• Member Since 2nd Jul, 2017
  • offline last seen Sep 20th, 2023


I want nothing more than to bring a smile to your face with a light-hearted clopfic! If you want to bring a smile to mine, leave a comment!

Comments ( 79 )

Damn, CitC, you're on a ROLL lately. That Apogee collab was fantastic enough, but this one hits my 'favorite paring' button too! And based off that wonderful TJP art? Instant read, instant favorite.

One criticism:

“R-rarrriteeeeee!!!!” Spike groaned out, his hips humping into the air, cock pulsing and spearing at an imaginary target. A thick bulge raced up his shaft

She knew where the next blast would land, and for a moment she hesitated. But she knew how much it would mean to the drake… and bathing in this wonderfully sweet spunk was not so bad the more she thought about it.

Seems like there's anywhere from half a sentence to half a paragraph missing here. Lost in editing maybe?

Otherwise I can't complain about this at all. Bravo, man, I'd love to see more Sparity from you.

You motherfuckingly marvelous bastarD... Extra props for including the comicXD

ALSO, that Dragon-cola line was wonderful

Thanks! it was just part of a sentence, luckily, have tuned it up. Glad you enjoyed it!

Definitely-less-than-thirty years and she's never heard of cougar lovers?
Great start, anyway.
Can't wait to keep reading!

I was waiting for someone to use this pic as an excuse lmao

We all knew it was bound to happen. Thank you.

This was hot.
I formally request more on behalf of your readers.

Spike “Mare Destroyer” Dragon at your service, for all your ‘heat’ needs...

This was great i really hope to see a follow up or another Sparity story from you in the near future

winkin sister UwU’

I wonder what this could reference.

What if he's got a Hyper-Phallus?

Recently I was looking for more 'size difference' and... to be honest, the picture won me over xD Priceless.

Besides, what you got in store, it sure sounds nice^3^

It's not fair! Size difference is my favorite link but most off the recent work is mine (and I can't enjoy my own stuff T_T)

Rarity is currently about thirty in the show.
The comic you're pulling from says she's forty.

Well. Only foalcon left then ;(

Harsh Loving
Feat. rumble x whinnie

In fact... many rumble are enjoyable.
If... Bro x Bro is alright.

Fily, Bondage
Feat. Random filly.

Apogee's ?

Uhh... otherwise I... Suppose Futa stuff?
Idk. Perhaps something in my favorites Spike s interest.

Shining ones should keep you busy!
OR... Involuntary Voyeur ♥️ m/m

:twilightsheepish: and that's how you fill a jelly doughnut


:moustache: Donut Joes 6:00 sharp.

:duck: I'll have a bakers dozen please

:unsuresweetie: Corn Dogs two doors down.

That comic came out after I'd done this fic. I like to imagine it's set ten years later.

No reason to be sorry. Just threw those Story suggestion in for completionist sake.
If we all had the same taste, there was only 1 story on this site :raritywink: about Rarity ofc ♥ :p

Perhaps make a contest. The one sending you the best size~different story... wins a... pair of fancy pants ?
~ or just ask in a blog post? :) Pretty sure you get a few great suggestions out of it!


:unsuresweetie: Oh crap I'm an aunt
:raritystarry: Sextuplets ? :facehoof:
:moustache: It's a dragon thingy...
:unsuresweetie: I'll say that thingy is dangerous!
:rainbowderp: Sharing any?
:pinkiegasp: Dibs !
:trollestia: and I still do nothing for my little ponies
:ajbemused: duh .
:moustache: And I thought Luna swore like a sailor on shore leave...
:trollestia:Those dirty diapers beat her like a longshoremare on a pay day!

Haven't read this yet, but it reminds me of the old joke
"The ten best years of her life were the ones between her 29th and 30th birthdays"

I was wondering if someone was going to bring up Christmas Cake.

I wouldn't be surprised if Rarity ended up having foals after that amazing session

You might very well be right! All depends on whether Sweetie gave him a pony compatibility spell before he went over... :unsuresweetie:

“Sweetie, please. I won’t have any more of your pity compliments. I must away to my tomb-home and await my passing… if I don’t evaporate into dust from the winds of time first.”

Rip. 30... It's straight down from there.

And Spike exploded .

End of story. Spike burst and Sweetie never talks to Rares again.

She looked to one side, trying to conceal her embarrassment. “It’s uh… modern art.”

It's a ... Back... Scratcher ..for her backside... And itches... Mostly during showers, that s why it got a soap dispenser...

The comic that you based this on came out after the story did.

Comment posted by Clopficsinthecomments deleted Feb 25th, 2019

Yeah but the story was written by that point, I was editing and didn't want to make the changes. Plus, I like Rarity at 30!

Not that I don't like Rarity at 40.

That ending was simply magnificent. Bravo! :rainbowlaugh:

The story which you have written based on a particular comic, when she's thirty now.

“Spike!” Sweetie scolded. “I told you to give her the full dragon experience! Half the fun of your ‘little spike’ is how well it works up the tailhole!”

When did Sweetie say the Full experience did she mean that Spike had "Two" instead of "one"? or she meant another thing?

She meant that he should have done Rarity in her marshmallow donut as well! No hemi penis here!

Rarity is sure that her life of business acumen and her focus on building herself as an independent career-oriented mare have meant that too much time has passed

...Which is a danger for mammals that can experience menopause. Being 'independent' has its benefits, but it also has its drawbacks - no offspring, and can cause one to be too stubborn and self-centred.

Perhaps she should simply go to the Ponyville market-place, lift her tail and beg.

That'd be fun, for sure. Be the town's cumdump for a day, and more than likely end up with an unknown stallion's foal; what better way is there to solve her estrus issue and her lack of a foal?

Sweetie had taken a sip of her maregarita

...Could've easily have been an actual 'mare-garita', but this isn't one of those bars, unfortunately.

Shouldn't you write an epilogue where Rarity show Spike his daughter? Or tell her daughter how they met or something?

I love the little comic punctuating the chapter

God this was hot. Never enough high quality Spike clop.

with only her cat Opal to give her the barest

morbid thought.... a cat RARELY manages to get 20 years old... Opal may well be on her last leg or even already departed...

hungry to talk charge but

take [maybe?]

The first in her eyes


Got to the fic,
started reading,
"Hmm that's really nice writing"
Like and Fav on the first chapter
Then notice in the comment section WHO is purple ^^;;;

That was a bit fun, but a sequel to chapter 2 would be better. Really loving the Nympho Sweetie Belle. Could see her and Spike, doing some really sexy things to/with Rarity!

Great job!

It’s just a shame that there are no hemipenises ^^

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