• Published 3rd Sep 2019
  • 1,116 Views, 10 Comments

The Crystal Prep Academy Jewelry Box - AzureAKASapphire

A new studen is enrolling at Crystal Prep Acadamy and finds a group that's right up his ally

  • ...

Petti Coat

Summer was in another few months, and of the few celebrations that were coming, one was all month long: Pride Month. A time to celebrate Members who are Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and all in between. There are plans for a big parade in the city and among those being part of it were members of Crystal Prep Acadamy's Jewelry Box.

It had been a year since Azure was enrolled at Crystal Prep and since then, He was really embracing his passions. He found himself more open about his gender identity than ever before, He has been part of the Jewelry Box and all of their activities on and off-campus. One of the Senior members of the club, Evil Frenzy, suggested that they should be part of this year's Pride Parade, but they didn't know what the theme should be. Azure remembered that Cold Front was talking about a dress he saw that had the colors of the Transgender flag, two Blue bars sandwiching two pink bars and one white bar, That's when the idea came to him, "We should wear dresses that have the Colors of the flags that represent us."

The others seemed to like that idea and it was unanimous. They pooled their resources together and got the money to order dresses to their desired details. Azure was recommended a dress shop by a former member, Bulkhead, who was the original Sapphire, and knew that they would take the commission. Azure offered to take the designs himself.

Azure was feeling feminine today so he decided to visit the Shop as Sapphire, pulling out his favorite pink dress, he made his way to the shop in the mall and ran into the worker who helped him before, Rarity.

"Sapphire?" Rarity asked as Azure entered the shop, "Well, I'll be, this is the first time I've seen you walk in my shop all, rather than Azure" She said, "Oh, that dress is Lovely Darling."

"Thanks, Rarity" Azure greeted with a curtsey and a feminine voice, "And yeah, I was feeling extra girly today" He giggled.

"I know the feeling. So Sapphire, what brings you here, another purchase?" Rarity asked.

"Several actually," Azure said as he goes into his cute messager bag he was carrying, "The Jewelry Box needs a commission. We're going to be in the Pride Parade this year."

"Pride Parade?" Rarity asked, "Oh why isn't that splendid," Rarity said smiling. Azure hands her the drawings, she looked over the designs, "Oh my this is rather unique, kinda gaudy though but it's for a grand celebration so that's expected," Rarity giggled.

"Think you might help us in time?" Azure asked

"Well, we may have our hands full what with Proms, but I think since most of the patterns are Stripes, we could use left-over from other dresses. I'll speak with my boss," Rarity takes the notes and leaves the stall she was behind, "Feel free to look around, we have new outfits that just came in."

Azure smiled and looked around the shop, this was one of his favorite places to be so he enjoyed looking at the new outfits. as he walks towards one of the displays, he accidentally bumps into something, it felt like another person. "Oh Sorry." He suddenly said, forgetting himself, as he looked at where he was hit. On the ground was a little boy, light Grey skin with wild Blond hair, he looked like he was still in middle school, and was thin with slightly baggy clothes.

"Sorry, it was my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going," The boy said. He looked up and saw Azure, he blushed a little, "Wow, that's a pretty dress."

"Oh thanks," Azure said with a light blush and smiled, "Are you hurt?"

"No, I'm ok," He said as he got back up, "Wait, did your voice change?"

Azure blushed harder, he did speak regularly when he bumped into the boy, "Uh...well...Kinda?"

The boy looked at him closely, he blush, and gasped "Wait...are you a boy?"

Azure blushed more, he didn't expect anything like this, "Well, yes, I...Kinda am, but I like being a girl sometimes too."

The boy looked surprised "Wow...how does it feel?" He asked

"Well, it's kinda nice," He said, feeling a little less nervous, "I'm sure you probably think it's weird."

"Oh No, I wouldn't think that. My cousin says you should never judge on how a person looks...even if their outfit looks weird," He added with a light chuckle.

