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When worlds collide

Chapter 1: Introduction

There is a man in worker overalls stood in a long, grey, metal corridor, looking at a holographic screen.

A male, computer voice can be heard saying, “Earth – 2147. This was the year that the HLV Malevolence fled the Earth with SKULL’s best soldiers, scientists, people and equipment due to a losing war that has been waging for 47 years.” The man is stood staring at an image of Earth on the screen; he moves over to a window and looks out into the vast darkness of space with part of Jupiter in view.

The computer voice continues, “SKULL is an organised military company with the intent of controlling the Earth and any other planet that are habitable. SKULL laid in secret within Mt Everest for years using political and commercial companies to cover itself up, the main one being Global Dynamics.”

The worker still staring out into space when he gets a large jump as a scientist runs past with a light lavender Pegasus, sky blue mane and tail with candy-pink stripes running down them, chasing after him.

“Come here. I just want to ‘play’ with you” the mare calls out as she looks up the frightened worker as she passes by, soon out of sight. The now confused worker thinks hard, trying to process what just happened whilst getting a sense of fear from the creature.

“What was that Mathis?” he curiously asks the computer.

"That THING was a recently created monstrosity. She was bio-engineered from the Overseer’s personality but during the initial designs some of his DNA found a way to her and now......she lives. The perverted thing she is.” He explains. Just as the worker was going to ask a question, Mathis interrupts with a more serious tone in his voice, echoing through the whole ship.

“Warning, the Grand Master has just requested an emergency Quantum warp jump. Two enemy vessels inbound. Please proceed to the nearest shielded room.” He informs the ship crew. He then disappears as the worker sharply turns to the window and searches every bit of space for the enemy ships, a large electrical surge can be heard coming from the far end of the ship. He continues to search but just as he gives up, two bright flashes of light appear in the distance revealing two large ships but not as big as the Malevolence, his eyes grow large as he realises a fight might come under way soon and sprints for the nearest shield room.

<At the bridge>

A comms technician grabs at his headset ripping them off, “Sir, they’re hailing us!” he shouts out.

A tall, thin, dark-blonde haired man wearing an officer’s uniform and hat is stood beside the captain’s chair in the centre of the circular room, “Put them through.” He requests. The technician presses a few buttons and a large video image of the other ship’s bridge.

“This is the captain of the UEFDC vessel ‘Righteous Path’, surrender now and nobody gets hurt” he orders to the Overseer.
Just then a figure in a black uniform with a red cape, wearing a golden mask, holding a black cane with a cobra head, enters the room.

“Ah, Captain Flanagan. I thought you might have arrived soon. You have caught us off guard. I surrender” he claims as he sits in the large captain’s chair, then looks at the man next to him, “Overseer, commence jump” he order quietly, the Overseer walks up to a console, presses a button and returns to the chair.

Flanagan then claims rather victoriously, “We have won. You are to prepare for docking. Don’t try anything.” The screen goes black revealing the open space in-front. The two UEFDC ships approach the Malevolence only to see a large energy wave start to work its way from the front to the back of the ship.

The ships continue to approach thinking that it is the shield dropping....they were wrong.

A radar technician onboard the ‘Righteous Path’ calls to the captain, “SIR! It’s not the shields. They’re going to jump, right next to us.” The captain jumps up out of his chair and stares at the radar screen, soon realising what is about to happen.

“Evasive manoeuvres. NOW!” he barks out orders as the ships start to turn around. The energy wave on the Malevolence reaches the back, disappearing then a large energy blast erupts as the ship is propelled into light travel. A shockwave of energy hits the two ships blowing them up in large fires, causing the reactor on the ‘Righteous Path’ to overload and erupt into a massive explosion of that of a mini supernova.

<7 years later>

The Malevolence exits light travel just a few thousand miles away from a planet that closely resembles the Earth....and a moon. The ship slowly drifts towards it. The Overseer walks up to a console, sits in a chair and starts to survey the planet, “It look very similar to Earth, sir, but it ISN’T Earth.....Mathis, scan for a local population and species” he orders.

“Yes sir. Commencing scan......some interference detected, strange but not important....Sir, I can’t get a scan of the planet due to the interference but I can make out that it coming from the surface, I suggest you find out, sir” Mathis informs. The Overseer then prepares for departure whilst getting some Talons to follow him.

<At hanger>

A crane holding a dropship moves towards the Overseer and five Talons (the Elite soldiers of SKULL) and then lowers down, releasing the dropship and moves away. He then orders the Talons onboard before entering himself. Once inside, the door close and the engines ignite suddenly making the dropship come to a hovering state, the main hanger doors slide open to reveal a blue energy field that keeps the air from rushing out. The dropship’s engines tilt forward and a large burst from them quickly propels it forwards out the hanger.

Inside the dropship the Overseer is putting his armour on , whilst doing so he tells the Talons, “Right, our mission, scout the planet’s surface for a local species. We’ll be dropping in from eight-thousand metres, the air has been said to be ever so slightly less dense than that on Earth so the landing speed is 180MPH.” He puts his helmet on, twists it to lock it in place and claims, “Now, let’s discover a new planet.”

<End chapter 1>