• Published 19th Dec 2019
  • 1,107 Views, 2 Comments

Gift of the Sirens - Draxonos135

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Gift of the Sirens

The streets of Other-Questria were as white as the snow thag surrounded them, although thankfully they weren't so high they made walking anywhere a chore to sit through.

Not that Sunset Shimmer would mind that; she didn't have anywhere special to go.

Twilight was spending time with Spike, Applejack was helping her family, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were busy dealing with the snow, Rarity wanted to create a perfect dress for the holidays, and Pinkie Pie... Was Pinkie Pie.

Yeah, from the looks of it, Sunset didn't have anybody to spend the holidays with until new year. Even her backup choice, Flash Sentry, was busy practicing carols.

Guess the only thing left to do was head to her apartment and finish decorating-

"Can't we just put the gift down and get the heck out of here?"

"She needs to hear us personally. If she doesn't, the gift won't be as meaningful."

Those were definitely the sirens' voices. More specifically, Sonata Dusk and Aria Blaze. And from the looks of it, Adagio Dazzle came along too. How did Sunset know?

Because she could see them right near the staircase that lead to her apartment.

"Dazzlings!" Sunset exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah, we know, these dresses just fit us so perfectly, don't they?" Adagio replied, swaying her hair.

"Uh, Adagio, I think she was calling us by our band name," Sonata spoke up.

"Shut up, Sonata, speak when spoken to." Adagio scolded, earning a pouty "fine" from Sonata as she turned back to Sunset, "So, we meet again, Sunset Shimmer. What are the odds?"

"What are the odds? We literally came here for her!" Aria replied sternly, talking even as Adagio gestured her to shut up, "I mean, it's her apartment! Why else would we be here other than to see her?!"

"Alright, Aria, point taken," Adagio turned back to Sunset. "So, yeah, we came here to see you. There's something we'd like to give you-"

"Give it to someone else," Sunset sternly stated as she walked to the staircase. "I don't have the time to feed your ego with a music battle or whatever-"

"It's a gift."

As if the statement was too much to handle, Sunset slowly turned to the sirens, and saw Adagio hold a gift in her hands as Sonata added:

"It's from the Canterlot Movie Club."

Sunset grabbed the gift. "The Canterlot Movie Club? So, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo made this for me?"

"No, Sunset, the other trio of pipsqueaks," Aria scoffed, rolling her eyes.

Adagio threw a look at Aria before she explained:

"The girls wanted to give you a gift in person as a form of goodwill, and a token of apology for the... You-know-what fiasco. But they're stuck on their houses until the holidays have passed."

"So they contacted us and asked for our help in delivering you the gift," Aria added.

Sunset glanced back at the gift, then the sirens. "I... Don't know what to say. I didn't think you guys would ever do something like this."

"Well, you know-"

"Sonata," Adagio folded her arms. "What have I told you about speaking when spoken to?"

"Actually, Adagio, I was talking to Sonata," Sunset chided.

Sonata blew a raspberry at Adagio, and walked closer as Adagio and Aria exchanged looks, the latter letting out a couple chuckles.

"Truth is, we had the same idea as you at first: after everything that's happened, after everything we've done, giving somebody a gift-without expecting anything in return at that-didn't sound like something we'd do."

Sonata played with her ponytail and sighed.

"But I guess what convinced us to try it anyway was who were asking us to deliver it. The same three girls that we helped a long time ago, now needed our help once more, since, you know-"

"They're effectively grounded until next year," Aria interjected, holding back a cackle. "I can already imagine them gasping for fresh air, kissing the ground in sheer ecstacy after being locked inside a room for months!"

Sunset frowned. "Well geez, when you put it like that, it makes it sound like Rarity, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack went a little far."

"Those three ruined your social life, and did a decent job at it despite being mere amateurs, I'd say they got off easy."

Sonata jabbed Aria away. "As I was saying, once they asked us to deliver the gift, we felt like we needed to at least give it a try. And it wasn't anything too hard either, just see you, hand you the gift, explain ourselves, and then leave you to your business."

"Which reminds me," Aria looked at her wrist. "We've been here far longer than we should have. So, we'll be leaving now."

Aria barely took a couple steps before Adagio stopped her right on her tracks. "Not until Sonata's finished."

"Oh come on, Adagio, you want to get out of here as much as I do!"

"Doesn't mean I'll just up and abandon Sonata mid-speech."

Aria's eyes became as wide as dinner plates. "What the heck is wrong with you?"

The argument continued after that, so Sonata decided to cut to the chase:

"Anyway, this is a gift from both us and the CMC. We hope you like it."

Sunset glanced at the gift. "Can I open it now?"

"If you want, the girls didn't tell us to tell you not to do that."

Gaining a little smile, Sunset opened the gift... and inside it found a plush toy version of her.

Her smile gained a hint of amusement as Sonata chirped, "Oh wow, a plush Baby! You're a Mom now, Sunset!"

"Hehe, yeah, I guess so," Sunset shook hands with Sonata. "Thanks, Sonata."

"Your welcome!"

"And thank you too, Adagio."

Adagio shrugged, and this prompted Aria to pause, glance at Sunset, and then grab and use Adagio as a human shield... for about a second before Adagio elbowed her in the gut.

And as Aria laid on the ground, clutching her stomach in pain, Sunset walked up to her and said:

"And thank you too, Aria."

"Talk about adding insult to injury."

The girls laughed as Sonata and Adagio helped Aria stand up. They then began walking away...


The trio stopped, turned around, and were faced by Sunset's gentle smile and statement:

"Happy holidays."

"Aaagh! Cheerfulness and joy after being thanked?!" Aria whined. "I swear you must be trying to kill me here!"

"Happy holidays to you too, Sunset."

Aria whined some more as the sirens left, and Sunset took one last look at the plush toy version of herself before she entered her apartment, a renowed feeling of holiday cheer inside her.


Author's Note:

Just a quick little something to celebrate the holidays, because Celestia knows I won't be able to write anything longer than a oneshot XD.

Draxonos135, wishing you happy holidays. :)

Comments ( 2 )

Just pure holiday sweetness.

"So they contacted us and asked for our help in delivering you the gift," Aria added.

I'm surprised they asked the sirens of all people.

"Doesn't mean I'll just up and abandon Sonata mid-speech."

glad to see a part of her still cares for her sister thankfully.

Gaining a little smile, Sunset opened the gift... and inside it found a plush toy version of her.

nice, they must have worked really hard to make that for her.

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