• Member Since 3rd Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen 7 minutes ago


Your average Anon, reporting on duty. He shall write horse stories, because he has nothing else going on. Seriously.. guys..


Though none of them planned it, well... here they are. Better make the best of it and try to find a way back home. If worst comes to worst, at least they have each other, right?


"We interrupt our relaxing musical broadcast to bring you the latest local news."

"Drivers, be alive and awake out there, with your eyes wide open and already changing route if you have to. Due to yet another road incident, E40 leading to Brugge is completely blocked."

"A few of our listeners who were already turned around by authorities before we had a chance to warn them reported a.. now get this.. a heavy armored governmental presence, with highly-trained veterinarians on site. You know the folks, those weirdos that can tell the breed of a horse just by the smell of their surroundings. Damn aliens."

*Hahaha..* "Seems like someone will be in a lot of trouble for exterminating yet another specimen of some rare and endangered species while doing eighty. Also, listen.. gentlemen environmentalists and missuses ecologists. We know the beetles and birdies are pretty, but.. barring a whole road? Come on, let people live here! This country is already cramped as it is!"

"Well... what is done is done, I suppose. So, be safe out there and remember.. only we, bring you the latest news!"

Something much shorter for you to read while I still work on... That OTHER Thing.

You know, that other enormously overblown thing.
(Seriously guys, there's even a 20,000 words chapter annddd... a few over 15,000. Almost all others over 10,000 . Sweet baby Jesus on a motorbike.)

Also, the cover might not be perfect, but I'll always have a soft spot for it as my own creation.

Chapters (1)
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