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"Cathredral bells struck by lightning, and in the clamour, hear their name." — Aragon

Comments ( 86 )

I’m going to be sick while reading this, but good work.

I can imagine.

Only one chapter so far, and I'm already dreading the rest of this story.

Slide Rule is going to molest and/or rape Sweetie Belle. I can sense it coming.

While it has a tragic storyline, it's a well-written story about a subject that needs to be painstakingly addressed. Please don't be discouraged by the dislikes and keep up your good work! I will be tracking this story and awaiting future chapters. Also, I'm sorry about your loved one and hope that they are doing better now.

Thank you for your kind words.

While the downvotes are somewhat discouraging, I'm not sure if they're because people don't like my story, or they don't like the subject matter. In any case, I'm gripped with the need to tell this tale, so I will be continuing regardless.

As for my loved one, thanks for that again. I'll be revealing her current condition when I finish the story.

You're welcome and I'm quite glad to know that. I think the downvotes are related to the story's subject, not the story itself. My thoughts and prayers are with your loved one.

This is written so realistically so far that i'm honestly enjoying it! I just know that I'm gonna feel bad for Sweetie ;-;.

Keep up the greta work!

He gave her what he hoped was a winning smile, and said, "It's something special." He started to take off his trousers. "I'm sure you'll like it." Sweetie Belle was frozen in place. Never had an adult been so forward with her, and she didn't know what to do. When he finally removed his trousers, there was revealed a very erect penis...that was smaller than it should have been. He stepped closer to her. "Now you know my secret. I'm smaller than most stallions, so the only mares I can love are those your size." He reached out to her. "Come here."

How would Sweet know his penis is smaller than it should be? Otherwise this chapter gave me feels ;-;

Being a race of mostly nudists, Sweetie, like all fillys her age, have seen their fair share of stallion parts, so she'd have a good idea of how big they should be. Since she's Apple Bloom's friend, I'm sure she's seen Big Mac before, and Rule is almost his size in height.

In any case, thanks for reading!

I appreciate that. Writing this story is a form of catharsis for me, so I hope you'll stick with it through the good parts and the bad.

I find interesting that when this story started it was fully disliked, but now the likes are overturning the dislikes. Funny what can happen when people actually decide to read it instead of immediately judging it. Anyway, it’s a good story for awareness. I have thankfully never met anyone who had this kind of problem (that I am aware of.) And I have no idea what I would do if I did meet someone like, but I think you are doing some good by raising awareness for the more taboo subjects such as this.

Given the current statistics, you very likely know someone who has been raped or molested.

The crime has far-reaching consequences, as in the example of this Dutch girl who committed suicide as a result of being raped at a young age.

Rape victims, both male and female, tend to keep the secret to themselves and try to incorporate it into their lives, sometimes with unfortunate results. Worst of all, they tend to blame themselves for being raped.

In this fictional, fantasy account, (based on real-life events) I am trying to show the enormity of the crime, and its consequences on the victims.

I hope I do it justice.

I am so apprehensive reading this. There's a part of me that doesn't want to read any further, but I have to know how it all turns out (not necessarily for Sweetie Belle herself, but for your friend who is portrayed by Sweetie Belle).

I really like how you write Opal's parts. Animals are much more intuitive than people and are often much better at judging a person's character than we are (one of the reasons why I love dogs), so seeing Opalescence behave as she does makes me happy. You're doing excellent work, and I am...let's say interested to see this story unfold.

A little advice, it's a bit fast paced. You may need to slow down.

Please tell me Slide Rule gets punished in the end.

On one hand im kinda hesatant to continue reading, it certainly dredges up some rather, well Unpleasent things *shudders* ... On the other hand I want to continue, burning with a rage of a thousand suns hoping that slide rule, and the sick bastard he portrays, get the punishment they deserve.

Dude he shouldn't be treated that badly wtf. This is why they removed capital punishment, because it just breeds more violence like what he did to SB.

I'd say some violence is justified. Rarity's actions weren't a result of the State, they were a crime (if crime it was) of passion. She'd just realized her sister had been raped, and not for the first time.

I welcome debate, but in my opinion, all rapists should be either killed or castrated, at least castrated in the situations of the male rapists, of which they are the majority, esp in the case of child rapists.

If this chapter bothered you, then I suggest not reading any further. The next chapter will be harsher.

Everyone has their own opinion.
I think Rule deserved much, much more worse.
Something worse than death.

