
by pizzafryer

First published

Twilight and her crazy friends have to face a world-destroyer demon filly.

In an awkward double date Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy accidentally set on us a terrifying demon.
They're going to need all power of friendship and lack of sanity to stop it.

Proofreader is Karibela

Chapter 1 - Rainbow at night

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The pale moonlight was sparkling on the waving stream’s surface. Faded yellow leaves fast asleep their dreams among an oak tree’s roots, near the edge of the forest.

The uphill reached to a very old path that the former stream crossed.

The slope side was filled with rabbit holes. Some distance from the trickling brooklet stood a lonely hut. Only the filtering lights gave out that it has any tenant.

It looked cosy and friendly. Apparently, it was appropriate for satisfying any kind of physical comfort.

Meadow buttercups and blue, Veronicas lined beside the house and the brick made, by-pass channel that the stream flowed through.

The moon soaked the clouds in a silvery milkiness. The forest folks were, not knowing the clock, carefreely lingering around, nibbling wild daffodils or dandelions that the others had not noticed. Here and there, they played with the anthills. On a tree, at the edge of the woods, a black thrush sang freely, as a mark to the other there is nothing to be afraid of. On the other side of the stream it was clear and quiet.

The tenant of the hut, without having better thing to do, was preparing for bed. After all, you don’t move to the edge of the forest because you like rumpus. The tenant was drinking her green tea, sitting on her mint green coach, wearing her mild pink night-gown, flinging herself into that delusion this day is over and she has nothing to do, but go to bed.

But she was wrong.

The Universe is not slothful when it has to show how much of a jerk it can be. Our yellow fella was just enjoying the peace too much to notice the signs. For instance: the thrush stopped singing, and the animals were frantic to run away.

The door opened then almost immediately closed. The sound of slam, as an order, has stopped this idyllic moments.

“Fluttershy!” she heard the shout. Fluttershy fell from the coach. All of sudden, a blue coated, dark maned pony hovered just above her, wearing every kind of dark gimmick.

“Get up! I need your help!” It did not interest Fluttershy at all. The only thing she managed to understand is the fact that there is a complete stranger, who had broken into her house without her permission. As she was screaming, without stopping, she threw her tea cup at her invader. The uninvited guest managed to dodge the object just in time. Fluttershy, using this chance, tried to escape. She ran toward the door, but the guest was faster than her. The pony, as a huge spider web, braced the sides of the doorways, managed to not only prevent the escape, but as a spring launched Fluttershy back inside the room.

“Please, don’t hurt me!” said the yellow pony, tearing eyes, shaking on the ground, digging her face into her hooves.

“ I don’t wanna hurt ya. It’s me, Rainbow Dash.” she said it eventually, with a “ It’s so typical Fluttershy” expression on her face.

“Oh.” the pony looked up from the ground. “Sorry, Dash, I scared when I saw your appearance had lost its rainbowlikeness. “ What do you want?” asked Fluttershy.

“I need your help.” she said firmly.

“ For what? At that time? I hope you don’t want to me to go with you to steal AJ’s cider barrels again."

“ No, that didn’t work last time. I need you as my wingmare, and out of all of my friends you have the most wing.”

“ I doubt I would be the most suitable for this thing. Why is that new appearance, Rainb…? – she tried to finish her sentence, but Rainbow’s harsh shout made her recoil and bend down her head.

“ Don’t call me that! – Dash told her off. “ From now, call me Obsidian Blackraven. This is my gothic name. I arranged a double date for us for this coal black night with two hot demon chicks. They're gonna blow your mind.” said Obsidian, rubbing her hooves.

“Rainbow-“ The confused Fluttershy barely started to her speech, when Dash butted in.


“ Obsidian, I’m afraid of the dark. I cannot even imagine why I came up in your mind. I have four main, and a whole village of reason why you ought to chose somepony else for this sort of thing.” She was very confident she could talk Obsidian out of involving her into her newest crazy antic.

Rainbow only waved with her hoove on this, snorting.

“Anyway, I was just waiting for Discord for tonight. He would totally psych out If we delayed the night.

“ Hallo, Discord?” said Dash, holding the phone in her lap. “ It’s Blackraven speaking. I’m sorry, but Fluttershy's got another programme for tonight, she’ll call you back later” A gunshot came from the other side of the phone, then a loud thump.

“He took it very well.” said Blackraven. “Now, it’s time took care of your appearance.” a devilish grin appeared on Dash face.

“What’s your problem with my look?” Fluttershy asked got frightened, sat on her rear.

“ Oh, c’mon, pink mane, baby chick coloured coat, pink butterflies, you’re as so dark as a bowl of vanilla pudding.”

“Inside, I am much darker then you.”

“ Let’s get started.” Obsidian didn’t pay any attention.

Fifteen minutes later Obsidian eyeballed Fluttershy’s new appearance.

“Not bad. I say, it even looks good on you. You’re a true natural emo.” Obsidian wildly nodded.”

“Thanks. My parents must’ve been very proud of me.” the lemon pony responded with a cynic answer.

“The last thing is your hair.”

“ Why? I love my hair.” said FS, and started stroking and cuddling her long, rich mane.

“ It’s radiating warm feelings and kindness.” said, Dash.

“ My hair is soft and pleasant, like flattering.” said Fluttershy, tighten her hug with her thick mane. “Aren't these black stripes already enough?”

“It’s still missing something.”

“I have hair stuffs in my bathroom. I got them from Rarity as presents. She said they are good for everything.” said FS, pointing to the bathroom direction.

“Awesome! Check it out.” Obsidian flipped one in the air.

“I think a gothic person does not say things so happily, and does not say things like awesome.” said Fluttershy as going up to the bathroom, after few moment she came back with a black bottle. It was called Goof Juice.

” Probably, it is the most powerful hairsetting-lotion, you know.”

“ What is this stuff?” asked Obsidian.

“It says it was made of brony tears. It retains its warranty for an unlimited duration. Shake before use. I’ve used it sometimes.”

“And, how was it? Is it really so powerful as they say?” asked the very curious, Obsidian.

“ I'll show you. Will you throw that orange to me?” Flutterhy was shaking the bottle, Dash leisurely threw the orange to her. Fluttershy sprayed the bottle containment on it: the orange stopped in the air.

“Holy shit!” Obsidian was surprised. “It’s incredibly cool.”

“This is how I got rid of flies and similar in a harmless way.” shared it, Fluttershy.

“Why will it fall?” Blackraven pointed on the orange.

“I don’t know, I usually don’t use hairsetting-lotion on fruits.”

“ So, it is solved as well, we only gotta – Fluttershy interrupted.

“ I hope you didn’t invited those two ponies here, into my house. I don’t mind helping you, but only it does not go along with my extreme home requirements. I won’t give up my coach and curtains!” said Fluttershy in her assertive mode.” But only if it’s not a problem.” her suddenly-appeared self-esteem disappeared as quick as it came.

“ Do not worry. I could think of a much more darker and magical place than this one.” she started to grin again.


Twilight Sparkle rechecked her list to not miss anything on it. After she finished with it, she took out her other list, and check-marked the recheck the list part of her list.

There were three loads of luggage in the middle of the room. Twilight was happy. She looked at the clock, they still had twenty minutes until they had to set off. She walked to the radio and turned it on. She felt as the rhythm spread through her body, the beat and the loops absorbed her, the music totally overwhelmed her without any sign of mercy. She started to kicking with her legs following the beat, she added more and more random move into her bizarre dance. She felt huge euphoria, she totally forgot about the world around her, she sticked out her tongue while shaking her head. She didn’t even realized her best friend and roommate stepped into the room. A few moments later, her eyes noticed the pale faced dragon, though, whom was absolutely taken aback by viewing her dancing.

“Uhm, hai, Schpeikh.” she said with still sticked out tongue.

“I’ve never seen you dance.”

Twilight blushed then giggled.

“I thought as we still have some time, I would listen to a little radio.”

“ Now, I have to go.” Spike said as he left the room.

Twilight heard knocking on the door. She went to answer it.

The two angels of the night stood at her door. Twilight frowned, looking at them.

“ what are you two up to, again, you two dummies?” she said while her guests entered the library.

“ We’ll have a date.” said Obsidian.

“Great. I have no clue why you did come to me then, but say it quickly, we have to set out with Spike soon."

“ This is exactly what we wanna talk about with you.” She reached over Twilight’s shoulder with her front hoof and pulled her closer to herself.

“What do you want?” asked Twilight, with menace in her voice.

“Me and Fluttershy will have a date tonight, with two, hot, nocturnal mares, whom keen on every sorta magic. I thought, as you are such an expert at magic, you might help us."

“ Shucks!” said Twilight after two seconds of pause.

“ An’ Wah not?” called her to account for the negative answer, which surprised Obsidian.

“ I am not supposed to use my magic irresponsibly.” replied Twilight. “Because If any kind of trouble happen, I’ll be the one who will be impeached for it. Just like, when you had a cart accident with AJ,” scrolled the lavender coloured unicorn.

“Oh, c’mon, Once I’ve seen you flying on the carpet just because you didn’t want to pay for a taxi.” countered Obsidian, as she pointed on her accusingly.

“That was different.” Blackraven looked at her strictly.

“Don’t stare at me. I will not give you any magic.” but Blackraven kept staring at her with her intent look.

“Do not gaze me like that!” unchanged staring. Twlight started getting angry. “ I told you not to!”

“Come on! Look into Fluttershy’s eyes, could you say no to these eyes?” with this she grabbed Twilight’s head and pushed it into Fluttershy’s face.

“Oh, no, I will not make me a fool with this trick.” Said Twlight with closed eyes and as much as she was able to, she turned her head from Fluttershy’s.

“ Face with the consequence of your selfishness.” said the winged nightmare as she forced her Twilight’s eyes to open and watch into Fluttershy eyes. So, she was unable to look away just like in that brain washing movie, her retinas were overwhelmed by the pure cuteness.

“ No, no, I don’t want to!” Twilight was shouting. She could not turn her head away, no matter how much she tried. Maybe Fluttershy thought this moment was stranger than this moment then her. She started to get embarrassed, she casted down her eyes as getting more and more brushed, but this only a more stronger effect on Twilight. Twilight started shaking, foam flooded from her mouth, as Dopamine and Endorphin displaced everything else inside her brain. All of sudden, she jumped at Fluttershy, then rubbed to her as a cat.

“Unbelievable, it works on everypony.” Blackraven thought.

“ I don’t mind, I am going to help you.” said Twlight, cuddling Fluttershy.

“Awesome!” Obsidian enjoyed the twist.

“Follow me!” said Twlight, and made her way toward her own room. She had stood in front of a Celestia portrait.

“Khálámhálú”- she said and a small secret bookshelf reviled behind the picture.

“Whoa! Twalot. You always can surprise me.” Said Obsidian OR, AKA Rainbow, peering Twilight’s hidden shelf. Twilight pulled a show while book off, it was quite thick.

“There you are, white magic, it’s for beginners. Every dummy can use this, so it will be perfect for you."

“ But I’m not a unicorn. how the heck could I use magic?” Obsidian was confused.

“ You are as magical a creature as I am. Though, you have no horn to light, but you’re able to use magic.” whispered Twilight.

“ Huh, really?” Obsidian was astonished.

“Sure. But do not tell any pony. Unicorns do not keep it in secret for nothing. What would happen to our influence if everypony found out, actually the last dumb can use magic. A Problem, a big problem.” shared the ancient secret with her, Twilight.

“ That’s cool. What kind of books is that?” asked Dash, she hoofed on a smaller, grey book.

“That’s Hoofdini’s diary.” told her Twilight.

“ And that? That book look way much cooler.” Dash did not bother herself she only pulled off the book. It was a very thick, book, with black, leather cover, there was an unknown red glowing symbol on it.

“ I can’t open it.”

Twilight took it away from her, immediately.

“No no no no no no no. This is black magic, hardcore stuff. You’d better not messing with occult.

“Huh?” OB didn’t got it.

“You know, it is not good for your digestion.” Said Twilight, she hold the book close to herself. Actually, she was lying on it.

“ Are you ready, Twilight? The cart is here.” Spike opened in the room.

“ Aha, of course. We’re going out, Dash. Do not break anything! Use only that book I gave to you, that’s you level.” She rushed out of the room.

“ Thanks, Twi, you’re a true star on my sky.” Dash shouted after her.

“I guess, everything is ready for tonight” told Fluttershy as walked out of Twilight’s room.

Chapter 2 - Awaken

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The clock struck midnight. The sound filled the library as a knell at a funeral. Shadows were dancing in the brown wall of the library, painting an eerie endless danse macabre, happy, jumping up and down, muttley laughing at their owners, whom was sitting next to a bizarre candle formation in the darkness, in awkward silence.

They were three. Obsidian, and before her, two young, surprisingly stylish mares. Firstly, it appeared as though they just came from a Kubrick, Adrian Lyne co-production movie casting. And they would be in such a rush, they left their costumes on. One of them was a snow white, but oddly pale shaded, but tidy coated mare. Her eyes were coloured perfectly, her mane was a light blonde that only emphasized her pretty face even more. She reminded Obsidian of Twilight, first, at least, she wore her band in the same way, except this pony’s back mane was cut.

Her girlfriend was really fit as well, a hot bat pony. No doubt, she had the advantage if it was about night wear.

Obsidian tried to break the silence:

“Like my hooves-watch?” She asked, lifting her left hooves, and showing them her watch, which looked like a three-dimensional towel-clock.

“Nice, where’d you get that?” asked the blonde mare.

“From a thestral, in Hollow Shade.” answered, Obsidian boastingly.

“ So, then, you’re a real magic-horse?” asked the same mare.


“ And you will do something magical?” asked the bat pony.

“At once, I just ask for my assistance.” by that, as it was by a call-word Fluttershy appeared from nowhere. She had not put too much effort to put indifference and dark thought on her, it was radiating from her face, because after a whole day of garden and animal work, she would usually turn over to her other side in the bed, at this time, but fortunately the eye shadow succeeded in hiding it. If it would not be enough, even the trousers, that Blackraven forced on her, was too tight, but she could tell her anything, she only iterated it’s good if it’s a stretch. It was going to be a bad idea, she said to her, but why the heck would she ask for her help if she doesn’t listen to her.

“Ladies,” she managed to splutter. She was carrying a big, white book under her pit.

“Phosgene” introduced herself the white mare.

“Glanders” did the other.


“It’s not a very goth name,” said Glanders.

“Oh, I meant, Flickerwry.”

“Apt” understood the two mares, as Flickerwry hoofed the book to Obsidian, and sat next to her, beside the candle symbol. While she sat down, sudden noises broke the stale, ghoulish silence in the room. It sounded like someone tore the rug.

“What was that?” asked the bat pony.

“I told you, these trousers were a bad idea.” whispered Flicker to Obsidian.

“Wry, can I talk with you for a moment?” asked Obsidian. She leaned closer to her. “What are you doing? Do you have to choose right this time to try to be funny? These, girls are not like that; they don’t laugh.”

“Sorry, I just sat down.” Wry got offended, because it was her who told Dash this trousers thing was stupid.

