> Fair Trial > by Sonic_Applejack2005 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Justice Prevails > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Settle down, everypony. Let's get this shit over with," Celestia said with a yawn, banging her gavel down on the sound block sitting on the wooden desk in front of her. "RAINBOW DASH RAPED ME!" screamed Scootaloo. "I did not, you little fucker!" Rainbow Dash shouted back. It was extremely upsetting to her that she was even there in the first place. It was a ridiculous accusation that never should have made it to the court, but here they were, wasting everypony's time. "What's even the problem with that? I grab mares by the pussy all the time," said Celestia. "Why the fuck am I even here?" asked Sunset Shimmer, frowning. Princess Celestia had called her over from Equestria City but hadn't told her what for. "Sunset Shimmer, do not swear in my court you piece of shit," said Celestia. "You are here because that stupid bitch over there is too poor to afford a real lawyer." She pointed at Rainbow Dash, who raised her head indignantly. "Hey, I didn't know that the Wonderbolts paid so little!" Rainbow pointed a hoof back at Celestia. "You were the one who said you would make Equestria great again, and what did you do? You separated parents from their children at the border, asked the Yaks for help during the election, and tried to waste taxpayer money on a stupid wall to defend against the changelings!" Celestia slammed her gavel three times. "I declare this trial over and hereby sentence Rainbow Dash to a hundred years in Tartarus." She turned to leave, but one of her guards pulled her aside and whispered something in her ear. Her eyes widened, and she returned to the table. "Ahem, I was just kidding! Everypony deserves the right to a fair trial." She motioned in Scootaloo's direction. "Would the plaintiff please present their case?" Scootaloo cleared her throat in front of the mic. "Hi everypony, I want to tell you all that RAINBOW DASH RAPED ME AND MADE ME CUM UNTIL I PASSED OUT! Help me, please! Celestia, throw her in jail!" "Objection!" shouted Sunset, slamming her hoof on the table. "Shut the fuck up. The plaintiff is speaking," said Celestia. "Now Scootaloo, what evidence do you have for this accusation? If you had an orgasm, you must have enjoyed it." The orange pegasus looked up in confusion. "I need evidence? Um... I could show you my pussy and how it's bigger because Rainbow Dash stretched it," she suggested. "Oh yes, please do!" Celestia said eagerly. Scootaloo fluttered onto the table and started spreading her legs apart as Celestia looked on excitedly, but a royal guard fired his gun through the roof, causing Scootaloo to shit herself. "Why the FUCK would you do that?" she screamed. "You're giving me a bone-- er, that is not appropriate behaviour for the courtroom! Stay on topic." "I'll have that guard executed at dawn," Celestia muttered to herself. "Would the defendant like to make a rebuttal?" Sunset Shimmer raised her hoof, nodding. "My client has an alibi for the night of the alleged sexual assault." "And what would that be?" asked Celestia. "Rainbow Dash has stated that she was at a gay bar on that night. I can personally confirm this to be true," said Sunset. Celestia heard one of the guards asking if that was allowed, and the truth was she didn't know the answer. However, she wasn't going to let anypony else know that. "Evidence accepted. I have concluded that the plaintiff is lying." Scootaloo squealed in rage. "Can't you see she's the one who is lying!?" she shouted. "Rainbow Dash probably paid her to say that! Why does she have such a convenience alibi anyway?" Celestia held up a hoof, silencing the filly. "You should know better than to question my judgement, you untalented little chicken. We hold you in contempt of court and hereby sentence you to eternity in Tartarus for wasting all of our fucking time," Celestia said coldly. "Let this be an example to all that we do not have time for lies and deceit. Had I not seen through Scootaloo's plot, an innocent pony could be in Tartarus right now." "NO, I SWEAR I'M TELLING THE TRUTH!" Scootaloo begged, getting onto her knees. "Please believe me, Princess Celestia. She's dangerous!" "Cut the bullshit, Scootaloo," said Sunset. "My client wasn't anywhere near you, and you have not presented any evidence of your claim. Your honour," Sunset turned to Celestia, "Scootaloo is a pathetic, lying sack of shit trying to stir up trouble just like she did in season two, episode twenty-three. We would like to request an additional hundred years in Tartarus for trying to frame an innocent pony." "But she already has a life sentence," Celestia pointed out. "Nonetheless, you are correct that we need to set a strict precedent. Along with Scootaloo, I also sentence her friends and family to eternity in Tartarus as well." She gestured to the shaking pegasus filly. "Guards, take her away." "No, please listen to me!" Scootaloo cried. "Why won't anypony listen to me? I promise I'm telling the truth!" "Fuck off, Scootaloo! You're just jealous because I can fly and you can't! I hope somepony actually does rape you in jail!" said Rainbow. "Silence!" shouted Princess Celestia. "This session is over. Let it be known that justice always prevails in Equestria." "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Scootaloo's cries rang out as Celestia opened a portal, and the guards tossed her in without a second thought. "Oops, that might have actually been a portal to the prison housing the most dangerous killers in Equestria," said Celestia. She looked up for a moment. "Oh well, who cares?" Rainbow Dash smiled as she slipped a bag of bits into Sunset Shimmer's hooves. "Thanks for the help." Sunset smiled back. "It was my pleasure," she replied before poofing back to her world. Was Scootaloo the tenth? The twentieth? Rainbow Dash had sexually assaulted so many fillies that she had lost count. She had gotten away with it before, and she had gotten away with it again. In years to come, Ponyville would be tarnished by the most elusive serial rapist Equestria had ever seen, sexually assaulting entire groups of fillies and colts and disappearing without anypony ever seeing their face. Every victim swore that it really happened, but when they reported it to adults, one-by-one they were all sent to Tartarus for lying, as per the precedent set by Scootaloo years before.