• Published 1st Dec 2019
  • 426 Views, 11 Comments

Weight of The Crown - Inactive Pone

Going through a traumatic political situation with no one left to turn to, pony ally Nathan wondered what it's like being a ruler.

  • ...

"Does it Hurt?"

Author's Note:

Alright. Let me be very, very, very clear about myself.

This story, as I mentioned, is dedicated to a very specific protest that has affected me personally for a few months now. However, the purpose of this story is not to favor either side of the spectrum. I do not support either the government or the people in the entire ordeal.

I am only writing this for the sake of content and expression of how I've been feeling, as a person that, in comparison to most of you who may not know what exactly is happening, has witnessed these events unfold as close as right in my neighborhood. The event has left me conflicted, depressed and annoyed since summer began, and I want to share it to all of you, because I don't know who to turn to anymore.

If you don't know what is happening, click here. Now, let's begin.

"Fire in the hole!"


"Fight for Freedom!"

"Stand with the people!"

"Liberate our homeland!"

"Revolution of our times!"

*static noises*

"Look out! Bombs away!"


"We need to get out of here! Let's move!"

"Scumbag officers! Get the hell out of our sight!"

"Ugh... Damn it!" I yell.

I wake up from my slumber on a morning. That was not a good dream to end my sleep off.

After contemplating to myself and twisting in my bed for a good while, thinking about what's been going on lately, I eventually slip myself off the bed and did a casual, morning routine.

As I did so, I was multi-tasking, scrolling on social media. Well, I thought, Why would I do that when all I see is just bad news?

Putting my clothes on, I yet again contemplated what was happening in the world around me- The real world, the human world. Within the past few months, I'm sure that everyone in my neighborhood had a good idea of what was going on and are adapting to a pretty unique way of life. At least, that wasn't how life felt before it happened.

What happened?

Scumbags. That's what.

In my life, I never thought I'd live to see the day something I'd usually expect to see from the third world happen in my hometown. First, a million people were shouting on the street. Yeah, I'm fine with that, we do this all the time, I thought back then. Then days later, people went rogue. And I was petrified at how things went on from there.

There were "Umbrella shield walls". There were bombs. There were guns.

Oh no, this isn't your everyday riot, alright. People storm out in herds, anonymous with their black masks, and in whatever protective gear they get their hands on. Then they beat the heck out of everything. Ever imagined your city plunge into total traffic chaos on a work or school day? Yeah, that happened like, twice this month. Ever seen university students setting people on fire? That's a thing. Ever seen a warzone in a usually civilized society? Definitely yeah if you're like me.

And why, you might ask? Well, something about the government. Simple.

But no idea why- maybe it's because of dignity, they never surrendered. And because of that, people told them to shove it. Aaaaaaaaaand the result is both sides escalating their violence and tactics until the entire place looks like it's been nuked.

Basically, everyone's being stupid. Both the cops and the people.

I proceed to go out to a nearby place to dine. As I ate, I would tune in to the usual news. Why, I ask myself, with a hopeless smile, Do I still watch them, even? It's the same news over and over and over again.

"Protesters continued to riot during midnight..."

"... The Train Stations were greatly under attack..."

"...The Government condemned the radicals..."

Called it.

It's all that happens nowadays. I guess I now realize how boring news must be in places where this happens every day.

I proceed to check social media. Stuff there sounds quite different than the news.

"Cops raping a teenage girl to death"

"Cop violence out of control"

"Guns blazing and People dying"

Sometimes I wish I could just blackout everything that's going on. This hurts- I hate seeing my home plunging into such disorder. Everyone finds violence the only way out sometimes and it's somewhat true now- But it's such a pain in the butt to see people being treated like that- Even those who did nothing and were innocent. I want to ignore it and get a piece of mind sometimes.

Oh wait, I thought, letting out a chuckle of pride. I do have that option.