“Never mind. Will you chat with ‘em, while I prepare the magic?” but she was not interested in her reply, she stood up and left the circle.

“Sure, my master, whatever you want,” she said under her nose.” What the hay should I talk with them about?” asked Flickerwry sardonically, with a poignancy.

“They like dark and scary stuff, you should just scare them a bit.”

“Um,” her answer got stuck in her throat. Right now, the scariest… and dumbest thing she could imagine, was the inside of Obsidian’s head. Speaking of the devil she started saving the situation.

“Flicker is a big pal of Discord’s, the almighty lord of Chaos.”

“Really?” flickered the flame of interest in the mares’eyes.

“Yes.” she jerked it out.

“Tell them about what sorta sombre things you two dealt with on your last warlocklordying, ‘til I prepare the magic.” said OF.

“ Um.” Wry tried to figure out who she could unfold drinking tea and tax-evading that she was certain that these mares were not appreciate, in an interesting way.

“ We went to that spooky castle in the middle of the Everfree forest.”

“ Yeah?” asked the bat pony with big interest.

“Yes.” replied Flicker. “We were naked.” she added. “Then we went down at the bottom of the castle where we found the tree of harmony.

“Really?” the blonde mare was totally enthusiastic. “And then?”

“Discord want to the tree and dumped on it.” Fluttershy said with a poker face.

“I guess, this will be enough, I’m ready to do magic” Obsidian butted in the story.

“ Show them what you’ve got, Rainbow.” Wry said sarcastically.

“Hmrr,” Dash growled.

“I mean, Obsidian Blackraven.” Fluttershy was sick and tired of it all.


“Prepare yourself for the mind-blowing magic. You’ll think you’re havin’ a dream.”

“I’ve seen her working, she really will have a dream.[1]”

“Excuse me.” said Raven angrily.

“I’m sorry.”

Obsidian chanted incomprehensibly, then suddenly a bunch of colourful balloons appeared in her hooves.

“Is it some kind of joke?” asked the white mare angrily.

“ummm… it is. A little joke. Hoops, wrong book. I got to get the right one. Flicker, keep the iron hot until I’m back. I feel we are on the way.” Flicker nodded as a reply.

“I murdered a swine and pooped on it.” she said, it didn’t interest her at all, what she was saying. “ right in the middle of it.” The two goth mares was shaking, it was clear they feared, the dropped their jaws. Their face expression transformed into something respectful toward Flicker after a little time. It was not Flicker random bullshit, but her attitude and complexion that radiated pure darkness at that time.

“I suppose, I’d better go check out what our big magic mare is up to.” she stood up and fetch for Rainbow.

“Dash.” she said on entering Twilight’s room.

“I observed you. I have no clue what you told ‘em, but they are fond of you” Dash poked her side.

“ This ripped cloth hurts my boot.” responded FS.

“ What did you expect? What kind of stupid pony would torture herself with a tie trouser like that? “ Dash told her off as if she was a stupid kid.

“Dash, you know, I think I am going to ask you to take care of Angel for the whole next week.” She told it in motionless tone.

“Why for?”

“ Because I say, screw you!” Fluttershy rouse up and stared in her face. It looked like, in Dash’s view, as if Fluttershy grew three times bigger.

“ Okay, chill, Flutty. I got a great idea.” she took out and showed a big, thick, black book to Fluttershy.

“Isn’t it Twilight’s book?” Fluttershy got scared.

“What now, you wanna back out? I thought you would help me.”

“I would, but it is stealing.” Dash didn’t even listen to her, she flew out of the room with the book.” Why am I trying?” asked Fluttershy herself, sighed.

“ Alright, girls, are you ready for real magic?” Dash asked.

“ Whatever.” they started to get bored.

Meanwhile Fluttershy flew back, too, and sat down next to Dash, she whispered to her:

“Do you think it is a good idea?”

“What, Wry? Scared?” she mocked.

“Do something already, you clowns!” the two guests were impatient.

Dash started chanting at once. Fluttershy totally forgot about her acting, she laid down and covered her head with her hooves. she was trembling and her teeth chattering. All of sudden, otherworldly rumble shouted through the library as though it came from inside of a nearby cave from a beast. A wind extinguished all candle lights at once, what was a very unique phenomenon inside the closed library. The two guest mares were looking at the events astonished. Suddenly, quick as a thought, the wind stopped: no more sound, wind, trembling. Dash saw nothing, but darkness, it took her some moment to realize her eyes were closed.

“What is this?!” Dash heard the voice, it gave her enough courage to open her eyes.

“Yeah, it really is surprising, I say.” chating the two mares in a mocking tone.

“To everypony’s shock, a little filly stood in the middle of the candle symbol. It had spotless, snow white coat, curly, light purple mane, and eerie full black eyes.

“ You think we’re really so moronic?!” the bat pony blew up at them, the filly didn’t react at all to her voice.

“Let’s leave these douches.”

“Yeah, next time, don’t involve your little sister in your autism.”

“You’re darn liars.” Phosgene rebuked them

“I can confirm she’s a real autist.” said Fluttershy.

“Come, Phosgene, get outta here!” with that the two mare walked out of the library, angrily.

“ Don’t go!” Dash said. “ you know, how this summoning thing works. It is like blind bag. One day a filly, next day… Flicker, who did we summon yesterday?

“Sombra.” Fluttershy tried to think quick.

“ Yes! Him!” Dash grasped the idea.

“And we played Pictionary” added Fluttershy.

But the two mares has already left the library.

“Well, it’s great.” said Dash turning to Fluttershy. “I knew you were gonna screw up. I knew, I had better strive for the threesome.”

“ It wasn’t my fault: you summoned that little filly.”

“ Yeah, where is she, anyway? asked, Dash as she confused turned to where the little filly had stood half-minute ago.

Suddenly, the library’s door unfolded.

“It’s Twi!’- shouted Dash.

“Quickly, take back the book or else she’ll kill us.” said Fluttershy, petrified at the place her sat.

“But where is the filly?” asked Dash.

“ Why should I know?” Fluttershy shrugged.

“ Just act naturally.” Dash flew up on the ledge and forcefully tried to pretend to be asleep. On the other hooves, Fluttershy stayed as she was: petrified, shaking and being scared.

“Hi, girls!” Twilight greeted her.

“ Hello!” said Spike, too.

“ So, how was your trip?” asked Rainbow Dash as if she was just woke up her dream.

“Our hotel got on fire. So, we had to come home.” said a gloomy Spike. “I can’t believe it, they still haven’t invented the fireproof bedlinen.

“ How’s the weather outside?” asked Dash.

“It’s raining.” and the mini-dragon disappeared inside one of the rooms.

“You look great, Twilight. Have you been training lately? You look so fit, slim and tight-skinned.” said Rainbow Dash.

“I love you very much, Twilight. I’m not sure I’m telling you enough.” Fluttershy said.

“As who you are, y’know, only for you.” added Dash.

Twilight expression went somber, got nervous then said:

“You rummaged my stuff, didn’t you?” asked an angry Twilight.

“No, we didn’t.” said Dash timidly, with thin voice.

“I knew it! I told you not to mess with black magic!”

“Please, don’t be mad at us.” said Fluttershy.

“What did you do?” asked the mad Twilight.

“You just summoned a teeny-tiny demon.” tell Fluttershy fearing.

“ A very little one.” said Dash.

“ I can’t believe this.” Twilight dashed into her room and closed the door.

Dash and Fluttershy flew there. They tried to open the door, but it was closed. They knocked.

“Hey, Twilight! we’re really sorry.”

“Go away!” they heard it from the other side of the door.

“ C’mon, Twilight, don’t do this. Don’t be like that.” Dash tried to coax her from the room.

“ No! This time you went too far! I don’t know you anymore!”

“ Sorry, Twi!” Dash almost cried, wet eyes, Fluttershy did the same as well.

After a half minute, the door opened. Twilight finally emerged from the room.

“Alright. Let it be a good lesson for you two. Let’s go, clean up this mess before hell breaks loose.”

Dash and Fluttershy followed her into the room. Twilight took away a book that was so thick as a world-history phonebook. The two girls sat next to her like penitent poppies.

“ It is a demon catalogue. There are all of the demons in existence in it. Let’s find out who you managed to set on the world.” said Twilight as flipped open the book. They sat around the book.

“ What does it look like? Has it got horns?”

“No.” said Dash.

“ Was it covered with fur or nor?” asked the lavender coloured unicorn.

“ It was a simple white filly.” said Dash.

“WHAT!!!” Twilight got terrified.

“Y’know, it looked like some loveable, small filly. It was like Sweetie Belle, but the shiver runs down your spine from it.”

“ Please, tell me, it was not that one.” Twilight pushed the book in front of the two Pegasus to check it out.

“Sure, it was! It doesn’t look like a big deal, does it?” Dash pointed on the illustration picture with her hoof.

The sky rumbled, the book felt from their shelves, Twilight’s face got so pale, a marble statue could get jealous of that. The sound of books hitting on the ground was felt across the room.

“ You summoned Diov.” Twilight spit out, eventually.

“Diov?” aske Dash. “ And is that bad?”

“ We have to do the revocation spell, right now! Where is the book?” asked Twilight stressfully.

“Um, you have a copy of that book, don’t ya?” Dash scratched her head, as standing in Twilight stare as though she was caught red-handed on stealing.

“ These are seven-thousand-year old books!” said Twilight, her anger growing.

“ Yeah. You know, Twi, you’d better start insuring your stuff in that case.” Dash suggested.

“ You don’t understand what you have done! If Diov has the book then she will be able to multiply herself. Evil fillies will roam the streets. Blood will flood like rivers, and the fire of hell will devour the clouds.” said, Twilight as she got a nervous breakdown.

“Stop it, Twilight! I’m starting to get scared.” said Fluttershy.

“ Even, me.” joined Dash.

“ You know what this means? Ponycalypse is coming!” Twilight cried hopelessly.

Fluttershy and Dash looked at each other worriedly.


Within seconds, a huge storm appeared above Ponyville. Every passenger told four-letters on Pegasus, as far as their vocabulary’s end. The winged ponies didn’t even forecast rain today, not a huge, god-rage thunder like that. Unfortunately, storms like this are in the irreversible category. It would be too hazardous and dangerous for any pegasus to try to fly into it and try to stop it. That’s why they do anything only under higher orders.

Some brave pony volunteered to scour the village, they might find someone left outside or they didn’t managed to find safe shelter. Two, from those brave ponies, went across the main square of Ponyville.

“Molestia damn it! I say, Wary, I’ve never seen a storm like that” told his partner the other one, chewing something unidentifiable.

“ No worry, Wail, there’s no soul left in the street. We saw second time our part, guess we could go now. Even my fleas got drowned in the rain, an’ I mean not to follow ‘em. I could even drown from talkin’ outside.”

“ That’s always dangerous if it’s about you, Wary.” Wail ribbed him.

“Ha! I’d like to see you, growing onions without killing breath, fella. Though, it got good, too: bugs stay away from me.”

“ Mares, too.” Wail laughed. “ You could bless Luna for crossing your way with that lawyer mare. She’s in the office so much, you talk only by phone. When it’s time to action, she pass out from your breath immediately. And ya can do whatever ya want. I ‘member when she said, she’d three kids, but she doesn’t remember from who.HAHAHA!”

“ you’re very funny, fella. Why? Bein’ notcher is better? What does it, anyway? I never was sure. You do something with cars, don’t you?”

“Wary, my old friend, did you get so angry for the wife joke? Well then, for rest of the night, I’ll make do with mother-in-law jokes. Laughing at other’s unluck is the funniest,.HAHA! After, so-so many years, you don’t know my job? It really hurts me, pal, seriously.”

“Now, why you gotta be so pussy?”

“ ‘kay, I don’t mind, drowning or not, talking is better then just standing in the rain, in some minutes we got the nearest shelter anyway. I’m a notcher at the local car salon.

“ What an earth is that?”

“ Somepony brought in his car then it turned out its tyre had worn-out. In this case, I grab a hot iron and cut new, fake tyre patterns in it.

“ Isn’t it illegal?”

“ No, it isn’t. I inherited this job from my dad. He was a magnificent, old reprobate. Faust make his rest peaceful. We were in very good term.”

“Isn’t it dangerous?”

Wail wondered for a moment: “I don’t rick the client’s life more then if I would work in the Mcneigh, and fatten them with artificial food.

Wary laughed.

“ Well, pal, for this conversation, it was worthy waking up this morning. Look, I already see the shelters lights, we’re almost there.”

Then they heard the sound of water splash.

“ Did you hear that, Wail?”

“ It must be some water dripped from the roof, and we heard its sound. Let’s move.”

“ No, look over there!” Wail turned his head to where Wary’s hoofed pointed. There, a show white filly was playing carefreely, she was jumping in the puddles, as if she wasn’t even standing in the middle of the storm of the century, but only in a mild summer shower. She didn’t care about he was almost totally covered with mud.

“ Hey, this filly lost her mind? Where are her parents?”

“ I don’t give a damn on it. We are only two minutes away from the shelter. Grab her, take her. ‘Cause I’m freakin’ tired from the walking in the mud that swallows half of my legs. Soon, I’m gonna have such an ass from it that any Apple mare could be jelly of. Let’s take the kiddo, then we’ll sort out the others in the shelter, but my number one desire is a hot shower and boiled wine.”

“ You’re right. Take her in, let the child service care about her parents, it’s not our problem.” they headed for the filly.

“ Hey, kid, what are ya doin’ outside, all alone?” little filly stopped, as if she turned into a statue: she didn’t move a millimetre either.

“ It is not safe here. Come, we’ll take you to one of the shelters. There’s gonna be hot, food.” Wail said the filly, what he had to.

“Hey, Wail, don’t ya think something is not normal with this kid?” Wary asked.

“ I do. In the middle of the night, downpour, playing outside, dame it’s fuckin’ strange, but it’s not business. Our business to take her a safe place.”

“ Look at her mane, can’t you see something odd?” Wail took a better look at it: the filly’s mane was so calm as though she was standing a windproof place.

“ Yeah, her mane-fixer is number-one, big deal. What do you want? Let her here?” Wail roared at Wary.

“ No, I just have a bad feeling.”

“ As usual, Wary, but, we can’t leave her here, anyway.” There were only meters between them and the unmoving filly.

“ Do not play deaf, now we take you safe place.”

The filly, as if the statue suddenly came alive, moved a bit then turned to them to face. After this, she did nothing, but stood there, and stared at them.

Wail got deadly afraid of it. Even he could not tell why, he stop where he was, he didn’t get any closer to the filly. Something in his brain didn’t allow him to. Some moments passed like this, but Wail felt as these were years instead. He looked into the filly pure, black eyes, and he could not take away his stare.

Her eyes were dead, empty, no sign of any emotion, expression. It was similar to the stuffed animals’ one.

The filly’s face was extraordinarily smooth, like a mirror, as more thousands of year of generation of wax scripture masters had worked on it. Her expression slightly visibly changed. A manebreadth thin line started to appear under her nose. It looked like an invisible surgeon with an invisible lancet hasty cut it where her mouth should be. The doc could be in clouded mind because the smile got a little bit bigger than a normal one.

