• Published 6th Oct 2019
  • 1,849 Views, 2 Comments

Nude Lullaby - Massager 32

following a sound in her sleep Sweetie Belle finds Princess Luna

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Sweetie's Entropy

Author's Note:

I got inspired to write this after seeing the animated short Entropy by Rhubarb Zoo, the first half will follow the previous story and the second half will be where Luna comes in. Please note that I own no copy rights to anything I write here. And yes Sweetie Belle and the girls are 18.

Sweetie's Entropy

The Crusaders were walking along a path to the swimming hole, Apple Float Creek just west of Applebloom's house. They each had new swimsuits that Sweetie's sister Rarity made. A magenta one piece for Scootaloo , a lime green bakini with red strings for Applebloom, and a white bakini with pink strings for Sweetie Belle.

"hoowy I'm so glade we get to go swimming at the creek today. The weather's just great." said Applebloom in the middle, with Sweetie behind her and Scootaloo in the front.

" I know and these new swim suits are perfect, thanks for that Sweetie Belle."

Sweetie smiled at this for she, like many of her sisters customers were proud of her sisters work and said, " You're welcome, girls. I told Rarity we didn't need them but she insisted to make them for us." giving a small chuckle.

Just then, a pause in their movement made Applebloom bump into Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle into Applebloom. The two rubbed their small hurt spots and asked why Scootaloo stopped, but she shushed them and pointed her fingers forward. They looked with confusion and saw Apple Float but something else. It was the friend of their sisters Pinkie Pie and Scootlaloo's sister figure Rainbow Dash sitting on these beach chairs, talking about something they couldn't hear.

" I don't see what big deal is Scoot, it's just Pinkie and Rainbow." said Sweetie.

" Yeah what gives?"

Suddenly Pinkie ducked behind some conveniently placed bushes. When she popped back out again, they saw something that shocked them; she was naked. Stripped down bare, not even her sandals were on. Without so much as an ounce of hesitation, and just moments later Rainbow Dash took off her swimsuit too. The Crusaders were 18 years old now so they were familiar with mature things like sex. But this wasn't sex, this was Rainbow first doing swim laps then her and Pinkie swimming together and having fun like they would if they were wearing their swimsuits.

Hours later, the two got dressed and left, so the girls got out of the bushes and looked back on the path, still in shock.

" Did yall just see what I think we just saw?" asked Applebloom.

Then Scootaloo exploded with excitement, " That was so awesome! Did you see how fast Rainbow Dash was going?"

" That's what you're speechless about? In case you didn't notice, your idol and her friend were naked in a public place," yelled Sweetie Belle in a blush as she was still surprised by all that has happened.

The two started going into an argument with Scootaloo stating how Rainbow was most likely increasing her speed and how it was okay since no one was there, but Sweetie Belle stated that while Scootaloo was right they would have been in serious trouble if that wasn't the case. Applebloom got in between her friends and reminded them that they were at Apple Float to swim and enjoy themselves but Sweetie Belle said, " No, no you girls go on ahead I'll just sit over by the water, I suddenly don't feel like swimming." and so the girls wanting to respect her decision went into the water as she sat down only getting partly wet.
Later that day, Carousel Boutique

Sweetie Belle closed the front door of her sister Rarity's home and business, Carousel Boutique, and called out, " I'm Home!"

Rarity answered back saying she was in the kitchen so Sweetie walk on by avoiding the cat Opalescence who, on a scale of one to ten, was on an equal spot in pure evil as Fluttershy's pet rabbit, Angle Bunny. Once she was in the kitchen Rarity turned around and said, " Hello Sweetie how was your day at the Creek?"

Sweetie wanted to avoid talking about what she saw today because she know how Rarity would react on something so uncouth, so she said, " Well the place was a little crowed today so I didn't do much swimming but it was still fun."

Rarity pondered on that. She knew Apple Float wasn't usually crowed around this time, but she went back to cooking dinner, than told her sister to go take a shower.
Night time

Dinner was a nicely made broccoli and chesses soup with fresh bought bread and a salad. Afterward Sweetie in a bed robe said goodnight to Rarity and closed the door to her bedroom. She locked it and remove the robe, but not to change into pajamas. She already had what she needed to sleep in: nothing. Sweetie Belle slept in the nude. It started few years ago when she was staying at her parents house. The AC was broken in the hot summer season and it was vary hot even that night. She jut took off her cloths to cool down, and she found she liked it. But she never told anyone, especially not her sister. She turned off the lights, got into bed and covered herself, then closed her eyes to drift into a nice quite sleep.

Sweetie Belle didn't dream, but why? Was she fixated on Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie naked with her, and maybe Scootaloo and Applebloom too? Or was her subconscious just no coming up with anything? Then, Sweetie heard a quite tune in the night. She looked to see nothing but her room as left right down to the cracked opened window to let some air in. She went back to sleep, then it came again. She stood up again but it was different, her dream spirit was what got up, not her physical body.