As a friend of Twilight Sparkle personally and a long-time human ally of Equestria, I found it my perfect getaway spot for all sorts of problems. Since the protests began, I’ve been making trips to Ponydom more often to have a more peaceful and slower-paced life, getting away from all the action happening over here and releasing my stress. It almost felt unfair, even- While the fire raged on in my hometown and everyone I know as friends there were literally risking all they’ve got, I was “escaping” through a way that, to this day, remains only known to myself.

Speaking of which, as a late-twenties famous YouTuber who’s getting caught up in all this hot water surrounding my stance toward the issue, I nearly shut down all my social media accounts. But then again, someone is bound to know exactly what’s going on with me if I did.

It’s been a few months. And my heart has only been aching more and more each day.

Sometimes I always think about the pressure the government is under. How is one able to endure the pain, both literally and figuratively, so well? What prompts them from collapsing despite all the pressure? Heck, what if something is prohibiting its collapse outright, even though it’s already doomed or ready for surrender? Maybe another region that puts so much faith into our “rulers” that this is a battle that they can win?

The world of politics is... Really messed up. That’s what I knew.

And I’m genuinely confused about how it all works.

So, I turn to somepony I knew well, who, unsurprisingly, has quite the knowledge of what it feels like, first-hoof.



**Door opens**

“Oh, what a surprise to see you here!”

I chuckle. “Would I come without a reason?”

Today, I decide to approach someone I was rather very familiar with, thanks to my connections with Twilight Sparkle. She was none other than the former ruler of Equestria herself- Princess Celestia.

Having passed on the throne to her successor, The Royal sisters said they’d be returning to where they came from, a not-as-well-known town called Silver Shoals. I thought that if I found them, I might get some clarity and a bit of behind-the-scenes knowledge of what being the ruler or head of the country feels like, as well as political mindsets. Besides, who else can live long enough to tell you that they’ve got a thousand years of ruling experience under their belt?

I only know one.

Now, Celestia and I have had a pretty interesting connection, with my relationship with Twilight after all. But never have I gotten to know Celestia in depth. Never have I known what she’s like out of the Princess flair. So today was definitely a first for me. And to be quite honest, she’s very kind, agreeing to invite me in to have this long conversation.

“So,” Celestia began, “What brings you here today?”

I was, indeed, quite nervous. I haven’t spoken of the incidents back home to anyone here, after all.

“I want to ask you a question I’ve had on my mind.”

“Go ahead.”

“When you were ruling Equestria, how did it feel?”

Celestia was interested in my question, seeing her intrigued face.

“The experience of me being in power with my sister Luna was a big journey for us. Although it’s been a very long time since we were called to the throne, the day we were crowned was remarkable.”

“*chuckles* Way to rub it in, seeing Twilight the other day.”

We both laughed.

“Of course, ruling Equestria was a huge challenge. We were relatively young when we were crowned and the ponies didn’t follow the lead of particularly anypony before us. We built our rule from the ground up, gaining our subjects’ trust and learning to make big decisions for our expanding nation. We also had to deal with external and, *ahem* internal threats. All of that was very hard in our early ruling years.”

“It is very rare nowadays to see someone building a nation from scratch.”

“After my sister was defeated and I became sole ruler of Equestria, I was so in vain of my actions and I was unsure of my ability to take the burden of protecting my nation over taking some things that were important to myself. But I knew that’s the price to pay for being in a position like this. A ruler is undoubtedly going to have to sacrifice things they treasure most. But after I did so, I only found myself somewhat more determined to give my all into ruling Equestria.”

I nod. “That’s great to know. And I guess... Things went on from there?”

“Yes, and the nation remained in a state of peace and harmony for a very long time. I was generally pleased about it since I always hated resorting to conflict in solving problems.”

My ear perked up when she said that.

“Ah. That.”


“This is what I want to talk to you about. If you don’t mind me asking, what are your thoughts on political problems being addressed by force, like in some cases in my world? Like protests and stuff?”

Celestia needed time to process that, which I understand since it is rare for Equestria to have such problems.

“I’m not entirely sure what people will get out of the force you ask of,” She replies, “Perhaps your kind may have more advanced political thinking than our people do that provokes them to achieve more than they do now.”

