Comments ( 34 )

You for some reason repeated the part after Fate lost her cake. Besides that, it was a good read. Also, it's good to see you posting again.

I can’t see it, can you tell me the part so I can find on page.

I can't find it now. It must of bugged out when I got to that point.

No I found it and cut it already

...Did you just intentionally troll me?

Na I really couldn’t find it until I reread it myself

I think this part is duplicated:

Spike laughed. "Well, I'm sure everything is fine."

Wilhelm popped his heads out of the water and opened his mouth. Queen was sitting in the mouth and she looked normal. She flew over to Spike and worriedly buzzed. Spike nodded as he showed his arm and crossbow. "Yep, we're pretty much on break for a while until I can make a new one for me." Queen buzzed and wept, but Spike rubbed her head. "Hey, don't worry, it wasn't your fault." Queen buzzed again and Spike smiled. "Besides, I think this beats power mode." Queen sighed and Spike laughed. "Love you too girl, why don't you head inside, we're going to be heading back soon." Queen nodded as she went back into the tube. Spike looked at Twilight. "So, you want me to head back and give the cure to Zecora? I'm fairly sure I can get there."

Twilight smiled. "Sure, me and Shy want to stay here a little longer to learn about Mage Meadowbrook from Cattail."

Cattail smiled. "It would be an honor to talk about her to somepony, and to pass down her knowledge."

"Cool, Wilhelm we're going home." Said Spike. Wilhelm nodded as he let Spike get onto his back. "Twi, the cure?" Asked Spike as he stuck out his good hand, Twilight levitated it to him. Spike smiled at Cattail. "It was nice to meet you Cattail."

Cattail nodded. "The same to you, your highness."

Spike nodded as he was ready to get back. Spike blew his fire on Wilhelm and himself and sent them to the old castle.

why am i not suprised spike somehow hurt himself while waiting around doing nothing lol

Yeah, but the author said they fixed it already.

I didn't know you updated this story until I got to the next chapter

30 minutes later Spike was finishing the decorations on the cake that he worked hard to recreate after 10 years. "And there." Said Spike as he finished applying the last of the frosting flowers to the top.

Wow 7 layers in 30 minutes impressive

Nice chapter.

NOOOOOOOOOO, I have made to to the end of what is written. please continue.

cool chapter, just re listened to the story it was fun to listen to.

Where are you? Are you gonna continue your stories?

Welp. The new Oddworld 2021 Game. Oddworld: Soulstorm is out. Are you gonna play it?

Comment posted by FenrirOdinson deleted May 16th, 2021

Dude! I am loving this story! I have laughed so much so many times because of it! Keep up the good work! The only thing I can complain about, besides the odd typo here and there, is that you haven't updated it. But besides that great story!

Hey TAD2, I know last chapter you said that you are not going to do Spike x Celestia x Luna for the mares, including Celestia and Luna, going into heat and that dragon mating season is coming up, but please have Spike have sex with the Mane 6, Starlight, Ember, Celestia, and Luna so they don't have to suffer from their collective heats please!?!?

Hey TAD2, I know you said that you were not going to do a Spike x Celestia x Luna relationship, but can you please just have Spike have sex with the Mane 6, Starlight, Ember, Zecora, Celestia, and Luna for the duration of heat season and dragon mating season please?!?! By the way, I really love the way you have the story going and can't wait to see what else you have planned for the gang of creatures. Good luck and keep up the great work.😆👍😆👍

Hey TAD2 are you going to continue this story? It's been almost a year now and I've noticed you have a small habit of starting a new story, work on it for a handful of chapters then it's in limbo. It's been something I just noticed.

Actually I’v been working on almost all of my stories, the issues are editing, and i’m a college student and in a class called senior design where I have to work with a team to develop a device, it’s a full 2 semester long course so it takes most of my time during the week so I really ever have time to write on weekends and hardly ever then. But right now I’m actually have 5 chapters that are 75-80% finished for this story alone.

WOW🤯. In college doing all that and being able to write chapters for your other 10 stories. Dude your better than me, I barely graduated high school, I'm an adult with disabilities ADHD and autism so I know college wasn't for me, in my last comment if I sounded rude I wasn't trying to be, I more trying to give constructive criticism. But keep the great story writing and good luck in your studies 👍.

Didn’t sound rude to me, and thanks I also have ADHD so it’s a challenge to stay focused but I’m doing my best and I know you are too.

After about 2 years or so, I have finally managed to fully read the six remaining chapters of this fic.

Will there be more?

It's been like 3 years hope everything is ok

Read the series up to now and not only loving them both, am super eager for more. :moustache:

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