Wail didn’t even realize what happening, only when he was not able to say any word any more. Every horror of the tartarus plus this world appeared in front of him when the filly opened her huge mouth. Her whole face opened up, in it were numerous sharp teeth. Wail had no chance to run away, he was too close to the filly. He had time only a half scream, from his last breath when the filly bit off his nose, with it the half of his face.

Wary, without thinking, ran to help his friend, as he was drowning in his own blood, groaning in the mud. As soon as he took only one step, he halted, he didn’t know what happened to him, the he finally understood, when someone saw the mistake on a picture: the filly. It was unmoveable again, the rain cleaned the blood from her. It was different now, she was thinking. It made her more fearful than anything else. Apparently, she didn’t plan to finish Wail’s life immediately. She enjoyed the struggling. Wary felt sorry and shame for what he had already decided.

I’m sorry, he thought. He turned around and started to run, but with the swing of run he felt with face on the mud. AS he lifted up his head, he felt some kind of ivy or tentacle has twisted around his leg. The creature only now moved: stepped triumphal, as if that happened that she expected.

She was prancing above Wail’s body as a sublime predator. Wary felt a slow but strong drag on his leg that that thing was twisted around. It pulled his leg under the mud and further. Sound of creak and crackle can be heard while the not-for-adult-pony sized hole tried to swallow him. A demon cares no much for its victims comfortable.

The sea of mud, as a gate to hell, slowly and painfully absorbed him. He didn’t even try to struggle anymore, it was no use. For ponies is not easy to grab something even if there would be something to do so.

Nevertheless, it did not soothed the pain and fear as he cream as he could from the power of his throat. It all wasted in the murmur of the storm, though. While Wary’s torture, the little monster happily started to eat Waint still alive body. Wary eyes were covered by darkness as the thick, sticky mass swallowed him totally.

“It isn’t so bad.” he said. He felt no cold and darkness, but warm light. It was the sun. It came over the window of his bedroom. He and his wife laid in their bed, they woke up. He finally saw his children cheerfully at breakfast, see them out of the school…

As the mud filled his luges, at the same time he was filled with the peace of the other world.

As both of her victims breathed-out their souls, the creature cried out together with the bolts and the storm, sounded like Canterlot city itself had fallen down from the side of the mountain.

Chapter 3 - An alicorn bounty hunter

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Twilight laid on the ground in foetus position, she rolled from left to right, she was sucking her hooves. Dash and Fluttery were worried as they watched her.

“Um…Twilight,” started timidly Fluttershy. “You are laying and drooling for almost twenty minutes already. Aren’t you supposed to climb up the growing-up stages, before I have to change a diaper.”

Twilight didn’t even say anything.

“I suppose, this time we are in really big trouble.” she turned to Rainbow Dash. “ After the second nervous-breakdown and third iproniazid pill she usually put herself together and think out a plan.”

“Don’t shit yourself! You know how it goes: we put together the team, put on our swag, face the enemy, like a stupid lamb in the slaughter house, we ram the rainbow in its face, everypony is happy, we eat a pizza than go home and go to bed. Why would this situation different than the last one-hundred- million times?

The books of the library collapsed in from the shelves, and parts of the wooden furniture.

“What the Discord was that?” Dash asked. “Are you alright, Flutty, Twalot?

“Sure, only for a second I thought my tooth was going to fall out of my mouth, I was scared so much,” said Fluttershy, holding Twilight tight in her lap.

Both of them looked up to the ceiling, a huge hole looked back at them there. Soon, a giant, black figure appeared in the hole, glowing red.

Fluttershy trembled, still holding Twilight close, who barfed from the shaking. Fluttershy started to cry and got self-pity. “I wanted nothing, but a big sleep, after a big cup of cocoa tonight.”

Dash protectively stood between her friends and the big, black, glowing figure. She stood on her back legs and started to box the air. “I don’t know who you are, but I’ll punch in your face if I must!”

The figure dropped before them with a superhero landing. I was like a meteor crash. The figure got clearer and clearer as it stopped glowing. First, it looked like a jelly sphere that was just un-wrapping itself, getting into a familiar form. A gorgeous, four meters wingspan, two meters tall, red coated, silver maned and tailed mare.

It stood proudly, and looked around the library. Her eyes once stopped at the three pony friends. It headed for them with a severe look on her face.

We can add to Rainbow Dash awesomeness, she didn’t even recoil after this overwhelming entrance. Though, the power could be cut in the air, she stood there as still as the internet of Ponyville. The uninvited guest stood some meters before them already: nothing happened. Dash used this moment to loop up and down the lavish mare that loomed over her.

There was a half-meter long, twisted horn in the middle of her forehead that looked like as though a confectioner had wanted to cook chimney cake and an ice-cream cone at the same time. In spite of the fact of that it looked fearfully pointy. The guest wasn’t as tall as it looked at first time; only her opened wings and the fact there was no light in the library except the pale moonlight. These made her look bigger. Their guest was an alicorn, Rainbow made the conclusion. There was only one question left: what does she want?

“Who are you? Do you know the law punishing property damage and breaking-in?” Rainbow Dash said.

A devilish smirk appeared on the guest’s face.

“Whoa, you, little filly!” she said in her ethereal tone. It was like Luna’s royal voice, without ear breaking noise and gusts as she spoke. It was like a strong, but calm echo.

“You destroyed the house of my friend’s and the only intellectual institution of the village!” Dash told her off.

“Oh, my! I actually did.” answered that happily then it stomped with her foreleg. The library restored itself to its original, intact condition in seconds.

“Fascinating.” Dash said as the voice of group. She turned her head toward the voicelessly staring Fluttershy, and the still decadent Twilight. There was no choice: she had to handle this. So it goes.

“Who are you?” she asked the giant intruder.

“My name is Birner. I came to bring Twilight Sparkle before the council of alicorns, definitely. I have no time to waste.” Birner looked directly at the catatonic Twilight. Her horn glowed in greenish –yellow light as she grabbed the unicorn girl. Fluttershy didn’t want to let her go and tried to hold back against Birner. But the alicorn broke her out of her grip with a simple jerk.

Rainbow Dash found this moment the best to act. She jumped at Briner’s back, she rounded her foreleg around her neck, she tried to balance her weight disadvantage with this. Birner was much bigger than her so she would not have any chance she got below. Soon, she realized it was not a smart idea. She felt as a vibration spread all over her body then some kind of elemental power pulled her off Briner’s back, whom stared at her with angry eyes.

“You good-for-nothing! You imagine you can stand against me? And even you dare to attach me from back?!”

“She did not mean to harm you.” Fluttershy started her say. “She only thought, you should be and feel better in another story.”

Birner looked confused.

“What an earth are you talking about?” Birner snorted on her.

“That’s right! We’ll stop you! Don’t worry! If the others gon’ be here, you get it!” said Dash wriggling in the air in her billowy trap. “ We’ve dealt with bigger douche bags then you!”

Then Fluttershy took action: she took a book up from the ground, jumped high, opened the book and closed it on Briner’s face.

Nothing happened.

“You two vile, dishonest, worthless mobs!” Birner blew up at them. She took up Fluttershy as well.

“I am going to teach you what respect is. If you violate my trust, if my politeness is not enough for you, I am going to show you my power.”

Dash and Fluttershy desperately struggled. They wanted to scream, but no word left their lips. They felt like a giant snake twisted around them and clenched them stronger and stronger.

“ENOUGH! Leave them alone! They don’t know what they’re doing!” said a new voice and the grip loosened. Twilight was that, on her four hooves. Fluttershy and Rainbow dropped on the floor, panting for air.

“Kick her ass, Twilight. Put her back inside the book.” Dash said.

“She isn’t the demon. This is Birner. Head of the council of alicorns.” Twilight announced.

“Well, she’s got a big head, that’s sure.” Dash said.

“I didn’t know alicorns have a trade-union. How many alicorns are there, exactly?” Fluttershy asked.

“I cannot respond that question. It is not a secret society for giving a lecture about.” answered Twilight sadly.

“As if anypony believed us if we start talking about alicorns and their secret shadow government in the bar. There are already more of them then my legs. Where are the others? What do they do? Twiddle their tails?” Dash asked.

“We’re very sorry for the choking and cuffing you with a book. We thought you were the demon, who came back to kill us.” Fluttershy said.

“Very well. I forgive you. If it was only a misunderstanding. I have to admit I arrived with a very…overwhelming entrance. But we, alicorns, like being in the limelight.”

“Isn’t it a paradox with secrets and stuff?” asked Rainbow. But nopony listened.

Birner’s horn glittered, she took crystal ball out of her saddle bag. “You know the rules, Sparkle.”

Twilight lowered her head, and sadly accepted what is going to happen. After a big glow, Twilight found herself inside the crystal ball.

“It’s so cute!” Fluttershy said, as she looked at the tiny Twilight in the crystal ball. She saw the mini-Twilight was moving her mouth, but she heard nothing from it.

“Cool! Is it also part of your bragging?” Dash asked.

Birner snorted. “No. Alicorns transport malefactors inside special crystalballs.”

In that moment it was as if the air freezed.

“Ma-malefactors? What do you mean?” Fluttershy asked.

“Yeah, Twilight isn’t even a male, if you didn’t noticed.” Dash pointed on Birner with her hoof.

“Well, you have friends not for your brain.” Birner mockedRainbow.

“Sparkle has to answer in front of the council of alicorns for accusation of committing cause of ponycalypse as a result of negligence.” She explained to Fluttershy.

“But, she has nothing to do with it! It is not right, she got punished for our stupidity!” Fluttershy got frustrated. “That’s not fair!”

“As a librarian, it was her responsibility to make sure that dangerous books cannot get in wrong hooves. Because…this will happen.” scolded them Birner. “Anyway, as it said: why do you need enemies if you can have friends.” she said, putting Twilight into her saddle bag, and she was about to leave.

Fluttershy and Dash, if it was possible, they felt even worse than before. The last statement hit them hard. What’s gonna happen to Twilight? Will they see her again? Why did this have to happen? Why do I listen to Rainbow Dash all the time? Asked Fluttershy herself. Twilight knew exactly, that “bounty hunter” came for her, but she saved them anyway, in spite of them getting her in trouble. And she’s going to be punished for their crime.

As they were fighting with their conscience, Spike the dragon walked down the stairs. He rubbed his sleepy eyes.

“What was that ruckus?”

Spike felt a strong pull on his tail. “Oh, yeah, I take the lizard, too.” Birner said and put him into one pocket of her bag.

Dash as if she forgot the last ten minutes, attacked Birner again with her famous speed.

“Dash, don’t!” Fluttershy screamed. Birner, as if she was counting on it, stepped aside and Rainbow crushed into the bookshelf before her. Birner smiled malevolently then she flew away.

“Did you get hurt?” Fluttershy asked concerned.

“Only my ego, but nothing else,” she replied, as she painfully stood up on her hooves.” That jerk! I’m able to change my direction half-meter above the ground meanwhile I outrun my own voice, but that bastard intentionally directed me into the wall with her magic.”

“You deserved it.” Fluttershy said.” Did you go crazy? Be happy, you get away with just this. What if she start choking you again? Twilight could not save your flank again! What could I do?” Fluttershy started crying. “I would have had to watch you die. Don’t be so reckless. I was so afraid!”

Dash felt ashamed. “I’m sorry, Flutty, I didn’t think about that. I just went my own way.” she said as she cuddled Fluttershy. She was not the emotional type, but at this devastating moment, after all that happened even she needed the comfort. They were there hugging each other.

Chapter 4 - Trial of Twilight

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“I can’t tell how big a pain it is to me to see you like this,” said Celestia to Twilight, who was still sitting inside the crystal ball. Twilight was put forward to the alicorn council. The place was dominated by cold colours. Walls were rock walls, they made the room look like a scone. At the bottom of the scone, there was Twilight Sparkle, who regained her original size. Other alicorns were present in the room: Princess Celestia and Luna, Pree, Dlyder and Briner. Though, there were empty places and sitting cushions around the room.

“Moderate your emotions, Celestia.” scrolled Briner. “I do imagine how painful it can be seeing your apprentice in the dock. But we are here to make our judgement.”

“We left no stone unturned,” whispered Luna to Twilight as a consolation then she took her place, too.

“Ms. Twilight Sparkle, you were brought in front of the Council of Alicorns, because you were found guilty in one of the most shame and disgraceful sins. You let a book get lost.” Briner started her speech in a monotone, machine like tone. This part was only the pure formality.

“And if it was not enough, you even let Diov obtain it, so that you helped to bring the ponycalypse upon us. As well as you know, alicorns were always maintainer of order and harmony in this world. Your negligence caused quite serious issue. We learnt about two dead victims already in this three hours. Diov are outside there, and getting stronger.”

Twilight remained her surprising indifference. If somepony was once brought before the Council, they never let it go without a punishment. Even if they were found innocent. These punishments were an incredible stupid and vulgar thing for example: to switch someones face to his butt, she heard about a guy who could not masturbate or mate anymore because in the time of every orgasm one of his male relatives showed up on the place of actual partner. In another case, someone’s hole for big and small things was swopped up – unpleasant. To cut it short, it never ends good.

“Then why don’t you all go and get it, instead of screwing with me, here?” Twilight asked in a tone calling them on account. “It could be Diov is taking victims right in this moment.”

“Mother of me!” Celestia covered her face with her hooves. It was for her student’s outburst rather than the threat meant by Diov.

“Moderate yourself, Ms. Sparkle! Do not forget where you are. We are fair, so we allow you to explain yourself. What could be so important you failed in your responsibility?

“I wasn’t even there. I was disk-jockeying with Spike.” Twilight excused.

“Do you play DJ with your gofer?” Brier asked.

“’Tis quite unorthodox department.” added to Dlyder.

“Yeah, even from you.” Pree said.

Pree was a graceful, mare with light pink coat. Her mane and tail were only slightly paler then her coat. She was surrounded by constant pale glowing like a night light. Twilight and she, put it mildly, didn’t like each other. If Princess Cadenza Mi Amore had been a soap opera character with this name, Pree would have been her evil twin-sister, as far as Twilight thought. They hate each other as much as they love it with the other.

“They two are my best friends and colleagues. They only wanted to get laid two chicks with that book.”

“Oh, alas, I’m Twilight Sparkle, and never nothing is my fault.” Pree was mocking.

“Why do you care? What have you to do with it?” asked Twilight.

“What does it have to do with everything, even more if it’s about you.” Pree lorded it over Twilight. She enjoyed the place where she was right now.

“you never liked me,” Twilight said.

“No, I haven’t.”

“Because, you’re so perfect?” Twilight raised the question.

“Well, quite good. I read your CV, sparkly, there’s no fancy in it.” She showed Twilight off.

“I live my life,” she replied, Twilight said in a finical tone.

