The Crystal Prep Academy Jewelry Box

by AzureAKASapphire

First published

A new studen is enrolling at Crystal Prep Acadamy and finds a group that's right up his ally

Azure is beginning his first Year at Crystal Prep Acadamy. He meets new friends and also finds a group of boys who share the same desires of being feminine that he does. a Short story, with the hopes of it being an anthology/series.

Contains some subjects that may be sensitive: Crossdressing, feminization, gay/bi/Pan pairings, kissing, flirting, naughtiness.

First days

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There are worlds beyond worlds. Times beyond times. Equestria, the land of Ponies and other mythical creatures that live in harmony. No one would ever think that there is a world much like it…and at the same time, quite different.


Crystal Prep Academy, one of the more prestige Boarding schools in the city, was beginning their first semester of the year after summer vacations.

Among familiar faces, there were also new Students that were arriving for their first year at CPA. One of them, a Boy with Stone blue skin and short pink hair looked up at the place he was about to call home. Like many of the Students that were arriving, he wore his new Uniform: a long-sleeved Maroon cardigan, light blue shirt under, a bowtie at the neck and violet pants with Dress shoes. He carried both a backpack and a trunk, he would be one of the Boarding Students.

Seeing the boy off was an older girl with long pink hair, cream-colored skin and a white dress with Roses on the skirt, and near her were a couple, obviously their parents. “Well, Azure, Here it is. You excited?” She asked

“I wouldn’t choose that Word, Rose,” Azure said, “nervous is more what I feel.”

“I know you are little Bro,” Rose said, “But it’ll be ok, you’ll make friends here.”

“I already miss Morgana,” Azure added, “Why did she have to go to a different school?” he sighed.

“Sweetie, you're going to have a great time here” his mother began, “I had the best years of my life here a Crystal Prep. Who knows, maybe you’ll meet someone special…like how I met your father,” She added looking at her husband.

“And there’s all sorts of after-school activities you can be a part of” His father added, “I know you’ll have fun.”

“Ok…I think I’m ready” Azure said, he hugged his parents, they each gave him a kiss goodbye, he turns to his big Sister and hugs her too.

“we’ll send you a care package every month,” Rose added, giving him a wink.

Azure smiled, “Thanks sis,” he said before turning back to the school, now feeling ready.


Orientation went by rather quickly and Students were introduced to the Headmistress, principle Cadence, They were told how Classes would go, where all after-school and extra-curricular activities would be held and where to sign up, and everything in between.

Since Azure was a border, he was assigned a room at the school. The Boy’s dormitories were located far from the main campus building. Azure unlocked the door and inside was a very spacious bedroom, There was a small kitchen at the side, two beds, a bathroom, and a very large closet. Azure’s trunk was already there, waiting for him…along with a second trunk, he was getting a Roommate.

Azure looked at it, “I hope whoever I'm staying with is nice,” he said to himself as he looked into his trunk. He unpacked most of his clothes and spare uniforms, hanging them in the large walk-in closet. As he went into his trunk, he spotted something that made him blush, it was a garment bag, one he recognized. He opens it and blushed Harder, “Oh Rose…” He sighed, he notices a note inside.

"Dear Azure" the note began, "I know you might be upset that I packed this in with your stuff, but I know you more than anyone else, you would have missed our fun times together. Trust me, you’ll need this. Bring Sapphire out if you can, I know how confident she is. Lots of love, Rose.”

Azure put the note back in the bag and sighed. That’s when he heard the door open, he gasped and closed his trunk. He turns to the door and sees an older boy enter, the boy had Blue skin and short chestnut hair, he looked much older than Azure, and noticed that he wore a patch on his vest that signified that he was a senior, a 4th-year student ready to graduate. “Um, Hi there. I’m Azure,” He greeted holding a hand out, “Guess I’m your new roommate.”

The boy looked him over and took Azure’s hand, shaking it, “Nice to meet you,” He said with a bit of a baritone, “You can call me Bulkhead. First-year, huh?” He asked. Azure nods, “Well, don’t worry, you’ll be fine here.”

“Thanks, Bulkhead,” Azure said, “so, how are classes here?”

“Oh, like anywhere else I suppose.” Bulkhead said, “They have their teachers that are good, some a bit more strict. But things have been easy since the old principal left. Headmistress Cadence has been great.”

“Well, that’s great,” Azure said with a smile.

“That's a nice case,” Bulkhead said looking down, “Need some help?”

“No!” Azure let out quickly, then blushed at how he sounded, “I mean…that’s ok, I got it.” He said as he grabbed the garment bag and took it to the closet

“You seem prepared.” Bulkhead noted, “I remember my freshmen year, thinking I need everything, you’ll learn later on that you won’t need much, at least as a freshman.”

“Well, that’s good to know,” Azure said as he finished, He turned to the clock on the wall, “Whoa, is that the time already? I should hurry; my first class is in a few minutes.” Azure went to his trunk and pulled out a book-bag and a notebook before rushing out

“I should get to my class too,” Bulkhead said as he too took his leave, “Talk to you later.”

“Later!” Azure called out.


Azure’s first class was science, “Alright everyone, from now until the end of the semester, you’ll be put together in teams.” The teacher began, “Since we have an odd number of students, one team will have three kids. I’ll be assigning teams in no particular order.” The teacher did his work and paired every student with another. Azure was the last “Azure, you’ll be joining Cold Front and Disty Dusk.”

Azure nods and sits next to two sophomore students: one had orange skin and orange/blue striped hair, the other Grey skin with chestnut hair that had a braid on one side. “Hi, nice to meet you,” Azure greeted.

“Nice to meet you too,” The orange one said, “I’m Cold Front, that’s Dusk.”

“Hi,” the boy, now known as Dusk, greeted

“Alright students, our first lessons will be about weather patterns and their relations to the stages of matter,” The teacher began.

“This will be a breeze,” Cold Front whispered, “I love studying weather.”

“Then I guess it’s great I have you as a partner,” Azure said with a smile. As they began writing notes, Azure spotted something gold on Cold Front’s wrist, it looked like a bracelet of some kind buried in his long cardigan. Azure got curious at that, as it seemed out of place, He noticed another bracelet, this time on Disty Dusk, and like Cold Front, it was under his long sleeve.

After some time taking notes, the teacher was setting up his projector for the next part of the lesson. “Oh dear, I grabbed the wrong set of slides. I’ll be back boys and girls, I trust that you can be civil while I’m gone.” The students were quiet but nodded.

The moment the teacher left, all the kids began talking to one another or get on their phones. Azure turned to his partners, who were holding hands and smiling at one another, “So are we down for tonight?” Cold Front whispered

“Yeah, we shouldn’t have much homework for tonight.” Disty Dusk whispered back, “so we’ll be able to have some fun.” He then leans in for a short peck on the lips. Azure blushed at this, which seemed to get their attention, “Oh…Sorry,” Dusk began, blushing as well, “Forgot you were there Azure.”

“It’s ok,” Azure said, “That looked very sweet, I didn’t think I’d meet a couple like you, it’s nice that you’re able to be open like that.”

“Well, it’s better now that Cadence is in charge, the last headmistress wasn’t as…open as She is.” Cold Front said

“Well, that’s good to know,” Azure said, “Hate to see anyone bully you two or anything because of it.”

“Well, we had our share of…unfavorable people,” Cold Front began, “But let’s just say thank goodness for the new management. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it just as much as we do.”

“Let’s hope so,” Azure said, Then asked, “So what were you guys talking about, what’s going on tonight?”

“Oh, that’s…a secret” Disty said with a smirk.

“Oh,” Azure said, then blushed “Oh…well, I won’t pry anymore.”

Cold Front chuckled, “it’s nothing like that.” He said as if reading his mind, “Just a thing we do after school, a club thing.”

“Oh, I see,” Azure said, trying to get it.

“Don’t worry about it, you’ll get it soon enough,” Disty said.

“Can you tell me about it?” Azure asked.

“Well, it’s more of an ‘experience it for yourself’ kind of secret, we won’t tell you until you find out,” Disty said

“How do I find out?” Azure asked, now more curious.

“It’ll happen when you least expected it,” Cold Front said. At that moment, the Teacher returned and everyone started to return to silence.


The rest of the day went by before Azure knew it, he took notes in all his classes, he ran into Cold Front and Disty a few times in some of them. Azure also noticed other boys were wearing the same gold bracelet he saw on his lab partners, and like them, they were hidden. Azure couldn’t tell if it was a trend or what. Or maybe this had something to do with the club Cold Front and Dusk were talking about.


The school day ended and Azure was back in his dorm room, he saw Bulkhead as he was out of uniform and into his street clothes, just a t-shirt with a denim vest and jeans “Hey Bulkhead.”

“Azure, so, how was your first day?” He asked

“It was good,” Azure said, “classes seem a bit tough, but I think I got it.” he looks over Bulkhead’s outfit, “You going out?”

“Yeah, have to meet up with some friends,” Bulkhead said, “I’ll check you later.”

“Ok, take care,” Azure said as Bulkhead left. when it was quiet, Azure looks around “Well…here I am…all by myself…” He said softly. He looked out the window of his room, it was a lovely day, Summer hadn’t left yet and it was still nice enough that a jacket wasn’t needed. “Hmm…should I?” He asked himself, looking into his closet.

After a moment, Azure closed the blinds and checked that there was no one outside before locking the door. He enters his closet and pulls out the Garment bag and places it on his bed. As he began to take his uniform off, he was getting goosebumps, he never did this outside of home before. He was still shy about it, but now that he was alone, Azure decided to take a chance. He took everything off, even his undershirt and briefs, he reached for the zipper and opened the bag.

Inside the garment bag was a beautiful pink dress, it had white lace, puffed sleeves and blue at the trim and the bodice. along with the dress was a blonde wig, light curls and past the shoulders. Azure emptied the bag, there was also a lingerie set: Bra and panties, matching petticoat and a pair of pink heels.

Now, this would be odd for a boy to have, but Azure wasn’t an ordinary boy, in fact, he loved being a girl too, more so than being a guy. He supposes his sister was the one that made him realize this, but he didn’t blame her, in fact, he thanked her every day for it. As a little boy, he loved dressing up, he had a box full of costumes and liked dressing up and pretending to be a new person every day. Then one day Rose dared him to wear a dress, he said no at first because he didn’t think they were meant for boys, but after Rose’s teasing, he bit the bullet and wore a red Princess dress she uses to wear.

Something changed in Azure that day, and it was a good change. He loved everything about the dress, how it felt, how it fits, how it looked on him, he wanted to try being a girl. When Rose helped with his makeup and a wig, it was like a switch had been flipped, Azure wasn’t a boy, he couldn’t recognize himself anymore, now he was a pretty girl, and he loved it. Rose told him that he was as pretty as a gem, a Sapphire that shown brightly, it was that name that Azure would take for his feminine self.

Since then, Azure and Rose took every chance they got to play dress-up, It was just him and Rose at first, then his neighborhood friend Morgana found out one day she dropped by while he was dressed as a maid. She was ok with it, in fact, she loved the idea of having a girl, or rather boy, to dress up in the girly clothes that she didn’t wear anymore.

It continued for some time, though in Junior high it wasn’t done as much, Azure never stepped out as Sapphire, mostly because he was scared to do so, but he still dressed up from time to time.

Azure was thinking fondly of those times as he was getting his Bra on, it was padded, giving him a more girlish figure. He then pulled up the panties and shuttered with delight, they always felt good on him. He then rolled stocking on his feet, they were sheer and showed off his legs, then he pulled up the pair of pink Petticoats, they were just above his knees, perfect for filling out the skirt of the dress. he was getting the dress over his head, it was a bit tight but a good tug pulled it in place and he was able to zip up. Azure sighed, he sees the dress in his reflection, he couldn’t help but do a twirl, like a ballerina, he blushed feeling his skirt rise a little, he stopped and giggled, “Ok, almost done.”

He was reaching for his wig when the sound of a key turning was heard…someone was opening the door. “Hey Azure, are you still here? I forgot me-“ Bulkhead froze in place when he saw Azure, wearing a frilly pink dress.

Azure was like a deer in headlights, he couldn’t move he was so shocked. Bulkhead closed the door behind him and looked him over “…Nice dress.” He said.

Azure turned red and covered his face, “Oh I can’t believe this is happening!” He said, trying to hold back panic.

“Hey, easy there, don’t get upset,” Bulkhead said.

“How can I not get upset!?” Azure asked, his voice cracking, “This is one of my biggest fears and I let it happen!” He then just fell on the bed and started to cry.

Bulkhead walked over and sat on the bed, “Azure please, it’s ok, I’m not going to think differently of you, please.” He said. Azure’s sobs continued for a few minutes, soon enough, they started to get lighter until finally, he was calm. “Better?”

Azure took in a few breaths, “I…I think so.” He said, “please, don’t tell anyone.”

“I wouldn’t do something like that,” Bulkhead said, “Come on, what kind of guy do you take me for?”

Azure dried his eyes, “You promise?”

Bulkhead game a smirk, “How about this: I show you a secret about me and we’ll be even.”

“Oh no, I couldn’t-“ Before Azure could continue, Bulkhead pulled his pants down and he Froze, Bulkhead was wearing a pair of white lace panties instead of boy underwear, he blushed at the sight, “You…you’re like me?”

Bulkhead smiled, “That depends, do you like feeling pretty by dressing up as a girl? Or is there more to it? do you want to be a girl?”

