• Published 7th Jul 2019
  • 1,766 Views, 8 Comments

The REAL Reason... - ThePinkedWonder

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna claimed they wanted to help to have fun. Turns out, it was someONE else's idea...and Twilight also has a secret.

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The Meeting With "Him"

"Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, you two sure there was no other reason?"

"Uh, 'Other' reason, Applejack? No, there's no 'other' reason."

"Yes, Princess Celestia and I wanted to enjoy the fun we have missed out on, that's all."

"They told us that they just want to help more, Applejack, so maybe there's no other reason as they said."

"I don't know, Twilight. This whole thing sounds fishy to me."

After Princess Celestia lowered the sun, due to Princess Twilight Sparkle struggling to work a special amulet that allowed her to raise/set the sun and the moon and even broke the magical item, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna now sat in their respective chairs high up in their throne room. However, they found themselves interrogated by an orange Earth Pony, Applejack, who stared at the Alicorns with a raised eyebrow.

Applejack stood in the center of the room and her six friends, Twilight Sparkle, Spike, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie remained behind the strong-willed pony, and all seven faced the royal sisters.

The two Princesses suddenly felt a strong urge to help out and have adventures, and claimed they just wanted to do it. But, Applejack sensed something was amiss. Twilight and the others also had doubts, but theirs didn't approach what Applejack felt, the Element of Honesty.

Five seconds after Applejack's last question, as drops of sweat flowed down both her and Luna's face, Celestia confessed, "Okay, Applejack, you win, so stop giving us 'the eyebrow'! We will tell you our real reason."

"So there is another reason for that?" Spike asked.

"Yes. You see, after Season Eight ended, Luna and I received a call from Him and were ordered to go to His office."

The seven friends gasped and their eyes and mouths widened. Twilight's mouth dropped the most, halfway to the floor, and she exclaimed, "Wait, him? You mean, Him, him?!"

Luna nodded her head. "Yes. Him, him."

"But why? I thought that unless we're in trouble or it's something about our contract, which you two already got renewed, He only calls us to that world and to His office if we're about to do something He doesn't like or too soon, right?" Rainbow questioned.

Rarity placed a hoof below her jaw. "And if I remember correctly, that's only happened a few times, like when I wanted to confess my true feelings to Sp -- er, I mean, when He called Twilight when she was about to give Starlight Alicorn wings after the Season Six Finale."

"That's true, Rarity, and to be honest, Celestia and I were worried too."

"So, are you in trouble? Wait, I didn't do anything to get you two in trouble, did I? Was it because Cozy Glow tricked us? Have I been too harsh to my students? Or is it because I didn't let the six students that saved Equestria graduate because I felt they weren't ready and you didn't try to change my mind, because I..."

As Twilight paced back and forth faster and faster, and frantically breathed into a paper bag that she picked up from nowhere with her magic, Luna chuckled and assured, "No, you didn't do anything, Twilight, and none of us are in trouble."

Twilight stopped her pacing and wiped sweat off her forehead, while Pinkie asked, "Then what happened?!"

"We will tell you. As I said, Luna and I were called to Him, and..."

Two months after the Season Eight Finale of "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic", in a world completely separate from Equestria...

"Celestia, why do you think He called us? Did we do something wrong?"

"No idea, Luna, but we don't do much, so there's not much we could do wrong."

"I guess, but still--"

In the middle of a hallway of a huge building stood Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, in front of a closed brown door. Pictures of various ponies, Yaks, Dragons, and other "creatures" spread out throughout the hall on its walls hanging on nails, and a chill in the air could be felt as, with an echo, the door creaked opened that just missed bumping into the two Princesses. A deep male voice that oozed authority, and yet fairness, with its own echo demanded, "Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, please come in my office."

With a gulp, Celestia and Luna shared a look, before creeping through the open doorway into a well-lit office and proceeded another three feet to one of two equal-sized chairs that faced a white desk. The chairs were just big enough to fit Celestia, but the smaller Princess of the Night had more wriggle room. Plushies of various ponies and "creatures" sat on shelves lining the yellow-painted walls of the room, a framed picture of a certain group of six smiling ponies and a smiling young Dragon sat in its own nail on a wall. A closed lavender laptop, decorated with pink stars, lay on the other side of the desk of the Princesses.

