• Published 12th Aug 2012
  • 978 Views, 25 Comments

Tale of a Mecha-Pegasus: Overworld - Zaarlika

A mechanical Pegasus called X-55 is sent to the surface of Equestria.

  • ...

=Chapter 6-Some things you shouldn't read=

X looked about. He knew how to be a better friend, although his skills had already gained him 4. Wandering through Ponyville, X observed several ponies talking to each other. It would be rude to just walk up and say hi. He saw noone alone he could talk to. Wow, this was harder than he thought. Looking away from the buildings and cafes, X spotted a lone orange mare, with a cowboy hat, bucking apple trees.
'She's alone, maybe she'd like some company.'X thought.


Twilight was looking about her shelves. Most of the books X had taken out were back where they were, except for a couple, including the open one in which he had learned to act better around ponies. What book was it? Twilight walked over and lifted the book to her face:
'After some ponies have been friends for long enough, if certain personality characteristics are similar, this friendship may strengthen, and eventually they may feel love for each other, and this may strengthen too. They may go on dates, among other things.'Twilight squinted, closing it to read the cover. A second later and she dropped the book, jaw agape.
'No, he didn't read THIS book.'Twilight thought.
'I have to confront him. See what he knows.'Twilight decided, hurrying out the door.


Applejack decided she'd buck a few more trees and then have a rest. She'd spent half the day doing it, after all. She was distracted by the sound of whirring coming towards her. Turning to see, she saw a copper Pegasus walking up to her, a warm smile on his face.
"Hello! I am X. And who might you be?"X asked.
"Uuuuh, I'm Applejack."Applejack answered.
"I'm X. Nice too meet you Applejack!"X smiled, holding out a hoof. Promptly, she shook it, and was a little surprised to feel cold hard metal instead of fur.
"And what are you doing?"X asked. Applejack's initial weariness from a random stranger approaching her faded a bit. He was rather friendly.
"Uuuh, bucking apples for mah family. We run Sweet Apple Acres."Applejack answered.
"Would you like some help?"X asked.
"Well, sure, if you're strong eno-"Applejack started before X kicked a tree. It bent and hit the next tree's canopy hard enough to make them both drop their apples.
"Wow, mister, impressive!"Applejack grinned. X grinned back.
"Say, ah've been buckin' apples all day and I wanted to have a rest. Why don't ya come along and we can chat."Applejack suggested.
"Wonderful idea."X stood up on his hind hooves to clap his front ones.


Twilight kept an eye out for X. It would be pretty easy to spot him, he made a whirring sound when he walked and he was obviously made of metal, especially as he shined in the sun. She stopped a mare who was going about her shopping.
"Excuse me, but have you seen a copper stallion who shines in the sun?"Twilight asked.
"It's odd, everypony's been asking me if I've seen something recently! First a stallion asking where the Library is, now this! But, not in the last few minutes. Sorry."the mare answered, tapping her chin.
"Oh okay. Thanks!"Twilight smiled slightly, moving on? Where WAS he? She decided to look about the square. Walking into the town square, she caught a glimpse as she scanned for the metal pony. Her head snapped to make sure this wasn't X. Indeed, it was. He was walking about, laughing and chatting with Applejack.


"So I was giving breaking this rock a go in the mine, but of course from someone accidentally spitting their drink at me, my teeth were wet, so the pickaxe slipped from my mouth and hit my instructor in the face!"X smiled. Applejack laughed in response.
"Oh, X, you have done some silly things in your time!"Applejack chuckled.
"Indeed. Shame it got me called pathetic."X sighed.
"From what mah friends have told me you are good at LOTS of things."Applejack complimented.
"Thanks AJ."X smiled.
"X! I need to talk to you!"the pair heard. Turning, they saw Twilight galloping towards them. She skidded to a halt in front of them.
"X, you could've told me you read THAT book." Twilight gasped.
"What book, Twi?" Applejack asked.
"That one I have on pony relationships. The one that makes everyone uncomfortable." Twilight answered.
"Oh. Ah'm guessing it helped him act more pony-like though." Applejack looked to the metal pony.
"Yeah, it did. I just wanted to ask him what he knows about...that."Twilight also looked at X.
"We do not have anything like that. I did not understand most of it. Only what reproduction is."X responded.
"Are you sure?"Twilight asked.
"...yes." X hesitated. In truth he understood it all, he just didn't want to admit to his new friends that he knew all about how ponies had babies.
"Ah'm gonna say he's tellin' the truth, Twi. Can ya stop askin' now? It's an uncomfortable subject."Applejack suggested. Mentally, X gave a huge sigh of relief and a 'Thanks AJ'.
"Alright then. What were you talking about before?" Twilight asked.


Twilight and Applejack watched closely as X raised the large mug of alcohol. They both knew he ate, but they wanted to see if he could tolerate liquids. Why alcohol, was because they wanted to see if robots could get drunk. X drank the entire mug empty in one go and slammed it down, pushing it towards them. There was a suspenseful moment, before he blinked. A moment later and a blue spark rocketed up his arm, contorting his face into a look of shock for an instant before returning to the 'deer in headlights' look and making his arm raise up and slam down in a flash. Lights in his nose, mouth and ears started flashing red. The two mares started laughing like they were going to split in two.
"That's actually not a good thing." X said in a relatively monotonous tone. It had no effect on the laughing mares.
"I have to go." X added. Standing up and casually walking off, still with the 'deer-in-headlights' look, X left the two laughing mares sitting there like mad animals.

Author's Note:

It took so long for this chapter to be finished as I've been distracted by other things (namely Team Fortress 2)and also ran out of ideas on how to write this Chapter.