• Published 3rd Sep 2019
  • 1,116 Views, 10 Comments

The Crystal Prep Academy Jewelry Box - AzureAKASapphire

A new studen is enrolling at Crystal Prep Acadamy and finds a group that's right up his ally

  • ...

The Demon's Sapphire

Summer came and before anyone knew it, It was September, time to go back to school. At the Crystal Prep Academy, It was announced that after much debate, after all of the rumored craziness that happened last time, and despite the fact that it was only two years since the last one, the Friendship Games were going to return. This year, Crystal Prep was hosting, which meant Canterlot High would be coming to them.

Azure was a bit excited at this, He heard about the Friendship games from the others, they were a sporting event where the different school teams competed to win, it's meant to encourage comradery and to build bonds with others. Of course he was told of the problems last time they had the games, and that made him nervous, but Chiffon Swatch, who had a boyfriend at Canterlot High, ensured her that the chances of something like that happening again was slim at best. Still, it felt like a good time. Many members of the Jewelry Box would be competing in the games, but before that, all the guys (and those identifying as girls) were joining the other school clubs for an opening ceremony to make Canterlot High feel welcome.


The Students of Canterlot High had arrived at Crystal Prep, they were in awe at the huge campus. Among the student body were Former Crystal Prep student Twilight Sparkle and her friends: Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Sunset Shimmer. "So Twilight, how does it feel coming back to your old school?" Sunset asked

"Kinda surreal if I'm honest" Twilight said as she adjusted her glasses, "It sometimes feels like just yesterday I was here."

"Ah, Twilight, welcome back." A young woman approached who had pink skin tone and tri-colored hair of Pink, purple and blonde.

"Dean Cadence!" Twilight called out in enthusiasm, she rushed up and hugged her.

"It's Principal Cadence now," She chuckled as she hugged back, "Oh, it's so good to see you again, Twilight. Crystal Prep isn't the same without you."

"It's great to see you too," Twilight said, "How's the Promotion treating you?"

"Oh, it has it's ups and downs, but I can positively say things are going on the right track," Cadence said.

As they were talking, we focus on another student. She had a light peach skin tone with Black hair held up in a messy ponytail with an angel charm clip, her brown eyes were behind glasses and she was wearing a red top under a Black hoodie and black skirt with red shoes that had low-cut heels. She looks around as she steps out of the Bus, "So this is Crystal prep." She spots a few Crystal Prep girl student and smiles "Gotta say, the uniforms are cute," she said with a blush.

"Yeah, you would say that," Another voice said, The girl turned and saw Sunset smiling at her.

"Hey Sunset," The girl said smiling, hugging her.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here, Zaria. I figured you'd be too busy with...other things." Sunset said with a knowing look.

"Yeah I know, It's not easy always being on the move," Zaria said, "But these Friendship games sounded fun, so I figured why not check them out?"

"Can I get everyone's attention please." Principal Celestia called out through a Megaphone, "The Crystal Prep Academy has prepared a welcome show for us all, if you'll follow the guides, we can begin."

Several Crystal Prep students were leading the bulk of the Canterlot High students into outdoor football field. As they walked, Zaria joined up with Sunset and the others and did a short introduction between one another.

"Hard to believe this huge place is a high school." Zaria said.

"Yeah, I remember getting lost my first year here," Twilight said, "I wonder if anything changed."


The 8 of them were lead into the Field's bleachers and sat. They noticed a stage was set up in the center. After a few minutes, Cadence approaches with a microphone "Attention Students of Canterlot High. On behalf of the faculty and student body, I welcome you all to Crystal Prep Academy." The students applauded at that, "Thank you, you're so kind. Now, as many of you might know, Whenever Crystal Prep hosts the Friendship Games, we start off with a show, welcoming our friendly rivals, and this year is no different."

"I remember Big Mac tellin' me about this when he was in school." Applejack said between them, "Last time, they had the marching band perform and do all kinds of positions."

