• Member Since 10th Oct, 2018
  • offline last seen May 29th, 2019


I am taking time to think about my actions and may or may not return.

Comments ( 76 )

Here we go again...

"Settle down, everypony. Let's get this shit over with," Celestia said with a yawn, banging her gavel down on the sound block sitting on the wooden desk in front of her.

"RAINBOW DASH RAPED ME!" screamed Scootaloo.

"I did not, you little fucker!" Rainbow Dash shouted back. It was extremely upsetting to her that she was even there in the first place. It was a ridiculous accusation that never should have made it to the court, but here they were, wasting everypony's time.


Scootaloo cleared her throat in front of the mic. "Hi everypony, I want to tell you all that RAINBOW DASH RAPED ME AND MADE ME CUM UNTIL I PASSED OUT! Help me, please! Celestia, throw her in jail!"


"Shut the fuck up. The plaintiff is speaking," said Celestia. "Now Scootaloo, what evidence do you have for this accusation? If you had an orgasm, you must have enjoyed it."


Scootaloo fluttered onto the table and started spreading her legs apart as Celestia looked on excitedly, but a royal guard fired his gun through the roof, causing Scootaloo to shit herself. "Why the FUCK would you do that?" she screamed.

Okay, that's it. I am now 100% convinced you are a troll. And nothing you can tell me will convince me otherwise...


I came to that conclusion after his story about Cozy Glow.

Comment posted by Illi deleted Apr 25th, 2019
Comment posted by Illi deleted Apr 25th, 2019

Someone drugged your brownies?

This is why Thanos wants to exterminate the 50% of humanity.:derpytongue2:

(For further references, watch Avengers: Infinity War.)

I may send this via my brother. He's a lawyer.

And 50% of the universe, remember.

I believe you mean, 'this is such a bad story'?

But what if this guy wasn't part of the 50%, and you were? You write a lot better than this guy, and you've got the added challenge of working in a second language!

No offense, but why and how is Celestia the judge?

And how was Sunset Shimmer's testimony accepted as evidence? Shouldn't this have already been accepted as evidence during the discovery phase?

This is a trollfic, and one by sonic_rainbowdash2005 to boot. Nothing makes sense!

Rainbow Dash did nothing wrong!

"Trollfic"? Is that something that's very short, yet funny or something?

Well, if I disappeared, it could be a problem.:derpyderp2:

Ask your doctor today if euthanasia is right for you:coolphoto:

Well, this would probably be declared a mistrial because unsolicited evidence was accepted.

If not, the plaintiff was the only one who claimed anything for her case, I believe, so she probably wouldn't have met her burden of proof, so we don't know whether she did.

At last check, rape is against the law.

I actually thought this was somewhat funny, but I have no idea of what the author had in mind.

Entitling Scootaloo to a retrial, and a chance to appeal to the Supreme Court.

Stares at cover art
Stares at cover art

Comment posted by Illi deleted Apr 26th, 2019

Perfectly fine.
To each their own belief.

Okay, Desperate Dawn here and I can't help but to wonder why such fic gets downvoted so quickly, thus here I am checking the story out.
*Few minutes later*

Okay... I just want to say;

What....in the actual Tartarus...did I just read?

Oh look who’s back.

The king of all trolls known to mankind is here.




Kinda stating the obvious, aren't we?

Seems that unlike every new story that starts out unrated, SonicXRD's gets a ton of dislikes by the time it starts. Does he just have an aura of hatred?

This is amazing, glad to see you back writing future masterpieces.

His rrreputation is bad. Principal Cinch would not approve.

Took the words out of my mouth!

Glad to clear that up.

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