Azure looked at him and blushed “Well…It’s hard to explain. I mean I do like wearing dresses and feeling pretty and, sometimes I wish I were a girl. But it’s not every day, I like being a boy too.” He answered.

“So there are days where you’d like to be either or?” Bulkhead asked when Azure nodded he smiled, “I see. I believe the proper term is Gender Fluid.”

“Gender Fluid?” Azure asked, unfamiliar with the term.

“I learned that when I was learning about myself. I’m mostly considered just a Crossdresser,” Bulkhead chuckled, “A lot of us are.”

“Us?” Azure asked.

“Right, the reason I came back, I forgot something for my club” Bulkhead said as he went to his Bed’s dresser drawer and pulled something out.

It was a gold Bracelet, the same kind that Azure noticed on some of the boys in his class. “I’ve seen that,” He said looking at it for the first time, it was a simple gold bracelet with a single Gemstone embedded on the top, the Blue color made him think a Sapphire, “Some of the boys were seen wearing one like it.”

Bulkhead smiled, “Do you want to know about it?”

“Yes,” Azure answered.

“Well, for me to answer, you’ll have to come with me…and you’ll have to come dressed up.” Bulkhead answered.

“What?!” Azure gasped, his voice cracked at that, “I…I can’t! I’ve never stepped out as Sapphire.”

“Sapphire?” Bulkhead asked this made Azure blush, “Is that your girl name?” When Azure nodded gently, he smirked, “What a coincidence, mine too.”

“Really?” Azure asked.

Bulkhead nods, “And you know what, I believe you can be as pretty as one too. Let me see Sapphire fully.”

Azure wasn’t sure what he meant, but after a moment he realized, he still had his Wig and makeup to put on “Ok…but...don't look please, I get nervous.”

Bulkhead answered with a nod and turned away, not looking. Believe that he wouldn’t look, Azure continued, he stepped into a pair of pink shoes, with 2” heels. Once those were on, Azure sat by the mirror and slipped on the blonde wig, he adjusted it so that it rested gently on his head. Once it was on, Azure began his makeover: a Pink blush on his cheeks, light blue eyeshadow with eyeliner and mascara, and he topped it off with bright pink lipstick. He adds two blue bows into his hair before turning around, “Ok, Bulkhead.”

The boy turned and his eyes widened “Whoa…” He let out, “If I didn’t know better, I probably wouldn’t have recognized you.”

Azure blushed at that, “Thank you, Bulkhead,” He said, making his voice sound softer and feminine, he even did a cute little curtsey.

Bulkhead smiled at that action, “Aren’t you a little sweetheart. And the way that dress hugs your slender frame, You’re quite the Trap.”

Azure blushed at that, he knew what he meant by Trap, “You really think I would fool someone?”

“We can find out if you’ll follow me.” Bulkhead offered.

Azure gave a nervous swallow, but he was still curious about Bulkhead’s club.


Azure’s face was flustered pink as he was now walking around Campus as Sapphire. Bulkhead was by his side the entire time, it made it a little better that he was with someone, but he still felt nervous chills…and real chills as a gentle breeze came around, blowing his skirt a little, he had to hold it down to keep from getting exposed. “How did I let you talk me into this?”

“Just relax, you’re doing great,” Bulkhead said softly as he walked next to him. Suddenly, Bulkhead said, “Ok, here’s the test.”

Azure looked at him, then turned to where he was looking, another boy was walking past them, he had a Crystal Prep uniform too, had night blue skin and orange hair, His face went red as the boy turned his way, “Hey Bulkhead.”

“Night Archive, Up and about I see,” Bulkhead chuckled, “Heading off to the night classes?”

“Yeah, You know how I am,” Archive said, then he noticed Azure and smiled, “Who’s the lovely lady, a new girlfriend?”

Azure blushed at the boy’s complement, Bulkhead laughed, “Not quite. She’s a new Student here a Crystal Prep. She’s a little shy though.”

Azure felt Bulkhead nudge him a little, Azure did his best girl voice as he greeted the boy, “Hi…my name’s Sapphire,” He adds a curtsey to add a little touch.

Archive blushed at the sight of this new girl, she was so pretty, and that curtsey was so adorable, “It’s…an honor to meet you. I’m Night Archive, Arc for short.” He greeted, offering his hand.

Azure took it and was shocked when Arc pulled it gently and kissed it, his blush when darker, “My…what a gentleman.” He replied with a smile.

“Well, I try to be a good person,” Arc said, then he blushed again, “Maybe…we could see each other again…just the two of us?”

Azure’s mind went blank, was he just asked out on a date? He couldn’t believe it, how should he respond? He then found himself said “That would be…nice, Arc.”

“Great, I’ll plan something and get back to you,” Arc said, “See you around school.” And with that, the boy left, leaving Azure in a bit of a daze.

“Well…do you think you pass now?” Bulkhead asked, now that they were alone again.

When the shock wore off, Azure let out a light gasp and a squeal, “I can’t believe it! I was asked out by another boy! He thinks I’m cute” he said gleefully as he spun around with joy.

Bulkhead chuckles, “Well, I guess that’s a yes,” He said. “You must like boys as well.”

Azure blushed again at that “Well…I don’t know, I mean, I wouldn’t mind trying it.”

This made Bulkhead chuckle again, “Ok, my Bi-curious friend, come on, we’re not done yet.” He takes Azure’s hand and leads him as they walk.


the two arrived at the school auditorium, a spacious area on campus where the dances and plays would be performed. Azure looked around, it was nice, about as nice as the old theater from his home town. Bulkhead leads Azure to the stage, already Azure was hearing voices, people talking to one another. They arrived in front of a curtained doorway, Bulkhead turned to Azure, “Are you ready?”

Azure looked at him and swallowed lightly, “…no, but…I’ve come this far.”

He smiled, “let me go in first.” He said.

Bulkhead enters and Azure stands back as he listens in.

“There you are,” one voice said, Azure couldn’t tell if it was a boy or girl, “We were worried you got sucked in another dimension”

“Sorry for being late, but I ran into someone,” Bulkhead said.

“A new member already?” another voice asked.

“Well, it’ll be up to him if he wants to,” Then bulkhead added, “you can come in now.”

Knowing that was his Cue, Azure took in a breath and stepped in, giving out a smile. He saw that inside was a changing room, with chairs and mirrors, and in it, along with Bulkhead were 6 other kids, all were in dresses, there were some that Azure recognized, and some he didn’t.

“Everyone, say hello to Sapphire…AKA Azure.” Bulkhead introduced.

“Um…Hello.” Azure greeted with blush and curtsey, he saw that all eyes were on him and they were in awe.

“No way!” One gasped, “Azure?”

He looked at the person and recognized the voice, and his orange skin, “Cold Front?” It was him, Azure’s lab partner in science class, only now he was dressed in a purple Saloon girl dress with matching feathered headpiece in his blue wig, he gave a smile and blushed. Next to him was another familiar person, he was made up in a very frilly outfit, a Sweet Lolita style with a light blue wig with purple highlights. “Disty, you too? Oh my gosh…You’re…pretty, both of you.”

“Look who’s talking,” Disty said, “My gosh you’re a knockout.”

“Yeah, I almost didn’t recognize you,” Cold Front said, “You’re beautiful.”

Azure blushed at that, but smiled, “So are you.”

“I see you already know Amber and Moonstone,” Bulkhead said.

“Amber and Moonstone?” Azure asked

“Our Gem/girl names.” Another student said this one he didn’t recognize as he has gold-brown skin and wearing a blue and white housewife dress with matching gloves and a brunette wig with pink highlights, “We choose gem names because we have a beauty of Gems, that’s why our club is known as…the Jewelry Box.”

“Jewelry Box?” Azure asked, then saw the bracelet on his wrist, “That’s what that means!” He gasped, looking at the others, they all had one.

“Yes, we often wear these even out of uniform,” The housewife looking one said, he was the same age as Bulkhead, “I’m Golden Crest, but when I’m a girl, I go by Tiger Eye.”

“A pleasure to meet you,” Another member greeted, with green skin and matching wig, wearing a leather jacket and torn ladies jeans with boots, “I’m Quillwrite, AKA Emerald.”

“I’m Blazing Shield,” the fourth member greeted, his skin was red with a brunette wig, wearing a white and gold cocktail dress, “But you can call me Ruby.”

“I’m Eon Vincent Ivo Levi Frenzy, Evil for short.” The 6th boy introduced, he looked to be a junior, he had night blue skin, an orange wig tied in a side ponytail and wearing short-shorts and a yellow top that showed off his belly button, “But my girl name is Lapis Lazuli.

“And I’m Sapphire,” Bulkhead called out as he was now fully dressed up as a girl, his brown hair was hidden in a white wig with a tied polka-dot bandana that held it together, while he sported a matching sundress.

“And so am I…I guess?” Azure asked.

“Actually not yet,” Bulkhead said, “but I’ll get to that. Now, Azure, I’m sure you must be surprised to see boys that are dressed like pretty girls.”

“You might say that,” Azure said a bit flatly.

“Well, it all started when I was a freshman, and I met these three,” He began, wrapping arms around Evil, Shield, and Crest, “We got along really great, mostly because we had a secret that we all share. We like dressing up as girls.”

“How did each of you found out?” Azure asked

“Well, I sometimes wear panties under my uniform and when I did, Blaze found out” Bulkhead explained. “That’s when he showed me that he was wearing them too.”

“And when Evil and I found out, they were actually trying on a set of the Girl’s uniform in our Dorm room.” Golden Crest said, “We both had a secret desire so we didn’t say anything. In fact, we joined them.”

“We had such a great time.” Evil said, “That’s when we realized something: There had to be other students like us, right?”

“Boys who like to dress up like girls,” Golden Crest said, “Boys who wanted to be girls, and all in between.”

“So, we went to the headmistress at the time, Principle Cinch, and asked her if we could form a club.” Bulkhead continued, “Well, she wasn’t fond of the idea at first since she didn’t think it was right. But then we took our case to the School Board, and they believed that Cinch was discriminating, she caved it but just barely.”

“Yeah, Cinch approved the club but she didn't let us get involved in any of the club activities that the other school clubs were allowed to do.” Blazing Shield explained, “But thankfully, She was given the boot after that fiasco during the friendship games.”

“Oh, what happened?” Azure asked

“Crazy stuff with magic I think?” Golden Crest said, “I don’t know, we weren’t in the visiting group”

“Well, after that, Principal Cadence became headmistress and she allowed our group to participate in events now.”

“And since then we’ve found more members who are happy to be who they want to be,” Bulkhead said. “We had a few problems with bullies in the past but Cadence has been very supportive to us.”

“That’s amazing,” Azure said

“And you can be part of it if you want to. But I have to warn you, it’s not for the faint of heart.” Evil began, “The Jewelry Box is all about opening up and exploration, though not everyone is up for this. Which is why the choice is yours, Azure. If you wish to be a member, it will be a devotion to our cause and to our lifestyle.”

“Wow,” Azure said, looking at all the members, this was something new that Azure could experience, he could explore his feminine side more and he wouldn’t be alone. He smiled, “I think I do. I really do want to be part of it.”

“Perfect. Then from this day forward, you are the newest member of the Jewelry Club, A new Ore.”

“Ore?” Azure asked

“Gem talk.” Evil explained, “an Ore is a new member, Sapphire will be your mentor, aka your Jeweler. He’ll mold you and shape you into a full member. That’s when you’ll get your Gem name.”

“Oh…so I can’t be called Sapphire?” Azure asked

“Well…Not yet” Bulkhead said with a wink, “That’ll come later”

Azure smiled, “Ok then, I’ll be your Ore…Sapphire” He giggled.

“Now, there’s a tradition we do when we bring in a new member of our club. It’ll start tomorrow.” Evil said. “But for now, come sit with us.”

Azure smiles and takes a seat next to Cold Front, feeling nervous and excited for tomorrow.


Morning came and the Students were getting ready for the school day. In Azure and Bulkhead’s Dorm room, the two were getting dressed as well, “I don’t know if I can do this” Azure said through the door.

“Come on, Azure, we all had to do it, it’s tradition,” Bulkhead said.

“Ok…here goes nothing.”

The door opens and a figure steps out, Azure was dressed…in a girl’s Crystal Prep Academy uniform. His was that of the pleated skirt, knee-length stockings wearing black Mary-Janes with crystal hearts-bows, a long-sleeved maroon cardigan, and a large bowtie. He wore light makeup and his blonde wig with two blue hair bows was on perfectly. Azure stepped all the way out, his knees shaking a little.

“It’s ok” Bulkhead, “I’m right with you.” He stepped out, he too was in a girl’s uniform, the Bandana in his hair was purple like his sweater.

Azure blushed but nodded. He walked towards his first class, which was science again. He separated with Bulkhead but when he entered, he spotted Cold Front and Disty Dusk, they were dressed as Amber and Moonstone. He smiled and sat next to them. He noticed some of the students were looking at them and whispered. The Science Teacher entered, “alright, students, today’s class-“ He paused as he saw Azure, Cold Front, and Disty Dusk. Azure blushed hard, “…will be more lessons on the Stages,” He continued, but focused on the three, “I trust that there have been no…complications miss Amber and Miss Moonstone?”

“No, Sir.” Cold Front said in his girl Voice.

“Well, that’s good, and I trust that no one here will cause any problems as well?” He asked the rest of his class, they didn’t respond, some shook their heads, “Perfect,” he then turned to Azure, “What shall I call you then, Miss?”