And I forgot to thank you for putting this in your Favorites list. While we may disagree, I appreciate your reading!


I'd say some violence is justified. Rarity's actions weren't a result of the State, they were a crime (if crime it was) of passion. She'd just realized her sister had been raped, and not for the first time.

This could actually not be considered a crime at all, as real-world people have rightfully not been charged with killing those who violate children. Though, the case that comes to mind first is this rootin' tootin' Texan dad who all but witnessed his young daughter's assault. Because Rarity was acting to protect somepony, especially a minor, she likely couldn't even get charged with manslaughter. She took out the trash.

I welcome debate, but in my opinion, all rapists should be either killed or castrated, at least castrated in the situations of the male rapists, of which they are the majority, esp in the case of child rapists.

There are drugs that are given to sex offenders, usually male as far I recall when it was described. They basically make them dysfunctional. I don't know if they would work on a female, but the closest thing I can think of is just standard birth control, and that's not the same thing. Even surgical procedures that come to mind aren't the same and are just 'tube tying' over anything rightfully painful. So, sterilizing actually doesn't seem to be the best preventive measure. It's also hard to say if female rapists would actually be such a minority if every rapist was really caught, especially when female pedophiles are often not seen as horrifying because of double standards. In some cases, their attacks are even normalized or brushed aside as less severe. These statistics are pretty good, but they don't show much info about male and female offenders, just age and relationship to the victims.

If this chapter bothered you, then I suggest not reading any further. The next chapter will be harsher.

I'm continuing now that I've caught up! I'm glad to see stories that handle this as a serious topic instead of writing it off, or even worse, writing minor/adult stories as pornographic. Eugh.

She actually starved herself to death after the authorities wouldn't let her get assisted suicide in the Netherlands. They let her starve herself to death though, and they gave her acclimate care, which is what they give to people who are going to die and need comfort.

I don't think I blinked at all starting from when Scoots and Apple Bloom went to investigate what Sweetie was doing downstairs. I'm elated that the bastard was caught and saw justice done upon him (not nearly enough, in my opinion), though after reading this...

The next chapter will be harsher.

I am...worried. I'll just have to wait and see if you are referring to the pedophile or Sweetie Belle when you say things are going to be worse in the next chapter.

I'm glad that sick bastard got caught, and almost killed here. Although, what you said about the next chapter being harsher to someone makes me feel that either Sweetie Belle is going to go through some psychological issues that will result in harming herself to even killing herself, or the bastard will escape from the hospital or prison and get revenge of Sweetie Belle by doing what he first threaten to do if Sweetie Belle told.
Either way, I look forward to the next chapter.

I know more then my fair share of people, who have been abused or otherwise hurt. So this story, well, it strikes a bit close to home with me.

This song seems appropriate: “God's Gonna Cut You Down" by Johnny Cash (sung by Marilyn Manson).

I had a female cat, who was in her young adulthood. She was clearly burning with lust. After her reproductive system was surgically removed, she wasn't burning with lust anymore.

So yes, hormones effect women and make them want sex! Men have no monopoly on that. And those hormones can be stopped, with surgical or (I presume) chemical means.

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And the sad thing is: If this were a “foalcon”, if this showed what happened to Sweetie as something tantalizing and acceptable, it'd have so many upvotes that it'd be in the featured box.

This fandom is messed up!

I didn’t say that they couldn’t, but that the most common procedure I knew of didn’t quite equal what was done for the opposite sex. Preventive sterilization methods for male offenders also include procedures that do render what they have unusable, so to speak. That’s something that would be the ideal goal for both the sexes, but it ends up being easier for multiple available procedures to fully sterilize a male and make them unable to do much, at least with how things are now. Just removing/decreasing hormones isn’t enough; the crime is one about power.

“[Scootlaoo] savagely latched onto his leg and bit down, driving her teeth in as deep as she could”.

Go Scootlaoo!

I were I were Rarity, and I saw that: I'd want to marry Sweetie off to you, after you two grew up! Unfortunately, you're not a boy. You're a tomboy. But hopefully: Rarity can find her little sister a stallion, who's as noble as you are. You did good Scoots.

What Mr. Rule did was a perversion. A perversion of something beautiful and wonderful! Hopefully when Sweetie's older: This won't keep her from enjoying genuine loving sex, with a noble stallion. A noble stallion, would would protect her as fiercely Scootlaoo did!