"Your cousin?" Azure asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Rarity, the lady you were talking to," The boy said, "My name is Petti Coat."

"That's a cute name, I'm Sapphire," Azure said, "When I'm a boy, I go by Azure."

"Those are nice names too," Petti Coat said.

"So, are you here visiting Rarity?" Azure asked

"Yeah, I'm spending the weekend with her and Sweetie Belle's family," Petti Coat said, "It's been fun. She had me come over because her parents are busy with something, I never knew she worked at a place like this."

"It IS pretty nice," Azure said with a smile, then he noticed the way Petti Coat looked at the outfits on display...specifically the dresses, "you seem to like them."

Petti Coat jumped a little at that, "I wouldn't say I liked them, I just think they're interesting. I mean Girls seem to always get to wear fancy things." He said, talking rather rushed.

"Petti Coat, it's ok," Azure said, "I've had similar feelings when I first started dressing."

This surprised Petti Coat and he turned to him, "Really?"

"Of course, and I'm sure the other boys I know thought the same." Then an idea came to Azure, "Would you like to try one on?"

Petti Coat's eyes widened at that, and his face blushed a deep shade "What? No, I couldn't I-"

"There's nothing to be afraid of," He said, then he asked, "is it your first time?"

Petti Coat didn't speak, but nodded, his face still with a blush.

"Well, we'll need a private place to do it in," Azure said.

At that moment, Rarity came back," Good news, Sapphire," She said, "We should have them made just in time for the parade." As she approached, Rarity noticed who Azure was with, "Oh I see you've met my little cousin, Petti Coat, isn't he a sweetie?"

"Rarity..." Petti Coat whined, he was feeling embarrassed enough as it is.

"Yes, we've been having a little chat, and well...you still have that private dressing from last winter?" Azure asked.

Rarity knew what room he was talking about, it was open for those that wanted a little extra privacy when changing, Azure had used it a few times trying on new dresses, and sometimes he had other members of his club with him, "Yes, did you find anything nice?"

"Not yet...but..." Azure said.

Pettie Coat blushed harder and said, "No, don't!"

"Petti Coat?" Rarity asked, then her eyes widened, "You?" She then saw him on the verge of tears, "Oh no, no, don't cry" She said as she went and hugged him. "It's ok, don't be scared."

Petti Coat didn't know what to do, he just went into her embrace, "I'm sorry."

"Darling, there's nothing to be sorry about," Rarity said, "If anything, I should be sorry. I know you liked seeing my outfits when I make them but I never thought this, I should have known better."

Petti Coat dried his eyes, confused at that statement, "But you didn't do anything, Rarity," he said.

"I know, and I should have. I spent a good enough time with Bulkhead and Azure, I should have seen it."

"So...you're not mad?" Petti Coat asked.

"Mad? Darling, I could never be mad at you for wanting to express who you are." Rarity said, "Never be scared of that."

Petti Coat started to cry again, "I...I want to wear a dress...I want to dress like a girl," he said in a light whisper.

Rarity smiled, "Of course, Petti Coat. I'd be happy to help you out."

"Actually..." Petti Coat turned to Azure, "I want her to help me."

This surprised Azure "Me?"

"If that's ok with you," He said blushing.

Azure looked at him and blushed "Well...how can I say no to that face."


Rarity had to finish her shift so she entrusted the care of Petti Coat to Azure. The two were given their privacy in the Dressing room that was set up for them. Rarity placed several outfits that would fit Petti Coat in the room, along with some makeup and a selection of wigs. Petti Coat looked around, "Are you sure no one can see us?"

"I've asked Rarity that the first time I used this room," Azure chuckled, "We're safe from prying eyes."

"Ok...so what now?" the boy asked

"First, I want you to pick a dress, we'll work off of that," Azure said.