"Oh, how spectacular." Rarity commented.

"This year, our show's opening act is by a school club that only recently started to gain traction and popularity." Cadence stated as the stage started to gain activity with a curtain closing.

"A school club is performing? I wonder which one." Twilight said in a curious tone.

"If it's the chess club, I think I'm gonna nap through this," Rainbow Dash stayed with an added Yawn.

"Rainbow, please," Applejack groaned as she shook her.

"Many of you may not know this, but I've always been a firm believer of the power Love and understanding when it comes to being who you are, and this group is the embodiment of those feelings," Cadence continued.

Twilight tried to remember the clubs that she was aware of, none were coming to mind.

"This club is a group of young students who feel Pride in what they do," Cadence continued, emphasizing the word 'Pride', "Spreading love and happiness and being true to who they are no matter the cost, because to be anything else would be a lie. And when they show who they are, they Sparkle like Gems"

"Doesn't sound like a group I know," Twilight said.

Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Sunset suddenly gasped before turning to one another, "You don't think..." They said together in realization.

"Who?" Zaria asked, now getting into the Drama.

"And so...Crystal Prep Academy is proud to present, for the first time, and hopefully not the last: The Crystal Prep Academy Jewelry Box!" Cadance announce as she left the stage.

"The who now?" Dash asked

"I can't believe they're about to perform!" Rarity gushed "They've grown so quickly!"

"I know! I didn't think they'd be part of something this big." Sunset added.

"Is there something you're not tellin' us?" Applejack asked

"Yeah, who's this Jewelry Box group and how do you know them?" Fluttershy added

"I've made friends with one of them members, they've brought from my store several times," Rarity explained.

"I'm friends with one of them too," Sunset added, "They're a group of boys that like dressing as girls"

Before the others could question that, Music began playing. They saw on the Stage several boys snapping their figures to the beat, all were in what looked like the Crystal prep Uniforms, only bigger. Rarity recognized it as the opening to the Moulin Rouge. The boys were lip-scincing to it.

Hey sister, go sister, soul sister, flow sister Hey sister, go sister, soul sister, flow sister

As they did this, one boy with stone-blue skin stood in the center, Rarity identified him as Azure, he blushed as he did lip-synced the next words.

He met marmalade down in old Moulin Rouge

Struttin' her stuff on the street

As he did this, he slipped on his blond wig, which had a frilly headpiece, some of the others slipped on wigs of various styles and colors.

She said "hello, hey Joe, you wanna give it a go?"

Suddenly, he pulls at the uniform, revealing they were tear-away clothing, and underneath it was actually their real costumes: Multi-colored Cancan dresses: Black with different colors as the trim, they wore fishnet stockings and high heels were hidden under the boy clothes. Needless to say, everyone on staged were surprised.

Itchi gitchi ya ya da da

Itchi gitchi ya ya here

They danced and lip-synced to the song, flaring their skirts to expose the frilly underwear they had that completed the look.

Mocha-choca-lata ya ya

Creole lady marmalade

Most of the Student Body cheered, whistled and laughed in good nature at this display. Zaria's eyes were wide as she focused on Azure as his costume was black and red, She'd never seen anyone like him. The members all took turns lip-syncing the different lines. Two Members took center stage first, one had orange Skin with Blue hair, another had gray hair with a wig that Sunset said looked like Sonata's hair. Rarity revealed them to be Cold Front and Disty Dusk respectfully, their Gem Names were Amber and Moonstone. The two danced and lip-synched in perfect harmony in their matching black and purple dresses, Rarity pointed out they were a couple.