“If you call that a life. With a redneck, a junky-groove, a bitch, a hippy, a lazy jerk and a lizard, you hang out.” Pree disparaged Twilight’s friends, while she was counting them on her hoof. For a human it would be a very ridiculous sight, because every time she poked on the same hoof, it was as if she had fingers. Twilight snorted angrily.

“Keep them out your mouth! At least, there will be ponies to cry for one of us, when one of us sleeps with the stars. We’ve been through a lot more together, more than you could do when you run them down like that, and you know that.”

“Tie a can to it! You have read all of the books, but when the chips are down, or one of your precious friends is missing, you’re done for.” Pree mocked on Twilight.

“We are one. If one of us is missing it is like losing a leg.” Twilight protested.

“It doesn’t change the point: you are useless, in the end. If everything that was a whole has broken, and the sand will not run out in the clock, you can prove yourself. Tirek? Discord? Bitch please, spoiled, love needed, sulky children. Believe me, you have never been at the sharp end.” Pree played down Twilight’s and her friends’ merits.

“Because, you have been?” Twilight was shaking. Started to lose her temper.

“How dare you give me a lecture on friends. Mention only one you have been with.”

“Yes, I have been in a sticky situation.” Pree said, she turned away her head and eyes from Twilight, whose eyes almost stabbed her.

“Oh, a pleasing afternoon walk to the gate of hell, innit? I’m sure they greet you in advance when they saw you.”

“Enough!” Briner shouted angrily. The rock walls shaked from the voice of the alicorn. She was heavily breath and the veins pulsed on her neck. Pree and Twilight both got themselves into decorous shun. Few seconds later, Briner hyperventilation wore-off, Twilight broke the silence:

“Look, I can fix this. Just give me a little time!” Twilight turned to Briner, Celestia and Luna with begging eyes.

“Well, we could give her twenty-four hours,” suggested Celestia.

“I support.” Luna said.

“How could you allow her this?” Pree was totally dumbfound.

“Here we go again.” Briner buried her face into her hooves.

“Let’s sit her immediately at Briner’s place. We’d spare two seasons of headache with it.” She would continue the hate speech if the other alicorns didn’t take a dim view.

“She’s guilty. The alicorn rule says it clearly: those who lost the magic book shall lose their magic power.”

“I also know that, thank you.” Briner said.

“She must be punished, unfortunately.”

“That’s outrageous! She has to put it right! She has never let us down yet!” Celestia countered.

“Silence!” Briner called for silence.

“We are going to take away your power, and keep your gofer under lock until further decision.”

Spike, who was scared to death already, and tried to be as unnoticeable as he could, suddenly spoke up:

“But there is guy-night at Saturday! I can’t miss it!”

“Plan has changed.” Pree told him.

“It’s a pity. I’ve been waiting for it whole week.” Dlyder said.

“Yes, it is.” Spike said, as his body disappeared like it was a smoke that wind blew away.

“And now, much as it hurts us, but we must turn our back to you.” all presented alicorn turned their back to her, Luna and Celestia at last.

“Look, I get the book back, you will see. I won’t let you down.” Twilight was close to cry. The crystal ball broke around her with a loud noise. “I am Twilight Sparkle. You know that.”

“Unfortunately.” Pree said, still showing her back to Twilight.

Twilight turned tail and galloped away, she jumped up to fly, but with that impetus she fell on her face. Her magic didn’t work. She still had her horn and wings, but she didn’t feel something around herself that she took granted for her whole life. Magic was her talent, her pleasure and sorrow, and now nothing, as if it was never existed, only in her dreams. It was like she had lost her eyes.

Twilight heard laughing behind her back:

“You four-legged plum! You were severed from magic. It’s going to be a pleasant walk to go home from here.” Pree bantered her.

Twilight turned around and answered back to Pree’s back:

“Bugger! I have a bus-ticket!” Twilight cantered out of the room.

As soon as Twilight had left, the alicorns turned back.

“Now, we have to discuss how to get back the book.” Briner said.

“It’s a very dangerous task, it could be fatal. I suggest we send Pree after the book. Seeing as she has been so much at the edge.” Briner taunted.

“What?” Pree was taken aback.

“You just gave us a short lecture about how much you are more suitable and capable then Sparkle. And because it is a very important mission, only somepony with your potential can be asked to do it.” The other alicorns agreed with a nod.

“But it is a very dangerous mission, even more than how important is. And as it is, I ask for a partner beside me.” If nothing else she was good at, but Pree knew the rules by heart, and she was not afraid to use it.

“Very well. Who should I assign to you?” Briner scratching her chin, looked over those presents.

Only Pree’s mouth was bigger than her head. She didn’t feel like facing with demons at Diov’s level, all alone. She looked over the potential alicorn-choices: Briner out of choice, Dlyder was only a couch-alicorn, he doesn’t even want to stop his own aging. Damn it, she thought, looks like my only chance is that darn Luna or Celestia.

“It shall be Celestia.” Pree made her own choice. Though, by interrupting Twilight’s magic, she did not just block a little horse magic, but the apprentice of Celestia. If the fate of the world depends on it, Celestia will not let a pettiness like this pull her back. Even if she had been showing herself weak and silly in front of the mass recently, on exclusive forums Celestia possesses legendary fame. Because it would be a black-ops operation, far away from peering eyes, she would not hold herself back. This whole mess would be done in a half-hour. Pree giggled. “Yeah, I only have to be cautious not to be killed by the demon… or Celestia, for that matter. I guess she didn’t appreciate how I treated her favourite pet,” she thought.

“You must be very brave asking me to assign Celestia next to you, but if you insist. But let me warn you, Celestia is the most feared sexual predator in four dimensions.” Briner said meaningfully.

“Um, Celestia, is it true that you still keep traveling among worlds chasing the most bizarre sexual adventures?” Pree asked, losing confidence in her former choice. By an unexplainable urge, she protectively grabbed her own ass.

“Yes.” Celestia replied as seriously as possible.

“I changed my mind. Let it be Luna.” Even if they do not like each other too much, Luna was an exceptional strategist, was able to keep at bay Celestia and the her whole empire with serious disadvantage in numbers.

“ It is not an à la carte menu. But Luna may be your partner.” Said Briner.

“What? Why?” Luna asked shocked. “The answer’s a lemon! It’d be my punishment.”

Pree was happy for her victory with huge grin, boxing in the sky this one of her hooves.

“We have no time for that!” Briner shouted. “We are in the middle of Ponycalypse. Therefore we need a pro to handle this issue. Who knows Luna, Pree might rub off on you something useful.” Briner said sarcastically.

“I hope you not to expect me to follow orders from this?” Luna asked as her coat turned to pitch black, her eyes glowed and her teeth went sharp.

“Not even accidentally. That’s that last thing we need. It is an emergency.” Luna get back her normal look meanwhile.

“But luckily we have no worries, we have Miss Pree and her legendary abilities. I am pretty sure, she already figured out a plan how to get back the book. Mind to share us?” Briner told her.

“He…wha-what?” she said as if she was just woke up from a sleep.

“Oh, yes. Well…we sneak there, like, get back the book…and bring it back here… in a sack.”

Luna bared her head in her hooves, shaking her head desperately.” I can’t believe this.” she said. “Didn’t I atone enough already?” she asked the poetically.

She leaned to Celestia, whispered to her: Big sis, give me advice.

“Kill her.” she said, deadly serious.

“No need to ask twice.” Luna agree.

“Though, you’d better take care the mission… but no problem if the demon eats her in the meantime. Wait for the right time, tear her head off, and poop in it. Time is on our side.”

“Waiting is not unfamiliar to me.”

“Just give me five other minutes and I figure out something else. I only need a pen and a paper to collect my ideas.” Pree excused.

“Avast! Go thy way!” Briner ordered.

Luna stood up and shake herself. ‘Tis gonna be a fucking long night, she thought. Some moments later she and Pree flew out of the vent.

Chapter 5 - Missing ponies; princesses on their way

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The sky had gotten clear above Ponyville, the rising sun ran over the street of the village. Fresh mud covered the streets.

Fortunately, the whole town let off easy the unexpected storm. A bigger and a smaller crowd gathered in village square. The smaller group was giving fliers with huge letters, saying “MISSING”. There were six smaller pictures under it. Two stallions and four fillies, whom were not seen by anypony since the storm.

The light slowly filled the inside of the library. Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy was sleeping in Twilight’s bed, when suddenly, like a cannon-fire, the library’s door burst open.

Twilight entered, she was quite down at heels as if she had spent the yesterday night in a dirty alley.

“You destroyed my life!” she shouted at the two Pegasus. Those two looked at her like they didn’t even recognize her. Then Twilight lifted an unidentified bottle to her mouth.

“What the hell are you two still here… in MY bed? Are you so impudent you stayed the in my bed? What did you pour on my bed?” as a closure she puked. She tried to balance, but it was difficult for her even with four legs.

The two winged ponies popped out of the bed and quickly go to hold their friend.

“Oh my goodness, Twilight, are you alright?” asked Fluttershy.

“You look terrible.” Dash said.

“I told you not to touch that book, but you just had to, didn’t you?” she pointed at Dash accusingly, the drunken Twilight, while Fluttershy awkwardly tried to keep her staggering friend on four legs.

“She’s totally drunk.” Fluttershy said.

“I noticed myself. What’s up, Twi?” Dash asked.

“They took mah magic power.” she said under her muzzle, drunkly.

“They what?” the two Pegasus freaked out at the same time.

“I was standing, pressed to the window, in an airless bus, like some loser pony.”

“Look, Twi, we might be able to help you. You know, friendship and the other stuff.” Dash said.

“Please, you don’t! You’ve done enough already.” she was shouting at them; she didn’t know how loud she was talking.

“We’re really sorry for what happened, Twilight,” said Fluttershy sadly.

“Leave me alone. I don’t like you now. I turn my back to you once and for all.” she spined around then blacked out.

They changed the bed-lining to clean ones, and put Twilight in the bed in lateral position.

“What do we do now?” She’s off.” Fluttershy scared.

“I’ll tell you.” Dash said. “ We brought this on her, so we’re gonna get her out of a scrape. We track that filly down, find that book, bring it back, restoring Twilight’s magic with it.”

“Alright, but how do we find that filly? It could be anywhere.” Fluttershy said.

“According to an old buffalo saying? If you want to hide a leaf, bring it in the forest.” Dash said, rubbing her chin and tried to look very wise.

“Do you think she’s in the woods?” FS asked.

“No, you dummy. Among the other children. We are going undercover in disguise among them, and find where she’s hiding.” Dash started giggling, she was very happy to herself.

“We may forget this whole, dumb disguise thing and simply walk to there.” Fluttershy put forward her idea.

“What’s the fun in that?” Dash waved her down.

“Well…” Fluttershy would started if she could.

“We got no time for this, get ready and meet in front of the school in ten minutes.” Dash said, then left the house with light speed. Fluttershy sighted, shrugged and headed for the school at an easy pace.


Meanwhile, a few hours earlier, a similarly idiotic, but many times nerve-racking scene was played. At least from Luna’s view.

“You are very lucky I am here with you. No offense, but seems that thousand years of idleness you spent on the moon are showing. I know you’re exciting. You’ve never faced with real danger after all. If you pay attention you might learn something from me, something from even your sister’s duster coloured mane will stand up. Don’t ease up too much, it’s serious business. Not a childish sibling squabble. So stay frosty and do your best when it’s action time.”

It doesn’t bother Pree at all, that the communication is one directed. She even preferred it that way. There were two things she could talk: how great she is and how trashy is everything else.

Luna was somewhere else, abstractedly. She was thinking with great nostalgia to the moon; how good it was to be there. She could daze on the moondow, gaze to the starts, drink from the milky way, fight against the rocklings, and anytime she wanted to sleep she just walk to the dark side, she built castles from her boredom, gave speeches to her wall paints, she even found friends there; strange, two legged creatures, in black cloth, with red band on their “front legs” with weird crossed hoes on it. Oh, the moon, I wish I was there again, far away from Pree. Full moons were the best, but the half was not bad, either. The full moon was the most famous, everyone gave a damn on the three-quarter. There is the new moon, too. That’s a jerk, it comes twice in a month.

“LUNA!” Pree shouted.

“WHAT?” Luna respond.

“You do not even listen to me. Learn to concentrate. No wonder your sister thrashes you. Let me warn you, you have responsibilities on this mission.” Pree said haughtily.

“So do you.” Luna replied, angrily.

“Luna, we must work together, so put aside your inferiority complexes toward me and pay attention.”

“Do not worry, I’ll just right behind you, covering your back.” Luna was rolling her eyes.


“I guess, you a bit overdid it.” Fluttershy said in a bored tone, with indifference on her face, looking at Rainbow Dash in front of her.

“That was my purpose.” Dash stood proudly.

“You look like somepony, who jumped ahead into the wardrobe.” Rainbow was wearing a red baseball-cap, headphone, moustache, boxer short and a colourful t-shirt with a white shirt.

“You can be stylistic even you’re a filly.” she countered.

“Stylist, did you want to blend in? I’d expect this form Rarity.” Fluttershy was confused.

“And that’s what I’m gonna do. I am winding them around my hoof by my awesomeness.” She proclaimed confidently.

“Why the moustache for? Fluttershy asked. Rainbow Dash looked at her nose, teared down the moustache and threw it.

“Deception. Why did you cover yourself?” asked quizzically.

“Because I don’t want to be thought being paedofilly.” Fluttershy mocked her.

“Look, I brought stuff for you, too, put ‘em on.” Rainbow started to picking Fluttershy’s mane.

“No! Leave me alone!” Fluttershy huddled, covering her eyes with her hooves.

“Done.” Rainbow hold a mirror in front of her. Fluttershy looked at is. She only put two rubber ring on her hair, making her piggy tails.

“I remember you used to have this like of hair when you were a filly.” Dash said.

“Can’t we go now?” asked the frustrated Fluttershy. “Where did you get that mirror?”

“I found it somewhere in my cloths. My toothbrush must be in here somewhere because I felt it.” Dash informed her, but Fluttershy only turned tail and headed for toward the gate of school.


Luna was totally desperate. She gawked at with derped eyes, her mouth was like wave. At first glance, for a moment, she looked like a cartoon character with this unnatural face.

Allegedly her job should be to come up with effective course of action immediately against every sudden occur. But if she had to listen to her companion, only for one more minute, about how many suitors she had or how many of them take a turn under her tail, then even the writer of this load of crap was unable to tell what would happen.

She learnt to close out those things from her head she didn’t want to hear or being aware, thanks to the years she lived with Celestia. Static noise, it was her constant companion, it was the best how her brain managed to reduce Pree’s stupidity.

It was question if she was going to be able to bear the constant white-noise without an assault. She did not. She had to say something. At least learn that how long she has to bear it more.

“When we get arrived already?” Luna asked.

Pree stopped.

“I don’t know. I don’t even know, where we are now.” Pree look around.

Luna was taken aback. She looked over the landscape round. It was a rocky, dreary, waste. She was certain of they are not even near Ponyville.

Great, she thought, I wanted not to listen to her so much, I couldn’t even pay attention to the travel, and now she is here, where even a bird doesn’t come – literally.

“Where are we?” asked Luna.

