• Published 17th Mar 2019
  • 362 Views, 2 Comments

Ponycalypse - pizzafryer

Twilight and her crazy friends have to face a world-destroyer demon filly.

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Next morning all four of them were at the Ponyville hospital.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were full of bliss for their new wings and hooves.

“Yay, thank you very much, Princess Luna.” Fluttershy expressed her grateful as admiring her new leg.

“Not at all. After we went through this is the least.” Luna said with a smile, nodding toward her.

“I didn’t know your horn can do things like that.” Dash said. “Now I also want one. As far as I heard the demon broke it off. How did it come back?”

“It grows back in a half day,” answered the princess as she clinked her horn with her hoof.

“Neat!” Dash said. “I wanna try out my new wings immediately” She almost managed to jump out of the bed, but Luna pushed her back with her magic.

“Check it out, guys, I know the best spell of all.” Luna said excitedly.

“Wow, what’s that?” Dash asked curiously.

“I am curious, too.” Fluttershy said.

“Sleep.” with that dark blue wave came from Luna’s horn toward Dash and Fluttershy, whom fell asleep at once.

Luna turned to Twilight:

“You are strong, Twilight Sparkle, more than any of us. Please, forgive them. You don’t want to know what they went through in order to help you and fix the error of their ways. I cannot even imagine how you can stand things like that in every second week,” she admiringly bowed her head to Twilight then patted her on the shoulder in sympathy. She even hugged her, Twilight returned the hug. Any other pony would be shattered after an adventure like this, but they aren’t.

“I am going to home, now. I could use a good sleep.” Luna said as she and Twilight let each other go.” So early I usually turns to my other side.” Luna said funnily.” You’d go home, too, I guess, someone really missed you already.”

With that Luna disappeared like the wind blows away a smoke cloud.

Twilight stay for only a little longer. She rested her eyes on her peacefully sleeping friends. She was smiling. She covered them with her recovered magic power.

“Nothing to worry about, Luna. I’ve already forgiven them. I could not imagine my life without them.” she thought and left the ward, she was heading home.


The library was still a terrible mess. Twilight does not feel like thinking on it too much. Fortunately, she had insurance for unleashed-ancient monsters. Technically, it turned out better for her in this way, then if the library stay intact.

On entering the library, she saw a giant jaw, full of razor-sharp teeth jumping at her. She felt a strong squeeze around her throat. She could not take breath, she felt something warm liquid flowing over her neck.

It was Spike. He nearly chock her he was hugging her so strong, soaking her coat with his happy tears.

“I worried so much, what they were gonna do to you!” said the dragon with tearful eyes. “Until this day, no pony has gotten away with the judge of the alicorn council. You must be special.”

“Those had no such friends like me.” Twilight said, and carefully put down the baby dragon.

“Tell me, what did they do to you?” Twilight asked Spike.

“It was horrible, Twilight, they locked me in a daycare. They had only fake-music, carrot puree and whole grain biscuits were for lunch. I could beg them anyhow they didn’t give me only alchol-free cider, not like you. But they sent me to sleep every afternoon, I liked that one.”

“Yeah, it really sounds horrible.” Twilight said with well-hidden sarcasm.

“Doesn’t it?” said the small dragon. “ Now, it’s your turn. What happened to you? They told me nothing. They just woke me up from my afternoon napping, saying it’s time to go, and I almost pee myself, because they didn’t tell me where. Then suddenly I found myself here.”

Twilight told the whole story to Spike, at least what she remembered… when she was awake… and not drunk as a horse. So, approximately, a blue and a yellow plasticine figure wanted her to learn the poet of Lamentation of Lore in Ancient-horse language by heart, because there would be recitation at school that day. Then an oversized filly was moshing with the walls, while some ponies played trash-metal at full volume in the house, and broke everything.

Spike dropped his jaw from he heard. “Darn it. And I missed it out.” he said it with disappointment.

Twilight tenderly stroked his head. “Don’t worry, Spike, I’m sure there will be another time, there will be.”

The couple spent the rest of the day with rebooting the library. They were laughing, telling jokes, throwing the pieces at each other. Twilight found Spike’s R34 magazines, and started to mock him with it. He countered this with the fifty shades of pony, and other toys of Twilight.

Until night, the library was in tip-top shape. It was the best they have already got the compensation money for the damages.

Then someone knocked on the door. It was Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy with a batmare and a sassy white mare with bangs.

“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in the hospital?” Asked the taken aback Twilight.

“We were, but they released us. They told us we were as healthy as a horse.” Rainbow Dash said happily as they jumped into the air.

