• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 979 Views, 25 Comments

Tale of a Mecha-Pegasus: Overworld - Zaarlika

A mechanical Pegasus called X-55 is sent to the surface of Equestria.

  • ...

=Chapter 7- A Letter from the Princess=

Twilight walked into her home, still chuckling from her 'experiment' with X. X was sitting at the table, staring at his hooves.
"That was actually rather unpleasant." X blinks.
"Sorry, just the face twitch and the arm was what was funny." Twilight chuckled.
"I know."X nodded, a small smile on his face.
"Say, why are you in my house? You don't really live here. And why do you look so...thoughtful?" Twilight asked.
"I have been. I'm trying to figure out why so many ostracize me."X tapped his hoof on a piece of paper with various pictures and sentences.
"Because you're a robot?" Twilight suggested.
"Is it fair to do that to someone who is polite to everyone they meet? Even if they are a machine?" X asked, finally looking up at her.
"I guess not." Twilight shrugged.
"Speaking of which I made food again." X looked a little less blank and pointed to a pot on the cooling oven. Twilight walked over and sniffed it.
"Smells nice." Twilight smiled, pouring some of the soup into a bowl.
"Spike! X made food!" Twilight called. After a few dull thumps, a crash and a 'darn it' from upstairs the upstairs door opened and the purple dragon walked down. X got up and gave some to Spike too.


Twilight looked out her window at the setting sun. At times life in Ponyville was hard, but at times it was preferable to Canterlot. There was that memorable whirring behind her again. Turning, she faced the metal stallion flattening out some pages in a book, holding it out to her.
"You left this downstairs." X put it down by her.
"Thanks." Twilight put the book on her bedside table.
"Uh, may I stay here again? I have yet to find a place to stay." X asked.
"How long are you staying?" Twilight asked.
"Until Queen Jagged calls me back." X answered. He looked at his hooves.
"I'm starting to wonder wether I want to go back at all." he added.
"Well, you can stay here. We share a love for books and you make good food." Twilight shrugged.
"Thanks Twi." X smiled. Twilight chuckled.
"Never heard you call me that before." Twilight smiled.
"Got it from AJ." X shrugged.
"Say, where IS your home....Me'etar, was it?" Twilight asked.
"My Queen Jagged asked me not to tell anyone that." X answered, lying down.
"We live in a very...isolated society. She does not want it disturbed." X added.
"Oh, I wouldn't disturb it, I would just obser-"Twilight started.
"At all." X interrupted. Twilight paused for a moment and then nodded.
"You're researching pony society, yes?" Twilight asked.
"Yes. Why?" X answered.
"Could you tell me a little about YOUR society?" Twilight asked.
"As long as its not where Me'etar is, then yes." X answered.
"Okay. Tell me about Me'etar itself." Twilight smiled, giving a little room for X to sit next to her. Guessing that, he did so.
"Well, it's in a giant circular wall. About five meters thick the entire way around. Save for the gate..."X started.


X woke still next to Twilight. 'cept snuggled up. Blinking, his computer simply said 'Unexpected'. She'd fallen asleep while he was talking about the Tower in the center of Magnafell/Me'etar. For reasons neither he nor his computer could think of, he had kept talking for about half an hour. Wait, his thoughts were separate to his computer's? Huh. He stood up and, for the first time, actually looked at the book he had handed her last night.
-Bygone Civilisations and What They Left Behind-
X's eyes widened. If this had anything on the location of Magnafell and the Mecha Ponies he could not let anyone read it. He opened it and sat down in a chair. It said about various primitive, and often savage or just plain dull civilisations. His attention was caught by the page about a civilisation that lived in a cave.
'The Cave People had the best armor and weapons they could make. However they knew this was not enough to protect them during the coming battle with Discord. With a masterful knowledge of mechanics and metal they started building metal ponies designed to unleash destruction upon whom their masters wish gone. However, before the Metal Army was complete the two Princesses Luna and Celestia defeated Discord. With no more reason to stay in the dark cave with their metal armada, the Cave People left their city of Magnafell, and the Metal Ponies with it, and became the majority of what is today Ponyville. Supposedly they left the Mecha Ponies running, and what they have done in Magnafell since then is unknown.'
Yep. This book had to go missing.


"Uh, Apple Bloom? Our clubhouse is on your land, right?" Scootaloo asked, eyeing the blue book jammed between one of the beams supporting the floor, and the floor.
"Yeah, why?" Applebloom asked, walking over.
"Do you remember a blue book being stuck in it?" Scootaloo asked.
"No. Let's get it out and have a read!" Applebloom grinned. The two fillies grabbed the book and pulled with all their might. It budged a little, then a little more, and finally came free and flew out. The two fillies toppled over.
"What's it called?" Applebloom asked, standing up. The orange filly got up and read the cover.
"Uh, it's called 'Bygone Civilisations and What They Left Behind'."Scootaloo read.