On the side of the desk opposite to the sweating ponies, even though the room was a comfortable temperature, a black chair faced the other way, hiding the figure that occupied it, but from his voice, he sounded like a middle-aged man. With the being in the black chair remaining silent, the princesses gave another gulp and a chill flowed down their spine, as often happened whenever they were in his office. Not because they usually were in trouble because they never were, but because of the ominous feeling and uneasiness they always felt.

While they knew who the being in the chair in front of them was, they never saw what he looked like, but knew that what he says, goes, and even their magic as Alicorns was nothing to this being. While he often did things with an iron fist which gave an intimidating air about him, he wasn't a mean man at all. He was always good to the ponies and other "characters" on the reality show "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" when he took over after "she" left: as long as they didn't step out of line. He even allowed the Royal Sisters to do whatever they felt like, as long as they either didn't hurt the show's popularity, abuse their power as princesses, or did anything they weren't supposed to do. This is why Celestia and Luna did so little; they didn't feel like it and Twilight, her friends, or someone else always rose to the challenge, so the imposing boss in the black chair let it slide.

However, both Celestia and Luna sensed something was different, and their easy time on the show, or their time in the show period, could be in danger and felt it would be wise to choose their next words wisely.

"As you requested, we are here, sir," Celestia said.

"I-Is there something wrong?"

The hidden male finally broke his chilling silence and answered, "Well, Luna, there's nothing 'wrong' per se. But, as I told you before Season Eight started, we're ending the show after Season Nine and whatever happens next in Equestria will remain a total mystery even to me, but..."

"Yes?" Luna inquired.

"Well, the fans, or 'bronies' or 'pegasisters' as you know they like to call themselves, have been making fun of you two, as you're aware."

"You mean about how Celestia and myself don't do much in the show?"


"I see. But they have never been truly upset about that and they enjoy picking on us, so what's different now?"

"Well, Celestia, as I said you two, as well as your niece, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza, or 'Princess Cadance' as she's usually referred to, had it easy. However, I thought this show could last for over twenty seasons, so I let you slack since the seven main characters demanded five times the bits per season that we feel they're worth."

With a gasp, Luna asked, "Really? And you gave in?"

"Lauren Faust wouldn't have--"

In a suddenly angered voice, the mysterious figure scolded, "Hut-hut! Celestia, what did I tell you about talking about Her? If you don't use 'She' or 'Her', use 'Goddess Lauren Faust' as that woman is a Goddess, even to me. She's the reason you two exist and why I have this job."

Celestia sat straight up in her chair and quickly responded, "S-Sorry!"

"It's okay, and I'll let it slide this time, but never forget how much you owe Her and even the bronies and pegasisters realize Her greatness. Now, where was I? Oh, yes, I hate to admit it, but Twilight Sparkle, now Princess Twilight Sparkle, Fluttershy, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash and Spike all overachieved in the first season of the show and even She was surprised. So, after Season One we had to pay up, even if it meant overpaying, and Princess Twilight even demanded ten times the bits once she got her wings. Thus, I figured I'll 'let them earn their bits' and this is why I never stepped in when you two slacked off, and--"

"Okay, but what does that have--"

"Must you always interrupt me when you're here, Celestia? Do it again, and I'll fire you on the spot. Sunset Shimmer had wanted your job her whole life, so I wouldn't mind granting her Alicorn wings and your place on the show for carrying the 'Equestria Girls' spin-off series."

Celestia quickly bowed her head in regret, and her usual flowing mane ceased flowing for a moment. "I-I'm sorry, sir! I won't do it again!"

"See that you don't. Now, as I was trying to tell you, I let you two slack, but since we're ending the show after Season Nine because we can't pay Princess 'greedy' Twilight twenty times the bits she received in Season one and Starlight Glimmer won't accept any of our offers to be the Princess of Friendship in for Season Ten it's time for you two to get off your flanks and do more stuff. The fans have been largely okay with you two slacking, but they might not accept the show ending with you two still useless and could revolt. If they do, they won't watch the 'G5' we will later produce or buy our toys. I hate to admit it, but they have us right where they want us, but we must never let them know it."

"Yes, I see. They are an amazing, loyal fan base that we'll fight the whole Universe for, but they can be very touchy about things happening in the show that they don't like."

"Indeed, Luna, and it's a miracle we survived 'Twicorn'. And, Celestia, the only reason I didn't fire you when you gave Twilight her wings is because She considered letting you do it eventually, but you did it too soon and I was out golfing so I couldn't stop you in time. It is also why we paid Princess Twilight the ten times bits she demanded instead of the five times the others are paid, because by us paying up, she saved our butts, or 'flanks' in your case."