Azure looks around and stands, “Um…I’m Sapphire’s Ore.” some of the girls giggled at that, making him blush.

The teacher smirked, “One of the best students in my freshman class. You’ll do well, you seem like a sweet young lady.”

Azure blushes but nods.


The rest of the day seemed to move quickly, as Azure walked, he noticed more eyes were on him, it seemed that news was spreading that the Jewelry Box has a new member. He was already hearing whispers, even as he was outside.

“Wow, it’s not even the end of the week and those girly boys got a new member,” one boy said.

“That’s a boy? My gosh, he’s so pretty!” one girl gasped

“No way that’s a guy, she’s too cute to be one.” Another girl let out.

“I don’t care if it is a dude, I’d tap that” another guy boasted after he let out a Wolf whistle.

Azure suddenly gasped as he felt a breeze lift his skirt, “On-no!” He let out as he held the skirt down, blushing harder. He uses to like feeling a breeze go under his skirt, but he was in public and he didn’t want to seem like that kind of girl. But already the students saw him and he whistled and catcalled his way.

Azure looked at them all. They were …attracted to him, and not just the guys, but some of the girls too. Something stirred in Azure and he smiled, he gave a look as he just looked at them all and blew a kiss with one hand, the other holding his skirt down still. A lot of them blushed when he did that.

“Sapphire?” a voice asked. Azure turned and saw Night Archive from yesterday.

“Arc!” He gasped, Thankfully the wind died down, keeping his skirt down too.

“So…you’re a new Ore then,” Arc said, his face gave a look of slight annoyance.

Azure blushed “Oh Arc…I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to lie to you.”

“You must have been worried about how I’d react. You want to know what I think?” Arc asked, looking at Azure with a slight glare

“Wh-what?” Azure asked, his heart was beating fast, he had no idea what this boy would do. He moved closer and Azure shut his eyes…then they opened again. Night Archive was…Kissing him.

It was gentle, it was sweet, it was on the lips. Azure had never kissed anyone before, let alone another boy. It felt like lightning, he felt his right leg pop at this, he was hearing cheers, whistles, and catcalls. When he started to kiss back Arc pulled away. It took him a moment to realize this as he stayed in that pose for a moment.

“So…are we still up for hanging out later?” Arc asked with a slight smile.

Azure looked at this boy, and saw him through heart-goggles, like how girls saw boys they liked in cartoons. Azure gave a naughty smile, “Does this answer your question?” He pulls Archive close and kisses him on the lips, letting out a light moan as he did so. He stayed on Arc for at least a moment before they need for air was too great.

“I think it does,” Arc said sounding breathless.

“See you later then,” Azure giggled as he turned, making sure he did it in a way that that skirt rose and he flashed the panties he had on at him …and maybe any other boy that tried to catch a glance.

With new energy, Azure walked with a spring in his step to his next class. Further away, Bulkhead and the other Jewelry Box members, all dressed as girls, watched as they saw the moment play out, “I think this one is going to be a great member,” Bulkhead said.

“I think you’ve awoken a sexy beast,” Evil said with a giggle, “10 bucks says he’ll try to kiss another guy before school ends.”

“I’ll take that action,” Golden Crest, making Cold Front and Disty Dusk giggle.

“He’s coming this way” Blazing Shield let out. as Azure approached.

“So my Ore, How is your day so far?” Bulkhead asked.

“It’s been…Very exciting” Azure said with a giggle, “This is more fun than I thought. I should have done this a long time ago.”

“Well, I’m happy I’m able to help you be the Girl you want to be.” Bulkhead said, “you’re going to love the Jewelry Box.”

mending hearts with dresses

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The Mall was where many of the Kids at both Canterlot High and Crystal Prep would hang out after a long day of school. Among the many students there, one of them, a Boy in a Crystal Prep uniform was looking around, Azure. He heard from his friend, Bulkhead, that there was a shop in the mall that catered to his...unique style. He hoped it was true as he needed a new set of clothes for his club.

As he looked around he noticed a pair of boys, and they looked mad at one another: One had Blue skin and Cury blue hair wearing a lettermen jacket with a Twister embroiled on the side, the other had pale-yellow skin, brown hair in a Bowl cut, and had a speckled dress shirt. He couldn't hear what they were saying but the energy between them was clear, they were in a fight. The blue one Stormed off while the pale yellow bow just sniffed before walking off.

Now Azure didn't know what to think about that, it was hard to see such a thing, but what could he do? He let out a somber sigh as continued.


Azure did find the Shop he was looking for, and he found the person to talk to about his order, a Part-time worker and Student of Canterlot High by the name of Rarity. "Oh yes, I know Bulkhead all too well." She said as she began Measuring him, "Though I'll admit, I didn't think I'd be helping another boy with a dress," She giggled, "But it IS rather fun."

"Well, I'm glad you think so," Azure said, "It's part of my Club at Crystal Prep" He explained

"Really?" Rarity asked, "There are more boys like you?"

"Well, some of them prefer to be called girls, but yeah" Azure explained, blushing a little, "There are."

"How very interesting" Rarity said "Ok, I think I have what I need," She added as she wrote down the measurements. Azure looked at his reflection, he couldn't wait for how he would look. As he watched, he spotted someone in the reflection, it was the Pale Yellow boy from before. "Oh, Hello there, Wiz Kid," Rarity called out with a smile.

"Hi Rarity," He greeted, "How are you?"

"Just darling," Rarity said sighed, "I have a few new outfits to work on. Speaking of, your suit should be ready in another day, yours and...Curly Winds..." She drew out, realizing something, "Wait...where is he, I never see you two apart."

"They had a fight," Azure said, getting their attention, "I didn't hear anything but when I saw you, I could almost tell what was going on."

"Is that true?" Rarity asked.

The boy, now known as Wiz Kid, sighed, "Yeah. It's stupid, We were talking about what we wanted to do for Winter Break. I suggested that he's come and visit my family, but Curly Winds wanted it to just be us. I told him he was being ridiculous...then it just got worst from there."

"Oh, you poor dear," Rarity said, hugging him, "What are you going to do?"

"I don't know." Wiz Kid said, "I don't want to lose him over something stupid like this."

Azure clears his throat, "Well...I'd like to help," He said, "My name is Azure."

"Nice to meet you," Wiz said, "How can you help?"

"Well. I don't know, but I'd hate to see you two broken up over something that could be resolved. Why doesn't Curly Winds want to meet your family?" Azure asked.

This made Wiz Kid blush as he said: "He's...still in the closet."

Azure nods, "I...know that feeling."

this made Wiz Kid blush, "You too?"

"'s more than that. Let's just say...I'm not here for a suit." Azure said, his cheeks pink at that.

"Really?" He asked, his blushed remained, 'You know, I've never really done that before, what's it like?"

Azure thinks for a moment, then an idea came to him, "Why don't I show you?" He turns to Rarity, "You don't mind, do you?"

Rarity smiled, "I think I can set up a private spot just for the three of us."


For Curly Winds, it was only a half-hour since he stormed off. He was hot-headed but after a while, he cooled off, and he realized that he shouldn't have lost his temper like that. Now he had to find Wiz Kid and apologize, but where would he go? As if to answer his question, he received a Text, it was from Rarity, letting him know that the Suit he ordered was ready. No doubt Wiz would receive the same Text, he rushed over to the Boutique where Rarity worked. When he arrived, he entered the shop and looked around, the shop looked empty.

"Curly Winds?" Rarity called out, "Oh good, you got my text."

"Yes, I did," Curly Winds said, "Did-did you send a text to Wiz?" He asked

Rarity smiled, "I did actually, He's right around here, trying it on," she explained as she leads him to one of the Dressing areas. "Don't go in just yet" Rarity explained, "He'd in the middle of it." She gave a giggle as she left Curly Winds.

The boy waited for a moment, then he heard Giggles. Curly cautiously peeks inside, his eye widened at what he saw.

Wiz Kid, and another boy he didn't recognize, they were both...wearing dresses. The other boy had a Pink dress with Bows and lace while Wiz was in a Baby Blue and white dress. "This feels so different, but it's kinda fun," Wiz said as he did a twirl, making the skirt rise.

"I thought you might like it," The other boy said, "Would you like me to style your hair or would you want a wig?"

Wiz thought for a moment as he looked at his reflection, then noticed Curly peeking, he quickly turned, "Who's there?" There was a moment before Curly entered the room, "Curly?" Wiz asked.

"Um...Hi, Wiz" Curly said.

"What are you doing here?" He asked blushing hard, he didn't want his Boyfriend to see him like this.

"I...It doesn't matter" Curly began as he stepped forward, "Wiz...about earlier...I didn't mean those things I said. I was being stupid and embarrassed."

Wiz gave a smile, "I'm sorry too. I know it's difficult for you, and I shouldn't have pushed you." He steps closer, "I care about you too much to let a little disagreement come between us. Forgive me?"

Curly's eyes watered as he pulled Wiz Kit into a hug, spinning him around before putting him down and kissing him on the lips. Wiz blushed but kissed back, kicking a leg in the air.

The Boy clapped a little at the display, it got their attention, "I'm sorry, that was very sweet" He said as he dried his eye.

The two pulled away and blushed, "So...what are you doing in that?" Curly Winds asked looking at the dress.

"It was my idea," The boy said, "I'm Azure, and I was just coming by to get a dress when Wiz came in looking sad. I offered to cheer him a unique way," he chuckled.

"Well, it's nice to meet you," Curly said, blushing, "I didn't think there were boys who liked to dress like girls."

Azure smirked "That's not all I like," He said as he walked over and kissed both their cheeks, "as a Friend once told me, 'there are plenty of boys like just haven't met them yet"

"Well..."Curly said, turning pink at the sudden kiss, "That's...good to know."

Azure giggled, "So, since you're here, why don't you join us. I think Red would look good in you."

"Oh, no I couldn't!" Curly said, his blush remained.

"Come on Curly, No one else would know," Wiz said, "Besides, you've already seen me in a dress," He added, lifting the hem of his skirt, "It should only be fair that you should join me."

Curly blushed, then Wiz gave him a sweet look and he sighed, "I hate it when you give me the puppy dog eyes."


It was more fun than either of them had in a while, Azure expertly picked out a Red and Black swing dress for Curly Winds. Rarity got in on the fun too as she gave all three of them makeovers. Azure had a Blonde wig for himself as Rarity Styled both Wiz and Curly's hair into more feminine styles. The three laughed and posed for Rarity, who took several pictures of them, only on the promise that she wouldn't share them.

When it was all done, The two boys changed back into their regular clothes. Azure stayed in his girl form as he parted with them, "Hope we can see each other again," Azure said, "I'd like for you to meet my other friends."

"I look forward to that as well, " Wiz Kid said smiling, "Thanks for a great time."

"Yeah, thanks Rarity, Azure," Curly said as well.

"You can call me Sapphire," Azure said smiling.

"Bye Wiz and Curly," Rarity added as she waved goodbye.

As the two boys departed, Azure turned to Rarity, "Thanks for setting that text message."

"Anytime, Darling." Rarity said, "You know, that was really fun. I you think there may be boys at Canterlot High who are into this?" she asked.

Azure smiled, "If they are, then I would think Canterlot High needs a Jewelry Box Chapter, And you seem to be the perfect one to lead it."

Rarity giggled, "Then just call me Gem Mother."

"I think I'd like that," Azure said smiling as he watched the two boys walk off hand-in-hand.

Silver and Sapphires

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Classes were ending at Crystal Prep Academy, the Students that weren't boarding began to depart. Among the many students, Azure is walking through the crowd, carrying a garment bag. "Oh man, I'm gonna be so late," Azure said as he passed by a few students. He makes his way across campus and towards the auditorium. He wanted to surprise his friends so he made a detour to the locker rooms nearby. He looks around and puts his ear to the door. There were no sounds, he double-checked before he entered the girl's side "Perfect." He was alone and began to undress.

However, it turns out he wasn't as alone as he thought. The showers were on the far side of the lockers in another room. So the noise wasn't very obvious as someone was indeed washing up, a Girl with Violet/pink hair and Stone grey skin, she sighed as the water relaxed her sore muscles.

Chiffon Swatch had just finished some extra training on the track field. Being on the school's fencing team, she wanted to build her endurance and stamina a little and a few laps around the track did well enough. Chiffon had made a habit of waiting until the girl's locker rooms were empty. While all the girls on the team knew about her personal situation, and for the most part, didn't mind at all, She didn't want to make them too uncomfortable while showering and changing. Just a fact of life.

She had just finished rinsing and drying off, as she made her way back to the lockers, towel wrapped around her torso. She turned a corner and saw a young pink-haired boy getting out of his clothes, Azure. She blinked a couple of times and let out a short cry of panic, This made Azure gasped when he heard her and dropped what he was holding. Chiffon dives behind a row of lockers "Um... I... I think you're on the wrong side!" she called out.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry, I thought I was alone, I'm so sorry" He closed his eyes. he reached to pick up what he had, which was a Dress, "I usually change in my Dorm but I was running late and though I could change here."

Chiffon looks around the corner and sees the dress. "Wait..." She looks at the boy's wrist, He was wearing a gold bracelet with a Sapphire gem. Once she recognized it, she smiles "Oh, are you one of the gems?" She asked as she steps out from around the corner holding her towel tight.

"Oh, you know about us?" Azure asked blushing a little, he still kept his eyes covered, "Yes, I am. I actually just got my Gem before the winter break" He said as he looked at it, Bulkhead had given Azure his Sapphire bracelet as a reward for his work at the Winter Fair. "I'm Azure...Sapphire when I dress up" He said.