X prodded Twilight again with the stick he'd grabbed on the way back from Sweet Apple Acres. She moaned and sleepily tried to push the stick away. He prodded her again.
"Twi, it's midday, you have to get up at some time. I've already made breakfast." No response. A moment later and the bedroom door slammed open. Twilight was awake in an instant. As X guessed when he heard the sound of a hand touching a door the instant before it was opened, it was Spike.
"Twilight! I got a letter from Celestia!" Spike half-sprinted over and handed her the scroll, which was drenched in the breakfast X had made for Spike. Twilight unravelled it, and X opened his mouth, using a fan to blast the food off. Onto her face. Which he then blasted it off too. Onto Spike. At which point he gave up and sat down.
"It says to gather my friends and to come to Canterlot immediately. It also says you should come too, X, if you can." Twilight read.
"I have nothing better to do." X smiled.
"Why is there a stick on my floor?"
"I was trying to wake you up with it." X answered. There was a long pause.


The guards opened the gates and let the carriage come through. They were a little off-put when a metal Pegasus making a whirring sound as he walked. The pony stopped and looked to the closer guard.
The carriage started again and this time Twilight managed to wave to Shining Armor. Although he seemed a little reluctant to look at X.
"Why are we being taken there by a robot?" Rainbow asked.
"He's a sentient robot. And if he heard that he'd probably be upset and STOP pulling us." Twilight blinked.
"Yeah. Twi's right. He's sentient, also smart. He can buck two trees at once too. He helped me at Sweet Apple Acres a couple days ago." Applejack added.
"But if he's sentient and smart, and he's new here that means he doesn't have any FRIENDS, and that means he's ALONE! Twilight, we HAVE to throw him a welcome party!" Pinkie clapped her hooves.
"He's already friends with me and AJ, but, I don't see why not." Twilight smiled.
"It's a-"Rainbow started.
"He." Applejack interrupted. Rainbow sighed.
"He's a Pegasus right, like me and Fluttershy?"Rainbow asked.
"Yeah." Everypony else in the wagon and X himself from outside answered.
"I wonder how good a flyer he is." Rainbow asked.
"I wonder how good he is with animals."Fluttershy wondered.
"He's polite an' gentle, when he wants to be. I'm sure he'd be fine." Applejack smiled.
"I wonder if he has a good sense of fashion." Rarity peeked her head out the window at the metal pony.
"Rarity..." Rainbow gave Rarity a look of 'are-you-serious'.
"He makes great food." Twilight blinked.
"Does he? Wait, how do you know?" Pinkie asked.
"He's been living with me for the last couple of days. He doesn't actually have his own home." Twilight answered. The carriage slowed to a stop and a moment later the door opened.
"We are at the gates to the Palace." X blinked. The ponies stepped off.
"Say...X, was it? What do you like to wear?" Rarity asked. X merely blinked at her.
"Hey X, how good a flyer are you?" Rainbow asked.
"I would imagine at least moderate." X shrugged.
"Let's see, shall we?" Rainbow grinned.
"Not now. Let's see what Celestia wants first." X smiled.
"Eh, good enough for me." Rainbow moved away. When they were all of a Guard took the carriage to a different place.
"Hey X, want a welcome party?" Pinkie asked.
"I've already been in Ponyville a few days, but, I don't see why not." X smiled.
"Yay!" Pinkie grinned, bouncing at a speed X did not think possible around him as they walked up to the palace.


"I see your metal friend did make it then." Celestia eyed X again, this time more acceptingly though and not with utter horror.
"Yeah, he doesn't do all too much though, so he's free most of the day." Twilight answered.
"Come here again. What is your name?"Celestia asked as X approached.
"My name is X-55, but most people call me X." he answered.
"And I am led to believe you are all machines where you come from, no?" Celestia asked.
"What you have been led to believe is correct." X answered.
"Then who built you?" Celestia asked. X simply shrugged.
"Supposedly our first ancestors were built millennia ago." X answered.
"I see. Anyway, onto the proper reason I brought you all here. There have been reports of kidnappings in Manehattan. I would like you all to go there and try to find out who is behind the kidnappings and stop them. I get the feeling it is not an ordinary kidnapper." Celestia informed.
"Of course, Princess." The six mares nodded. There was a silent pause before X went wide-eyed and lowered his head slightly, backing off.
"Of course." X nodded. Everyone except him chuckled.