Celestia wanted to explain that a pony's "flank" isn't actually what "he" applied it meant, but she knew not to risk annoying her boss and instead asked, "Really? What did she do?"

"I'm glad you remembered not to interrupt me this time, Celestia, so I'll tell you and Luna. You see, during the fallout of 'Twicorn' Twilight promised that if we pay her, she'll bail us out of the mess that you, Princess 'Wings' Celestia, forced us into by giving the bronies and pegasisters a fight they would never forget the next time a major villain appeared. And as you know, she delivered on her promise. But that's beside the point; the point is, I want you to do some stuff."

"I didn't know that. No wonder She chose Twilight to be the face of the show."

"But, what do you want Luna and me to do?"

"Well, the next time a threat arrives, I want you to jump in and fight, or at least protect a place, like Ponyville. Later, you two will fly around Equestria and fix any problems you see."

"Any problems?"

"Yes, Luna, any problems, and I don't care how small it is. Even if it's carrying an elderly mare across a street."

"But what about the Mane s--"

"Hut-hut! What did I tell you about using 'fanon' names or terms, Celestia?"

"Uh, never do it, or you'll take away our wings?"

"Correct. You might not have done much in the show, but you're rarely incorrect."

Forgetting her place, Celestia attempted to ask, "But, you used 'Twicorn' so why can't we use--"

"Because, I'm Him. Any more questions on this matter?"

"No, no, Celestia and I don't! But is there anything else we can do for you, sir?"

"No, Luna, that will be all. But, I will say that you won't have to do stuff the whole episode. You can even take a road trip in the same episode after you're finished. That's something the bronies and pegasisters want, and the last episode where ponies took a road trip became a major hit."

Celestia bowed her head in thankfulness. "We can? T-Thank you, sir!"

"You're welcome, and if you take the trip, have it be funny so the bronies and pegasisters will love it, like how they loved you two in 'A Royal Problem'. Now, you can leave, and have a good day, Princesses."

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna bowed to the chair in front of them, directed at the man sitting in it, rose from their chairs, then turned around and left the room through the open doorway.

After the door closed behind them, Celestia and Luna sighed and turned to face each other. They realized their easy time on the show was over.

"Well, Luna, it was fun while it lasted."

"Yes, it was, Celestia. I guess it was bound to end sooner or later, and did you hear Him say the show's ending because Twilight demanded too many bits?!"

"Yes, and we better get her for that later. But for now, we need to decide what to do for the start of the Season Nine Premiere. We still don't know who or what the next threat will be."

Luna gave a laugh as she added, "And it's not like Cozy Glow will be it, so any ideas?"

Celestia's lips curled into a smile as an idea formed in her head. "I have a fun idea for that, and we'll get back at Twilight at the same time. At the beginning of the Season Nine Premiere, let's tell Twilight and the others we want them to take our places, and tell them to do it after only a few days. Most of them will be fine with it, but Twilight will lose it."

Luna grinned and hopped in the air in excitement. "Ooh, that's good! I can't wait to see Twilight's face when she thinks she'll have to rule all of Equestria with just a few days to prepare herself! She'll freak out so bad the others might make her into a verb!"

With a smile that grew into an even more smug grin, Celestia replied, "Well, the bronies and pegasisters don't call me Trolle--"

From the other side of the door, a deep male voice bellowed, "What did I tell you about using 'fanon' words, Princess Celestia?!"

"Eep! I-I'm so sorry, sir! I won't do it again!"

"Yes, Celestia and I will leave! We'll make you proud, sir!"

Back to the present...

"...And that is why Luna and I did what we did."

Twilight, Applejack and the others froze in place, and their open mouths nearly touched the floor because of the Princesses' unexpected confessions.

With her willpower, Applejack forced her mouth to close and responded, "Wow."

Rarity asked, "So, it was because of Him that you did all that?"

Celestia nodded. "Yes."

"Wow, I did not expect to hear that today," Spike admitted.

"And Celestia and I didn't expect to have to tell you."

Fluttershy questioned, "Wait, I thought you always had us fix everything because your contract said you couldn't help us?"

Pinkie exclaimed, "Hold on, did you not help just because you didn't want to?!"

Celestia's and Luna's eyes widened and they turned to each other with urgency.

"Uh, Luna, you remember that 'thing' we must do?"

"Oh, yes, yes, Celestia, let us go!" With a nervous smile, Luna turned to Twilight and the others. "Farewell!"