He sat in her boudoir while she freshened up That boy drank all that magnolia wine

Next was a member with Gray skin and violet, her costume was black with blue. Sunset identified her as Chiffon Swatch, AKA Silver, and she was transgender

On her black satin sheets where he started to freak

Itchi gitchi ya ya da da

Itchi gitchi ya ya here

There were whistles at cat calls as they performed, One boy cheered the loudest for Chiffon, who had red hair and light yellow skin, Sunset identified him as Regal Pose, Chiffon's boyfriend. However, Zaria felt something off. He turned to the crowd and saw some didn't look as happy as the others, in fact, they seem to glare at them. Zaria always had a sixth sense when it came to stuff like this, and she just hoped that.

Mocha-choca-lata ya ya

Creole lady marmalade

The Flashiest looking girl stepped forward, with Skin of Midnight blue and black hair, his dress had Black and green trim, Rarity identified him as EVIL Frenzy. He spoke in his normal boy tone "Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! I am the beautiful gem, Lapis Lazuli, current leader of the Jewelry Box" He introduced, "Welcome Students of Canterlot High, to the Friendship games!" Everyone applauded at this, "Now some of you are probably wondering...why would we start our show in such a way?" He asked, then smiled as he lip-synced as the tempo got faster.

Because we can-can can

The rest followed

(Because we can-can can)

Because we can-can can

(Because we can-can can)





Because we can-can can (Because we can-can can)

Because we can-can can (Because we can-can can)

Can-can can can can can can can Everybody can can!

They all performed a Classic cancan routine as the music kept playing, everyone on stage was having a good time and the crowd was loving it, especially Zaria.


After the opening show, both students began to mingle as the pre-game dance was that night. Zaria, Sunset and the rest of their group changed into their dance dresses for the night, which were the same dresses from the Fall Formal a few years back, Rarity managed to get a copy of the dress she gave to Twilight's...counterpart. Zaria was in a black dress of a thin and smooth fabric, the bodice was strapless and the skirt was to her knees, having an extra dark red tulle skirt adorning the hip, with a belt to tie it all together, along with matching Red and black high heels. "I gotta say, Crystal prep knows how to rev up a crowd," Rainbow Dash said, "It takes some serious guts for a couple of guys to parade dressed like that."

"Now Rainbow, don't be rude," Applejack said, "It wasn't like they were dared into it, if what Rarity told us, Some of those guys feel more comfortable as girls."

"That's Right Dash," Rarity added, "It's important to be your true self, and those gems were indeed their true selves."

"You said it, Rarity," a new voice said. Zaria turned and saw the girl from the show, Chiffon Swatch. She had changed from her cancan costume to a more elegant black evening gown, it was long in the back and short in the front, with a stitch pattern on the bodice and paired with a spider web-like Shall. She had her arm wrapped around her date, Regal Pose.

"Chiffon Darling!" Rarity greeted with a hug, "How wondering to see you, and might I add, pulling that look off with ease."

"You would know, Rarity, you suggested it for me," Chiffon chuckled, "So...how did you like the show?"

"Oh wow, Chiffy, you were just, AMAZING!" Pinkie Pie cried out, "I mean, I didn't think you'd do such a number."

"Thanks. Yeah, I wasn't planning on Joining but...they looked like they were having fun, Plus Sapphire insisted." Chiffon said.

"Sapphire?" Zaria asked

"The one wearing black and red," Chiffon said, "He should be around here, he changed with the rest of us."

"I'm sure Sapphire is having a grand time, She's gotten more open since last I saw her." Rarity added.

"I see. Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna get some punch." Zaria said as she separated from the group, Sunset chuckled.

"What is it?" Chiffon asked.

"I think Zaria developed a crush on one of the gems." Sunset said, "And I think that Gem is Sapphire. Zaria couldn't take her eyes off him."

"Aww..." Fluttershy began with a giggle, "How cute."

As the girls talked among themselves. Zaria heads to the snack table and sees the punch bowl. As she reaches for the handle, another hand bumps hers, "Oh sorry" Zaria began and saw that the person she bumped into was Sapphire. The crossdresser was still in his blonde wig, only now it was decorated with two black hair-bows on each side. He was dressed in a black dress with Pink butterflies and cherry blossoms on the skirt along with black heels.