“That is definitely correct.”

She continued, “Our nation has been built on a Monarchy ever since the very beginning. We found it very effective to use this method to rule Equestria in a time where no one had the intention and ability to lead. Of course, as years went by the system has been changed many times to suit the changing times. I understand my subjects may not be satisfied with my rule, however much effort I put in.”

“In truth though, you’re still the one in power, am I right?”

“That is true, but in actuality, when we established some sort of government system that I led, I gradually gave it more power, yet still giving me the ability to maintain my authority.”

“I see...”

I sigh as I slump down on my chair.

“Your society has a very unique mindset, it seems.”


“I hope I’m not offending you too greatly, but... Do you deny that you’ve been having a tight grip over the ponies’ freedom, as a past Monarch?”

This was a very serious question I had to ask. But I thought that if I asked, I might get some clarity on my current situation. I gave her all the time she needed to think about it because I know for a fact she doesn’t want to say the wrong thing. In truth though, this thought only made me ever so curious about the way rulers talk.

But I guess I’ll ask her later, as she breaks my train of thought.

“Yes, actually.”


“I do admit that our system in the early days did make our subjects entitled to less freedom. But Luna and I never once did anything like historic stories you’ve told me of your kind, things like brainwashing people’s mindset and entitling them to slavery under any objection of the government. I took notice of this when I would meet my subjects from time to time. Some do give me quite critical feedback, both good and bad things we do. That did a lot to assist us and I am very glad that they bring them up, even if it hurts to be criticized sometimes.”

“Are you speaking of the truth? I’m sorry, I’m just making sure.”

“I would never lie to anypony.”

“Right... Or, will you, though?”

Celestia gives me a confused look. I sigh.

“There’s a reason why I wanted to meet you, Celestia,” I sigh, crossing my legs. “I want to learn about what it’s like being a ruler.”

“Why’s that?”

“You see, back in my hometown, there has been a chaotic protest that’s been going on against the government for a few months now. But this time, there’s been so much drama revolving pretty much everyone, and including myself since I’m a celebrity. So much violence has happened too, more than Equestria could ever imagine, I suppose. Yet, the government refused to listen to us... And because of that, this has been dragging for longer than anyone could’ve expected. Tensions only kept rising and... *sigh* This conflict just can’t end.”

I was getting so passionate about the issue I teared up.

“I don’t know who to turn to anymore. My friends speak of words that I have never heard of. They were willing to defend violence for freedom. Would your subjects do that, Celestia?”

The former ruler was startled.

“I... That’s certainly a major problem.”


“For many years, peace and harmony have reigned and we knew conflicts can never achieve anything. This is why I would always seek any constructional criticism on my rule. I could consider them for the benefit of Equestria overall. However... I know very well that nothing can truly satisfy everyone. Just like the people in your world.”

I nod.

“It is very difficult being in a position like I was in, and I know Twilight must go through the same challenges as well. You are always faced with decisions that could break or make your rule. But one of the most important things I learned as a ruler was that I had to be accepting and consider new ideas. I also learned to tackle reputation and to drop any stubborn thoughts on a political standpoint- This, I suspect, must be the problem your government has.”


I said it so loud I almost jumped up from my seat.

“*sigh* Had they just given in when that first march happened... Perhaps we wouldn’t have to go this hard. Now... our demands... There is no way in Equestria would they want to accept that."

I settle back down. Celestia seemed to be patient about what I had to say, so I moved on.

"I used to be proud of being a part of my society," I sigh, "How successful we are, how prosperous we used to be, and how peaceful life felt. Years of long-built reputation, crashing down in the blink of an eye. This is something I couldn't see our town recovering from. I know you might not understand, seeing your kingdom being this perfect, but, I sometimes envy how peaceful this place can be, how everycreature is so in harmony with one another. It's so much different than the world I know. People put so much on the line, almost too far, for something subjective."

"Unfortunately, that is normal. I know that better than anyone."