Celestia and Luna flapped their wings, flew over the seven confused friends, and flew out of the doors to their throne room. They fled in such a hurry, they forgot it was their throne room.

Spinning her head to the doors the cowardly Princesses flew out of, Pinkie said, "Wow, they reaaaally wanted to leave if they flew out of their own room."

Rainbow shook her head. "I can't believe it! For eight seasons, those two could've been helping us!"

Rarity placed a hoof on her cheek. "Yes, but I thought of something. Cadance hasn't helped much either, so why didn't He make her fly around to fix problems?"

Before anyone could respond to Rarity's question, Rainbow Dash's eyes widened at something the Royal Sisters said, but was now only sinking in her head. "Wait, forget Cadance, did Celestia and Luna say the show's ending because Twilight didn't take the bits He offered her when trying to extend her contract to go into Season Ten?"

Rarity turned and pointed her hoof at Twilight, who had her head down, a frown on her lips, and was creeping to the door without making a sound. "Where do you think you're going, Twilight Sparkle?!"

"Eep!" Twilight stopped in her tracks and smiled back to her friends nervously.

Pinkie glared at Twilight and yelled, "Twilight! You told us it was because He wanted you to become an Earth Pony in Season Ten, but you thought it'll ruin the show and you wouldn't let our show be ruined! You lied!"

"Oh, uh, that is, I, uh..."

Applejack, with a scowl, also turned to face the stuttering Twilight. "So, miss 'Princess of Friendship' or should I say, 'Princess of Lying', now that we know the truth, what do ya have to say for yourself?"

As the rest of the friends moved to corner and scowl at the unexpectedly greedy Princess, who grinned more and more nervously, seven mares: two blue Pegasi, two brown Earth Ponies, and three light-green Unicorns trotted into the room, and each sped to either Twilight or one of her friends.

"Oh, Princess Twilight Sparkle, did I ever tell you how I love the job you do as the Princess of Friendship?"

"Or, Spike, that everypony should call you 'Spike, the Great and Glorious' all the time?"

"And how awesome a Wonderbolt you are, Rainbow Dash?"

"Or how amazing your apples are, Applejack?"

"And you throw the best parties in Equestria, Pinkie Pie?"

"And your dresses are top-notch, Rarity?"

"Or that you're the best animal caretaker that Equestria's ever seen, Fluttershy?"

Twilight stopped stuttering and blushed, smiled bashfully, and rubbed the back of her head at the sudden praise she and her friends received. "Uh, I'm happy to hear it, but where did all of this come from?"

The light-green colored Unicorn mare standing in front of Twilight formed a confused frown and rubbed her own head. "To be honest, we don't know. But we suddenly felt the feeling that we should tell you how much we love you."

As Princess Twilight and her (for now) friends struggled to grasp the sudden rush of attention, a pink Alicorn with a purple, rose, and gold-streaked mane and tail was spotted flying throughout Ponyville. She was tasked with raising ten times the love in Equestria, under orders from "Him".

Author's Note:

You know, to be fair, Twilight Sparkle has a growing Dragon to feed and she's a business mare, so we can't blame her to not taking less than what she thinks she's worth. Rumors say that the makers of the Dragon Ball series had kept an eye on her ever since her battle with Tirek, and might pay what she wanted for Season Ten of MLP:FIM.

Rumors also say that Starlight Glimmer had also gotten many offers for her mouth-dropping award-winning performance in "A Matter of Principals" and some claimed that Starlight was in negotiations at the time of this story, and is why she wasn't in it. Starlight's even rumored to have already fully mastered something known as "Autonomous Ultra Instinct". It could be why Starlight likes to not think much about things and just acts, and why she's so powerful.

If so, do not tell someone who's name starts with "Veg" and ends with "eta" that a cute little Unicorn knows how to use Autonomous Ultra Instinct.

Comments ( 8 )

And is as it turns out, it was because of something else that made the two Princesses want to be helpful and have adventures.

Sorry about missing this one. I usually only point out errors in the story itself :twilightblush:


Wow, I can't believe I missed that one :facehoof:

Thanks for catching it

Love it.

I think you referred to Celestia and Luna as suspicious but wasnt Applejack being the suspicious one?


However, they found themselves interrogated by an orange Earth Pony, Applejack, who stared at the suspicious Alicorns with a raised eyebrow.

Now that you brought it up, the way I worded that could mean that Applejack is being suspicious, OR that Celestia and Luna are being suspicious, depending on how you read it.

I will clear that up.

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