• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 978 Views, 25 Comments

Tale of a Mecha-Pegasus: Overworld - Zaarlika

A mechanical Pegasus called X-55 is sent to the surface of Equestria.

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=Chapter 1-Banishment=

X stepped to avoid the downward attack made by his superior.
"Again, X-55! Why is it SO hard for you to follow the simplest orders?!?"Queen Jagged boomed
"I try, my Queen, but you of all should know that that sort of task is meant for a Mecha-Unicorn, not a Pegasus."X apologized.
"Then why did a Mecha-Pegasus manage to do it fine elsewhere?!?"Jagged roared.
"I....I am sorry, my Queen."X was all out of excuses. All his life he had failed in just about every task he'd been given, and it was obvious his superiors were getting sick and tired of him.


Before her stood the small, helpless form of X-55, probably the most utterly useless Mecha-Pony in the history of Magnafell. She tried to teach him how to operate properly in the streets of Magnafell and in the mines. Each time she failed. And she had given up. But she didn't just want to just throw him out without another word. After all, he was still a friend, he was fun to talk to, and he had more personality than the rest of her subjects, so he did not talk with the usual programmed, monotonous tone of the rest of them. She had to get him away, but give him a purpose. She was a little curious about the world outside the massive cave the metal city of Magnafell resided in. She could use him as a way of gathering information, so he would not only stop affecting the mine's efficiency, but he would also have a purpose to her, and maybe it would make him a tad more useful.
"X-55."she looked her subject in the eyes.
"Yes, my Queen?"X responded.
"I have a task for you."she stepped down from her throne, a relatively rare occurrence.
"I want you to leave Magnafell and research the world above us. Take notes if you have to. Research the world, the creatures there, their culture and society, everything. Draw sketches. And I mean EVERYTHING. Understood?"she explained. X merely nodded in understanding.


Well, it was an interesting day for X. The previous day the Queen herself assigned him a task; explore and research the world above. He was terrified and excited at the same time. He had read in a book of a 'sun' which lit the world like a giant candle. Of course he was used to the dim lighting of scattered candles throughout Magnafell. It was apparently bright, and that scared him. How bright was it? Where was it? Was it blinding? Of course, he also thought about the other things he might encounter on the surface. Creatures, maybe towns, like Magnafell! Maybe he could tell them of his city, maybe even bring them there some day and introduce them to his Queen! But how would she react to these strange creature just being casually led into her domain. X imagined she would not like that. Maybe he shouldn't bring them down. Maybe, he could make friends with them though! Yes, friends. Because of his clumsy and slightly stubborn nature no one in Magnafell could tolerate him much, let alone be friends with him. But, that was straying off-task. He was meant to RESEARCH everything on the surface, not mingle with their societies, ALTHOUGH that could give him an advantage in his research. He was snapped from his thoughts when he heard a knock on his door.
"Hello? Who is knocking on MY door?"X asked.
"It is your Queen, X-55."Immediately X rushed to his door, unlatched the lock and swung the door open.
"Hello, my Queen."X greeted.
"Please, call me Jagged. That IS my name, after all."the Queen smiled.
"Of course, my Que-I mean Jagged."X chuckled.
"Hm. Well, it is time for you to depart on your mission. Please, come with me." Queen Jagged signaled for him to follow. As they walked through the streets of Magnafell, pretty much every Mecha-Pony they passed stopped and stared, even Princess Sky, the ruler of the Pegasus District, confused as to why Queen Jagged was leading someone as pathetic and useless X-55 through the streets towards the Gate.
"So, anything in particular you want me to research?"X asked.
"Not really, although I'd like to know more about societies on the surface."Jagged suggested.
"I will make sure to do a little extra on them."X responded.
"Oh, and one last thing."
"Yes, Queen Jagged?"
"You must NOT allow anyone you meet on the surface to know of Magnafell."
"They may try to conquer us or interfere with our activities."
"I understand. I would hate for anything like that to happen. But what will I tell those who ask about my appearance?"
"Hahaha! Use your imagination! You have a rather strong one, after all."
"And you'd be the one to know?"
"Yes. After all, we do have regular talks, don't we? And you like to tell me your stories, when you can."
"Well, here we are, at the Gate."
"Yeah, well...see you...later."
"A fair while later."
"How long will I be on the surface?"
"Until I deem it necessary for you to return."
"Good luck."
"Thank you, Queen Jagged."X was just about to start walking when Jagged lay a hoof on his shoulder.
"Oh no, I'm not having you walk ALL that way to the exit. A carriage will take you there."
"Thank you. Anything else?"
"I have left a bag of things you will need in the carriage. Anything you need that you do not have you will likely find on the surface."Without another word Jagged signaled to a guard, who opened the carriage door, and Jagged ushered him into the carriage.
"Goodbye my Queen."X waved as the carriage started.
"Goodbye, little researcher."Jagged waved back. When the carriage disappeared, Jagged gave a sigh of relief.