"Oh it was my fault," He spoke in a feminine voice, "after you."

"Thanks," Zaria said as she poured her a cup...and made one for him too.

"Wow, thanks," He said taking it.

"No problem," She said, "I really like your dress."

"Oh, thank you," He said as he did a little twirl, making the skirt rise a bit, "I saw it at the shop in the mall and just loved it."

"It suits you," Zaria said, "Sexy, yet innocent. I'm Zaria." She introduced, "And you're...Sapphire, right?"

"Yeah," He said, then did a small curtsey, "A pleasure to meet you."

Zaria blushed, 'could this guy be any cuter?' she thought before saying, "So...you were...pretty great today in that show."

Sapphire blushed, "Thanks. To be honest that's the first time I performed like that. last time I was in this Parade and I just waved."

"A parade? Which one?" Zaria asked

"The Pride Parade," He said blushing, "I'm...not really a girl."

"Oh, I know, a friend of mine told me, you and your group are guys that like to dress up," Zaria summarized.

"More or less," he said, using his boy voice, "When I'm a guy, My name is Azure."

"That's a nice name too," Zaria said blushing, "Listen...I was wondering-"

"Hey, Sapphire!" Some one called, it was EVIL Frenzy, he had changed into a Lime green cocktail dress, "we're doing a group photo, we need you in it."

"I'm coming," Sapphire said, "Sorry, duty calls," He sad with a chuckle.

"You go ahead, I'll talk to you later," Zaria said. The feminized boy turned and joined his fellow gems, Zaria couldn't help but admire how he looked from behind and blushed.


After getting a drink, Zaria waited for Azure to return, however, about an hour passed and he didn't show. At first she thought maybe he's busy with something with his friends, but a strange feeling was growing and she felt something was off. She went around the dance floor. As she did she ran into one of the other gems, the one called Cold Front/Amber, she was in a Lolita-style purple dress. "Excuse me, have you seen a girl with stone blue skin, Blonde hair and in a black dress with pink butterflies and cherry blossoms on it?"

"I'm looking for her too," Zaria said, "Azure/Sapphire right?"

"Yeah" Cold Front said, "It's not like Azure to just go missing" Amber said, That's when Sunset Shimmer arrived, "Sunset, any luck?"

"Yeah, I was asking around," Sunset said "They said they spotted her heading outside, she was with two boys. And from what they say, it kinda looked like they were leading her...against her will."

Zaria's eyes widened, that bad feeling she was getting, it had to be connected. Without another word, she ran as fast as her heels could allow her and made it outside. Aside from the lamps outside, it was dark. She closed her eyes "Come on...Where are you...?"

She took in a breath and her eyes and ears flickered with a magical glow. She focused on the bad feeling she was getting, and that's when she heard it.

"No, please, put my skirt down" a voice said meekly, it sounded like Azure's.

"Never kissed a Sissy before, let's see how you taste." another voice said, there was a muffled cry and moan, "Oh look, the Queer likes it" Another voice said in a mocking tone.

Zaria's eyes open and she ran, she followed the voice and the feeling, it lead her to the football field and what looked like the Lockers. As she got closer she felt the bad sensations from earlier, it filled her with a rage that usually lead with someone's end, but she tried to quell it, she didn't want to unleash...that, unless she had to. She soon came across the scene, Two boys were dressed in suits and a third seemed to be recording it on his phone. Zaria didn't recognize the one recording but she did know that the ones assaulting were from Canterlot High. Azure's wig was taken off, showing his short pink hair, one boy was forcing his lips on the feminized boy while the other was groping under his skirt and petticoats, "Let's see how this Sissy blows." The kisser sneered as he forced Azure on his knees, "No, don't do this!" He let out as the boy was dropping his pants, the other did the same and was pulling at his panties.

Zaria's eyes turned red as she stepped forward. "Hey, you lowlifes. Let him go." She said with a tone of authority.