Chiffon smiles "I'm Chiffon Swatch, I help out with the boys a bit."

"Really?" Azure asked, "I don't think I've ever seen you in the club meetings," He said as he felt more at ease as he changed into a pair of panties and Bra.

The grey-skinned girl walks over to her locker, which was nearby, and opens it. She gets out her clothes and slips on her panties under her towel, once it was on, she turned and to let the towel drop so she can put on her bra. If Azure looked he would have noticed her bat wing tattoo on her back. "Well, I actually spent the first few months of the semester abroad. But when I'm at school, I usually come by to help the boys with make-up or outfits if they need."

Azure was slipping on ankle-high stockings as he heard her talk, "That's very kind of you to offer," He said, "I suppose it's not surprising that some of the girls help out with the Jewelry Box, I know my big sis loved dressing me up," He giggled

"Well, let's just say I know about what they are first hand," Chiffon said as she turned to face him, she was still in her underwear and Azure only looked for a moment but did a double-take when he saw that Chiffon extra package.

"You're like us?" Azure asked, "You're a Gem too?"

"No, Not really." Chiffon said as she turned and continued dressing, "I'm transgender, a trans girl to be precise."

Azure learned all the different gender identity terms when he was first starting out in the Jewelry Box, He remembered that the term Transgender was when a person identified as a gender that they weren't born as. In Chiffon's case, She identified as a girl but was born with male parts. Azure thought of this as he was slipping on his dress, which was pink. "I'm surprised you weren't sought out."

"Oh, I was," Chiffon said as she continued dressing, slipping on one of the School skirts before getting a pair of ankle-high boots on, "But being a trans girl, I'm not really a 'crossdresser' like the others, so I didn't think I would fit in."

"Really? I think you would fit in just fine," Azure said as he was putting his shoes on, a pair of May-janes short-heeled shoes, "I mean I consider myself Gender-fluid. I know it's not the same thing but we're not all just crossdressers." He said as he then wrapped a vest-like garment around his torso, "I think some of them Identify as female too."

"Yeah I know, I just feel like it's mostly boys that just like to dress up, like Drag performers, and I don't want people thinking my trans status is fake," Chiffon continued as she slipped her top on, followed by a Denim vest, "but...I do love helping them all out rather than be a member outright." When she finished she looked over her ensemble, she looked like Punk-rock Goth and it suited her. She looks Azure over and smiles. "Very cute by the way. How many boys have you confused since joining?"

Azure blushed at that and smiled, "I've gotten a few love letters...though some of them wrote more...mature letters," He added as he placed his Blonde wig on.

Chiffon smiled and walked up to him, She looked Azure over and gave his wig an adjustment, and smiled. "Looking like that I don't doubt it. Just be careful with that stuff. I learned a hard lesson from horny asshole boys." She smiled and wrapped her arm around Sapphire's "So, shall we go say hi to the rest of the jewelry box? I haven't been able to fuss over my boys and girls in a while."

"You wanna come by?" Azure asked, Chiffon nods and he smiles, "Sure, I'm sure they'd love to see you again too." He said as he walked with Chiffon out of the lockers.

The campus was relatively empty, but there were still some students that were walking about. some of the boys saw Azure and whistled in his direction, making him Blush and smile. Chiffon, however, turned to give the boys a warning glare. Some of them backed away, not wanting to meet her gaze, and others huffed as they walked away. One of them went so far as to mutter "stupid tranny" before leaving.

This made Azure stop in place, "that's new" He said looking a bit surprised. He heard some boys mocking him before when he dressed, but this one felt like it was meant for another target, "Was that at you?" he asked Chiffon.

Chiffon sighed and nodded. "Yes, it was. I got a bit of a reputation back my freshman year because of a couple of incidents"

"Really?' Azure asked as they walked, "Like what?" He asked

Chiffon let out a long sigh, it seemed she wasn't too keen on sharing, but she knew that once she brought it up, he'd ask. "Well, there was the incident when I first arrived. I had been on hormones for a little over a year by then so I looked pretty much like a girl." She then grabbed under her very small b cups and lifted them. "I was not the amazing form of feminity you see before you." She giggled a bit, making Azure blush. "But I still registered as female, Principle Cinch didn't like that and tried to have me registered as a boy. Needless to say, daddy had a fit and threatened legal action on the school. So Cinch was forced to comply. That kind of painted a target on my back."

Azure looked at her in awe, this wasn't the first time Crystal Prep's former headmistress was brought up for something negative, "I heard that she gave the Jewelry Box trouble before I joined," Azure said, "But I didn't think she would go as far as that" He smirked, "Guess I'm glad she got the boot. I heard it happened during the Friendship games, were you there when it happened?"

Chiffon smiled and blushed. "Yeah, though I didn't see much. I was sneaking off with my boyfriend most of the time." She giggled at that, "He goes to CHS. And yeah Cinch was a hardliner before I came. From what I understood the jewelry box had to be really underground until that thing between my dad and the school board. I guess it was for the best. Still, though that first year sucked."

Azure saw that Chiffon wanted to end the talk then and there, so he didn't ask for more on that, "I'm sorry that you had it rough," he sympathized, "But I'm glad you were able to persevere." They arrived at the auditorium before they knew it.

They made their way past the seats and backstage where the changing area was. Chiffon smiled as she suddenly burst through the door, surprising Azure, and everyone inside. "Hello, my precious gems! Guess who's back?!"

There was silence at first, then many of the members called out "Chiffon!" They all rushed to her side and she gave hugs to each of them, as she did She noted little things. "Hey Ruby, You know that's not the right color for you sweetie." she said to Blazing Shield, "Emerald, what have I told you about bow tying? Don't make it look like a pair of hiking boot laces!" She giggled at Quillwrite. The whole room was filled with laughter and cheers.

"When did you get here?" Evil asked as he was sporting a Bunnygirl costume.

"Today, I've been catching up on classes, then I came across this new cutie," Chiffon said as Azure entered.

"Sapphire!" Cold front called out, he was wearing a Goth Lolita costume, next to him Disty Dusk was wearing a pink Sweet Lolita costume, "Oh my Gosh, that dress you have on is amazing"

"Thanks," Azure said, doing a twirl, "Rarity did a great design. I actually ran into Chiffon when I was changing"

"Rarity?" Chiffon asked, she then gave Azure's dress another look. "Wow, no wonder it looks perfect. Rarity is becoming a bit of a legend with her outfits. I'm having her make a prom dress for me."

"Prom dress?" Evil asked, "But Prom isn't for another few months/"

Chiffon giggles and blushes pink, "Well...not our Prom...Regal asked me to CHS' prom!" A couple of the gems that knew Chiffon and Regal Gasped and cried out in excitement at the news and congratulated her

"Wow, that's great news" Cold front said

"I agree" Azure added, "This Regal sounds like a very sweet guy. When did you two meet?"

Chiffon takes a seat and smiles. "Canterlot mall. I was at the local Goth Shop..."

"Not really news there Cliffy." Evil interrupted with a sassy tone

Chiffon playfully glares back. "Shut it... Anyway, just got done shopping and these little jr high kids run up and flip my skirt from the back and make a lewd comment about my panties." Some of the boys Scoofted and made "tsk-ing" noses as Chiffon continued, "Before they can runoff. This boy grabs them both by the scruff of their shirts and makes them apologize before handing them over to security. He then asks to buy me a coffee for my trouble." She sighs happily, cheeks pink and smiling. "He's such a gentleman. And he's so hot."

Some of the members swooned a little at that, "No kidding!" Golden Crest called out. "He sounds like the perfect man," Azure said with a smile, "Does he have a brother?" The others laughed at that.

"That's what I asked," Disty Dusk said.

"Yeah and then I scolded you for it," Cold Front added.

"Come on, you know I was just playing," Disty said as he kissed Cold Front.

Chiffon giggled and gave Disty a hip bump. "Quit teasing your other half. He has to put up with enough." The boys start laughing and Chiffon gets into the groove of helping the gems perfect their makeup.

"We are really happy for you Chiffy. Regal is so much better for you than your ex." Cold Front said.

Disty looks up from his mirror and nods. "Yeah, I'm so glad you were able to move on."

Chiffon smiles and hugs the boys. "Thank you, boys. You've been a load of support."

"You had an ex?" Azure asked, curious at this new information.

"Oh yeah," Evil brought up, "A real piece of work named Carlos Thunderbolt."

"He and his droogs have been harassing us since headmistress Cadence helped make our club more public," Blazing Shield added

Azure looked surprised, "How come I've never seen it in the time I've been with you all?"

"Because the last time he went public with it, Cadence threatened expulsion. Now he does it in more subtle ways," Golden Crest answered.

Chiffon sighed. "Yeah, piece of work that boy. We'll point him out to you so you know who to look out for."

One of the newer members, a gem Ore named Precious Kitten, piped up. "I didn't know you dated him, Chiffon."

Chiffon rolled her eyes and sat down again. "Date isn't really the right word." She shifted uncomfortably for a bit. Cheeks once again pink. But not from happiness. "More like...we fooled around in secret cause he thought I was hot enough to screw. But too scared to come out as dating a trans girl."

"That's terrible," Azure said. He felt a bit of a chill thinking about such a situation.

"Yeah, well, that's Thunderbolt for you," Evil said.

Azure saw that Chiffon looked more embarrassed than anything, "Why don't we change the subject," He said, "I remember the last meeting we were talking about another Charity event we could host for the school. Have we decided on a theme?"

"Well with Valentine's day coming we could hold another Dance," Evil suggested

"We have so many dances already. What about a Prep Rally?" Azure suggested, "There are new Cheerleader uniforms that are coming that I think would look amazing on us."

Chiffon was grateful for the change of subject. She went back to helping the boys that weren't quite finished. "I'll be happy to help you all look amazing in them. I'm not much one for cheerleading though. I'm still pretty goth. Not really one for THAT much happiness." She giggled as she put the final touches on the last gem. "I have an idea for something. It would be a great way to raise money, and get you all some action." She teased. A few of them giving her a cute pout. "You could sell kisses. Have a Valentine's day kissing booth. All the gems that are willing to participate can take turns. I'm sure some of you would enjoy that. Plus it might help some of the boys here at school come to terms with themselves. Make them more comfortable."

"Oh it's been a personal fantasy of mine to be the Kissing Booth Princess," Azure said with a blush.

"Well, I don't know, I don't think I want any other lips but my Amber" Dusky said holding Cold Front.

"Oh you're sweet, Moonstone," Cold Front said as he kissed him again.

"I wouldn't mind a kissing booth," Quillwrite said

"Me too" Evil added, "It seems you've done it again, Silver"

"Silver?" Azure asked.

"The name Bulkhead picked out when he first offered Chiffon a place here," Evil explained.

Chiffon blushed and shrugged. "Yeah. There aren't many gems that could go with my skin tone." She says holding up her arm. "So he offered me the title Silver. I didn't really accept it back then, but I still like being the support for you all here." She gave a couple of the gems hugs. But then smirked. "And as far as the kissing booth. I'm totally down."

"But what about Regal?" Evil asked.

"Oh, he's fine with me doing stuff like that. Hell, he'll probably come by to buy a few kisses himself." She giggled. "Not the first time he's shared me with someone else."

Azure giggled and blushed, "Now I really can't wait to meet him."


Hours passed, they wrote down their proposal to Headmistress Cadence, they would send it tomorrow early in the morning. Once it was all set up, they finished the meeting and went their separate ways. Azure stayed with Chiffon, "So, I take it you live on campus as well?" he asked

"I do, but the Night is still young, I was thinking of heading out to the mall. Care to join me?" She offered.

"Sure, I could use a night out on the town" Azure accepted as they made their way out "If it's alright to ask, What was your former name before you choose Chiffon?"

She looks over and smiles. "Pretty smart that you realized I changed it. I mean I'm sure a boy could be named Chiffon." She took a breath. "Up until my second year of jr high, my name was Chevron. But that's when I realized I was a girl in a boy's body. Mom and dad sent me to some therapists, and within the year I was starting my Hormone Replacement Treatment. I've been Chiffon for about 3 or 4 years now."

"Wow..." Azure said in awe, "You know there are days when I just want to be a girl, but I don't think I could ever...well, replace my parts. I like being a boy too" He said with a smirk, "But I find it very brave that you are doing what you feel is the real you."

Chiffon giggles and shrugs. "Well, I haven't replaced my parts just yet. Still not sure if I will." She smiles. "But I do know you have to be true to yourself Sapphire. Don't let anyone put you down for it."

Azure smiled at that. Sadly their sweet moment was interrupted by a small group of chuckling, followed by and an annoying and smug-sounding voice. "Well well...If it isn't Chiffy the sissy. Been a while since I saw your faggy ass around the school."

Chiffon shivered in disgust, Azure looked just as surprised, Chiffon turned and sneered at his greeting. "Carlos. Thanks for reminding me that studying abroad for those first few months of school was actually more pleasant than being here."

The Seafoam-haired boy and his crew stepped up, they were out of uniform and looked ready for a night out as well. Carlos Thunderbolt looked Chiffon up and down. "Still trying to trick guys with your tranny shit, I see." He asked then turned to Azure and looked him over, "And who's this?" He moved closer and saw his bracelet, "Oh...another one of those jewel fags. Of course, you'd hang out with them."

