• Member Since 5th Jul, 2015
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago


I am an Anti-Brony, I hate MLP, so why am I here? Read this...! https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/769267/if-im-an-anti-brony-why-am-i-on-this-site

Comments ( 105 )

Sad, but good so far. I like how you used the wind waker music that was good.

Why so many dislikes?

I really love this so far. I don't understand why there are so many dislikes.

Anyway, excited for more. Keep up the great work! :yay::yay:

Every single comment and story is disliked.. I sense foul play here.. you might want to call some help for that..


People are disliking him because he's "Anti-Brony". Basically, haters.

Comment posted by Gundamfan deleted Nov 24th, 2019
Comment posted by DakariKingMykan deleted Nov 24th, 2019

I'd like to raise an issue of grammar. You use a comma before a character starts speaking, when there should be a period (or full stop);

One pony raised her hoof, “Professor Twilight, how do we control love and hate? Isn’t there some way so there could only be the love, or the hate?”

This should read;

One pony raised her hoof. “Professor Twilight, how do we control love and hate? Isn’t there some way so there could only be the love, or the hate?”

Comment posted by cunning_linguist deleted Nov 25th, 2019

Going good. Just don't make to sad that I start to cry.


Well I can't help that... that's the funny thing about movies/cartoons, something just pops up that can really get you.



you never saw Tom Hanks in CASTAWAY?


Seriously? Downvotes just for telling someone about a movie? F off morons.

Ok I think you should have had crossover and tag on this. While this isn't my cup of tea it's not the wurst and if you like this comment just give me a thumbs down


But there IS a "Crossover" tag

Comment posted by titanhades70 deleted Nov 28th, 2019



A lot... we're barely halfway through

So how's everyone going to react when you know what happens?


Same way they've always acted... like petty, pathetic, morons who still treat life like a popularity contest.

"Write it good (My way) or don't write at all (Or I'll bully and bash you like the bitch I am)


Wow, lucky I'm not in this vote. Sorry you got the dislike bullies.

Stop Spamming Mykan and us folks who actually like his stuff!!!

Hey man, just wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas.


You too... and happy new year

(Watch we're going to get downvoted for people's pettiness because they don't like me and don't like you're not being hostile with me)

It's fine. We're friends and friends always stick together.

Good to see you. I see your going through some stuff.


I finally got a lot of my NEED TO DO STUFF done, for now.

Teen Titan Idol Begins soon, but I'll still have some vids to do when the finals begin, and once I finish this fic, I'm going back to Starfleet Season 9.

Yugioh E-Quest is still on hold (That's the one I really want to work on) but it sure feels great to be kicking these characters asses!

Eh it's ok. What up? Doing better?


*Nods* they've had it coming, and now they're gonna GET IT!! HAHAHA!!

U sound like a villain right now man.

God damn dude. Your just picking them off one at a time.


*Snicking* Prolonging their suffering for as long as I possibly can.

I'm not gonna tell you how to write your stories, but that's just evil. For lack of a better word

Nice job working in the title.



They got back home
The Equestrians got their proper bodies back
And now they plan to get back at the enemy...

Come on man, I need a number. Also how far did you get in the anime?

Oh God!! You killed Spike. Why?!


It's part of the script...

But... I'll tell you this: His death will not be in vain.

To much of something isn't good. That includes emotions.

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