They turned to her and saw her, they didn't look impressed. "Well well," The kissing guy said, "What do we have here? You think you can come between us and showing this queer his place?"

"Why don't you let him go and you can have me instead," Zaria said as she adjusted her bodice so her chest was more in view.

"Hmm...a real woman would be more prefered than this fairy," The first guy said with a lustful smile.

"I don't know" The second one said, "I've always wanted to screw a little femboy" he said groping Azure's ass, making him gasp, "Teach the little sissy a lesson in not tricking boys."

"I told you from the beginning who I am," Azure let out, "Carlos is the one that-" "Quiet Sissy" The first one said as he smack him.

Zaria's eyes twitched at that and she glared, "Alright, that offer is officially gone. Now I'm warning you: let him go, or I'll have to do something I'll regret."

The three laughed at this "Ooh, look a miss Big shot." The one recording finally said, "How about you turn around and walk away or we take you, and you can share the fate of the femboy over here," he threatened as the first boy approached Zaria.

Zaria sighed as she muttered, "You try to be reasonable." She started glowing and growing a few inches, the boys watched in awe as suddenly, she sprouted Bat-like wings behind her back. from under her skirt a scaly tail forms and slithers behind, horns grew from atop her head as her skin changed from the Pale Peach to an Icy Blue, the Irises changed to a more demonic-look and her teeth formed fangs.

Needless to say, the guys looked on in shock, Azure was just as surprised as well as the girl took on a more...demonic form. "Oh crap...Not this again!" the first boy said before Zaria shot her hand out and He was pulled into her by a magical force, her talon-like hands wrapping around his neck.

"Crap, He didn't tell me about this," The recorder said. Zaria glared at him and used what power she had to take his phone. She crushed it in her hand as she glared. Not wanting to take any chances, he turn and ran away.

"Hey, get back-" The second assaulter called out before Zaria grabbed him too. pulling him off of Azure as he collapsed on the floor.

Zaria Glared at the two boys she held by their throats, "Your souls are stained by darkness...but they don't have to stay that way. So I'm giving you a final warning, Leave, and never bother this one again," She ordered "Or Next time..." She opens her mouth to bear her teeth.

"Ok, ok, we promise! Don't hurt us!" The first boy said.

"Yeah we were just being stupid, please we'll be good..." The second one added.

Zaria glared at both of them before letting them go, "Beat it!" She shouts. The boys turn and run like there was no tomorrow. Zaria looked over to Azure and saw that he looked shocked. She realized she was still in her form before she glowed and returned to her previous form. She gently walked over to him. "Are...are you ok?" She asked. Azure looked at her, he opened his mouth but no sound came out. Then...after a moment, he got to his feet, his panties were between his legs, Zaria saw this, "They didn't..."

"N-no" Azure said finally, "They...didn't get far." He shook for a moment, "You...saved me..." He added with a blush.

"...I suppose you have some questions," Zaria said, "but just so you'd know...I won't hurt you."

"I think I got that," Azure said with a light laugh.

"Do you...um...your panties," Zaria noted.

"Oh," Azure gasped softly before he turned and pulled at the panties, flipping his skirt as he did so and making Zaria blush, Azure noticed this, "Did you like that?" He asked in surprise.

"I...kind of have a thing of seeing cute girls in skirts...or in your case, a cute boy," Zaria added with a giggle.

This made Azure giggle too and the tension broke finally. "Wow...Didn't think I'd ever make a...Demon girl, blush?" He half said, half asked.

"Actually...I'm a Succubus," Zaria clarified.

"Succubus? Like the kind that seduce men and eat their souls?" Azure asked.

"Yes and no," Zaria said, "I'm kind of a special case." She walks to the bench and sits down, Azure follow and sits as well. "I do...occasionally...feast on souls, but I have standards. I never attack a good soul, only evil souls: souls that cannot be redeemed. Those three boys that assaulted you had dark souls, but that darkness didn't control them, they were still redeemable."