Azure felt a nervous chill, he never felt this scared before. Thankfully, Chiffon stepped in front of Azure with a scowl. "You know, I don't remember you ever complaining about me whenever you wanted head back freshman year," She smiled as his friends looked confused, "In fact, I think you actually said, 'Oh yeah, baby. Keep that up, fuck your mouth is so good!'" Chiffon smirked as she reenacted the events.

Carlos seethed at the comeback and angrily pointed a finger at her, turning red. "That didn't happen you tranny! I'm not gay!"

Chiffon giggled in a teasing way. "Carlos, you're so deep in the closet you're finding Christmas presents. Now scoot before you get caught doing something you'll regret." She casually pointed at the hall cameras as she added, "I know for a fact Cadence has you on thin ice. So back off of the gems, and me."

Carlos only glared at her, then he turned, "Come on guys, let's go find some real girls to have fun with." And with that, he and his crew stormed off.

Chiffon sighed and turned to Azure. "You alright? I'm sorry you had to be in the middle of that."

"I think so." Azure said, "So that's Carlos Thunderbolt. You were right, He's terrible" He said as he shook a little, "People like him are why I was in the closet for so long. I never told anyone about Sapphire until my first day here. I was actually caught by Bulkhead, but he was so good about it. I'd hate to see what would have happened if that guy was my roommate."

Chiffon reaches up and hugs Azure tight. "Yeah, I get it. He's the reason I was so terrified to tell Regal I was trans." She sighs and pulls away. "And if he was your roommate, he'd probably try and get sexual favors out of you. That's what he did to me. I wasn't kidding about him being in the closet or what we did when "dating" he's just a rich jack ass that can't accept who he is." She smiled and guided Azure along, making sure not to take the same route as Carlos, "I know a great Pizza place nearby, help take your mind off that jerk."

"Well...I do like Pizza," Azure Azure said with a smile.


Weeks passed since that day, and the Jewelry Box felt more lively than ever before. Azure got to know more about Chiffon and really hit it off with her. Like Cold Front and Disty, Chiffon became another great friend, they shared their first times and gave each other different tips. When Valentine's Day came, the Crystal Prep Acadamy had their fair running very smoothly. Every ride and game that made a profit went to a Charity Cadence selected, which was in support of local hospitals and clinics. Of course, the Big attraction that generated the most money was indeed the Kissing Booth that the gems set up. Azure and several others were in Red and pink princess dresses as they alternated being the booth Princess.

"Sapphire, I think it's your turn this hour," Evil called out.

Azure was retouching his lipstick when Evil called him, he got up and straightened his skirt, "Thanks, Lapis." Azure stepped up, the moment he did, more people approached the line.

"Heh, looks like you're quite the Popular Princess," a Voice said. Azure turned and saw Chiffon, who was wearing a Black cocktail dress. Next to her was a tall-looking boy wearing a simple dress shirt and pants.

"Chiffon! You made it!" Azure cheered as he reached over and hugged her, he then turned to the boy, "and this must be Regal," he blushed, "You weren't kidding, he's a hunk."

The boy let out a laugh at that, "And you are more of a beauty than Chiffon said," He said, "So much so that I might get on the line myself," He turns to Chiffon, "If that's alright with you babe."

"Save me a Spot, Regal," Chiffon said, she gives him a kiss before he makes his way to the line, "Sorry I couldn't be here to help Run the booth and make you all over, but Regal was being extra romantic today."

"No worries," Azure said, "You deserve to have that kind of happiness."

"You really are sweet," Chiffon teased gently,

"That reminds me, I have a little something for you." Azure reaches under the booth and hands Chiffon a box.

"What's this?" She asked as she takes it.

"You have to open it first," Azure said with a smile.

She does then and there. In the box was a bracelet...much like the Gem's bracelets, only instead of gold...Chiffon's was silver with no gem, "Is this..."

"We all pitched it, but it was my idea...just in case you change your mind about joining us," Azure said with a smile.

" I'm gonna gave to pay double in this kiss just for this sweet gift," She said as she slipped it on. She turned and paused, "Oh great."

"What?" Azure asked, not liking the tone she suddenly took.

Chiffon turned and whispered "Don't look, but Carlos is in the line," She said. Azure only glanced over and didn't seem to see him at first. "He's in a hoody and shades, I know cause he wore that one time we went out."

Azure saw it now. The sunglasses were aviators, hiding his eyes very well, Azure made sure he didn't lock eyes as he turned to Chiffon, "Guess you were right about him being in the closet."

"I can get rid of him if you want," Chiffon offered.

Azure thinks for a moment, then she gave a naughty smile, "No, if he wants a kiss that badly...I say we let him have it."

Chiffon's eyes widened at that, then she gave a smile that matched Azure's naughtiness, "Ooh, you're bad, Sapphire," She giggled "Well, good luck, when you get to us...just know that Regal and I like to french kiss," She added with a wink as she went to join with regal.

"I'll keep that in mind," Azure said with a blush as the line grew. He could already tell that this was going to be a Valentine's day he'll never forget.

Petti Coat

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Summer was in another few months, and of the few celebrations that were coming, one was all month long: Pride Month. A time to celebrate Members who are Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, and all in between. There are plans for a big parade in the city and among those being part of it were members of Crystal Prep Acadamy's Jewelry Box.

It had been a year since Azure was enrolled at Crystal Prep and since then, He was really embracing his passions. He found himself more open about his gender identity than ever before, He has been part of the Jewelry Box and all of their activities on and off-campus. One of the Senior members of the club, Evil Frenzy, suggested that they should be part of this year's Pride Parade, but they didn't know what the theme should be. Azure remembered that Cold Front was talking about a dress he saw that had the colors of the Transgender flag, two Blue bars sandwiching two pink bars and one white bar, That's when the idea came to him, "We should wear dresses that have the Colors of the flags that represent us."

The others seemed to like that idea and it was unanimous. They pooled their resources together and got the money to order dresses to their desired details. Azure was recommended a dress shop by a former member, Bulkhead, who was the original Sapphire, and knew that they would take the commission. Azure offered to take the designs himself.

Azure was feeling feminine today so he decided to visit the Shop as Sapphire, pulling out his favorite pink dress, he made his way to the shop in the mall and ran into the worker who helped him before, Rarity.

"Sapphire?" Rarity asked as Azure entered the shop, "Well, I'll be, this is the first time I've seen you walk in my shop all, rather than Azure" She said, "Oh, that dress is Lovely Darling."

"Thanks, Rarity" Azure greeted with a curtsey and a feminine voice, "And yeah, I was feeling extra girly today" He giggled.

"I know the feeling. So Sapphire, what brings you here, another purchase?" Rarity asked.

"Several actually," Azure said as he goes into his cute messager bag he was carrying, "The Jewelry Box needs a commission. We're going to be in the Pride Parade this year."

"Pride Parade?" Rarity asked, "Oh why isn't that splendid," Rarity said smiling. Azure hands her the drawings, she looked over the designs, "Oh my this is rather unique, kinda gaudy though but it's for a grand celebration so that's expected," Rarity giggled.

"Think you might help us in time?" Azure asked

"Well, we may have our hands full what with Proms, but I think since most of the patterns are Stripes, we could use left-over from other dresses. I'll speak with my boss," Rarity takes the notes and leaves the stall she was behind, "Feel free to look around, we have new outfits that just came in."

Azure smiled and looked around the shop, this was one of his favorite places to be so he enjoyed looking at the new outfits. as he walks towards one of the displays, he accidentally bumps into something, it felt like another person. "Oh Sorry." He suddenly said, forgetting himself, as he looked at where he was hit. On the ground was a little boy, light Grey skin with wild Blond hair, he looked like he was still in middle school, and was thin with slightly baggy clothes.

"Sorry, it was my fault, I wasn't looking where I was going," The boy said. He looked up and saw Azure, he blushed a little, "Wow, that's a pretty dress."

"Oh thanks," Azure said with a light blush and smiled, "Are you hurt?"

"No, I'm ok," He said as he got back up, "Wait, did your voice change?"

Azure blushed harder, he did speak regularly when he bumped into the boy, "Uh...well...Kinda?"

The boy looked at him closely, he blush, and gasped "Wait...are you a boy?"

Azure blushed more, he didn't expect anything like this, "Well, yes, I...Kinda am, but I like being a girl sometimes too."

The boy looked surprised " does it feel?" He asked

"Well, it's kinda nice," He said, feeling a little less nervous, "I'm sure you probably think it's weird."

"Oh No, I wouldn't think that. My cousin says you should never judge on how a person looks...even if their outfit looks weird," He added with a light chuckle.

"Your cousin?" Azure asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Rarity, the lady you were talking to," The boy said, "My name is Petti Coat."

"That's a cute name, I'm Sapphire," Azure said, "When I'm a boy, I go by Azure."

"Those are nice names too," Petti Coat said.

"So, are you here visiting Rarity?" Azure asked

"Yeah, I'm spending the weekend with her and Sweetie Belle's family," Petti Coat said, "It's been fun. She had me come over because her parents are busy with something, I never knew she worked at a place like this."

"It IS pretty nice," Azure said with a smile, then he noticed the way Petti Coat looked at the outfits on display...specifically the dresses, "you seem to like them."

Petti Coat jumped a little at that, "I wouldn't say I liked them, I just think they're interesting. I mean Girls seem to always get to wear fancy things." He said, talking rather rushed.

"Petti Coat, it's ok," Azure said, "I've had similar feelings when I first started dressing."

This surprised Petti Coat and he turned to him, "Really?"

"Of course, and I'm sure the other boys I know thought the same." Then an idea came to Azure, "Would you like to try one on?"

Petti Coat's eyes widened at that, and his face blushed a deep shade "What? No, I couldn't I-"

"There's nothing to be afraid of," He said, then he asked, "is it your first time?"

Petti Coat didn't speak, but nodded, his face still with a blush.

"Well, we'll need a private place to do it in," Azure said.

At that moment, Rarity came back," Good news, Sapphire," She said, "We should have them made just in time for the parade." As she approached, Rarity noticed who Azure was with, "Oh I see you've met my little cousin, Petti Coat, isn't he a sweetie?"

"Rarity..." Petti Coat whined, he was feeling embarrassed enough as it is.

"Yes, we've been having a little chat, and still have that private dressing from last winter?" Azure asked.

Rarity knew what room he was talking about, it was open for those that wanted a little extra privacy when changing, Azure had used it a few times trying on new dresses, and sometimes he had other members of his club with him, "Yes, did you find anything nice?"

"Not yet...but..." Azure said.

Pettie Coat blushed harder and said, "No, don't!"

"Petti Coat?" Rarity asked, then her eyes widened, "You?" She then saw him on the verge of tears, "Oh no, no, don't cry" She said as she went and hugged him. "It's ok, don't be scared."

Petti Coat didn't know what to do, he just went into her embrace, "I'm sorry."

"Darling, there's nothing to be sorry about," Rarity said, "If anything, I should be sorry. I know you liked seeing my outfits when I make them but I never thought this, I should have known better."

Petti Coat dried his eyes, confused at that statement, "But you didn't do anything, Rarity," he said.

"I know, and I should have. I spent a good enough time with Bulkhead and Azure, I should have seen it."

"'re not mad?" Petti Coat asked.

"Mad? Darling, I could never be mad at you for wanting to express who you are." Rarity said, "Never be scared of that."

Petti Coat started to cry again, "I...I want to wear a dress...I want to dress like a girl," he said in a light whisper.

Rarity smiled, "Of course, Petti Coat. I'd be happy to help you out."

"Actually..." Petti Coat turned to Azure, "I want her to help me."

This surprised Azure "Me?"

"If that's ok with you," He said blushing.

Azure looked at him and blushed " can I say no to that face."


Rarity had to finish her shift so she entrusted the care of Petti Coat to Azure. The two were given their privacy in the Dressing room that was set up for them. Rarity placed several outfits that would fit Petti Coat in the room, along with some makeup and a selection of wigs. Petti Coat looked around, "Are you sure no one can see us?"

"I've asked Rarity that the first time I used this room," Azure chuckled, "We're safe from prying eyes."

" what now?" the boy asked

"First, I want you to pick a dress, we'll work off of that," Azure said.

"There's so many," Petti Coat said as he looked over the hanging dresses. then his eyes widened at one, it was a blue dress, it had a white Satsh that was tied in a bow at the back and white lace on the skirt and on the top part of the bodice. it was a two-part dress that came with a white blouse, the blouse had puffed sleeves, "This one," He said.

"Oh, that IS pretty. Makes me think of Alice in Wonderland." Azure said as he looked it over.

"that IS my favorite book," Petti Coat said blushed.

"Ok, let's get you undressed," Azure said.

Petti Coat blushed "I don't know..."

"You can't wear your dress over your boy clothes now can you?" Azure asked.

"Yeah you're right...but no peaking ok?" He asked

"I promise," Azure said as he turned."

Petti Coat began to undress. He started taking everything off, except his underwear. He was about to take the dress but stopped "Um...Sapphire?"

"Yes?" Azure asked not turning around.

"Is there any...Girl underwear I could try on?" He asked, blushing very hard.

"Rarity did get some just in case," He said as he pointed at the rack. There was a handing set of frilly white panties with lace on them, it was accompanied by a training bra.

Petti Coat took it and blushed, it felt so smooth to him. acting fast he took his underwear off and slipped the panties, he blushed at how it felt. Then he took the Bra, he looked at it and was confused "Um..."