"There's so many," Petti Coat said as he looked over the hanging dresses. then his eyes widened at one, it was a blue dress, it had a white Satsh that was tied in a bow at the back and white lace on the skirt and on the top part of the bodice. it was a two-part dress that came with a white blouse, the blouse had puffed sleeves, "This one," He said.

"Oh, that IS pretty. Makes me think of Alice in Wonderland." Azure said as he looked it over.

"that IS my favorite book," Petti Coat said blushed.

"Ok, let's get you undressed," Azure said.

Petti Coat blushed "I don't know..."

"You can't wear your dress over your boy clothes now can you?" Azure asked.

"Yeah you're right...but no peaking ok?" He asked

"I promise," Azure said as he turned."

Petti Coat began to undress. He started taking everything off, except his underwear. He was about to take the dress but stopped "Um...Sapphire?"

"Yes?" Azure asked not turning around.

"Is there any...Girl underwear I could try on?" He asked, blushing very hard.

"Rarity did get some just in case," He said as he pointed at the rack. There was a handing set of frilly white panties with lace on them, it was accompanied by a training bra.

Petti Coat took it and blushed, it felt so smooth to him. acting fast he took his underwear off and slipped the panties, he blushed at how it felt. Then he took the Bra, he looked at it and was confused "Um..."

"Do you need help?" Azure asked

"No!" Petti Coat said, "I...well...hold on." He said as he looked around. he saw that there was something sticking out of the skirt of the dress. He pulls at it, it looked like a Ballerina tutu, and it was the same length as the skirt. He took it and slipped it on like pants, it covered his area and he felt less exposed, "Ok, you can turn around."

Azure did so and saw him "Aww...what a cute Petticoat for Petti Coat," He said with a giggle.

"This is what a Petticoat is?" the boy asked, "Strange I was named after girls' clothes."

"Maybe it means something else to your family," Azure suggested, "I do love Petticoats, they just feel great and they make dresses look extra poofy," He giggled.

"Well...can you help me with this?" Petti Coat asked holding the Bra.

Azure smiled, "Sure, just turn around." He said

Petti Coat turned and Azure took the Bra and wrapped it around his chest, "Oh...that feels nice" He said blushing as he felt Azure hook the clasps, "why do girls wear these?"

"Let's answer that when you're a little older," Azure said blushing "Ok, how about we put on your Stockings?"

"Stockings? Isn't that for Christmas?" Petti Coat asked.

"Not these Stockings, they're for your feet," Azure giggled holding a pair of white stockings, they had lace on the top parts "Now, they are very different from Socks boys wear. You gotta roll them, like this" Azure rolls one up until it looked like a ring. "Sit please"

Petti Coat did so and Azure began rolling them up his foot, "let me know if you feel uncomfortable."

"I will. So far I'm feeling ok," He said as Azure continued until he was just past his Thigh, "Can I do the other one?"

"Of course," Azure said as he hands the second one to him.

Petti Coat took it, rolled it the same way Azure did, and reached over to pull it on his foot. He did it slowly like Azure and got them on, "Ooh, these feel so much nicer than the socks I usually-Whoa!" He started walking and he almost slipped as the smooth floor was practically frictionless to the stocking-covered feet.

"Yeah, that happened to me when I first wore them. Let's get your shoes on." Azure looks into the boxes that Rarity offered, he found a pair of Mary Janes, there was one that was black and one that was Blue to match the outfit, "Let's go with the blue ones."Petti Coat sits down again and Azure slips the shoes on his feet, they were both a perfect fit for him, "Ok, try walking."

Petti Coat gets up and takes a few steps, "Hey this isn't so bad," He said as he walked.

"Mary Janes have low heels, they're perfect for a girl your age," Azure giggled, "Ok, let's get the outfit on. I think we start with the blouse first" Azure pulls the blouse out of the dress and holds it before Petti Coat, "Arms up please."

Petti Coat raises his arms and Azure pulls the blouse down, He gets his head through the neck before getting his arms through the sleeves, "Oh, this feels nice, and I love the sleeves," He said feeling the part on his shoulder.