"I hope so," Azure said, "I mean, they seemed nice when I met them, but then one of them mentioned Carlos, and...I realized it was gonna go a bad turn," he sighed.

"Is this Carlos an ex?" Zaria asked.

"Not my ex, but let's just say he secretly has a thing for girls with an extra package." Azure said, "I wouldn't be surprised if he paid off those guys just to have a video of me on my knees. A shame...he's one hell of a kisser." He added with a blush.

"So...you have a thing for the bad boys?" Zaria asked

Azure blushed harder, "Not quite, I mean, the though is a little...exhilarating, but I like people that are kind and sweet most of the time."

"I can see you have a good heart and soul," Zaria said, "You can be pretty wild, but in the end, you're a sweetheart," She added with a blush.

Azure looked at her and he blushed too. He noticed her hand was resting on the bench, "Well, for a Succubus...you're a sweetheart too," He then rested his hand on hers.

This made her blush more and they looked at one another, looking at each other's eyes as their faces inched closer, both being lead by their hearts rather their heads. They soon closed the gap between them and shared a kiss, it was soft, it was sweet, and there was passion that slowly grew the more their lips locked. Azure and Zaria let out a soft moan as their arms wrap around one another. Suddenly there was a voice calling out "Sapphire!" The two pulled away at that. The voice shouted again, Azure recognized it, "That's Chiffon."

"Your gems and Sunset's friends were looking for you," Zaria answered, "Let's let them know you're ok."

"Good idea," Azure chuckled. The two got up and were making their way out when Azure realized, "My wig!" He turned and saw it lying on the floor. He picked it up and shook it, there was dirt, it was wet and and strains were pulled out of place "Great, it'll take me days to get this back to it's former beauty."

"You know, your regular hair looks cute," Zaria said rubbing his head playfully, "Maybe you should grow this out."

"That's temping but I've grown use to the wig," Azure said as he held it, "Sapphire is more suited as a Blonde."

"Well, I'd hate to see your night cut short because of it." Zaria, "Would you...consider going wig-less just for tonight...for me?" She asked, batting her lashed.

Azure smiled, "Well...I do owe you for saving me...I suppose I can...try it out," he added.

The two walked out of the lockers, just as they were approached by Chiffon, Cold Front and Disty Dusk, Sunset Shimmer and her friends. "Sapphire!" Chiffon called out as She and the other gems rushed him in a hug.

"Ok, ok" Azure chuckled, "I'm ok Girls, really." He said smiling as they smothered him in a caring hug.

"What happened, Sapphire?" Cold Front asked, "Sunset said you were taken?"

"Yeah, I kinda got jumped," Azure said blushing, "Thankfully, Zaria here became my hero." This made Zaria blush and smile.

"Wow, look at you, being Sapphire's knight in Shining Armor." Sunset said with a smile. Then she said, "You didn't have to...you know."

"Actually I did," Zaria said, "But Sapphire is surprisingly cool with it."

"Cool with what?" Disty asked.

"We can talk about that tomorrow, but tonight, I wanna forget about that mess, and return to the party," Azure said.

"But your wig is missing," Cold Front realized.

"I'm trying it without the wig," He said, "What do you think?" He added with a girlish flourish of his hand to his hair.

"I always said your pink hair looks cuter," Chiffon said.

"I know, I guess...I just needed a second opinion," He said while looking at Zaria, he offered his hand to her, "Shall we?"

"We shall," Zaria giggled, taking his hand as they walked back to the dance.


The rest of friendship games went off without any major hitches. When Azure told them the events that lead him into the locker room, Chiffon looked ready to kill Carlos Thunderbolt for his role in setting him up, Azure was tempted to let her loose, but Zaria made him see that retaliating wasn't the answer. Zaria ran into Carlos during the games and saw that while his soul was tarnished, there was signs of goodness in him still, Believing in her, Azure let Carlos off the hook...for the time being.