"Do you need help?" Azure asked

"No!" Petti Coat said, "I...well...hold on." He said as he looked around. he saw that there was something sticking out of the skirt of the dress. He pulls at it, it looked like a Ballerina tutu, and it was the same length as the skirt. He took it and slipped it on like pants, it covered his area and he felt less exposed, "Ok, you can turn around."

Azure did so and saw him "Aww...what a cute Petticoat for Petti Coat," He said with a giggle.

"This is what a Petticoat is?" the boy asked, "Strange I was named after girls' clothes."

"Maybe it means something else to your family," Azure suggested, "I do love Petticoats, they just feel great and they make dresses look extra poofy," He giggled.

"Well...can you help me with this?" Petti Coat asked holding the Bra.

Azure smiled, "Sure, just turn around." He said

Petti Coat turned and Azure took the Bra and wrapped it around his chest, "Oh...that feels nice" He said blushing as he felt Azure hook the clasps, "why do girls wear these?"

"Let's answer that when you're a little older," Azure said blushing "Ok, how about we put on your Stockings?"

"Stockings? Isn't that for Christmas?" Petti Coat asked.

"Not these Stockings, they're for your feet," Azure giggled holding a pair of white stockings, they had lace on the top parts "Now, they are very different from Socks boys wear. You gotta roll them, like this" Azure rolls one up until it looked like a ring. "Sit please"

Petti Coat did so and Azure began rolling them up his foot, "let me know if you feel uncomfortable."

"I will. So far I'm feeling ok," He said as Azure continued until he was just past his Thigh, "Can I do the other one?"

"Of course," Azure said as he hands the second one to him.

Petti Coat took it, rolled it the same way Azure did, and reached over to pull it on his foot. He did it slowly like Azure and got them on, "Ooh, these feel so much nicer than the socks I usually-Whoa!" He started walking and he almost slipped as the smooth floor was practically frictionless to the stocking-covered feet.

"Yeah, that happened to me when I first wore them. Let's get your shoes on." Azure looks into the boxes that Rarity offered, he found a pair of Mary Janes, there was one that was black and one that was Blue to match the outfit, "Let's go with the blue ones."Petti Coat sits down again and Azure slips the shoes on his feet, they were both a perfect fit for him, "Ok, try walking."

Petti Coat gets up and takes a few steps, "Hey this isn't so bad," He said as he walked.

"Mary Janes have low heels, they're perfect for a girl your age," Azure giggled, "Ok, let's get the outfit on. I think we start with the blouse first" Azure pulls the blouse out of the dress and holds it before Petti Coat, "Arms up please."

Petti Coat raises his arms and Azure pulls the blouse down, He gets his head through the neck before getting his arms through the sleeves, "Oh, this feels nice, and I love the sleeves," He said feeling the part on his shoulder.

"It looks cute. Now for the dress part, " He holds the blue jumper part of the outfit up and Petti Coat holds his arms out again. Azure undoes the bow before he gently pulls it over Petti Coat, making sure the skirt rested on the Petti Coat properly. Then he tied the Satsh again, making the bow big and cute "Ok, how does it feel?"

Petti Coat turned to a mirror and blushed "It's...perfect" He said as he held the skirt up, doing a curtsey, then he started to spin, making the skirt rise as he twirled, but he went too fast and almost fell. Thankfully, Azure caught him, "Sorry."

"Don't be, it's fun to spin in a pretty dress" Azure said doing a twirl himself, "Ok...let's give you your makeover"

"Makeup? Are you sure? What if I forget to take it off?" Petti Coat asked.

"I'll make sure to clean you up after," Azure said as he sat the boy down, "Ok, close your eyes," He said, "I'm not as good as my my friend Morgana but I think I can pull off simple." Azure hums, Petti Coat already had a smooth face so he didn't do foundation. Instead, he went right for the blush, a light pink on his cheeks, "There we go" He said

Petti Coat giggled, "Hey that tickles."

"I know, it always tickles," azure giggled. Once the blush was one, he worked on his eyes, a light blue eyeshadow followed by a little mascara to curl his lashes, "Stay still now, don't wanna poke your eye out."

Petti Coat smiled as he said, "Yes Mommy," then he froze.

"Mommy?" Azure asked

"Oh sorry, I mean Miss Sapphire," He said blushing hard, "Sorry it's just...well, the way you're helping kinda feels like you're my mommy helping her little girl."

Azure blushed, "Heh, I guess it does kinda feel like that."

"Miss Sapphire...Is it ok to call you mommy?" He asked, his blush making the blush on his cheeks darker.

Azure thinks for a moment, Him a mother? it never occurred to him that he could ever be a parent, let alone being either a mom or a dad, but helping this little boy be a girl, it gave him a feeling he never felt before, it felt nice. "Well...Ok then, I'll be Mommy."

Petti Coat blushed but smiled, "Ok...what's next?"

"Mt favorite," Azure said as he took out some lipstick, a light pink shade, "Pucker up," He giggled.

Petti Coat did so, he looked like he was about to kiss someone, Azure smiled as he applied it, he started thinking of helping Petti Coat Ready for dates, would he want to date boys too? Or did he like girls, maybe like Him he liked both, Either way, he couldn't stop but think about it, maybe he did have what it took to be a parent, "Ok..." He said as he finished "Now you just need nice Hair, What color do you want?"

" think Blonde, like my hair, like yours." He said

Azure smiled, "Sounds good to me." He said. He went over to the different wigs and took out a long blonde wig with light curls and long locks. He first puts a wig cap on Petti Coat, flattening his hair before he slips the wig on, It looked natural on him. He gives it a few combs before pulling back " needs something..." He snapped his fingers and went over to the hair accessories, he found a big blue bow with white lace on it. He clips it to Petti Coat's Head. "Ok...take a look."

Petti Coat opened his eyes and turned to the mirror, he gasped "Is...Is that me?" He asked, it felt surreal seeing a new face in the mirror.

"It sure is, Petti Coat," Azure said.

" this is me as a girl..." He said, he smiled "I look so Pretty...I love it!" He said, then he rushed to Azure's side and hugged him, surprising the feminized high schooler, "Thank you...thank you so much, Mommy!"

Azure blushed hard, but smiled, he gently hugged back, "I'm glad I could help my sweet." He said

"Oh, I need a new name." Petti Coat said, "I mean Petti Coat does sound like a girl's name but...I don't want anyone to recognize me. Who could I be?"

"Well, it can come from anything. My big sister actually gave me my name, Sapphire. She said I was as pretty as one," He explained.

"Aww..." Petti Coat said, "That's it, maybe a Gem name like you. How about Diamond? No, there's a Diamond Tiara that Sweetie Belle talks about, she's not nice."

Azure thinks, he knew about the different Gem names since being part of the Jewelry box, "Oh, I know, Petalite."

"Petalite?" Petti Coat asked, "Is that a real gem?"

"Actually yes," Azure said. He went over to his bag and took his phone out, Evil sent every member different gems to every member in case they needed up getting new names. "Here it is." He shows the picture to Petti Coat.

"Oh wow, it looks pretty and it looks like a diamond yet it's not...Petalite...Petalite..."He repeated, "I...I like it.'s me...I'm Petalite!" He jumped with joy.

"Welcome to the world Petalite," Azure said as he watched him, it felt nice seeing the joy on his face...or rather her face. He smiled " wanna try on any other dresses?"


It was a good hour and a half when Rarity check in on the two of them, "Sapphire? Petti coat? May I come in?"

"Sure Rarity!" Petti Coat called out.

Rarity opened the door and gasped, Azure and Petti Coat were now dressed in big Princess Gowns, Azure's was pink while Petti-Coat's was blue, "Oh My Gosh! Petti Coat, you look so adorable!" She rushed to his side and gave him a big hug, "So, So Adorable!" She cooed.

Petti Coat blushed and smiled, "Thanks, Mommy and I have had so much fun playing dress-up."

"Mommy?" Rarity asked.

"Yeah, he asked if she could call me Mommy, and well...I didn't say no. I kinda feel like a mother and Petalite is my little girl."

"Petalite? Oh, that's an adorable name!" Rarity added, "Well, I came in to tell you that my shift is over, so we can go home now Petti-I mean Petalite"

"Go home?" Pett Coat asked, "Wow...I almost forgot. I guess I should change back into my boy clothes." He said, feeling down.

"Would you like to stay dressed up?" Rarity asked.

"What? No! I can't go out like this."

Rarity was about to retort but Azure stopped her. He then went down to level himself with Petti Coat, "Hey, it's ok. I was just as scared as you when I first started, I was so nervous going out as Sapphire, that I just stayed inside. I wasn't ready when I first did it...but I had encouragement from a good friend. I won't say you should do it now. But when the time comes and you DO want to...just give me a call." He said, "I'll be there to hold your hand all the way."

" promise?" Petti Coat asked.

"Cross my heart," He said, which earned a hug from the little boy turned girl.

"Well...I should change then." He turned to Rarity, "Can I keep the dresses?"

"Well..." Rarity began, the outfits were pricy, but the look in his eye made her heart melt, "I'll see what I can do." This made him smile, he turned and began undressing, the two gave him privacy.

"This will be a new life for Him, Sapphire, I'm not sure he's ready to handle it," Rarity said in a low tone.

"I'd be lying if I said it'll be easy, I was just lucky enough to find a group so supportive. As long as he's got someone, I think he'll do fine." Azure said

"I'll call if he ever needs you, he'll need his Mommy," Rarity giggled and winked.

Azure smiled "Ok, I'm ready." they turn and saw Petti Coat back in his shirt and pants.

"I think you're forgetting something," Azure said holding a wet cloth. Petti Coat gasped and took it, cleaning the makeup off his face. Rarity helped to get all of it off.

"Thank you for helping me, Mommy. I really loved being a girl and your daughter. Will, I ever see you again?" He asked.

Azure smiled, "I guarantee it," He said as he went down to hug him, "Until next time, Petalite."

Petti Coat hugged back and He turned to leave with Rarity, Azure smiled watching him go, he knew that he would be alright, he had a good feeling about it.


Summer had finally arrived and The Pride Parade was getting ready to go. The members of the Jewelry Box were walking around their float, which looked like an actual Jewelry Box, they were still in their everyday wear, "Where is Rarity?" Evil asked, "Azure, you said that she had the outfits ready, right?"

"That's what she said, I'm not sure what's taking her so long," Azure said.

"I'm sure she's on her way," Chiffon Swatch said, "Knowing here, she's making a grand entrance."

"Well, I wish she'd hurry," Evil said, "They're getting the floats ready and-" Suddenly a Car horn is heard. The members all turned and saw a sports car heading their way, and Rarity was in the Driver's seat, "Hello Boys and Girls," She greeted.

"Rarity! We were getting worried," Azure said, "What happened?"

"Sorry, everyone, I was tending to a family matter," She said. That's when Azure noticed someone in the passenger seat, he gasped and saw Petti Coat, Wearing the Blue Dress from their first meeting. "Everyone, I would like to introduce you to my Cousin, Petalite."

Petti Coat stepped out and blushed "Um...Hello there," He said in a Girl Voice, followed by a curtsey.

"Oh isn't she sweet!" Cold Front said with a smile, that's when he noticed something on the bodice of his dress, a button, but in the Stripes of a Pride Flag: it wasn't just the rainbow but the pink and Blue trans colors, white and grey, black and brown, it was very inclusive, "Wait...are you..."

Rarity giggled, "That's why, Before she was Petalite, He was Petti Coat"

"Wow!" Precious Kitten said looking at him, "I didn't think I'd meet someone my age who liked to dress up too."

"Well...I had Mommy to help," He said pointing at Azure.

"Wait...Mommy?" Chiffon Swatch asked.

Azure blushed "Yeah...He, or rather She and I had a blast playing dress-up, She's Sapphire's little Daughter," He said smiling.

"Well, I'm still figuring that out, but I like being called a Drag Princess," He said blushing.

"Drag Princess?" Evil asked, "Oh I like that term, it's very cute."

"Speaking of cute..." Rarity said, "Your dresses are here!" she opens a box and it was a plethora of colorful dresses, each made for each member.

Azure held his Pride dress and smiled the Bodice had the Pansexual colors of Magenta, Yellow, and Cyan while the Skirt had the Gender-Fluid colors of Blue, Pink white purple, and black, "It's perfect! Rarity, you are the best," He said hugging her, "would you and Petalite like to be on the Float?"

"Me? Well, I don't know, are you sure I wouldn't feel out of place?" Rarity asked

"Of course not, The Jewelry Box is Very accepting," Cold Front said

"We sure are," Disty said as he kissed Cold Front, "And I'm sure Petalite would love to be with his Mommy," He giggled

"Oh Rarity, can't we?" Petti Coat Asked, giving her Puppy Dog eyes

Rarity tried to fight it but she cried, "Oh I can't say no to that face!" She hugged Petti Coat. "Very well." Rarity smiles as she places a hand on her necklace and her bead. There was a glow and a flash of light. When it faded, they saw that Rarity was in a new dress, one with Black and white stripes and a Rainbow Arrow on the skirt and Bodice, the flag symbol that meant Ally, "Let's party!"

"Wow Rarity, how did you do that?" Petti Coat Asked.

"Trade secret," Rarity said, winking, Chiffon chuckled a little at that.


The Pride Parade was in full swing, the crowds were wearing rainbows and all sorts of Pride symbols, there was love and happiness all around. In their float, the Jewelry Box smiled and waved to the crowds, they got lots of cheers and applause as they passed their way, showing off their lovely dresses. Azure smiled as he stood with Petti Coat, "I'm surprised you wanted to do this, I figured you'd be too scared."

