I tried seaweed - it turned out to be very tasty and nutritious."

Turning the empty glass in his hooves, Allagro placed the vessel back on the table.

"I set goals for myself: swim faster than before, further than before, longer than before. I came up with complex tricks, turns, loops, sought to perform them the best way possible. When I felt really strong and confident, I started to participate in sports competitions."

"For example?"

"I went through all stages of Iron Pony successfully. The most difficult was the tug of war, as I could only use two legs, and the long jump, where I still got the hang of helping myself with the tail, pushing off the ground at the right moment. And the funniest of all - the strong blow and kick the ball. All ponies froze in place, wondering, how I am going to kick? And I stood sideways and hit it with my tail."

"And how did your sportspony career begun?"

"Oh, that's a curious story, really. Having won several Iron Ponies I realised I was quite strong, so I've decided to go for swimming sports. The admissions committee refused me on the grounds that, in comparison to other ponies, I have a tail, which is an unfair advantage. I left without a word. instead, I wrote a letter to Celestia. On the next day, Her Majesty flew over personally, right in the middle of the training, destroying the daily routine and delighting all participants. She examined the sports complex, talked to me, the judges, meanwhile looked at the code of rules, and astonished the judges: anyone who looks like a pony and realizes himself as a pony is allowed to participate in all pony competitions. Moreover, she fixed it in writing, giving me a scroll. The judges apologized to us and let me into the competition. I still keep the “ticket to life” from the princess in a wardrobe under glass.

My first performance was a sounding success. Competition was held in a huge pool, it was necessary to swim half a mile in one direction and the same amount in the opposite direction. Since I did not know the capabilities of my rivals and how quickly they swim, from the very start I've given it all I've got. The result struck me, I did not suspect that I was swimming way faster than ponies with legs, setting an absolute speed record. Other swimmers beat only a quarter of the allotted mile when I had already finished. Filled with joy and not restraining my feelings, I swam back and forth this again, easily covering two miles. And thanks to the scroll of Celestia, they could not remove me from participating in the games and deprive me of receiving the prize.

And just like that my life went uphill. I visited the best sports clubs in Manehattan, Stalliongrad, Fillydelphia, Baltimare, Salt-lake city, Yanhoover, Talltall, Seaddle, Coltfornia, New Coltlean, rafted down the Neighagra Falls and iridescent Wilsom Falls, had a vacation at the Horse Shoe bay. I tried a variety of sports. Speed and distance swimming were easy for me, so I tried to succeed in something more difficult. Water ballet, for example. There are so many memories, we just won't be able to cover them in one interview. Nor in ten. You can learn more about my achievements by reading the sports newspapers over the past few years."

"Do you do something other than sports?"

"Yes. I must have caught Celestia's attention, and after that first letter I came under the patronage of Her Majesty. Sometimes, coming back to my room after yet another triumph, I would find a scroll, signed by Celestia herself. From time to time some equipment was attached to it. Once, Her Majesty asked me to explore the underwater caves in the Foal Mountains. Magical artifacts were wrapped in a scroll: a lantern that shone under water without fire and air, and gills, which, at first glance, threatened to strangle, because they closed tightly my nose and mouth. Both subjects were useful to me during the study of caves, and in some other adventures, too. So, from sports to these quests, I traveled the Equestria all over.

"The question most often asked by our readers is: “You use wheels to move on land, but no one has ever seen you put them on and take them off before diving. Where do the wheels go? ”

"The wheels are always with me. They are made by Diamond Light, one of the best masters of Canterlot. Flashback, get the camera."


Allagro moved from the sofa to the floor and touched the carved circle in the middle of the mechanism, located on his side. The circle dimly glowed with a magical yellow light, from its center the light flowed onto the segments of the mechanism, which turned silently, opened, pushing some parts out from under others, turned again, and formed together, taking the form of an openwork wheel. The whole mesmerizing process of transformation lasted no more than a second, and although Allagro touched only one mechanism, both wheels opened simultaneously, and the magic died out.

"And that's where the wheels come from. When I dive, and the wheels are completely immersed in water, they fold themselves and do not interfere with swimming. However, they do not interfere with anything anyway, sometimes I swim and sleep without taking them off."

"Unbeliev-pony-able!" Breathed out the reporter, who did not really have time to take a picture. "But why don't you have a cutie mark?"

"For your information, ichthyopony don't have marks of fate. At all. That's purely scientific fact."

"Allagro, what would you like to say to the readers of Evening Manehattan in the end?"

"Never lower your hooves. If your life goes wrong, consider it from all sides, and try to understand what you are doing wrong. In a worst case scenario - take your croup to the nearest art center. Maybe you will find an answer there or on your way there. And always remember: what you consider to be your main disadvantage can become your greatest strength, if you use it right."

"Thank you, Allagro. I am Flashback Kentry, special correspondent of the "Evening Manehatten". Thank you for your time and attention." Click - the rustle of the recorder has stopped.

"Sure, you are welcome." Allagro smiled, while putting a bottle of wine and a glass back in the minibar. "I quite enjoyed this discussion myself."

"Keen, can I ask you a personal question? I have already packed up, and I guarantee that this issue will not be in the newspapers."

"Go ahead." Keen grunted.

"You have a wife, children, everything is in order, but... how do you mate? I mean, if you look at me, - Flashback sat down straight and pointed at his groin with a hoof, "And you?.." Stalion spread his front legs at a loss.

"I already forgot how great our differences are down there, huh. - Allagro grinned. - My wife and I experimented. Frammy is a persistent mare and wanted to know everything. She also wanted foals, even if they are ichthyopegasuses. First, we tried in the sea on the shore, the usual pose "stallion from above." After several unsuccessful attempts and Frammy having swallowed quite a lot of water, she got angry, knocked me over on my back and rode me herself. That's how it all worked out".

"So simple? Thank you, I think I should try taking my wife out to the beach."

“I think you forgot something.” Thoughtfully said ichthyopony, watching the pegasus walking towards the door.

"Yes?" He turned around.

"A convenient exit is there." Allagro pointed at the open window.

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Original story by Layri Cheetah - ficbook.net
Translated to eng by Asielra.

Comments ( 1 )

But why don't you have a cutie mark?

Errr... I do not have a croup to host it?

And on a serious note - really interesting short stories about individuals, who could overcome their disabilities through cleverness and hard work, and achieve great success, as author of the stories did.

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