• Published 22nd Aug 2019
  • 2,281 Views, 79 Comments

Big Dick Energy - Admiral Biscuit

It's not fair that ponies have far more energy than you do. They must have a secret.

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Comments ( 71 )

Oh no

What have you done this time?
Because it is hilarious

[reads article] This is really a Thing? Well, okay then. Who am I to judge?

Corridor would be proud.

Showed up by not only Big Mac, but also AJ.

We should all thank our stars that there aren’t any more chapters.


What have you done this time?

A terrible thing.

<tiny text>


Admiral, I shall have to request that you cease your consumption of the grog stores.


[reads article] This is really a Thing? Well, okay then. Who am I to judge?


I’m not totally hip on internet culture, but for some reason today I was thinking about it . . . probably because we were discussing dildos at work, but never mind that. Anyway, the moral is that there’s ‘scientific’ backing for this story and that ought to be good enough for all y’all.

I don’t know who that is, so i can neither confirm nor deny.


Admiral, I shall have to request that you cease your consumption of the grog stores.

I have no idea what you’re talking about.


I'll just say it for all of us. Thank Faust there isn't a third chapter titled Granny Smith.


And yet, this story is somehow lessened for not having an Applebloom chapter...

"Y'all got it, or ya ain't. Sorry, Alex, but that's just the way it is."

I was like " ... surely Admiral Biscuit isn't going to do that" at the end of the first chapter.
Second chapter was "wait, did he just cut and paste the first chapter into the second", then "he's not going to do that" and then it was ".. he did that".


Y'see... the problem is that Apple Bloom is exactly as chipper as either AJ or Big Mac.

I lost my shit at that last line. Good Lord. :rainbowlaugh:

*Reads chapter 1*
I have concerns.

*Reads chapter 2*
I can see my concerns were justified.

You'll find that British "researchers" are often full of shit, which is why I consider sites like that to be satire.

Smh, imagine having another dude's big dick energy on your mind.

Hilarious :rainbowlaugh:

You look like something the cat would drag out.

I just want to take a moment to appreciate this sentence, because it's fantastic.

In any case... Yeah, that happened. We should probably be thankful Twilight isn't working on a way to store or synthesize BDE... or is she? :pinkiegasp:

As is Granny Smith.

Get out.

Get out of here, you glorious bastard.


British or not, this article isn't a scientific research paper, but an interpretation of various posts from social media outlets. I'm not saying I outright believe this, but given what BDE is supposed to mean, and the fact that it seems to have generally been accepted by many (think somebody coming up with a headcanon for MLP and a bunch of people go and say 'This is my new headcanon'), it's the kind of thing I'm willing to say, "Okay, sure, I guess that works." I would've reached the same conclusion if an American had written it. But if you want to consider it satire, by all means, I ain't gonna stop you.

I think the more concerning thing is that you seem to think that an article in the lifestyle section on a newspaper's website about social media posts in any way constitutes "research". Especially since the article literally dismisses having a big dick as the source of big dick energy and points out that ultimately it's just a newfangled term for supreme self-confidence.

“Well.” Applejack shifts her hind legs, revealing the full monty. “Not entirely, no, but if you ain’t packing. . . .”

Apple "Biggus Dickus" Jack :ajsmug:

Granny Smith has Floppy Dick Energy.

Why did you have to put grandpa's inch in the middle? Punch line to a dirty joke.

Fancy grog is the best grog.


I'll just say it for all of us. Thank Faust there isn't a third chapter titled Granny Smith.

I know, right?

Although I’m sure at least one reader is disappointed.


They downvoted my comment. Ha!


And yet, this story is somehow lessened for not having an Applebloom chapter...

"Y'all got it, or ya ain't. Sorry, Alex, but that's just the way it is."

Maybe I’ll write a sequel some day. After all, Big Dick Energy II just has a nice ring to it.


I was like " ... surely Admiral Biscuit isn't going to do that" at the end of the first chapter.
Second chapter was "wait, did he just cut and paste the first chapter into the second", then "he's not going to do that" and then it was ".. he did that".

Yeah, I went there. I thought about not, but it hardly would have been a complete story if I hadn’t.


Y'see... the problem is that Apple Bloom is exactly as chipper as either AJ or Big Mac.

I fail to see how this is a problem.


I lost my shit at that last line. Good Lord. :rainbowlaugh:


Your concerns were totally justified.

As they said in Futurama (paraphrased): You read it; you can’t unread it.

This is why I would never get in a gunfight with any of the Apples.


You'll find that British "researchers" are often full of shit, which is why I consider sites like that to be satire.

To be fair, BDE isn’t exactly a thing that you can measure with a measuring tape; it’s something a person has or doesn’t.


Smh, imagine having another dude's big dick energy on your mind.

Really, though, if you haven’t got it yourself, you probably can’t help but think about it.


I just want to take a moment to appreciate this sentence, because it's fantastic.

Thank you! :heart:

In any case... Yeah, that happened. We should probably be thankful Twilight isn't working on a way to store or synthesize BDE... or is she? :pinkiegasp:

I dunno if such a thing would actually work, no matter how much Twilight tried. It might get the correct outward appearance, but everypony would know it was fake BDE.

Yeah, it’s just one of those sayings that has entered the lexicon through the internet (as have many things recently) and a lot of people generally agree on what it means, although I’d have to guess that there isn’t really a precise definition to it. It’s something you know when you see, but you can’t really exactly define--at least that’s the impression I get.

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