She floated over her room, through the door, across the studio and through the front door until she was outside. The tune was heard again, but there was no one around. Where was it coming from? The cresset moon was out, shining beautifully and Sweetie could help but look up to it. When she did, she closed her eyes as her body turned to mist and was carried up to the Moon by the winds.

Sweetie didn't open her eyes until she felt ground again. When she did, she found herself in a strange new place, a greenish pale yellow dune with a cobble stone roads, fountains, and half broken floating pillars. The music was heard again, loud and clear behind the wall in front of Sweetie Belle. She climbed to the top to see where it was coming from, and who was playing it. Yet when she looked over, what she saw was not what she expected.

" Princess Luna?" she said in a whisper.

Princess Luna the Princess of the Night and Guardian of Dreams, stood in front of her, with a star next to her. It was the star that was making the music, but Sweetie wasn't focused on that. What caught her attention was the princess, who was naked as she was. The star played one last tune before Luna waved her hands around it and trapped it in a bubble, sending it to a gazebo where other stars incased in bubbles awaited. Luna walked towards them, but before she did anything else, she turned her head slightly and spoke,

" Salutations Sweetie Belle."

Sweetie Belle ducked back down behind the wall, not knowing what to do. She had no choice but to answer back, so she took a deep breath and said, " P-Princess Luna, I so sorry. I didn't mean to disturbed you."

Luna chuckled a little and said, " It is alright, my dear friend. It's nice to have some company." This brought a smile to the girl but it was short lived as Luna spoke again. " Now could you please come out from behind that wall?"

" I-I can't you're naked." said Sweetie now really scared.

But Princess Luna spoke calmly, " Well so are you. You should never be scared of what makes you feel comfortable, especially when it helps you sleep."

Sweetie Belle knew Luna was right, and thought that it might not be as scary if they were both naked, so she slowly came out and walked towards Luna.

Luna took her to a bench and they sat down, Sweetie looked again at the surrounding and asked, " Princess Luna where are we?"

" We are in the Dream Space, the very center of my domain."

" But I thought the Dream World was this tunnel of Doors?"

"No, that's just the passage of which I travel to other's dreams. This is the world that connects me to the Tunnel of Doors." Luna noticed Sweetie Belle felt uneasy, so she asked, " Dear Sweetie Belle, I sense something is troubling you. Could you please tell me what's the matter."

So Sweetie Belle began to talk about what she and the Crusaders saw today and how she feels about hiding her secret.

" So, let me see if I got this right. You're afraid to tell your friends and family about your love of being naked because of how they would think of it." Sweetie nodded, and Luna place her arms around the girl and said, " Sweetie Belle, do you really think your friends and family would truly not love you if they knew?"

Sweetie thought about it, perhaps Luna was right. Then, Luna got up and grabbed her hands to take her to the gazebo. " Luna what's all this about?"

" An old project. Before I became Nightmare Moon, I found some children have trouble going to sleep due to all the energy they store from the day. So I wanted to create a small lullaby to help them sleep before I venter out to their dreams."

Sweetie asked why she stopped and Luna explained that turning into Nightmare Moon happened. After returning and getting defeated by Twilight and the others, one of her first thoughts, other then being with her sister again, was finishing this. She waved her hands like a musical conductor and each star played a note to the song.

It stopped halfway sweetie guessed that was where Luna stopped before becoming Nightmare Moon but she loved it and clapped her hands, Luna appreciated it and went back to the song playing the notes again but Sweetie Belle listened in and moved her hand in a circular motion which added to the song surprising Luna.

" Sweetie Belle that was beautiful. Would you like to help me finish?"

" Yes! I would love to."

And the two started conducting, the song growing with each part. The song grew and moved them to a dance on the center of the grabbled road. It was the most magical moment ever. Hours and hours pasted and the two still danced. Then, Sweetie looked at the land as a dark shadow grew everywhere, " Luna what's going on?"

" My night is over, it's time for my sister to raise the sun and for us to wake up." said Luna as she began to rise up to the sky.

" But Luna we haven't finished the song."

" It's okay, Sweetie Belle. We can finish it another time. As a thank you, I shall call this song Sweetie's Entropy" Luna then vanished into blackness.

Sweetie Belle stretched out her arms found herself back in her room awake. At breakfast Sweetie told Rarity her secret. While she did get the speech about how a lady should be carful about where she shows her body, Rarity said she be okay with this, the same went for her friends when she told them at their clubhouse. The next night, Sweetie stood next to Luna again at the gazebo to finish Sweetie's Entropy.

The End!

Comments ( 2 )

Not the sequel I expected but definitely an enjoyable one

Why thank you. It was really hard to think of what to write ( a prequel with Fleetfoot and Spitfire or a sequel with different characters) but once I got inspired it just clicked.

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