"It looks cute. Now for the dress part, " He holds the blue jumper part of the outfit up and Petti Coat holds his arms out again. Azure undoes the bow before he gently pulls it over Petti Coat, making sure the skirt rested on the Petti Coat properly. Then he tied the Satsh again, making the bow big and cute "Ok, how does it feel?"

Petti Coat turned to a mirror and blushed "It's...perfect" He said as he held the skirt up, doing a curtsey, then he started to spin, making the skirt rise as he twirled, but he went too fast and almost fell. Thankfully, Azure caught him, "Sorry."

"Don't be, it's fun to spin in a pretty dress" Azure said doing a twirl himself, "Ok...let's give you your makeover"

"Makeup? Are you sure? What if I forget to take it off?" Petti Coat asked.

"I'll make sure to clean you up after," Azure said as he sat the boy down, "Ok, close your eyes," He said, "I'm not as good as my my friend Morgana but I think I can pull off simple." Azure hums, Petti Coat already had a smooth face so he didn't do foundation. Instead, he went right for the blush, a light pink on his cheeks, "There we go" He said

Petti Coat giggled, "Hey that tickles."

"I know, it always tickles," azure giggled. Once the blush was one, he worked on his eyes, a light blue eyeshadow followed by a little mascara to curl his lashes, "Stay still now, don't wanna poke your eye out."

Petti Coat smiled as he said, "Yes Mommy," then he froze.

"Mommy?" Azure asked

"Oh sorry, I mean Miss Sapphire," He said blushing hard, "Sorry it's just...well, the way you're helping me...it kinda feels like you're my mommy helping her little girl."

Azure blushed, "Heh, I guess it does kinda feel like that."

"Miss Sapphire...Is it...is it ok to call you mommy?" He asked, his blush making the blush on his cheeks darker.

Azure thinks for a moment, Him a mother? it never occurred to him that he could ever be a parent, let alone being either a mom or a dad, but helping this little boy be a girl, it gave him a feeling he never felt before, it felt nice. "Well...Ok then, I'll be Mommy."

Petti Coat blushed but smiled, "Ok...what's next?"

"Mt favorite," Azure said as he took out some lipstick, a light pink shade, "Pucker up," He giggled.

Petti Coat did so, he looked like he was about to kiss someone, Azure smiled as he applied it, he started thinking of helping Petti Coat Ready for dates, would he want to date boys too? Or did he like girls, maybe like Him he liked both, Either way, he couldn't stop but think about it, maybe he did have what it took to be a parent, "Ok..." He said as he finished "Now you just need nice Hair, What color do you want?"

"Oh...um...I think Blonde, like my hair, like yours." He said

Azure smiled, "Sounds good to me." He said. He went over to the different wigs and took out a long blonde wig with light curls and long locks. He first puts a wig cap on Petti Coat, flattening his hair before he slips the wig on, It looked natural on him. He gives it a few combs before pulling back "Hmm...it needs something..." He snapped his fingers and went over to the hair accessories, he found a big blue bow with white lace on it. He clips it to Petti Coat's Head. "Ok...take a look."

Petti Coat opened his eyes and turned to the mirror, he gasped "Is...Is that me?" He asked, it felt surreal seeing a new face in the mirror.

"It sure is, Petti Coat," Azure said.

"Wow...so this is me as a girl..." He said, he smiled "I look so Pretty...I love it!" He said, then he rushed to Azure's side and hugged him, surprising the feminized high schooler, "Thank you...thank you so much, Mommy!"

Azure blushed hard, but smiled, he gently hugged back, "I'm glad I could help my sweet." He said

"Oh, I need a new name." Petti Coat said, "I mean Petti Coat does sound like a girl's name but...I don't want anyone to recognize me. Who could I be?"

"Well, it can come from anything. My big sister actually gave me my name, Sapphire. She said I was as pretty as one," He explained.