“I have no clue; this place doesn’t look familiar at all.” Pree said.

“You didn’t even know where you were going?” Luna asked angrily.

“Well, I haven’t been to Ponyville too often.” Pree admitted.

“Then why did you not tell me? I know where it is.” Luna countered and point to herself she snapped at Pree.

“I wanted to, but we were talking so good I totally forgot about everything. But could be worse, it is still early evening, determine the right direction and we’re on our way again. On our journey I can tell you so many interesting thing about myself. And fashion. Let me ask, if it’s not too sensitive topic, but why you wear always that bib? I heard one insist on their infant things, but showing in front of the whole country, you know, quite hardcore,” Pree said with a high-minded manner.

Luna was grinning her teeth. No, there is no god, pony or human that for I am going to listen to her longer, Luna thought. Maybe it’s better in this way. We are in the middle of the night, alone, in the desert waste, there’s nopony here, the ground is fine soft.

Choice is determinative part of our life. It’s not some deep philosophy. You realize your environment how much termini your opportunities.

Fate, destiny, which you prefer, sometimes brings track changers before us. One decision can impact on your whole life time. Luna believed strongly that every homeless got one or two opportunity for normal life. Most ponies do not even realize these, even if they do they tell themselves out of action, saying, the known bad is still better than the unknown. Only a hooffull of them can safely consider these choices which a very lucky and convenient situation, while others simply just jump at the back of the bull, does not think about how big and wild it is.

This moment was just like this. Everything was given for doing what she was secretly fantasizing for hours now. Without her, the world would be a better place, said the voice in her head.

Luna disproving the bad rumours about her, drove away the thoughts. She took a deep breath and said:

“I can tell our position by the stars. ‘Tis not so bad, but we must be hurry, and ‘till dawn we’re be in the village. Follow me! I don’t feel like dealing with the case longer then it’s necessary.”

“By your command, commander bib.” Pree was giggling, pointing at Luna’s neck decoration.” Oh, sorry, but that is so ridiculous.”

Luna ignored her, she set off. Pree followed her.


Luna and Pree at dawn arrived to the playground of the Ponyville school.

“It’s going to be here; I feel immense darkness.” Luna said. “Inside the building of the school.”

“A school. Interesting choice of hide-out for a demon. Why’d it come here?” Pree asked.

“It is a turd in the skin of filly, this is the best place for it.” Luna answered as though she just told what time it was, and headed for the entrance.

“Aha,” Pree acknowledged.

Luna and Pree stylishly entered the building using the backdoor.

“Whoa!” Luna shout for joy, glowing eyes.” It’s wonderful! Look, lockers.” She went to them and started to play with the lock.

She looked into one of the classrooms: the tables were organized, systematic lines. On the table a few numbers and obscene draws. “Magical.” Said Luna heatedly. “Look, free water.” she ran to the fountain.

Pree unusually was speechless. She was standing there, wondering as watching her colleague was eager as first class filly in her first day in the school. Luna was running on the hall, from one classroom to the other.

“What are you so impressed for? It’s not a big deal. I was using these for twelve years and the water was stale most of the time. The lockers you could open up easily with a mane pin. In the ancient-horse class was the most horrible subject ever.” She said because Luna had accidently found an ancient horse subject book and examined that. “Don’t tell, you loved that.”

“You don’t get it.” Luna turned to her. “I have never attended school. But I always wanted to. Playing with the other fillies, making friends and not always stuck together with my sister.” With that Luna ran watching the graduated students’ photos.

“Have you really never attended any school?” Pree was incredulous.

“As an alicorn, I have no reason. Celestia always said, the friends I would make, would die anyway. Yeah, but until that we could do a lot of good things!” Luna recited her argument form a discussion with her sister millennials ago.

“Fine, I was teacher for a short time, but that’s not the same.”

“Awful.” Pree was shaking her head. “If you had enough fun, then we should keep going, don’t you think?”

Sound of glass breaking filled the empty corridors.

“Did you hear that?” Pree asked and started trembling.

“I did.” Luna turned her head toward the sound.

“Do you think it already knows we are here?” Pree’s expression went pale.

If you’re a horse, it is incredibly hard to step without making noise. Wearing sleepers didn’t change much. Never mind.

The noise came from behind the next corridors cornel. They cautiously headed for. Pree bravely kept the three meters distance behind Luna.

Looking around the corner, Luna saw a sight that she could never dream about.

Chapter 6 - Inferno

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Walking along the corridor Dash got rid of her cloth that she elegantly threw everywhere behind her. “It was a stupid idea.” she commented.

“Yeah.” said Fluttershy with an unamused face.

“Hey, check it out!” Dash shouted.

“What is that?” Fluttershy got scared.

“ You can win fifty bits on the Ponyville derby.” Dash said as she examined the notice board. “We totes win it with Scoot.”

It didn’t interest Fluttershy too much at all, slowly continued walking the inside of school, sharply listening to every little noise. Something was strange to her, unnatural, too depressing, but not the usually school-like one, it was something entirely different. The constant feeling she knew what it is, but cannot recall it right now.

“Y’know, The Cloudsdale school a lot better than this! A castle in the air compare with this.” The place affected Rainbow, too.

“Yes, it is! A castle in the air.” said the shy Pegasus.

“Hey, look at this.” Fluttershy turned to her and saw as Dash went to the fire extinguisher.

“I always wanted to try this out. you don’t see these things in Cloudsdale.” with this she unhung the bottle.

“Dash, Please, don’t be stupid right now. This thing is serious. Something is really not right this place. Do you not feel it?” she asked, the shaking and uptight vanilla colored Pegasus.

Dash didn’t pay any attention to her, she pulled out the safety pin with her teeth. “Oh, dude, it’s gonna be fucking rad. But… how does it work? Do I need to stand on two legs and put it under shoulder while the pipe is in my mouth, pushing the valve down with my other hoof? Or two ponies are necessary to use this thing?”

“Dash, put it back where you found it!” Fluttershy told to her like a strict mother.

Dash was taken aback. “Okay.” then she took the bottle back to its place.

“Good, and now go in front of me! Twilight is in trouble. We’re not here to horsing around.”

“What do with this?” she put up the safety pin from the ground.

“Put it back in the bottle!” Fluttershy ordered her.

Dash unhanged the bottle, again, and with her mouth and her two hooves attempted to put back the pin. Unsuccessfully. “It doesn’t fit in.” Dash muddled with the pin.

“Let me help.” Fluttershy said. The place where the pin was originally was not there anymore. “Just hang it back, no pony is going to notice it.”

“Wait, I guess, I figured it out where is the whole. When I pulled it out the mechanism moved away. If I push handle then the holes are in the same level again, so I can put it back normally. “

“Wait, you moron!” Fluttershy shouted, but she was too late. Dash pushed the handle again on the extinguisher, again.

Fluttershy was covered with foam from tail to mane. Dash skied on her ass along the corridor till a wall stopped her. She shaked the foam off herself and hurried to Dash.

“Are you okay, you disaster?” she said as she flew next to her.

“It.Was. Awesome.” Dash said, feeling dizzy and stunned.

“If they don’t hear this, then nothing. They’ll here soon and catch us.” Fluttershy said. “What do we do?”

“You two?” they heard a voice next to them.


It was Princess Luna, with a dumbfound expression on her face. “We came to save the day, and/or Twilight. Then the stars.” she said, still dizzy. “It is a very dangerous situation. Go away, right now! We got this.”

“Why?” asked Fluttershy.

“Yuhu!” came the voice behind Luna from a bright, slightly glaring alicorn as it climbed out of her hideout behind Luna.

“Oh, nice to meet you.” Fluttershy got scared from the unknown pony.

“Hi!” said Dash.

“My name is Pree.” she stepped forward slightly push aside Luna meanwhile. “My sidekick is right, little fillies have nothing to do, here. It is an official alicorn business. Go now to your homes.”

“I have already graduated from high school.” said Dash, whom Fluttershy helped on her feet meanwhile.

“Then Civils. It is not the point.” Pree said.

“Well, who’re you anyway?” Rainbow asked.

“As I already said, my name is Pree. Legendary alicorn, even epic writers are envy of my heroic deeds and beauty. I am in official business here, on behalf of the alicorn council.”

“I have never heard about you ever in my life.” said Dash unbelieving of the former said things.

“Go to t-“ Luna would say something, but Pree put her hoof in her mouth.

“So, where are you two doing here, exactly?” Pree asked with cunning grin.

“Hey, what is this? You can’t treat our friend like this!” Dash got angry with her.

“Friend?” Pree had taken aback.” Luna, do you know these urchins?”

“Yes, I do. And do not dare to do this again!” Luna warned her angrily.

Pree doesn’t even pay any attention to her. “What are you two doing here? You might be on the demon site.”

“Did you two come for that?” Dash asked. “We are here for that, too, and steal back the book from it, and Twilight’s magic power.”

“Ain’t the world small?” Pree smiled devilishly.” It is so moving. Brave, enterprising youth that are caring for their community’s welfare. Splendid! Come with us, and together I am sure can help to your friend.”

“Did you go insane?” Luna spoke sharply.

“Look at them! They would take their life on risk to help their friend. The magic of friendship has never let us down yet. I say, they will be big use if we bring them with us. Anyway, you would not be able to send them home. They’d stay here, wherever you say them. “ Pree lectured Luna as if she would had to explain the most trivial thing to an anyway stupid child.

Luna had to admit she’s right. Again. She really could not send the two ponies home, if once they are here, Determined to help. Frankly, she could, but did not want to use violence on her subjects and friends.

Suddenly sharp sound felt the corridors, like two object at the same time hit the ground. The first one was Dash’s hoof as hitting on Pree’s head, the second one was Pree’s head as hitting on the neighboring wall.

Fluttershy and Luna was dumbfound.

“You little shit!” Pree shouted. She apparently was uninjured. She didn’t even wail from pain, like the hits didn’t hurt her, only its motion energy effected on her. Well, yeah, she and Rainbow was not playing in the same league.

“It’s good we are in school, because I’m gonna teach you the lesson now!” Pree was about to unleash her magic power, when she noticed it didn’t happen. The pure energy did not pervade her horn. However, she felt a strong squeeze on it. She looked up and saw a dark blue glow surrounded her horn. It was Luna. She hold down Pree with angry expression.

“It is not too heroic hurting the weaker. You bring shame upon alicorns.”

She struggled, but Luna pushed her down to the floor. “Learn to show some respect toward others. You must use your power and not abuse with. you’re supposed to show example.”

“Who asked you?” Pree was still struggling. “I have had enough of your back sass for this day, too. I guess, you and I have a totally different opinion about what brings shame upon alicorns. Because starting a war with more ten-thousands victim is much more elegant, isn’t it? Do you think just because you came back as a prodigal filly, and some pony like you makes everything change or that you are better than anyone?

“I cannot erase my past, those are my demons I had to face. The question is, did you? I moderate myself for the sake of the case, but I won’t let you take yourself out on any of my subject or friends. Darkness is my domain, bear it in your mind.” Luna release Pree from her hold.

During the scene Fluttershy noticed something. It was a school day, school time, she was waiting for seeing a teacher to shout out from a classroom to keep quiet, or a filly who was going to the toilet, a janitor or anything. But… nothing. Strange. Saddlebags and books are still everywhere. The alicorns “hornfight” was not a usually or quite event, especially on corridor with so dead silence like this.

The silence, she thought. It is too unbroken. It was a long time she last time went to school, but she was certain of there should not be that quite.

“Um, excuse me.” she said timidly to the two alicorns.

“What?” Pree said.

“What day it is?” she asked.

“Wednesday.” she got the one word answer.

“Is it a school-day?”

“Yes, it is. What’re you getting at?” Pree asked.

“Where are the ponies?” another question.

The audience went to silent thinking.

“I’m sure they got a day-off because of the yesterday rain.” Dash said.

“Did you often get rain break in school?” Pree was teasing her.

“I saw bicycles and scooters outside, so it must be a school-day.” Fluttershy replied.

The group went silent for some moments.

“Let’s check out a class room!” said Dash finally.

With that they open in one of the closest classrooms. It was totally normal, organized, too.

“Do you see any suspicious?” Dash asked.

“I’ve never attended school, so I have no clue if I do.” Luna said.

“You told me you were teaching.” Pree asked, still sulking in her voice.

“In university.” Luna answered. “That’s different.”

Dash smelled the air. “Hey, do you smell this?”

The others smelled around, too.

“Semolina pudding.” Dash answered the question before anyone else could say anything, and went to one of the tables where stand a bowl on it. “O, man, it’s totes cold already.

“Who eats semolina pudding for breakfast?” Pree asked baffled.

“I like semolina pudding.” Fluttershy said. “It used to be my favorite after the fruit soup.”

“I liked that, too.” Dash said.

“Are you enjoying the nostalgia? Let’s move before you two will want to report in the class. Or Professor Luna gives a class.” said Pree bitterly. She hold her head in a way her head and spine was in a line. Horses can express their emotional state by how they hold their head. Pree was as downcast as her posture.

“Alright, let’s go then.” Dash and Fluttershy left their semolina pudding.

They went out the dreary corridor. They checked out every room, but found nopony.

They just reached one of the end of the school when all four of them had recoiled.

“Jeez, it’s stinky.” Dash said, covering her nose with her hoof.

“It’s going to be here somewhere.” Luna declared.

“I think it’s gonna be in the gym class room. This horrible smell comes from there.” said Fluttershy with tearing eyes, burying her nose in her hooves.

They all four stand in front of the gate to the gym classroom.

“Oh my gosh. What can be so smelly? What could it be done in there. Please, for anything that good and sacred one of you go in there and flush it down already!” Dash turned to the alicorns.

“It is not “that” dash.” Luna said. “It is blood and death.”

They still stand quietly looking at the door.

“Who’ll go inside first?” Fluttershy put forward the question.

“We have Pree the lionheart. She will!” Dash proclaimed.

“Why would I?” Pree countered.

“You are the demi-god. Hell, you want us, normal ponies be!”

“She’s right.” Said Fluttershy.

“She’s got a point.” Said Luna.

“Well, I don’t go inside there.” Pree claimed.

“Why be so pussy now?” Dash asked.

“Go ahead, it is your big chance.” Luna said.

“I don’t feel like it.” Pree said under her nose.

“Where the hell did they find you? You, Luna, can I be an alicorn, too? You all set the bar quite low.” Dash told her.

“Pree, listen to me.” Luna started. “I know, you are sulking now, feeling hurted your ego, but it is a very serious business. The fate of our world depends on it, and it is our responsibility stop this thing. If It’ll all be over, we are gonna be real legends. De for this, you must get over your pettiness, and do what you have to do. If we fail now, there’ll be no one to brag to.”

“Hmm, alright. But I am not gonna go in there first. You little ones stay outside. We adults go and wrap this up.”

With it, the two alicons opened the door to a crack. While the other part of the building there was natural light, until in the whole gym classroom was covered with thick darkness. All windows were covered with something unknown, but it totally kept out any light.

The only light source was the one they invited inside by opening the door.