It was at that point his wife, a very short mare, stood up in the gallery and said, "No. He doesn't." She then turned and left. He never saw her or his children again.

This is such a fucking great line.

But I got to feel bad for the poor wife. Well, if she's truly an innocent victim, that is.

She most likely is, just going off how she's presented.

I don't know. I wouldn't be surprised, if she married a nasty person because she's a nasty person herself. But she didn't realize just how nasty Rule was. Or something.


I guess I'd better chime in here.

HIs wife suspected something was wrong with her husband but had no clue how depraved he was. As much of a pervert as he was, he'd never touched his own children, so she had no other reason to suspect him. And since his other victims never said anything (out of fear, as he'd made the same threats to them as to Sweetie Belle) all that knew him thought him to be an upstanding citizen.

That's how it usually works with sexual predators: their families are the most surprised when their crimes are made known. These kinds of people are very good at hiding their dark sides.

If the story had been longer, I would have explored these themes, but I went with what I knew to be the actual events.

I think you did a good job showing that with what was presented in this final chapter. She renounced him and showed shock, and nothing even implied any abuse towards the foals, which as you pointed out does have a parallel to many real-life cases.

I hope to see more of these serious topic stories from you in the future, too!

After thinking about it for a bit, here's what I'm thinking society should do with Rule (assuming we don't give him the death penalty):

One: He should be castrated. He is unwilling, or unable, to control his sexual impulses. Those impulses should be removed.

Two: He should be put to work. He's a math tutor. I bet there are quite a few adults in, whatever city his prison's in, who could use better math skills.

Thank you for writing this story. I am sure it wasn't easy, but thank you.

As to 1... there's really very little evidence that it helps. As noted, it isn't about the sex, it's about power and control, and that's not an urge found in the balls. It doesn't prevent the harm either, just forcing them to get more creative.

As for 2... prisons usually do, though the problem would be his security in this case - second lowest on the list of scum, after all.

#1: I'll partly agree, I doubt castrating Rule would truly reform him. The problem isn't that he has sexual urges (everyone does). The problem is: He expresses those sexual urges by brutality raping children.

So he'll still be a bad person. But we castrate male cats and dogs for a reason! And that reason is not to prevent breeding (we spay females for that), the reason is to alter the behavior of the males.

#2: If prisons really wanted to be secure, I think they'd be secure.

A great ending. And a well deserved fate for that bastard. His wife and kids leaving him, being sent to prison, and him begging for his life before that cellmate of his killed him. I loved that part, because he got to know and experience what the fear, pain, and suffering was like for his victims (including Sweetie Belle) before he died and left the living world on his way to hell. He obviously had no remorse for what he did to his victims, so it was a well deserved fate for him.

This was a good read. Well done.

Murder is still wrong and I pity that stallion. I wish he has a better end.

No no no killing is right. To take the life of a human.. GOD its ,its like magic . If you eat your kill your are granted Godhood. Just the heart. I mean....................................................Hahahahahahahahahahahhhhhahahahahahahahahahah.................

In a way, it's kind of a release writing this all down. I long for revenge against those two monsters, but I'm encouraged by my loved one's attitude, in that she doesn't allow it to rule her life.

When she told me, it was over a time she'd come to visit me over the Christmas holidays. It rocked me to my core, so much so I had to check myself into the mental ward for a week after she returned to California. My right jaw still clicks sometimes, because when she told me I clenched my jaw so hard it almost dislocated.

Someday, somehow, I will find them. Whether I'll leave their fate to the authorities, or take the law into my own hands, I can't honestly say.

But thank you again for your encouraging words. Writing this still affected me, so that's why it took me so long to respond.

You're most welcome! Thanks for replying. That's totally understandable. I don't know your friend, but I already have nothing but respect and admiration for her. I wish the best for both of you.

As they were sitting there, Opalescence wandered into the room. She paused when she saw the new pony, then hissed and extended her claws. "Opal!" cried Rarity. "Be nice!" But the cat was having none of it. She sat herself in a corner of the room and refused to take her eyes off the stallion, hissing and yowling. Scooping her up in her magic, Rarity said, "I'm sorry, she's never like this. I'll just move her to somewhere else."

Red flags: raised, Alarms: screaming, Rarity: Ignoring it.

Wow. I never realized how underrated this story is! I hope this gets recognition it deserves.

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