"Aww..." Petti Coat said, "That's it, maybe a Gem name like you. How about Diamond? No, there's a Diamond Tiara that Sweetie Belle talks about, she's not nice."

Azure thinks, he knew about the different Gem names since being part of the Jewelry box, "Oh, I know, Petalite."

"Petalite?" Petti Coat asked, "Is that a real gem?"

"Actually yes," Azure said. He went over to his bag and took his phone out, Evil sent every member different gems to every member in case they needed up getting new names. "Here it is." He shows the picture to Petti Coat.

"Oh wow, it looks pretty and it looks like a diamond yet it's not...Petalite...Petalite..."He repeated, "I...I like it. It...it's me...I'm Petalite!" He jumped with joy.

"Welcome to the world Petalite," Azure said as he watched him, it felt nice seeing the joy on his face...or rather her face. He smiled "Hey...you wanna try on any other dresses?"


It was a good hour and a half when Rarity check in on the two of them, "Sapphire? Petti coat? May I come in?"

"Sure Rarity!" Petti Coat called out.

Rarity opened the door and gasped, Azure and Petti Coat were now dressed in big Princess Gowns, Azure's was pink while Petti-Coat's was blue, "Oh My Gosh! Petti Coat, you look so adorable!" She rushed to his side and gave him a big hug, "So, So Adorable!" She cooed.

Petti Coat blushed and smiled, "Thanks, Mommy and I have had so much fun playing dress-up."

"Mommy?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah, he asked if she could call me Mommy, and well...I didn't say no. I kinda feel like a mother and Petalite is my little girl."

"Petalite? Oh, that's an adorable name!" Rarity added, "Well, I came in to tell you that my shift is over, so we can go home now Petti-I mean Petalite"

"Go home?" Pett Coat asked, "Wow...I almost forgot. I guess I should change back into my boy clothes." He said, feeling down.

"Would you like to stay dressed up?" Rarity asked.

"What? No! I can't go out like this."

Rarity was about to retort but Azure stopped her. He then went down to level himself with Petti Coat, "Hey, it's ok. I was just as scared as you when I first started, I was so nervous going out as Sapphire, that I just stayed inside. I wasn't ready when I first did it...but I had encouragement from a good friend. I won't say you should do it now. But when the time comes and you DO want to...just give me a call." He said, "I'll be there to hold your hand all the way."

"You...you promise?" Petti Coat asked.

"Cross my heart," He said, which earned a hug from the little boy turned girl.

"Well...I should change then." He turned to Rarity, "Can I keep the dresses?"

"Well..." Rarity began, the outfits were pricy, but the look in his eye made her heart melt, "I'll see what I can do." This made him smile, he turned and began undressing, the two gave him privacy.

"This will be a new life for Him, Sapphire, I'm not sure he's ready to handle it," Rarity said in a low tone.

"I'd be lying if I said it'll be easy, I was just lucky enough to find a group so supportive. As long as he's got someone, I think he'll do fine." Azure said

"I'll call if he ever needs you, he'll need his Mommy," Rarity giggled and winked.

Azure smiled "Ok, I'm ready." they turn and saw Petti Coat back in his shirt and pants.

"I think you're forgetting something," Azure said holding a wet cloth. Petti Coat gasped and took it, cleaning the makeup off his face. Rarity helped to get all of it off.

"Thank you for helping me, Mommy. I really loved being a girl and your daughter. Will, I ever see you again?" He asked.

Azure smiled, "I guarantee it," He said as he went down to hug him, "Until next time, Petalite."

Petti Coat hugged back and He turned to leave with Rarity, Azure smiled watching him go, he knew that he would be alright, he had a good feeling about it.


Summer had finally arrived and The Pride Parade was getting ready to go. The members of the Jewelry Box were walking around their float, which looked like an actual Jewelry Box, they were still in their everyday wear, "Where is Rarity?" Evil asked, "Azure, you said that she had the outfits ready, right?"