“I’m glad to hear that. What about those…mares.” asked Twilight finally.

“Do you remember that date that has failed because of the séance that went terribly wrong?” Dash said.

Twilight nodded: “Vaguely.” she said tauntingly.

“Well, it looks like it finally works out.” Dash said with big smile.

“You were just let out of a hospital, and you wanna start at once? And how did you managed to coax them back?” Twilight was astonished.

Dash pushed a magazine in front of Twilight’s nose. It was the newest issue of Equestria Daily. Dash and Fluttershy was on the cover as the savour of the world and the ones who were closest to destroy it simultaneously.

“Unleash a several million-year-old demon on the world that starts a crazy rampage then stop it did not care about your own safety is equal with awesomeness.” she claimed.

“And the alicorn…” Twilight could not finish her sentence, cause Dash stopped it.

“Not speak about secrets, Twilight.” Dash whispered.

“Yeah, I repeat: I’m glad to hear that. What about those mares.”

“We thought we could have a party at yours. Especially, in your bedroom.” Said the cheeky Dash.


“Great!” with that the gang get in the house, up to the bedroom. Twilight followed them, angrily, but her bedroom door was closed with a “not disturb” sign on it.

“Those faggots.” Twilight growled.

“Do not worry.” Spike said. “I expected this and I prepared a surprise for them.”

“What did you do you, devious bastard?” Twilight asked with an amused grin.

“Do you remember that itching powder I got from Pinkie Pie?” Spike smiled.

“I do. You poured it into my swimming suit. The water just made it more effective.” Twilight remembered. “Don’t say you…?”

“I did. I put all of it into the bed.” he said proudly.

“you idiot! What if I lie in that bed?” Twilight screamed at him.

“I’d have warned you.” Spike said with closed eyes, as if even the supposition was an offense.” Except I forgot about it.” He said with laughing. “But, seriously, I thought it would happen. Plus, I own Dash with owe for last time putting my hand into lukewarm water and wetting myself.”

Twilight was giggling. “Maybe after this they will not use my bed anymore.”

“I very much hope, I am fed up with this day. Come, I made sleeping spots downstairs. Tomorrow, we must burn the old beds and buy new ones. By the way, do not use the toilet at this floor, because I replaced the toilet paper with sandpaper, in case if Dash sneak in our home in the middle of the night to take a dump, again.

As they came down the stairs. The screamings were honey for their ears. It went louder after someone turned on the shower. Twilight lied down with a wide smile on her swift made bed.

Spike fell asleep almost immediately. But Twilight took away a quill and a paper, and started to write.

Dear Princess Celestia

In the last two days I have learnt an important lesson about friendship.

Firstly, the common respect is a basic fundamental of any kind of friendship. We must respect the other’s private life and properties.

As you can never know whether you found the box that that contains your friend’s demons that if unleashed can cause terrible destruction, and hurt countless ponies, who have nothing to do with it anyway.

Though, there are moments, situations, and cases when you must disrespect your friends for their own good, to protect them from those demons, or else they would drown in their own blood.

Though, these things should be taught to everypony by their parents. If it is not then you must fix this fillyhood deficit of your friends. To teach them what their parents did not. A good friend ought to intervene in their friends life if the situation requires it. Sometimes, with tough love.

And you can only hope they learn the lesson and will respect your stuff and responsibilities anymore.

Your faithful student

Twilight Sparkle

A group of ponies ran past Twilight like a crazy donkeys to the street. In their trail they lost their fur. They were almost naked.

Twilight yawned, walked to Spike, put the roll in front of his nose and yanked his tail. From that the little dragon barfed green flames in his dream. The green flame flowed around the roll and burnt it away.

Twilight went to bed.


Luna finally was in the palace, at home, she headed to her bedchamber, but by a sudden idea, she thought to drop in to her sister.

She knocked on her door, but no answer came. After a while, she got herself to peek into, there was no one, the room was coal dark. Then Luna realized there was a note stuck on the door.

My dearest Luna,

I have to go to an urgent business-trip, therefore I cannot be here with you, but this case cannot be postponed.

You have no idea how proud I am of you. You have faced with your very first five-star demon. Even I was older then you now when I had mine.

I am very glad you made it alive.

We talk when I am home. I am looking forward to hearing your story. Until that, rest. I am sure you need some.



“Hmm.” Luna hummed, rolling her eyes. “You never change, big sister. You and your business-trips.”

She turned around and close the door. She went to her own room, took her sleeping spot, and slept like she would never want to wake up. This time, she cared about only her own dreams.

She swam in the deepest ocean, visited the furthermore stars, she went sleeping on the rocking lap of the northern-light.