Some of the gems participated in the games while some like Azure stood by the sidelines and cheered them on. In the end, Canterlot High won the most events and were the crown champions, and although Azure was hoping his school would win, He was happy to participate regardless.

When the last day came, Azure joined Chiffon to say goodbye to Zaria, Sunset and her friends. Both were in their Crystal Prep Academy uniforms, though Azure was in the Girl's version as he was feeling like Sapphire that day, his wig back to his beauty after treating it.

"Chiffon, Azure-I mean, Sapphire" Sunset giggled, "what are you two doing here?"

"We wanted to come and say goodbye in person," Chiffon said, "It's been such a blast having you here. But next year, we'll be taking the crown," She added in a playful manner.

"I look forward to kicking your can again, Chiffy," Sunset teased in a playful manner as she held her hand out, Chiffon took it and they shook.

"And Sapphire, Darling, it's been a pleasure meeting the other Gems again. You must come by my shop some time, I have Petti-Coat visiting and I know he misses his 'mommy'" Rarity giggled.

Azure giggled too, "I look forward to that visit." He then looked around, "Hey, has anyone seen Zaria?"

"Actually, now that you mention it..." Twilight began, "We haven't, not since last night."

"Did someone call for me?" Azure and the others turned and gasped as they saw Zaria, but she wasn't wearing her usual outfit of a hoodie, red top and skirt. Instead, Chiffon was wearing a Crystal Prep uniform like Azure and Chiffon.

"Zaria?" Sunset gasped, "What's going on?"

"What does it look like?" Zaria asked, "I'm transferring to Crystal Prep."

"You're switching teams?!" Dash asked in an exaggerated tone, "That's not cool, Zaria."

"Rainbow, please," Applejack sighed, "She has the right to switch schools if she wants to. Goodness knows Twilight sure did."

"Yes, and I was happier when I came to Canterlot high. I'm guessing that you feel the same way here?" Twilight asked

Zaria gave a smirk, "What can I say, I love the campus..." She then playfully flipped Azure's skirt from behind, making him gasp and hold the front while the back bellowed, making Zaria giggle, "...and the uniforms."

"Oh my," Fluttershy gasped as she covered her eyes.

"Oh I get it..." Chiffon said with a smile, "Couldn't bare to be away from Sapphire huh. Well, Sapphire was thinking the same"

This made Zaria blush, "Is that true?"

Azure blushed hard, "Well, I was...I mean, I wanted to...stay connected, and I didn't know where you lived or th-that'd I'd see you again, so-" He was silenced when Zaria kissed his lip, Azure froze, but then sighed as he kissed back, he even popped a leg in the air like in the movies.

All the girls cooed and went, "Aww..." save for Rainbow Dash who gagged and muttered "Mushy stuff." Earning a bit of a smack from Applejack.

The kiss ended and Azure just leaned over Zaria, their foreheads touching as he looks into her eyes, "Wow...never felt like that when I kissed Carlos...or Arc...or Chiffon...or-"

"Exactly How many people have you kiss, my dear?" Zaria asked in a tone that sounded a bit dangerous and jealous.

This made Azure nervous, "Well, I mean, there's a few and-" He stopped when Zaria laughed.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help it, you're so cute when you're flustered," Zaria said, "I don't mind if you kissed anyone else."

"For real?" Azure asked.

"Yeah, I mean I've had my share of kisses. Besides..." She then whispered so that only Azure could hear, "I'm all for sharing you and making this open," This made Azure blush darker and he lost feeling in his legs. Zaria caught him and held him as he nearly fainted like Rarity sometimes did.

"Whoa, what did you say to him?" Chiffon asked

Zaria just smirked, things were going to get very interesting for both Zaria AND Azure in the future, and all anyone else could do was just watch.

Comments ( 1 )

Fun chapter glade to see you posting again, keep it up,

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