"That's what she said, I'm not sure what's taking her so long," Azure said.

"I'm sure she's on her way," Chiffon Swatch said, "Knowing here, she's making a grand entrance."

"Well, I wish she'd hurry," Evil said, "They're getting the floats ready and-" Suddenly a Car horn is heard. The members all turned and saw a sports car heading their way, and Rarity was in the Driver's seat, "Hello Boys and Girls," She greeted.

"Rarity! We were getting worried," Azure said, "What happened?"

"Sorry, everyone, I was tending to a family matter," She said. That's when Azure noticed someone in the passenger seat, he gasped and saw Petti Coat, Wearing the Blue Dress from their first meeting. "Everyone, I would like to introduce you to my Cousin, Petalite."

Petti Coat stepped out and blushed "Um...Hello there," He said in a Girl Voice, followed by a curtsey.

"Oh isn't she sweet!" Cold Front said with a smile, that's when he noticed something on the bodice of his dress, a button, but in the Stripes of a Pride Flag: it wasn't just the rainbow but the pink and Blue trans colors, white and grey, black and brown, it was very inclusive, "Wait...are you..."

Rarity giggled, "That's why, Before she was Petalite, He was Petti Coat"

"Wow!" Precious Kitten said looking at him, "I didn't think I'd meet someone my age who liked to dress up too."

"Well...I had Mommy to help," He said pointing at Azure.

"Wait...Mommy?" Chiffon Swatch asked.

Azure blushed "Yeah...He, or rather She and I had a blast playing dress-up, She's Sapphire's little Daughter," He said smiling.

"Well, I'm still figuring that out, but I like being called a Drag Princess," He said blushing.

"Drag Princess?" Evil asked, "Oh I like that term, it's very cute."

"Speaking of cute..." Rarity said, "Your dresses are here!" she opens a box and it was a plethora of colorful dresses, each made for each member.

Azure held his Pride dress and smiled the Bodice had the Pansexual colors of Magenta, Yellow, and Cyan while the Skirt had the Gender-Fluid colors of Blue, Pink white purple, and black, "It's perfect! Rarity, you are the best," He said hugging her, "would you and Petalite like to be on the Float?"

"Me? Well, I don't know, are you sure I wouldn't feel out of place?" Rarity asked

"Of course not, The Jewelry Box is Very accepting," Cold Front said

"We sure are," Disty said as he kissed Cold Front, "And I'm sure Petalite would love to be with his Mommy," He giggled

"Oh Rarity, can't we?" Petti Coat Asked, giving her Puppy Dog eyes

Rarity tried to fight it but she cried, "Oh I can't say no to that face!" She hugged Petti Coat. "Very well." Rarity smiles as she places a hand on her necklace and her bead. There was a glow and a flash of light. When it faded, they saw that Rarity was in a new dress, one with Black and white stripes and a Rainbow Arrow on the skirt and Bodice, the flag symbol that meant Ally, "Let's party!"

"Wow Rarity, how did you do that?" Petti Coat Asked.

"Trade secret," Rarity said, winking, Chiffon chuckled a little at that.


The Pride Parade was in full swing, the crowds were wearing rainbows and all sorts of Pride symbols, there was love and happiness all around. In their float, the Jewelry Box smiled and waved to the crowds, they got lots of cheers and applause as they passed their way, showing off their lovely dresses. Azure smiled as he stood with Petti Coat, "I'm surprised you wanted to do this, I figured you'd be too scared."

"Well to be honest...I still kinda am. But I'm with you...and you said you'd be with me to hold my hand," He said as he reached for it, holding his hand, "And Now I'm with others like me...I feel...less scared...I feel..."

"Accepted?" Azure asked

"Yeah...I do." Petti Coat said.

"Well...I'm glad I could be there for you," He said as he held Petti Coat's hand like a mother and waved to the crowd, This was the start of something new, and Azure was happy to be part of this new frontier.