Deeper in the room the atmosphere was only almost bearable, there was even air to breathe. Inside there you could believe you are in the actual hell. A place where absolute nothing could stay alive, but nothing can die actually. Hardly hearable otherworldly noises, hiss and dropping echoed in the room. It came across as even the room was screaming in its pain.

They went deeper and deeper literally by inch by inch. Luna felt something wet and tacky on her leg. She ignored it, then next step the floor swallowed her leg.

She looked at her leg, and only her more than thousand-year long experience stopped her to run away immediately. She stepped in to a little filly, at least, it was one once. It had flesh and bone was so rotten, it easily broke and ripped under her weight. ade her more scared that the corpse of the filly was missing at random parts, and its legs were bent to unnatural directions. The most terrifying was the horror and pain that frosted on her opened eyes. An internal pain, that won’t end even after the death. She’s gonna remember that for the rest of her life.

Come on, Luna, she encouraged herself. If you don’t, then you will see much more filly like that! It’s your duty to bear it with a stomach.

She turned to Pree’s direction. She was petrified. Motionless, speechless…lifeless. Luna wanted to say to her, but she didn’t dare. She looked into the direction where the alicorn’s eyes stuck. It was a silhouette of a form at the end of the room, but it was impossible to see anything clearly.

The two alicorns mustered enough courage to lit up their horns, but they were careful to not be lighter than a candle light.

The floor was covered with blood. The walls and even the ceiling was covered with rust or clotted blood. As they headed for the only tangible figure, they saw more and more of it.

It was a little colt with brownish fur with a propeller beanie on his head. He was sitting in the middle of giant blood puddle, gazing to the opposite wall. He was barely moving, like he was only went sleep while sitting. Even his snuffing was hearable. He must be alive. They hopped.

As they went closer and closer, the sound of snuffing mixed with something else. It was too rhythmic and monotonic. It was like a compound of the rhythm that yaks and lambs use. When they reached the edge of the blood poodle, Luna halted. In a situation like this it would be a huge rashness to simply just walk there. This…this is too simple. Darn, infuriating noise!

“What now?” Luna’s heart almost jumped out of her chest. Pree was that. “You’re standing there for a half minute now.”

“I don’t like it.” She started. “If there is that kid, then where is the demon or the book? I am gosh darn sure it was here, set its nest, the only question is that weather it’s still here or not. If no, we’d better get our job done as soon as possible, before it’s back.”

“And if it’s here?” Pree jumped out of her skin. Tried to look every direction at once.

“Then that’s bad. We’re in great danger.” Pree went dead pale.

“You think so?”

“Imagine! You are at home. Somepony breaks into you house. But what do you do if you know someone, in short time, is gonna try to break into you?” Pree tried to explain to Luna.

“Umm, if I knew in advance, my house was gonna be broken in in short time, then… I’d set a trap.” Pree sat down and totally broke under the pressure. The trembled and took deep breaths.

Luna grabbed her and pushed down to the ground, covered her mouth with her hoof, just in time, to prevent her to scream.

“Calm down! You have a panic attack! Breath slowly, otherwise you’re gonna faint form hyperventilation for me.” Pree was trembling under Luna. “Organize your breath! Pull yourself together.” After some moment Pree calmed down enough.

“Are you here again?” Pree noded. “Good.” Luna said. “I am going to let you go now. Do not do any stupid things!”

Pree slowly stood on her legs.

“Screw up the whole council! Why don’t we come here and kill this bastard all together? They send two of us here to a meat grind, plus those two starveling titches outside.” Pree was at the edge of crying.

A demon cannot be killed. That isn’t even our job, either. We only have to recover the book, with we can send it back to the hell. Our only chance.” Luna said.

“Then What the darn are we waiting for, to get it back? Anyway, I cannot see nor it neither the book. It might change its address. Bug out of here!” ghastly cried the glowing pony.

Luna didn’t reply. She didn’t know what to say, her mind was still on this strange noise that just didn’t want to stop.

“Can you hear it, too?” asked, Pree.

“Yes, it is the prelude of my funeral march. I don’t want to hear its rest.” She was on point of going ahead, but she knew, in this whole room the safest spot is next to Luna.

“Not that. It’s here. Firstly, I thought it was only snuffing, but as if somepony was talking, really quiet.” As she moved around her ears, Luna tried to track down the source of noise, but she could not locate it.

“What? What are you talking about? What snuffing? Listen, you went nuts from the too many moons. I am not staying here for any moment!” she shouted trembling.

When she mustered enough courage to run away, Luna got her.

“You stay here. I must save…the world. It is our duty. From ponies to everything.” The muscles of the two ponies clashed to each other, but finally Pree lost.

“But then why are you standing here like a statue? Go ahead! You are the great strategist. Why did you bring you with me? Tell us what to do!” she scrolled Luna for not having a solution.

Luna was thinking for a moment. This whole atmosphere is getting more unbearable. The problem is with the place itself, it effects on you. Luna, in this moment felt nothing, but grateful for her older sister for that millennials they lived together because after Celestia Luna didn’t break down even in the gate of hell, looking at the pure evil.

I know there is the solution in front of my eyes, but what? She asked herself.

“Hey, Commander Bib! Houston, got a problem? Earth to Luna!” Pree dragged her out of her thinkings. “What do we do, boss?”

“Okay, if that thing is not here, then I must act right now! If it was here it would attach on us already.” Pree speculated. “I say, it’s not home, so I’m off!”

“But what about the kid?” Luna asked. “I can’t leave here.”

“Then pick it up, gosh darn it, and bring it with you!” Pree got more and more anxious.

Luna horn started to glow and tried to lift up the little colt. But she couldn’t.

“What the?” asked herself.

She tried it again. Another fail. If we believe the presumption of magic theorists, and the unicorns stories about telekinesis, then it’s a feeling like having invisible hands with which we can grasp and hold objects. If it’s true, then Luna felt as if she was trying to grasp a greasy fish.

“Hurry!” Pree urged her.

“I can’t!” That replied confused.

“That’s it! I’m fed up with you! And they say you’re the best princess form the three.”Pree had just walked into the blood poodle, and went to the little colt.

“No! Stop! What are you doing?” Luna tried to stop her, but it happened too quickly, by she perceived what happened Pree was already next to colt. “You poor bastard, I was such a fool, to think you’re gonna be useful! You know, after our little adventure I think I’m even more better than before. At least, I am not afraid to get my hooves dirty. I should be the best princess. I’d not have to wear a bib for it.”

Pree was standing next to the kid, and poked it: “Are you okay, kiddo?”

The head of the colt rolled down and loudly splashed in the blood.

Pree couldn’t bear anymore, she puked.

“Pree get back here immediately! We’re out of here!” Luna ordered.

“Don’t gotta say it twice!” But Pree saw something on the lap of the colt. He tightly hold it. Something big, black old. A book! The book!

“Luna!” she shouted to her. “I found it!”

“What?” Now Luna was totally nervous.

“The book. The kid has it.” she said happily.

Oh, fucking shit, then it was either a trap or the demon actually not here. Please, please let it be the latter one.

“Come here, now!” Luna shouted to her worried.

“One moment! It stuck. His legs holding it so tight. And I cannot use magic on it.” Pree tried to set the book free from the holding of legs with bare hooves. She did it, but together with the kid’s legs. “ Pree scared from this, and fall on her back into the blood. When she stood up she had the book.

“I got it. And now get the fuck out of here.” Pree was about to go to Luna, but she could not.

“Huh.” she didn’t understand. Her two back legs and one of the front ones did not move. She could use the other one only because she was holding the back with it. The others got stuck into the blood.

“What sort of magic is this?” She was scared. The carcass of the little colt, suddenly moved next to her. Slowly the blood like mud swallowed his head then his body. It was totally gone, but the blood poodle could not be deeper then few centimeters. Pree felt she started slowly sinking. The blood by inch and inch pulled her down, like the dead colt. Fear of death and horror was reflecting from her face.

“Luna, help!” she shouted.

It was an actual trap. And she can be thankful only to her luck and instincts to avoid the blood. The inaudible noise was starting to get louder and louder. It wasn’t snuffling. It was chanting. The demon has been doing it on its language all along. It was prepared.

“Help!” Pree cried as the blood already was over her withers.

Luna could no longer hesitate. She flew up, in the air she tried to avoid touching the blood anyhow. She took the book from Pree, and grabbed her free hoof and pulled it with all of her strengths. It only slowed the sinking down, but she was invariably swallowing the loudmouthed alicorn.

“Help me already and pull me out of here!” Pree was crying desperately.

“I’m trying.” Luna struggled.

Suddenly two new hooves grabbed Pree’s free hoof. A blue and a yellow furred pegasus’. Fluttershy took over the book to the ponies with much more routing with physical work can do their job more efficiently. Without result the things didn’t get better. Pree remained time for only one last cry before the blood swallowed her head, constantly holding the hooves of her friends until she could until they had to let go of her not to touch the blood that could pulled them down as well.

“Poor pony. It was savage even for to her.” commented Dash.

“I am glad you always know when you have to disobey my order.” Luna was happy. “It would be a good theme for a friendship report.”

“At least, she didn’t die for nothing.” Dash said.

“Yeah.” Luna could not say more. “Even if she was a huge asshole, and the world became a better place with her death, but she was still one of us.”

Dash and Fluttershy looked at her sympathetically.

“Let’s get out of here.” Luna told them.

“But why? We have the book. Quickly, send this thing back to the hell.” Fluttershy said.

“I can’t.” Luna replied.

“What!” both pegasuses were taken aback. “You’re only joking with us, ain’t you?” Dash asked in disbelief.

“I haven’t spoken or read in ancient horse for seven-thousand years. I can’t, and I have no time to dust off my knowledge right now. I thought you could, because you summoned it here in the first place.”

“I was jabbering, to impress the mares.” Dash said. “If I try it again, I may bring an other abomination on our head, that might even worse than this one.”

Luna sighted: “Our only hope is: Twilight. WE must get the book to her!” with this they headed toward the door. Luna halted and jerked back the two pegasuses. The door slammed closed, just in front of their nose. If Luna didn’t pull them back, it would have chopped their head down.

“It isn’t over yet.” She said.

“It would’ve been a cheap adventure, if we’d got away with it with only Pree’s sacrifice.” Dash said sarcastically.

Something started to emerge from the blood poodle that swallowed Pree some minutes ago. Soon a six meters tall figure appeared; covered with so much blood it was impossible to recognize it.

Luna conquered her fear, prepared to what otherwordly monster will show up in front of her eyes. The front was huge, even if it was not for a dinosaur, for a small pony sure it was. AS the blood dripped from it like its skin was waterproof, the figure turned into a neat, snow-white little filly, like the one they “invited” in the middle of Twilight’s library, destroyed Dash’s and Fluttershy’s night, but Its size was huge. Strangely, it didn’t look scary at all, in fact, it was expressly cute. Its face showed joy and happiness.

As Luna directed some light toward it and saw it was holding something in its arms. It was Pree, who was in an incredibly worn-out condition, like the all orifice of her body was teared up, she was covered with her own blood. But she was still alive and breathing. Luna and the other could not imagine what she could go through in the half-minute since the blood sank her.

“That stupid monster,” Dash thought.” Why can’t this leave us alone? What does it want now? Why is it so happy? WE have the book.”

“If it was not death trap, only an attempt to get a hostage, then it has pretty bad taste. Yeah, ponies are kinda devoted, she guess she was incapable of making this sacrifice if it was Fluttershy or Luna, end of the world or not…. We’re lucky it choose the weakest link among us.”

The filly’s face suddenly disfigured. It opened up like a flower, its mouth was full with thousand of needle pointy teeth and bit off Pree’s head, and threw the body to the next wall. Then it gave out an unworldly howl. It looked at the three ponies with great hatred. It as if it could read all of their thoughts, realized Pree was an invaluable hostage. The demon stepped into its own trap. It felt as if they made fool of itself, by intentionally sending this slumber. It, of course, was not intentional at all.

“As far as I see, we gotta stand up against it.” Dash said. “Girls, it was a great honor to being your friend.” she kissed Fluttershy’s lips.

Fluttershy as soon as woke up from the kiss effect, asked Luna: “Can’t you blow up the door, or something?”

Luna was confused: “It can work. At least I can move even the moon.”

She unleashed her full power against the door. Only a nearby mountain stopped the door that flew like a cannonball.

“Blast-off!” Dash shouted. They ran on hot hooves. Thanks to Luna’s trick, they didn’t even have to blend, because there was a dead straight line in front of them, as Luna destroyed every obstacle.

Three ponies ran as fast as they could, in a mortal hurry back to Twilight. Behind them, the ambassador of hell.

Chapter 7 - Final confrontation

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The same sun later broke in through the upper windows and struck the peacefully sleeping figure of Twilight.

The room in which she slept was large and bedraggled, and did not much benefit from the sudden intrusion of light. The sun crept slowly across the bedclothes, as if nervous of what it might find amongst them, slunk down the side of the bed, moved in a rather startled way across some objects it encountered on the floor, toyed nervously with a couple of motes of dust, lit briefly on a stuffed fruitbat hanging in the corner, and fled.

The sleeping figure scarcely stirred. It was already at eleven o’clock. It doesn’t matter. For one, she didn’t get out of the bed until eight-thirty. Not as if she had any better thing to do.

The room settled into a long and significant silence, disturbed only by the braying sirens and screaming in a nearby street. But only around nine o’clock. The delivery of a large eighteenth-century dual manual harpsichord at around ten, and the collection of same by bailiffs at a little later.

These were not uncommon sorts of occurrences: the ponies concerned were accustomed to finding the key under the doormat, and the pony in the bed was accustomed to sleeping through it. You would probably not say that she was sleeping the sleep of the just, unless you meant the just asleep, but it was certainly the sleep of somepony who was not fooling about when she climbed into bed of a night and turned off the light.

The room was not a room to elevate the soul. Rarity, if accidently was over, would not have liked it, would have found it not sunny enough, and insufficiently full of mirrors.

He would have desired someone to pick up the socks, put the records away, trash the empty liquor bottles, levitate the sleeping Twilight out of her bed and maybe burn the place down.

She would have been distressed by its proportions, which were neither lofty nor shaped by any noticeable inner harmony or symmetry, other than that all parts of the room were pretty much equally full of old coffee mugs, sleepers and brimming ashtrays, most of which were now sharing their tasks with each other.

The walls were painted in almost precisely that shade of green which Discord would have bitten off his own hands at the wrist rather than use, an ancient titan, on seeing the room, would probably have returned half an hour later armed with a navigable river. It was, in short, a dump, and was likely to remain so for as long as it remained in the custody of Twilight Sparkle, for those few hours before the ponycalypse.

At last Twilight stirred.

The sheets and blankets were pulled up tightly around her head, but from somewhere half way down the length of the bed a hoof slowly emerged from under the bedclothes and it felt its way in little tapping movements along the floor.

Working from experience, they neatly circumvented a bowl of something very nasty that had been sitting there since last Nightmare Night, and eventually happened upon a half-empty pack of untipped cigarette and a box of matches.