"Well to be honest...I still kinda am. But I'm with you...and you said you'd be with me to hold my hand," He said as he reached for it, holding his hand, "And Now I'm with others like me...I feel...less scared...I feel..."

"Accepted?" Azure asked

"Yeah...I do." Petti Coat said.

"Well...I'm glad I could be there for you," He said as he held Petti Coat's hand like a mother and waved to the crowd, This was the start of something new, and Azure was happy to be part of this new frontier.

The Demon's Sapphire

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Summer came and before anyone knew it, It was September, time to go back to school. At the Crystal Prep Academy, It was announced that after much debate, after all of the rumored craziness that happened last time, and despite the fact that it was only two years since the last one, the Friendship Games were going to return. This year, Crystal Prep was hosting, which meant Canterlot High would be coming to them.

Azure was a bit excited at this, He heard about the Friendship games from the others, they were a sporting event where the different school teams competed to win, it's meant to encourage comradery and to build bonds with others. Of course he was told of the problems last time they had the games, and that made him nervous, but Chiffon Swatch, who had a boyfriend at Canterlot High, ensured her that the chances of something like that happening again was slim at best. Still, it felt like a good time. Many members of the Jewelry Box would be competing in the games, but before that, all the guys (and those identifying as girls) were joining the other school clubs for an opening ceremony to make Canterlot High feel welcome.


The Students of Canterlot High had arrived at Crystal Prep, they were in awe at the huge campus. Among the student body were Former Crystal Prep student Twilight Sparkle and her friends: Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rarity, Rainbow Dash, Applejack and Sunset Shimmer. "So Twilight, how does it feel coming back to your old school?" Sunset asked

"Kinda surreal if I'm honest" Twilight said as she adjusted her glasses, "It sometimes feels like just yesterday I was here."

"Ah, Twilight, welcome back." A young woman approached who had pink skin tone and tri-colored hair of Pink, purple and blonde.

"Dean Cadence!" Twilight called out in enthusiasm, she rushed up and hugged her.

"It's Principal Cadence now," She chuckled as she hugged back, "Oh, it's so good to see you again, Twilight. Crystal Prep isn't the same without you."

"It's great to see you too," Twilight said, "How's the Promotion treating you?"

"Oh, it has it's ups and downs, but I can positively say things are going on the right track," Cadence said.

As they were talking, we focus on another student. She had a light peach skin tone with Black hair held up in a messy ponytail with an angel charm clip, her brown eyes were behind glasses and she was wearing a red top under a Black hoodie and black skirt with red shoes that had low-cut heels. She looks around as she steps out of the Bus, "So this is Crystal prep." She spots a few Crystal Prep girl student and smiles "Gotta say, the uniforms are cute," she said with a blush.

"Yeah, you would say that," Another voice said, The girl turned and saw Sunset smiling at her.

"Hey Sunset," The girl said smiling, hugging her.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here, Zaria. I figured you'd be too busy with...other things." Sunset said with a knowing look.

"Yeah I know, It's not easy always being on the move," Zaria said, "But these Friendship games sounded fun, so I figured why not check them out?"

"Can I get everyone's attention please." Principal Celestia called out through a Megaphone, "The Crystal Prep Academy has prepared a welcome show for us all, if you'll follow the guides, we can begin."

Several Crystal Prep students were leading the bulk of the Canterlot High students into outdoor football field. As they walked, Zaria joined up with Sunset and the others and did a short introduction between one another.

"Hard to believe this huge place is a high school." Zaria said.

"Yeah, I remember getting lost my first year here," Twilight said, "I wonder if anything changed."


The 8 of them were lead into the Field's bleachers and sat. They noticed a stage was set up in the center. After a few minutes, Cadence approaches with a microphone "Attention Students of Canterlot High. On behalf of the faculty and student body, I welcome you all to Crystal Prep Academy." The students applauded at that, "Thank you, you're so kind. Now, as many of you might know, Whenever Crystal Prep hosts the Friendship Games, we start off with a show, welcoming our friendly rivals, and this year is no different."

"I remember Big Mac tellin' me about this when he was in school." Applejack said between them, "Last time, they had the marching band perform and do all kinds of positions."

"Oh, how spectacular." Rarity commented.

"This year, our show's opening act is by a school club that only recently started to gain traction and popularity." Cadence stated as the stage started to gain activity with a curtain closing.

"A school club is performing? I wonder which one." Twilight said in a curious tone.

"If it's the chess club, I think I'm gonna nap through this," Rainbow Dash stayed with an added Yawn.

"Rainbow, please," Applejack groaned as she shook her.

"Many of you may not know this, but I've always been a firm believer of the power Love and understanding when it comes to being who you are, and this group is the embodiment of those feelings," Cadence continued.

Twilight tried to remember the clubs that she was aware of, none were coming to mind.

"This club is a group of young students who feel Pride in what they do," Cadence continued, emphasizing the word 'Pride', "Spreading love and happiness and being true to who they are no matter the cost, because to be anything else would be a lie. And when they show who they are, they Sparkle like Gems"

"Doesn't sound like a group I know," Twilight said.

Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Sunset suddenly gasped before turning to one another, "You don't think..." They said together in realization.

"Who?" Zaria asked, now getting into the Drama.

"And so...Crystal Prep Academy is proud to present, for the first time, and hopefully not the last: The Crystal Prep Academy Jewelry Box!" Cadance announce as she left the stage.

"The who now?" Dash asked

"I can't believe they're about to perform!" Rarity gushed "They've grown so quickly!"

"I know! I didn't think they'd be part of something this big." Sunset added.

"Is there something you're not tellin' us?" Applejack asked

"Yeah, who's this Jewelry Box group and how do you know them?" Fluttershy added

"I've made friends with one of them members, they've brought from my store several times," Rarity explained.

"I'm friends with one of them too," Sunset added, "They're a group of boys that like dressing as girls"

Before the others could question that, Music began playing. They saw on the Stage several boys snapping their figures to the beat, all were in what looked like the Crystal prep Uniforms, only bigger. Rarity recognized it as the opening to the Moulin Rouge. The boys were lip-scincing to it.

Hey sister, go sister, soul sister, flow sister Hey sister, go sister, soul sister, flow sister

As they did this, one boy with stone-blue skin stood in the center, Rarity identified him as Azure, he blushed as he did lip-synced the next words.

He met marmalade down in old Moulin Rouge

Struttin' her stuff on the street

As he did this, he slipped on his blond wig, which had a frilly headpiece, some of the others slipped on wigs of various styles and colors.

She said "hello, hey Joe, you wanna give it a go?"

Suddenly, he pulls at the uniform, revealing they were tear-away clothing, and underneath it was actually their real costumes: Multi-colored Cancan dresses: Black with different colors as the trim, they wore fishnet stockings and high heels were hidden under the boy clothes. Needless to say, everyone on staged were surprised.

Itchi gitchi ya ya da da

Itchi gitchi ya ya here

They danced and lip-synced to the song, flaring their skirts to expose the frilly underwear they had that completed the look.

Mocha-choca-lata ya ya

Creole lady marmalade

Most of the Student Body cheered, whistled and laughed in good nature at this display. Zaria's eyes were wide as she focused on Azure as his costume was black and red, She'd never seen anyone like him. The members all took turns lip-syncing the different lines. Two Members took center stage first, one had orange Skin with Blue hair, another had gray hair with a wig that Sunset said looked like Sonata's hair. Rarity revealed them to be Cold Front and Disty Dusk respectfully, their Gem Names were Amber and Moonstone. The two danced and lip-synched in perfect harmony in their matching black and purple dresses, Rarity pointed out they were a couple.

He sat in her boudoir while she freshened up That boy drank all that magnolia wine

Next was a member with Gray skin and violet, her costume was black with blue. Sunset identified her as Chiffon Swatch, AKA Silver, and she was transgender

On her black satin sheets where he started to freak

Itchi gitchi ya ya da da

Itchi gitchi ya ya here

There were whistles at cat calls as they performed, One boy cheered the loudest for Chiffon, who had red hair and light yellow skin, Sunset identified him as Regal Pose, Chiffon's boyfriend. However, Zaria felt something off. He turned to the crowd and saw some didn't look as happy as the others, in fact, they seem to glare at them. Zaria always had a sixth sense when it came to stuff like this, and she just hoped that.

Mocha-choca-lata ya ya

Creole lady marmalade

The Flashiest looking girl stepped forward, with Skin of Midnight blue and black hair, his dress had Black and green trim, Rarity identified him as EVIL Frenzy. He spoke in his normal boy tone "Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! I am the beautiful gem, Lapis Lazuli, current leader of the Jewelry Box" He introduced, "Welcome Students of Canterlot High, to the Friendship games!" Everyone applauded at this, "Now some of you are probably wondering...why would we start our show in such a way?" He asked, then smiled as he lip-synced as the tempo got faster.

Because we can-can can

The rest followed

(Because we can-can can)

Because we can-can can

(Because we can-can can)





Because we can-can can (Because we can-can can)

Because we can-can can (Because we can-can can)

Can-can can can can can can can Everybody can can!

They all performed a Classic cancan routine as the music kept playing, everyone on stage was having a good time and the crowd was loving it, especially Zaria.


After the opening show, both students began to mingle as the pre-game dance was that night. Zaria, Sunset and the rest of their group changed into their dance dresses for the night, which were the same dresses from the Fall Formal a few years back, Rarity managed to get a copy of the dress she gave to Twilight's...counterpart. Zaria was in a black dress of a thin and smooth fabric, the bodice was strapless and the skirt was to her knees, having an extra dark red tulle skirt adorning the hip, with a belt to tie it all together, along with matching Red and black high heels. "I gotta say, Crystal prep knows how to rev up a crowd," Rainbow Dash said, "It takes some serious guts for a couple of guys to parade dressed like that."

"Now Rainbow, don't be rude," Applejack said, "It wasn't like they were dared into it, if what Rarity told us, Some of those guys feel more comfortable as girls."

"That's Right Dash," Rarity added, "It's important to be your true self, and those gems were indeed their true selves."

"You said it, Rarity," a new voice said. Zaria turned and saw the girl from the show, Chiffon Swatch. She had changed from her cancan costume to a more elegant black evening gown, it was long in the back and short in the front, with a stitch pattern on the bodice and paired with a spider web-like Shall. She had her arm wrapped around her date, Regal Pose.

"Chiffon Darling!" Rarity greeted with a hug, "How wondering to see you, and might I add, pulling that look off with ease."

"You would know, Rarity, you suggested it for me," Chiffon chuckled, " did you like the show?"

"Oh wow, Chiffy, you were just, AMAZING!" Pinkie Pie cried out, "I mean, I didn't think you'd do such a number."

"Thanks. Yeah, I wasn't planning on Joining but...they looked like they were having fun, Plus Sapphire insisted." Chiffon said.

"Sapphire?" Zaria asked

"The one wearing black and red," Chiffon said, "He should be around here, he changed with the rest of us."

"I'm sure Sapphire is having a grand time, She's gotten more open since last I saw her." Rarity added.

"I see. Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna get some punch." Zaria said as she separated from the group, Sunset chuckled.

"What is it?" Chiffon asked.

"I think Zaria developed a crush on one of the gems." Sunset said, "And I think that Gem is Sapphire. Zaria couldn't take her eyes off him."

"Aww..." Fluttershy began with a giggle, "How cute."

As the girls talked among themselves. Zaria heads to the snack table and sees the punch bowl. As she reaches for the handle, another hand bumps hers, "Oh sorry" Zaria began and saw that the person she bumped into was Sapphire. The crossdresser was still in his blonde wig, only now it was decorated with two black hair-bows on each side. He was dressed in a black dress with Pink butterflies and cherry blossoms on the skirt along with black heels.

"Oh it was my fault," He spoke in a feminine voice, "after you."

"Thanks," Zaria said as she poured her a cup...and made one for him too.

"Wow, thanks," He said taking it.

"No problem," She said, "I really like your dress."

"Oh, thank you," He said as he did a little twirl, making the skirt rise a bit, "I saw it at the shop in the mall and just loved it."

"It suits you," Zaria said, "Sexy, yet innocent. I'm Zaria." She introduced, "And you're...Sapphire, right?"

"Yeah," He said, then did a small curtsey, "A pleasure to meet you."

Zaria blushed, 'could this guy be any cuter?' she thought before saying, " were...pretty great today in that show."

Sapphire blushed, "Thanks. To be honest that's the first time I performed like that. last time I was in this Parade and I just waved."

"A parade? Which one?" Zaria asked

"The Pride Parade," He said blushing, "I'm...not really a girl."

"Oh, I know, a friend of mine told me, you and your group are guys that like to dress up," Zaria summarized.

"More or less," he said, using his boy voice, "When I'm a guy, My name is Azure."

"That's a nice name too," Zaria said blushing, "Listen...I was wondering-"

"Hey, Sapphire!" Some one called, it was EVIL Frenzy, he had changed into a Lime green cocktail dress, "we're doing a group photo, we need you in it."

"I'm coming," Sapphire said, "Sorry, duty calls," He sad with a chuckle.

"You go ahead, I'll talk to you later," Zaria said. The feminized boy turned and joined his fellow gems, Zaria couldn't help but admire how he looked from behind and blushed.