"You do?"

Celestia nodded. "I already talked about how I needed to adjust my rule to changing times. Change is difficult. People forget old ideas and embrace the new. Even Equestria goes through such a process. The only difference is how we cope with the phenomenon."


"Equestria had been built on friendship and harmony since the start, and that has been how life has been for generations. Even through much strife, we never collapsed because the division of society has been out of our norm for so long. Changes of time never once broke down our values. So, acceptance of change would come so gradually and without conflict among ourselves."

"It's the difference in philosophy, isn't it?"

Celestia nods with a smile.

"Well, that certainly explains us, then. All our violence and revolutions and stuff."

"Yes. I admit too, that our tolerance can only go so far."

There was a bit of silence as I look out the window.

"I'm grateful, Celestia."


"I'm glad I get the chance to tell someone about my feelings without running into so many problems. This topic is really heated back in my place. Heck, people get bashed to death if they're pro-government."

Celestia took an unusually deep breath, feeling like she had to swallow down that one hard.

"By the way, I never asked you..." I say, "How do you think Twilight will fare on the throne?"

"It depends on what she does as a ruler. I admit that she has- As your kind says, big shoes to fill. But I believe she is capable of overcoming that challenge. She does have my sister and me to guide her from behind, but she will learn through time."

"I just hope she wouldn't be like our 'rulers'."

"I'm certain that she won't. You know what? What we've talked about today might be some interesting expertise that Twilight should take care of. Maybe I'll tell her about it."

"Don't worry, I'll tell. I do have a connection with her myself."

"*chuckles* Very well."

Dear Twilight Sparkle,

Today I consulted Celestia about some very interesting things and she wanted to tell you about it, and I insisted that I sent this.

Even though we've been friends for quite some time now, I never asked how it feels to be a ruler of a nation, let alone in your position as the sole ruler. Your mentor said some really wise things and I think I now understand better how you feel, all your pressure and your mindset.

I want to give a bit of advice, from my personal experience and Celestia herself. But first, tell me- What do you think of freedom? Like, on a political standard? Is it moral? Is it right? What I mean is, how do you feel about the price of freedom itself? I understand your people would never go to lengths that are too extreme for the subject, but I just wanted to hear your take.

Why am I asking? Well, I suppose we haven't talked much and I want to share something- See, I haven't been doing too well back in my hometown. There's been a pretty hectic protest going on for a while now. For what? I suppose freedom and openness of the government, I'd say. For me, I wouldn't mind the gains, but people are going to such dark and dangerous lengths to achieve it. Conspiracies and fake news and violence and... Yeah, all the universally bad stuff. I always wonder, why the hostility? I lament on how we have become so rogue all the time, us humans, just because some things don't go our way even though it's common sense.

Things... Certainly, have been developing a lot. Both sides refuse to give way and I'm just trapped in this gray area, no idea who to root for.

I just want to tell you, Twilight- As a ruler, I'm sure you have a lot of people to give out your best to and you have to know what's best for them. In her rule, Celestia was very much considerate of the masses' thoughts and I hope you are aware of that, too. Also, times can change and values can change too. But I'm sure you'll be ready to adapt and learn to embrace them. Just... Don't make ponies lose sight of what Equestria is built on- Which, Celestia told me- Friendship and Harmony. Your empire, so different yet so appealing in comparison to the harsh world I'm from, is such an inspiration. I'm glad I can be here to experience what such life feels like. *sigh* I wish I could say the same for my home too.

I know this is a bit long, sorry. Still, I want to know what you think. If your people rebelled you or one of your successors- perhaps, one day... And for the same reason... What would you think about their actions? The price of freedom... How high can it go?

No obligation, I know you're busy, but let's talk about it someday, hmm? Thanks and love you, buddy.

Your human ally and friend,

The above letter was sent to Princess Twilight by Nathan.

However, before it could reach her, someone interfered with the transfer.

"Pathetic, this is. Price of freedom? Since when does freedom exist?"

Change is Coming...

Comments ( 11 )

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