Of course, she had to use matches, once she was no longer able to use magic. She had never smoked, but it didn’t care her any more. With her hoof she difficulty shook a crumpled white tube free of the pack, she somehow grabbed the match, seized it and then started to poke a way through the sheets tangled together at the top of the bed, like a magician prodding at a handkerchief from which he intends to release a flock a doves.

The cigarette was at last inserted into the hole. The cigarette was lit. For a while the bed itself appeared to be smoking the cigarette in great heaving drags. It coughed long, loud and shudderingly and then began at last to breathe in a more measured rhythm. In this way, Twilight Sparkle achieved consciousness.

She lay there for a while feeling a terrible sense of worry and guilt about something weighing on his shoulders. She wished he could forget about it, and promptly did. She levered herself out of bed and a few minutes later padded downstairs.

The mail on the doormat consisted of the usual things: a rude letter threatening to take away his credit card, an invitation to apply for an credit card, and a few bills of the more hysterical and unrealistic type. She couldn't understand why they kept sending them. The cost of the postage seemed merely to be good money thrown after bad. She shook her head in wonderment at the malevolent incompetence of the world, threw the mail away, entered the kitchen and approached the fridge with caution.

It stood in the corner.

The kitchen was large and shrouded in a deep gloom that perfectly reflected its owner mood. Presumably, it only turned yellow, by the action of switching on the light. She found what she was looking for. In fact she found more than she was looking for.

She went and opened the old shutters on the kitchen windows to let some extra light in upon the scene.

The daylight shouldered its way in like a squad of policemen, and did a lot of what's-all-thising around the room which, like the bedroom, would have presented anyone of an aesthetic disposition with difficulties. Like most of the rooms in Twilight’s library it was large, looming and utterly dishevelled. It simply sneered at anyone's attempts to tidy it, sneered at them and brushed them aside like one of the small pile of dead and disheartened flies that lay beneath the window, on top of a pile of old pizza boxes.

She accidentally met with her own mirror reflection on the windows of oven that was clear because she has never used it in her life. Her mane was looking as if it had been used for extracting metal oxides from industrial waste.

It was now, Dirk reckoned, fully three months since this fridge door had been opened, and each of them was grimly determined not to be the one to open it first.

Twilight loved less thing more than being not tardy, but without Spike, or each other, both of them was slight shadow of themselves. She missed him so much. She meant Spike, not the tidiness, she is totally fine without that.

The fridge no longer merely stood there in the comer of the kitchen, it actually lurked. Twilight could quite clearly remember the day on which the thing had started lurking. It was about a week ago, when Twilight had tried a simple subterfuge to trick Spike into opening the fridge door. The subterfuge had been deftly deflected and had nearly rebounded horribly on Twilight.

She had resorted to the strategy of going to the local mini-market to buy a few simple groceries. Nothing contentious - a little milk, some eggs, some bacon, a carton or two of chocolate custard and a simple half-pound of butter. She had left them, innocently, on top of the fridge.

When he had returned that evening his heart bounded to see that they were no longer on top of the fridge. They were gone! Together the microwave, water-heater and TV! But the fridge stayed.

She made herself a stiff black coffee, took a bottle of Applejack Dennielse and sat at the breakfast table. She had not even looked directly at the sink, but she knew that she must unconsciously have noticed the two milk bottles there, but she was too busy to stand up for them therefore she poured some whisky into her coffee instead of milk. She wanted to drink both so, she realized in this way she spare some time if not using milk.

For the rest of the day, she planned to distract her mind from the destruction of world by watching TV, but then she realized she has no one, so she determined herself by sleeping. For now, until she got fancy something. So she started slipping the coffee with whisky. After that she finished her bottle.

By the effect of this deed she, so close to the end of the world, started to consider to open the door of the fridge, and eat something for breakfast. De she miscalculated herself, so instead she pulled a chair, a pillow or she didn’t know what in front of the sink. She put her head into it and her determined intention was to remain there, until she doesn’t feel any more her brain and stomach want to change place with each other.

Twilight heard a huge slam of a door, but she didn’t care about it. The only thing that they can take away from her is her fridge but she wouldn’t mind that.


Luna, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy finally could see the library. When they looked back they did not see the demon, but they didn’t date to slow down.

They got the library.

“I cast a force field around the library, and try to keep it out until I can. I cannot tell how long will that lasts. You go and find Twilight. She has to say out the magic worlds.

Fluttershy and Dash got frightened when they saw Twilight was not there where they left her.
They panic go to find her.


“What is this ruckus?” Twilight thought.

“I don’t care, but if I can ask for one thing, take away my fridge or open its door.” she was babbling drunk into the sink, then vomited. Even if she didn’t have breakfast.

With great difficulty, she managed to open the tap. The water flowed directly on top of her head. It did not bother her at all, she even enjoyed it.

Suddenly, she felt a strong junk on her shoulder. Then found herself lying on the floor.

“Twilight, wake up! Pull yourself together!” Fluttershy reamed her out, and gave her a slap on her face. It made Twilight came around a bit. “Hey, what was that?”

“We got the book.” Fluttershy said.

“And I do a severe headache.” Twilight was grumbling.

“Come on, Twilight, please, don’t fool around.” Fluttershy tried to drag her like a sack of spuds.

Rainbow Dash showed up and gave a helping hoof to Fluttershy: “We’re gonna fix everything now.” Dash reassured herself and everypony.

They put Twilight sit in front of the kitchen table, and put the book in front of her.

Twilight started chewing it.

Fluttershy pulled that away from her.

“Quick! Loop up after the magic worlds that we can send Diov back to hell.” Dash urged her.

“Fine, fine.” Twilight soothed them. “They don’t even let the pony have her breakfast. I suppose it’s somewhere here.”
The tree was shaken.

“Hurry!” Dash said.

“Luna won’t keep it out too much.” Fluttershy reported about the occurs.

“There you are.” Twilight said.

“Sweet! Then read it up!” Dash told her.

“Eeeeeee” Twilight said.

“I don’t see too much changing.” Dash said.

“Cause, it wasn’t the magic word.” Twilight replied.

“Don’t clear your throat now!” Dash blew up on her.

“Alright, don’t bully me. Every letter is hard if there is more alcohol in your blood then plasma. Especially, if they are an Ancient-horse.”

“Dash, come quickly! We have a problem!” Fluttershy shouted.

“I gotta go now. Say the speel as soon as you can.” Dash leaved and left there Twilight under the pressure of Ethanol and responsibilities, she tried to concentrate her every clear thoughts on text-comprehension.


Luna built up the force-field around the library and tensely waited for the attack, but nothing happened. Then as a meteor clashed into the woodhouse with such an elemental force it slided three meters behind. This occurs repeated itself a few times. The library was shaking, books fell from the shelves. Luna, as much as she could, concentrated on keeping up the field putting aside her fear of death.

The frontal assaults has stopped. Mute silent conquered the house. Dash’s and Fluttershy’s trembling, and Twilight’s drunkish babbling have stopped. It made her more nervous then the silent.

Everything went calm. She didn’t know whether the others feel it in the same way, but alicorn perceive differently the world around them as normal ponies. For her, the air became so heavy as it was concrete. She felt an energy flowing around herself, it was like she was sprayed with cool vapor.

The demon drained its own power. Why? Luna was thinking. Deliberately, wasting its own.” She did not like this twist at all. She felt anytime anything could happen right now.

A big thump and noise of struggling came from the other room.

“Good! Finally!” she thought. “They found Twilight, she is going to read up the spell and put an end on this nightmare. She heard rushing hooves. She turn there. There was no such a mixture of arts and literature that could have given back the horror she saw.

Diov smiled at her with its predator teeth, in its little filly form. But not the size makes the demon.

“How the hell did it get inside?” she asked herself, but she did not come up with an answer, because she only had enough time to jump away from teeth around her neck. So, the demon simply jumped to the other end of the room. It looked at her directly, with triumph. The demon didn’t rush its next move, it was just easily walk, as if it enjoys the situation. But confidence, ignorance, braveness, self-deception meant nothing to Diov. Luna thought it was happy, because it has to.

A creature of this world hardly can accept something lacking even the sparkle of basic emotions. Therefore, it is pointless trying to put down what could be going inside Diov’s mind. But if it could, then it would enjoy a battle with a legendary alicorn.

“Why did it come for me?” Luna was thinking. “Why did it not bite over Twilight’s throat immediately? Then no pony could be in here within realistic time to stop her.”

We will not know it no day, either. So, Luna settled down with the reason, if they was able to read the book they would do it already, which means there is a problem with Twilight. What could take so long? She set this place to hold out, until a the spell or somekind of reinforcement (that will not come, of course). But two or three alicorns, it does not mean too much to Diov.

Luna felt a sudden pressure on her sides. A huge tentacle gripped her that directly under her drew out of the floor. So, it prepared for the case she dodge its bite. It set a trap and she just jumped in it.

The squeeze was tremendous, she even heard a creak, she had to scream, but voice could not leave her mouth. The tentacle threw her so powerful she break through the next wall. She found herself in the neighbour room. she barely could breath, her sides were burning, felt taste of iron inside her mouth.

AS she lifted her head to look up her eyes got stuck on symbol with candle ends in the middle of the room. It was a pentagram with difficult symbols.

Luna’s expression disfigured as she understood its meaning.

“Those fucking morons did not even clean after themselves!” She has never been so angry in her life. Diov sacrificed its power to be able to go across the force-field. Luna hated the whole world at that moment. Why now? Why her should be the one the universe wants to messing up. But she can’t turn on it. She must act!

Diov’s body started deform in front of her eyes as she tried to stand up. Its face was still radiating happiness. Its smile was unnaturally wide, it raised a feeling in anypony unintentionally as if she was about to bite off their heads. Its head started to look like a grotesque carnivorous flower. Its body was getting thinner and thinner then turned into uncountable wringing tentacles that was constantly moving and twist around each other, making you feel there is infinite of them, or at least anything between ten and ten-million. Thanks to this it became taller.

“Odd.” Luna thought.” Never no pony have been eye to eye with Diov. Either you must look down to it or look up to it. Does it want to express superiority or something? As well as Celestia, she added in her head.

Luna managed to fight herself back to her hooves, and solidly stand up in front of the beast from the time before Antediluvian.

“That’s all you’ve got, you lame, mule? I have faced a bigger be asses than you. You ought to see my big sister. I’ve already seen the evil and I was not afraid, especially not from a butterfly fart than you.”

The demon started giggling feel the place with an eerie echo, then suddenly howled up, the library was shaking, the windows broke, Luna got unbalanced, she was unable to measure the distance between two of them. Only thing she can do is winning time and hope her friends will not let her down. She was thinking on her next move: she cannot harm a demon with bare violence. Even the great alicorns of the old times could only lock them up, banish them into internal sleep till… her friends set them on the world.

What could she do? Luna was thinking. With magic I might not harm it, but it is my best chance to protect myself from it and save some time.

Luna put on defending position, and she launched everything she could toward Diov, who knows, with a little luck she can make it angry and lead away from the library.

She casted a protection bubble around herself not to be attached then last time. She had to prepare can be attacked from any direction. She can use the objects here as a weapon, she levitated everything she found and launched them to Diov.

The plan did not fulfill the hopes placed in it. The objects only flew through Diov’s tentacles. They did not disturb the creature at all. It allowed itself a little laugh. Luna has never heard anything like that. It was something should never be heard on this world.

Luna planned to leave the house, the creature might come after her, but it was faster then her. It grabbed her with its tentacle and pulled her to itself. Luckily, Luna was still inside her protect bubble, she was staring at the hellbound through her bubble. The bubble just made its expression more distorted. Its breath condensated on the sphere. The creature held it as if it delighted in it, like in a snowball.

Luna was totally at her wit’s end. It would be her biggest and last stupid idea to turn off the shield. She tried to escape she became the convict of her own magic as Diov was squeezing that bubble constantly. Luna wondered if Diov could crush her with her own shield.

Apparently, the beast had different plans. It opened its huge mouth and tried to swallow Luna alive inside her bubble like a candy; from there, there is no more hope.

A blue light launched next to Luna and clashed directly into the monster’s right eye.

“It can’t be…” went through Luna’s mind. Yes, it can, it was Rainbow Dash, and as usual, she went directly into the wall.
Diov was not too amused being bothered in the middle of eating. For Luna’s misfortune, because it decided to crush her instead. The bubble started breaking, more and more crack appeared on it. In the meantime, Diov constantly tried to drive away Dash who was flying around it like a fast fly.

Dash easily dodged the tentacles reaching out for her. She was so confident, she laughed at the face of the monster from the air. It look at her very threatening. But it doesn’t prevent Dash to mocking it more, till she felt the taste of iron in her mouth. She spat into her hooves, it was something red goo, she realized it was her own blood. She started sweating, sticky liquid covered her coat, she saw as a red puddle was getting bigger and bigger under her. She felt vertigo, plus she started to get panic. As a last course of action she slowly flew to Luna who was still inside the half broken protect bubble. They looked at each other, then if somepony put a red lens glasses on her eyes, the world turned red for Rainbow Dash. Diov did nothing, just stand and watch. Dash finally bumped into Luna’s magic-fortress. The two, for one last time, saw at each other. Luna horrified, she watch over the whole scene. Dash looked like she was sweating her own blood. Then after a few minutes Dash fell down like a rock, and thumbed loudly on the floor. She stirred weakly.

Luna felt her throat tighten and her heart sank, then it turned into pure anger. She determined not to hide behind her shield, while one of her friends is dying in front of her eyes. She must distract Diov’s staring or else Dash has no chance to survive.

She collected all of her power and if she is going to sleep with the stars tonight, at least be it stylish, she wants to shine up there as a hero, you can look up proudly, not somepony who was too scared and only hiding behind her barricade.

She turned off her barricade and remained only two-tenth second before the tentacles tighten around her. Luna was faster than the deadly tentacles. She simply flew directly ahead into the monster’s left eye, stabbed it out with her horn.

It worked, its concentration had broken, but she could only hope Dash is going to make it.

The creature unbearably bellowed and screamed in its agony. Luna, who got stuck into its eyes, was unable to flew away in time in order to dodge the tentacle reached for her. She got caught. Again. It was not pleasing from the beast, either: it had to tear her out of its own eye socket. When it did, in its anger, it broke down Luna’s horn with a simple move with one of its other tentacles. Luna screamed in her pain, without her horn, she was totally helpless against her foe.

The monster stared at her angrily. It ate her horn. After some moment its wounded eye had healed. It did not make it happier, though. Luna swallowed in her fear. Only her worst nightmares can have any clues about what is going to happen now.

But the monster hesitated. It looked around the room as if looking for something, or there were more reckless idiots who could give it more pain.

It went to Dash at an easy pace, who, for its greatest joy, was still alive. She was not conscious, but alive.

It picked her up. She hang in front of Luna, it held her by her front-legs. It leaned closer to her. Luna had no idea, what it was planning to do, but sudden sharp cry distracted all of them.

“STOP!” Fluttershy shouted. She flew up just to be eye-to-eye the best, between it and Dash, and started at it with strictly.