After getting a drink, Zaria waited for Azure to return, however, about an hour passed and he didn't show. At first she thought maybe he's busy with something with his friends, but a strange feeling was growing and she felt something was off. She went around the dance floor. As she did she ran into one of the other gems, the one called Cold Front/Amber, she was in a Lolita-style purple dress. "Excuse me, have you seen a girl with stone blue skin, Blonde hair and in a black dress with pink butterflies and cherry blossoms on it?"

"I'm looking for her too," Zaria said, "Azure/Sapphire right?"

"Yeah" Cold Front said, "It's not like Azure to just go missing" Amber said, That's when Sunset Shimmer arrived, "Sunset, any luck?"

"Yeah, I was asking around," Sunset said "They said they spotted her heading outside, she was with two boys. And from what they say, it kinda looked like they were leading her...against her will."

Zaria's eyes widened, that bad feeling she was getting, it had to be connected. Without another word, she ran as fast as her heels could allow her and made it outside. Aside from the lamps outside, it was dark. She closed her eyes "Come on...Where are you...?"

She took in a breath and her eyes and ears flickered with a magical glow. She focused on the bad feeling she was getting, and that's when she heard it.

"No, please, put my skirt down" a voice said meekly, it sounded like Azure's.

"Never kissed a Sissy before, let's see how you taste." another voice said, there was a muffled cry and moan, "Oh look, the Queer likes it" Another voice said in a mocking tone.

Zaria's eyes open and she ran, she followed the voice and the feeling, it lead her to the football field and what looked like the Lockers. As she got closer she felt the bad sensations from earlier, it filled her with a rage that usually lead with someone's end, but she tried to quell it, she didn't want to unleash...that, unless she had to. She soon came across the scene, Two boys were dressed in suits and a third seemed to be recording it on his phone. Zaria didn't recognize the one recording but she did know that the ones assaulting were from Canterlot High. Azure's wig was taken off, showing his short pink hair, one boy was forcing his lips on the feminized boy while the other was groping under his skirt and petticoats, "Let's see how this Sissy blows." The kisser sneered as he forced Azure on his knees, "No, don't do this!" He let out as the boy was dropping his pants, the other did the same and was pulling at his panties.

Zaria's eyes turned red as she stepped forward. "Hey, you lowlifes. Let him go." She said with a tone of authority.

They turned to her and saw her, they didn't look impressed. "Well well," The kissing guy said, "What do we have here? You think you can come between us and showing this queer his place?"

"Why don't you let him go and you can have me instead," Zaria said as she adjusted her bodice so her chest was more in view.

"Hmm...a real woman would be more prefered than this fairy," The first guy said with a lustful smile.

"I don't know" The second one said, "I've always wanted to screw a little femboy" he said groping Azure's ass, making him gasp, "Teach the little sissy a lesson in not tricking boys."

"I told you from the beginning who I am," Azure let out, "Carlos is the one that-" "Quiet Sissy" The first one said as he smack him.

Zaria's eyes twitched at that and she glared, "Alright, that offer is officially gone. Now I'm warning you: let him go, or I'll have to do something I'll regret."

The three laughed at this "Ooh, look a miss Big shot." The one recording finally said, "How about you turn around and walk away or we take you, and you can share the fate of the femboy over here," he threatened as the first boy approached Zaria.

Zaria sighed as she muttered, "You try to be reasonable." She started glowing and growing a few inches, the boys watched in awe as suddenly, she sprouted Bat-like wings behind her back. from under her skirt a scaly tail forms and slithers behind, horns grew from atop her head as her skin changed from the Pale Peach to an Icy Blue, the Irises changed to a more demonic-look and her teeth formed fangs.

Needless to say, the guys looked on in shock, Azure was just as surprised as well as the girl took on a more...demonic form. "Oh crap...Not this again!" the first boy said before Zaria shot her hand out and He was pulled into her by a magical force, her talon-like hands wrapping around his neck.

"Crap, He didn't tell me about this," The recorder said. Zaria glared at him and used what power she had to take his phone. She crushed it in her hand as she glared. Not wanting to take any chances, he turn and ran away.

"Hey, get back-" The second assaulter called out before Zaria grabbed him too. pulling him off of Azure as he collapsed on the floor.

Zaria Glared at the two boys she held by their throats, "Your souls are stained by darkness...but they don't have to stay that way. So I'm giving you a final warning, Leave, and never bother this one again," She ordered "Or Next time..." She opens her mouth to bear her teeth.

"Ok, ok, we promise! Don't hurt us!" The first boy said.

"Yeah we were just being stupid, please we'll be good..." The second one added.

Zaria glared at both of them before letting them go, "Beat it!" She shouts. The boys turn and run like there was no tomorrow. Zaria looked over to Azure and saw that he looked shocked. She realized she was still in her form before she glowed and returned to her previous form. She gently walked over to him. "Are...are you ok?" She asked. Azure looked at her, he opened his mouth but no sound came out. Then...after a moment, he got to his feet, his panties were between his legs, Zaria saw this, "They didn't..."

"N-no" Azure said finally, "They...didn't get far." He shook for a moment, "You...saved me..." He added with a blush.

"...I suppose you have some questions," Zaria said, "but just so you'd know...I won't hurt you."

"I think I got that," Azure said with a light laugh.

"Do panties," Zaria noted.

"Oh," Azure gasped softly before he turned and pulled at the panties, flipping his skirt as he did so and making Zaria blush, Azure noticed this, "Did you like that?" He asked in surprise.

"I...kind of have a thing of seeing cute girls in skirts...or in your case, a cute boy," Zaria added with a giggle.

This made Azure giggle too and the tension broke finally. "Wow...Didn't think I'd ever make a...Demon girl, blush?" He half said, half asked.

"Actually...I'm a Succubus," Zaria clarified.

"Succubus? Like the kind that seduce men and eat their souls?" Azure asked.

"Yes and no," Zaria said, "I'm kind of a special case." She walks to the bench and sits down, Azure follow and sits as well. "I do...occasionally...feast on souls, but I have standards. I never attack a good soul, only evil souls: souls that cannot be redeemed. Those three boys that assaulted you had dark souls, but that darkness didn't control them, they were still redeemable."

"I hope so," Azure said, "I mean, they seemed nice when I met them, but then one of them mentioned Carlos, and...I realized it was gonna go a bad turn," he sighed.

"Is this Carlos an ex?" Zaria asked.

"Not my ex, but let's just say he secretly has a thing for girls with an extra package." Azure said, "I wouldn't be surprised if he paid off those guys just to have a video of me on my knees. A shame...he's one hell of a kisser." He added with a blush.

" have a thing for the bad boys?" Zaria asked

Azure blushed harder, "Not quite, I mean, the though is a little...exhilarating, but I like people that are kind and sweet most of the time."

"I can see you have a good heart and soul," Zaria said, "You can be pretty wild, but in the end, you're a sweetheart," She added with a blush.

Azure looked at her and he blushed too. He noticed her hand was resting on the bench, "Well, for a're a sweetheart too," He then rested his hand on hers.

This made her blush more and they looked at one another, looking at each other's eyes as their faces inched closer, both being lead by their hearts rather their heads. They soon closed the gap between them and shared a kiss, it was soft, it was sweet, and there was passion that slowly grew the more their lips locked. Azure and Zaria let out a soft moan as their arms wrap around one another. Suddenly there was a voice calling out "Sapphire!" The two pulled away at that. The voice shouted again, Azure recognized it, "That's Chiffon."

"Your gems and Sunset's friends were looking for you," Zaria answered, "Let's let them know you're ok."

"Good idea," Azure chuckled. The two got up and were making their way out when Azure realized, "My wig!" He turned and saw it lying on the floor. He picked it up and shook it, there was dirt, it was wet and and strains were pulled out of place "Great, it'll take me days to get this back to it's former beauty."

"You know, your regular hair looks cute," Zaria said rubbing his head playfully, "Maybe you should grow this out."

"That's temping but I've grown use to the wig," Azure said as he held it, "Sapphire is more suited as a Blonde."

"Well, I'd hate to see your night cut short because of it." Zaria, "Would you...consider going wig-less just for tonight...for me?" She asked, batting her lashed.

Azure smiled, "Well...I do owe you for saving me...I suppose I can...try it out," he added.

The two walked out of the lockers, just as they were approached by Chiffon, Cold Front and Disty Dusk, Sunset Shimmer and her friends. "Sapphire!" Chiffon called out as She and the other gems rushed him in a hug.

"Ok, ok" Azure chuckled, "I'm ok Girls, really." He said smiling as they smothered him in a caring hug.

"What happened, Sapphire?" Cold Front asked, "Sunset said you were taken?"

"Yeah, I kinda got jumped," Azure said blushing, "Thankfully, Zaria here became my hero." This made Zaria blush and smile.

"Wow, look at you, being Sapphire's knight in Shining Armor." Sunset said with a smile. Then she said, "You didn't have know."

"Actually I did," Zaria said, "But Sapphire is surprisingly cool with it."

"Cool with what?" Disty asked.

"We can talk about that tomorrow, but tonight, I wanna forget about that mess, and return to the party," Azure said.

"But your wig is missing," Cold Front realized.

"I'm trying it without the wig," He said, "What do you think?" He added with a girlish flourish of his hand to his hair.

"I always said your pink hair looks cuter," Chiffon said.

"I know, I guess...I just needed a second opinion," He said while looking at Zaria, he offered his hand to her, "Shall we?"

"We shall," Zaria giggled, taking his hand as they walked back to the dance.


The rest of friendship games went off without any major hitches. When Azure told them the events that lead him into the locker room, Chiffon looked ready to kill Carlos Thunderbolt for his role in setting him up, Azure was tempted to let her loose, but Zaria made him see that retaliating wasn't the answer. Zaria ran into Carlos during the games and saw that while his soul was tarnished, there was signs of goodness in him still, Believing in her, Azure let Carlos off the hook...for the time being.

Some of the gems participated in the games while some like Azure stood by the sidelines and cheered them on. In the end, Canterlot High won the most events and were the crown champions, and although Azure was hoping his school would win, He was happy to participate regardless.

When the last day came, Azure joined Chiffon to say goodbye to Zaria, Sunset and her friends. Both were in their Crystal Prep Academy uniforms, though Azure was in the Girl's version as he was feeling like Sapphire that day, his wig back to his beauty after treating it.

"Chiffon, Azure-I mean, Sapphire" Sunset giggled, "what are you two doing here?"

"We wanted to come and say goodbye in person," Chiffon said, "It's been such a blast having you here. But next year, we'll be taking the crown," She added in a playful manner.

"I look forward to kicking your can again, Chiffy," Sunset teased in a playful manner as she held her hand out, Chiffon took it and they shook.

"And Sapphire, Darling, it's been a pleasure meeting the other Gems again. You must come by my shop some time, I have Petti-Coat visiting and I know he misses his 'mommy'" Rarity giggled.

Azure giggled too, "I look forward to that visit." He then looked around, "Hey, has anyone seen Zaria?"

"Actually, now that you mention it..." Twilight began, "We haven't, not since last night."

"Did someone call for me?" Azure and the others turned and gasped as they saw Zaria, but she wasn't wearing her usual outfit of a hoodie, red top and skirt. Instead, Chiffon was wearing a Crystal Prep uniform like Azure and Chiffon.

"Zaria?" Sunset gasped, "What's going on?"

"What does it look like?" Zaria asked, "I'm transferring to Crystal Prep."

"You're switching teams?!" Dash asked in an exaggerated tone, "That's not cool, Zaria."

"Rainbow, please," Applejack sighed, "She has the right to switch schools if she wants to. Goodness knows Twilight sure did."

"Yes, and I was happier when I came to Canterlot high. I'm guessing that you feel the same way here?" Twilight asked

Zaria gave a smirk, "What can I say, I love the campus..." She then playfully flipped Azure's skirt from behind, making him gasp and hold the front while the back bellowed, making Zaria giggle, "...and the uniforms."

"Oh my," Fluttershy gasped as she covered her eyes.

"Oh I get it..." Chiffon said with a smile, "Couldn't bare to be away from Sapphire huh. Well, Sapphire was thinking the same"

This made Zaria blush, "Is that true?"

Azure blushed hard, "Well, I was...I mean, I wanted to...stay connected, and I didn't know where you lived or th-that'd I'd see you again, so-" He was silenced when Zaria kissed his lip, Azure froze, but then sighed as he kissed back, he even popped a leg in the air like in the movies.

All the girls cooed and went, "Aww..." save for Rainbow Dash who gagged and muttered "Mushy stuff." Earning a bit of a smack from Applejack.

The kiss ended and Azure just leaned over Zaria, their foreheads touching as he looks into her eyes, "Wow...never felt like that when I kissed Carlos...or Arc...or Chiffon...or-"

"Exactly How many people have you kiss, my dear?" Zaria asked in a tone that sounded a bit dangerous and jealous.

This made Azure nervous, "Well, I mean, there's a few and-" He stopped when Zaria laughed.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help it, you're so cute when you're flustered," Zaria said, "I don't mind if you kissed anyone else."

"For real?" Azure asked.

"Yeah, I mean I've had my share of kisses. Besides..." She then whispered so that only Azure could hear, "I'm all for sharing you and making this open," This made Azure blush darker and he lost feeling in his legs. Zaria caught him and held him as he nearly fainted like Rarity sometimes did.

"Whoa, what did you say to him?" Chiffon asked

Zaria just smirked, things were going to get very interesting for both Zaria AND Azure in the future, and all anyone else could do was just watch.