• Member Since 8th Mar, 2016
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Dashite forever!

Comments ( 24 )

loved Dead Money, i'll come to read this soon

Dead Money, a fun dark DLC that was somewhat explored in by the original Fallout Equestria (Canterlot was the Sierra Madre in the novel, with the Canterlot ghouls being Ghost People), but it felt a bit underwhelming, yet as long as you got the lovable holograms and their deadly face lasers I am good. Yet, I will wonder if you will end it like the 'secret' ending for Dead Money.

9803486 I know Canterlot is Dead Money of course. I just felt a straight adaptation could be interesting in order to get me in the groove of writing again.

Man I always hated place in the dlc but it was still fun to play through

Yay. A dead money story.

I wonder if this one will tie in to their version of OWB

I know that but I am saying it out loud for anyone who doesn't and originally I was doing to make a rant about it and that a more direct adaptation would have been a better idea like what you are doing.

9803524 Fair enough, though I do want to say that I'm not trying to outdo the original fic. This is just my take on an adaptation and should be considered as such.

Oh hey, Sierra Madre! Neat.

Interesting start. Look forward to more!

Well this is off to a very great start, I look forward to more!

Ruin, i have the perfect thing to go with your story >:)

Jesus fucking Christ, this is horrifying. Not that I actually mind, Ruin, this is a good kind of horrifying. Where have you been keeping this kind of stuff? A fine return to form, at any rate.

9805148 Oh, you have no idea. Dead Money is one of the creepiest things to ever come out of Fallout, and I've just scratched the surface. I will be doing everything I can to capture the feel of the Sierra Madre in text form.

Wait, so you mean this is only the tip of the iceberg? Well, bring it on I say.

Not a bad start. Sadly Quasar didnt have the same tone as Father Elijah for me.

Inside the suitcase was a revolver, food, water, healing potions, and several boxes of ammunition. I put it in my bags and looked around it to make sure I didn’t miss anything. I found an odd note and opened it up out of curiosity.

“To whoever finds this,

I can only believe that you got dragged into this Hell by the same forces that brought me here. I set these caches up around the Chateau to help me if I ever needed them. I guess you found it first. Take what you need, I can always get more, but replace it if you can.

Do not trust Father Quasar. He knows very little about this place. I know the secrets of the Royale and what is waiting for us at the bottom. Don’t believe a false prophet who promises gold. Not all that glitters is gold and not all that is gold glitters.

Getting out of this Hell is our priority now. I hope to see you around whoever you are.


I put away the supplies, I had none of my own anymore so I needed them. I started back towards the police station and found it after a moment. I opened the door quietly and went inside.

Okay, that's very interesting information. Disturbing information, but interesting. So Quasar has lured others here before with promises, perhaps not that surprising really. This entire place reminds me of the Lotus Hotel and Casino from the Percy Jackson books, looks peaceful and paradise on the outside, but on the inside?

(Also, is it just me or did that one Crazy Alicorn remind me of Auntie from the Doctor's Wife?)

“Perhaps you’ll find a new purpose,” I suggested. “If there are still Alicorns out there, they have found their own new purposes. What makes you any different?”

“We grew up under the goddess, it is all we know.” Silver said, sighing a bit “We don’t know what to do with ourselves without her guiding light.”

“I wish I could tell you what to do,” I said as I looked at the door leading into the medical district for a long moment. “I’m a Viatorem, a Traveler. But I’m also a storyteller. The one thing I’ve learned from both these roles is that Ponies and Zebras, we’re both driven by something similar. A desire to survive and make something of ourselves and the world around us. You can terminate your life, or you can live on and become something more. Find your purpose in this world, and challenge yourself to survive. Your life is your own, you no longer have to have it dictated by either the Goddess or Father Quasar, do something more with it.”

“The goddess never dictated anything.” Silver said, her voice growing softer. “She only asked us to listen and share her vision, those who did not agree were not forced in, those who agreed and believed in her guiding light were bestowed with her gift, everlasting life, free from weakness and sickness, perfectly suited for the wasteland. And then to talk to others, have them hear her vision, and if they agree, to bestow her gift on them as well.”

“Well, I can’t tell you what to do with your life,” I replied as I adjusted my weapon for a moment. “But first, we have to get through this nightmare. So, are you ready to see what’s waiting for us in there?”

Calling it right now, as soon as Silver finds a new purpose or decides on one, she gets killed.

So, an Enclave soldier, a Unity-Aligned Alicorn and a Zebra. (There's a joke somewhere there I'm sure.) What a team...

Well, he's not exactly meant to be Elijah, is he? He's meant to be his own pony in some aspects.

9806962 Well, the companions are all meant to be in some way counterparts to the companions from the Dead Money DLC. Silver, an Alicorn suffering from multiple personalities is a counterpart to Dog and God, a Super Mutant with multiple personalities. Solstice, an Enclave Soldier who was sent in after Quasar is more or less a counterpart to Christine, a Brotherhood of Steel assassin sent to take out Father Elijah.

There is one more companion to come, a counterpart to Dean Domino. The suitcase cache she found was actually a reference to him, as you can find caches he left around the Sierra Madre.

And yeah, she's not alone in here obviously. Quasar wants in that casino and he's willing to do everything he can to get into it.

Love the character interactions. Here's to seeing the final player. Hope we get more story bits about this place.

9808132 Oh trust me, we have lots of things planned. The last companion is gonna be something else.

Very interesting start. Ok, I'll admit it. i am hooked already.

Love the character development and interaction. I will admit I am not familiar with your root source, perhaps for me it will allow me to be more surprised. I cannot wait for the next part of this ride.

9812715 Eh, it doesn't really require a large knowledge of the Dead Money DLC (though that wouldn't hurt), but I'm glad you're liking it.

“Our last patzee?” Solstice said, sheathing her knife and adjusting her rifle.

“What is with you and name calling?” Silver said with a frown.

“What is with you and speaking in plural.” Solstice shot back

“I swear it’s like I’m babysitting foals,” I groaned. “It’s like dealing with tribal leaders only you two are more mature and do less name calling.”

Their relationship in a shellnut.

"Take that you bitches!” Solstice shouted as she stood up and put her rifle down. “You get one free shot, ONE, you better not miss next time!”

Also, you have a character cursing! For shame!

"Agreed,” I said as I looked at the gates again. “You know, I once heard a story about a hero who was faced with that supposedly unanswerable question by a Sphinx.”

“What was his answer?”

“They surrender.”

The classic answer to the unstoppable force. Also... Clever girl.


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