“Don’t you shame yourself?” she scolded the more-million year-old demon. “ Listen up, mister. Only because you are older and stronger than others, does not mean you are supposed to hurt them. I trust you, you were locked up for million of years, and you most likely spent the best years of your life under a lock, and now you have had enough of everypony. You got out, and released a little steam, but look around yourself, what you have done. I think it was plenty enough ravage for today. I am certain of causing pain and sorrow is not so good for you. I am sure you are so upset because you are afraid you are going to be sent back to that plutonian vale of tears where you were. BUT! I REPEAT! BUT! NEVER EVER DARE TO HURT MY FRIENDS!” Fluttershy shouted at it.

Diov’s smile was unchanged. Its salvia was dropping. Fluttershy continued:” How about I say we will not send you back the hell, so this whole tantrum is pointless? We let you go, mind your own business, etc. Won’t it be more comfortable to deal a peace? So, what about it?” Fluttershy smiled kindly, and holding it toward her right hoof, like an offered olive branch.

Diov bit it off. The yellow pegasus just looked confused for some minutes, then she looked down where her right front leg used to be, then cried. Turned back to the creature, and saw its blood covered snow white teeth. By the recognition, an ancient fear flooded through her being.

Fluttershy headache turned unbearable.

“Fool.” Fluttershy scared to death from the voice. She could not say anything, just stared at the horror in front of her.

“You just understood.” the voice in her head said.

“I-it i-is a a REAL monster.” Fluttershy lips worked hard to create understandable world. “ I cannot tame something like that”

“One of among the realest ones. You had better urge Twilight then this.” She scolded herself.

Then she just crapped herself then fainted.

Diov did not pay more attention to Fluttershy, it turned back to Dash who still was passed out. It bit off one of her wings and ate them. Diov was about to bit off the other one when a broken glass aroused her interest.

Twilight appeared in the room; she was stumbling and looked very untidy, and pissed off as hell. She shouted the magic worlds: “Diov, nopony likes you, go away, never come back another day.“ On finishing it she threw the book at Diov, and hit it just between its two eyes.

Diov started screaming as its power left, so Twilight’s friend got free. It was shrinking, a bluish hole appeared on the ground that like an eddy sucked it down, like the sinker does the lint in the water. Then Diov and the eddy disappeared like they had never been.

Twilight looked over his destroyed house and her three unconscious friends lying on the ground. Twilight turned tails and left them there…she was happy her telephone had not been stolen, and the line was alive, so she called the ambulance.

With this, she fell asleep.


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Next morning all four of them were at the Ponyville hospital.

Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy were full of bliss for their new wings and hooves.

“Yay, thank you very much, Princess Luna.” Fluttershy expressed her grateful as admiring her new leg.

“Not at all. After we went through this is the least.” Luna said with a smile, nodding toward her.

“I didn’t know your horn can do things like that.” Dash said. “Now I also want one. As far as I heard the demon broke it off. How did it come back?”

“It grows back in a half day,” answered the princess as she clinked her horn with her hoof.

“Neat!” Dash said. “I wanna try out my new wings immediately” She almost managed to jump out of the bed, but Luna pushed her back with her magic.

“Check it out, guys, I know the best spell of all.” Luna said excitedly.

“Wow, what’s that?” Dash asked curiously.

“I am curious, too.” Fluttershy said.

“Sleep.” with that dark blue wave came from Luna’s horn toward Dash and Fluttershy, whom fell asleep at once.

Luna turned to Twilight:

“You are strong, Twilight Sparkle, more than any of us. Please, forgive them. You don’t want to know what they went through in order to help you and fix the error of their ways. I cannot even imagine how you can stand things like that in every second week,” she admiringly bowed her head to Twilight then patted her on the shoulder in sympathy. She even hugged her, Twilight returned the hug. Any other pony would be shattered after an adventure like this, but they aren’t.

“I am going to home, now. I could use a good sleep.” Luna said as she and Twilight let each other go.” So early I usually turns to my other side.” Luna said funnily.” You’d go home, too, I guess, someone really missed you already.”

With that Luna disappeared like the wind blows away a smoke cloud.

Twilight stay for only a little longer. She rested her eyes on her peacefully sleeping friends. She was smiling. She covered them with her recovered magic power.

“Nothing to worry about, Luna. I’ve already forgiven them. I could not imagine my life without them.” she thought and left the ward, she was heading home.


The library was still a terrible mess. Twilight does not feel like thinking on it too much. Fortunately, she had insurance for unleashed-ancient monsters. Technically, it turned out better for her in this way, then if the library stay intact.

On entering the library, she saw a giant jaw, full of razor-sharp teeth jumping at her. She felt a strong squeeze around her throat. She could not take breath, she felt something warm liquid flowing over her neck.

It was Spike. He nearly chock her he was hugging her so strong, soaking her coat with his happy tears.

“I worried so much, what they were gonna do to you!” said the dragon with tearful eyes. “Until this day, no pony has gotten away with the judge of the alicorn council. You must be special.”

“Those had no such friends like me.” Twilight said, and carefully put down the baby dragon.

“Tell me, what did they do to you?” Twilight asked Spike.

“It was horrible, Twilight, they locked me in a daycare. They had only fake-music, carrot puree and whole grain biscuits were for lunch. I could beg them anyhow they didn’t give me only alchol-free cider, not like you. But they sent me to sleep every afternoon, I liked that one.”

“Yeah, it really sounds horrible.” Twilight said with well-hidden sarcasm.

“Doesn’t it?” said the small dragon. “ Now, it’s your turn. What happened to you? They told me nothing. They just woke me up from my afternoon napping, saying it’s time to go, and I almost pee myself, because they didn’t tell me where. Then suddenly I found myself here.”

Twilight told the whole story to Spike, at least what she remembered… when she was awake… and not drunk as a horse. So, approximately, a blue and a yellow plasticine figure wanted her to learn the poet of Lamentation of Lore in Ancient-horse language by heart, because there would be recitation at school that day. Then an oversized filly was moshing with the walls, while some ponies played trash-metal at full volume in the house, and broke everything.

Spike dropped his jaw from he heard. “Darn it. And I missed it out.” he said it with disappointment.

Twilight tenderly stroked his head. “Don’t worry, Spike, I’m sure there will be another time, there will be.”

The couple spent the rest of the day with rebooting the library. They were laughing, telling jokes, throwing the pieces at each other. Twilight found Spike’s R34 magazines, and started to mock him with it. He countered this with the fifty shades of pony, and other toys of Twilight.

Until night, the library was in tip-top shape. It was the best they have already got the compensation money for the damages.

Then someone knocked on the door. It was Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy with a batmare and a sassy white mare with bangs.

“What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be in the hospital?” Asked the taken aback Twilight.

“We were, but they released us. They told us we were as healthy as a horse.” Rainbow Dash said happily as they jumped into the air.

“I’m glad to hear that. What about those…mares.” asked Twilight finally.

“Do you remember that date that has failed because of the séance that went terribly wrong?” Dash said.

Twilight nodded: “Vaguely.” she said tauntingly.

“Well, it looks like it finally works out.” Dash said with big smile.

“You were just let out of a hospital, and you wanna start at once? And how did you managed to coax them back?” Twilight was astonished.

Dash pushed a magazine in front of Twilight’s nose. It was the newest issue of Equestria Daily. Dash and Fluttershy was on the cover as the savour of the world and the ones who were closest to destroy it simultaneously.

“Unleash a several million-year-old demon on the world that starts a crazy rampage then stop it did not care about your own safety is equal with awesomeness.” she claimed.

“And the alicorn…” Twilight could not finish her sentence, cause Dash stopped it.

“Not speak about secrets, Twilight.” Dash whispered.

“Yeah, I repeat: I’m glad to hear that. What about those mares.”

“We thought we could have a party at yours. Especially, in your bedroom.” Said the cheeky Dash.


“Great!” with that the gang get in the house, up to the bedroom. Twilight followed them, angrily, but her bedroom door was closed with a “not disturb” sign on it.

“Those faggots.” Twilight growled.

“Do not worry.” Spike said. “I expected this and I prepared a surprise for them.”

“What did you do you, devious bastard?” Twilight asked with an amused grin.

“Do you remember that itching powder I got from Pinkie Pie?” Spike smiled.

“I do. You poured it into my swimming suit. The water just made it more effective.” Twilight remembered. “Don’t say you…?”

“I did. I put all of it into the bed.” he said proudly.

“you idiot! What if I lie in that bed?” Twilight screamed at him.

“I’d have warned you.” Spike said with closed eyes, as if even the supposition was an offense.” Except I forgot about it.” He said with laughing. “But, seriously, I thought it would happen. Plus, I own Dash with owe for last time putting my hand into lukewarm water and wetting myself.”

Twilight was giggling. “Maybe after this they will not use my bed anymore.”

“I very much hope, I am fed up with this day. Come, I made sleeping spots downstairs. Tomorrow, we must burn the old beds and buy new ones. By the way, do not use the toilet at this floor, because I replaced the toilet paper with sandpaper, in case if Dash sneak in our home in the middle of the night to take a dump, again.

As they came down the stairs. The screamings were honey for their ears. It went louder after someone turned on the shower. Twilight lied down with a wide smile on her swift made bed.

Spike fell asleep almost immediately. But Twilight took away a quill and a paper, and started to write.

Dear Princess Celestia

In the last two days I have learnt an important lesson about friendship.

Firstly, the common respect is a basic fundamental of any kind of friendship. We must respect the other’s private life and properties.

As you can never know whether you found the box that that contains your friend’s demons that if unleashed can cause terrible destruction, and hurt countless ponies, who have nothing to do with it anyway.

Though, there are moments, situations, and cases when you must disrespect your friends for their own good, to protect them from those demons, or else they would drown in their own blood.

Though, these things should be taught to everypony by their parents. If it is not then you must fix this fillyhood deficit of your friends. To teach them what their parents did not. A good friend ought to intervene in their friends life if the situation requires it. Sometimes, with tough love.

And you can only hope they learn the lesson and will respect your stuff and responsibilities anymore.

Your faithful student

Twilight Sparkle

A group of ponies ran past Twilight like a crazy donkeys to the street. In their trail they lost their fur. They were almost naked.

Twilight yawned, walked to Spike, put the roll in front of his nose and yanked his tail. From that the little dragon barfed green flames in his dream. The green flame flowed around the roll and burnt it away.

Twilight went to bed.


Luna finally was in the palace, at home, she headed to her bedchamber, but by a sudden idea, she thought to drop in to her sister.

She knocked on her door, but no answer came. After a while, she got herself to peek into, there was no one, the room was coal dark. Then Luna realized there was a note stuck on the door.

My dearest Luna,

I have to go to an urgent business-trip, therefore I cannot be here with you, but this case cannot be postponed.

You have no idea how proud I am of you. You have faced with your very first five-star demon. Even I was older then you now when I had mine.

I am very glad you made it alive.

We talk when I am home. I am looking forward to hearing your story. Until that, rest. I am sure you need some.



“Hmm.” Luna hummed, rolling her eyes. “You never change, big sister. You and your business-trips.”

She turned around and close the door. She went to her own room, took her sleeping spot, and slept like she would never want to wake up. This time, she cared about only her own dreams.

She swam in the deepest ocean, visited the furthermore stars, she went sleeping on the rocking lap of the northern-light.

Celestia's ending - explicit

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This is an explicit ending for Celestia. As the the most feared sexual predator in four dimensions.
Why didn't Celestia help the her little sister and the ponies? She was a little busy.

So if you are not in sexual content, then do not read this chapter.

There was pitch darkness in the room. A huge dark shadow walked among the darkness. There was nothing in there, but nightmares. Night was inside, and nothing more.

I must be dreaming, that’s right, it cannot be other way. There is no other explanation why I am floating in the middle of my room.

It is very comfortable anyway. I am slowly spinning around, like I was in the space. Maybe I am going to fall asleep like that, I might wake up then, and found myself in my bed again. I closed my eyes, calmed down my thoughts and I indulged that charming felling.

“Wake up!” someone shouted. The voice smashed to a million pieces his dream like it was a valuable crystal glass. “How could you be so ill-mannered. We didn’t even started yet.” By this sentence, strong light lit the room, but it was different from when someone just turn on the light, it was like when the sun rises up. There was still dark night over the window, but in the room it was like it was a sunny morning.

“I took away my eyes from you for half-minutes to read my dear student’s latter and you fall asleep at once.” said Celestia to the human that was floating in front of her. The figure was spinning around and around like a pig above the grill. The man was totally naked, he was only wearing a faggot-mask, and a banana was sticking out of his ass.

The person started to scream under his faggot-mask from the view of the white horse. It was one of Celestia’s “private tuition” as guest lecturer in another dimension. She was wearing her favorite outfit for these occasions. Stretch-socks, latex west and cap, so by one world it was a full dominatrix outfit.

“Silent!” Celestia whipped strongly on her client’s butt. It only made him scream more. “At least pretend to be a man, if once you think yourself one.”

“But, we rested enough. Where were we?” Celestia acted like thinking. “Oh, yes.” she levitated a laptop and hold it in front of the floating dude.

“You wrote this comment.”Celestia declared. “You disparaged this epoch-making fanfiction. Plus, your comment contains nothing, but talking crap and complains that aren’t even grounded. Or if they are those are only your subjectivity and belittling others competency. Who cares about your subjectivity and competency if we do not see anything from it?”

The guy only looked confused:” Don’t you say anything?” Celestia asked.” Then I continue. You enjoy making others suffer from the anonymity of the internet where you think you are safe. you are a cur who is afraid to start creating own things, get a life that’s why showing off those who do. These people at least have a unique style. You are yearn for attention, you wanna feel you’re the big boy. Then now I am gonna give enough.” With that Celestia slapped her deputy student’s ass.

“Yes, you feel yourself big as I see.” she said as spanking him.” you’re getting bigger and bigger. I give you special attention. on this special night. So, you think every shitty comment gives an inch to your penis, don’t you? Well, if it’s true, and how I look, you are shortage of funds. Shout as much as you want, no one is going to hear you. Tonight this bed is our private class room.” Celestia said blinking kinky.

“Hmm, uhnhm.” the floating guy said. Celestia unzipped his mouth.

“Celesia, please, I bed you. I have learnt the lesson. I cannot feel my ass. I am gonna never think much of myself then what I am. I promise, I will not vote down others’ efforts. I already see, this brings forwards our society and community. Even jerks like the one who wrote thi…”

Celestia rezipped his mask. “Good!” Celestia pulled the world like a supervillain.” we are moving well. Well, a good teacher not only knows when it needs to be strict, but when needs to reward a good student.

The guy realized the spinning has stopped.

The point of telekinesis magic in that you can do multiple thing at the same time, be only things you could do with your “hands”, that basically much.

“This is your reward.” Celestia said. “She took the dick that stood in front of her like a pillar into her mouth. Her hot lips surrounded the tip, and started to suck it with flooding saliva. Meanwhile, using her magic she started peeling a banana that was inside the man’s butt as beating constantly his ass.

Now it’s tale is told, I hope you enjoyed.

The End