• Published 23rd Jan 2019
  • 1,177 Views, 7 Comments

Starlight's Daydream - Bronyxy

Starlight Glimmer's life implodes when Trixie dumps her, but Sunset Shimmer is there to help pick up the pieces. Starlight may need a friend, but how far is Sunset willing for their relationship to go?

  • ...

6 A New Future Dawns

“I’ve got to give it to you Rarity, I feel so much better for that” sighed Twilight as the three friends
returned to the castle having spent a relaxing morning at the spa, “I guess I was overthinking things a bit. I'm so used to taking on monsters and all kinds of other demons that I don’t always look for simpler more logical explanations first.”

“Quite so darling, but one mystery still haunts me about all this.”
“What’s that?”
“Only that Sunset never struck me as being into mares” confessed Rarity, “One does develop a feeling about such things, you know?”
“Well I just think we should be happy for them and the choices they make” commented Fluttershy, and they all agreed.

In the silence that descended on the friends, Twilight started counting up the ways in which she and her friends had 'helped' Sunset on the way to a successful date with Starlight. With every action, she began to realise that in her enthusiasm to help, she had set a series of traps that would have been impossible for Sunset to have backed out of. Suddenly, she was hit by a wave of guilt as she realised what she had done, and stopped in her tracks.

“What’s wrong Twilight?” asked Fluttershy.
“Oh my” gasped Rarity, “You really don’t look well all of a sudden.”
“Oh no! No! No!” exclaimed Twilight, “What have I done?”
“What have you done darling?” asked Rarity, looking confused.
Twilight started pacing in circles, admonishing herself for something while her friends looked on, wanting to help, but looking for a clue as to what was bothering her.
“It’s all my fault!” she kept repeating to herself.

“Darling, do slow down” requested Rarity, “You’re making us quite dizzy ...”
“It’s all my fault – I forced Sunset to go on the date!” wailed Twilight, “She went against her will! I didn’t know it would end up like this! She’s going to hate me forever!”
“Are you sure you’re not making too much of this darling?” asked Rarity, “I mean, we all saw them in the corridor outside Starlight’s room last night.”
“It didn’t seem like she was terribly upset” confirmed Fluttershy, “In fact, I would say they both looked very happy.”
“Oh, what am I going to say when I see them?” fretted Twilight.
“Nothing darling; just wait and see. It probably won’t be anything like as bad as you think.”
“I do hope you’re right” said Twilight, finally stopping her pacing.

They continued on and soon arrived back at the castle, Twilight listening intently as she entered through the main door.

Sounds of laughter and good natured banter met her ears and immediately her mood lifted. She followed the sounds of happy chatter into the dining room where she saw a pair of unicorns more into each other than into their food.
“Sunset, Starlight!” she called, “How nice to see you! Is everything alright?”
“Oh hey Twilight” acknowledged Sunset, “Yeah, we're pretty cool, thanks.”
“Did you sleep well?” asked Twilight innocently as Rarity facehoofed at the question.
Sunset bit her lip, trying to bite back her giggles, but Starlight had less restraint and let rip with a raucous laugh. As Twilight cottoned on, she blushed violently, inwardly cursing her naivity.
Meanwhile, Sunset tried to shhh her marefriend, but this just made her laugh even more.

“Twilight, I wanted to thank you for all the trouble you went to for us yesterday: it was a great evening.”
“You’re not cross then?” asked Twilight, a mixture of surprise and relief flashing across her face.
“Told you so” preened Rarity softly into her ear.
“Of course not. It was very kind of you and Princess Celestia to do so much for us, and we're both very grateful.”
Even Starlight managed to regain her composure long enough to add her sincere thanks, before going on to say “You should have heard Sunset speaking French ...”
“Oh, I see ...” said Twilight, who clearly didn’t. Then she went on to say. “So you two are dating then?”
“Twilight, really” chided Rarity, “That is simply not a fair question to ask.”
“No, it’s OK” replied Sunset, laughing off the rather ineptly phrased question. She looked briefly into Starlight’s eyes, and then back to Twilight before replying, “Yes, yes it’s official – we are dating.”
Rarity immediately squeed while the announcement drew an “aaah“ from Fluttershy.

“Oh, so that’s good then?” smiled Twilight awkwardly.
“Is there a problem?” asked Sunset.
“No” replied Twilight, “Just relief.”
“Relief?” queried Sunset as Starlight looked on quizzically.
“What Twilight means is she is very happy for you” chipped in Rarity, then turned to Twilight and added, “I suggest you stop digging now, darling.”
“Thank you Rarity” she replied, “There are times I'd be lost without you.”
“I know darling, I know ...”

Comments ( 6 )

not bad, a little rushed IMO, if i may say if it had been me i'd have Sunset say during dinner that she hadn't planned any of this, but would be willing to give it a try with starlight

You're right, Sunset really didn't intend to get into this, but I rather enjoyed changing her attitude from one of trying to find a way of getting out of it to appreciating Starlight for who she is and falling for her.
Your idea about a confession over dinner is good, but I confess I hadn't thought of it - I'll put it in if I ever do a rewrite!
Thanks for your support.

i always am available for advice, i wish i could get my own story ideas off the ground

The biggest issue is to come up with an idea to start the process off. As you have already got ideas, then introduce your characters into a storyline based on those ideas and as long as you pass 1,000 words, you'll have a story!
Have a little confidence and give it a try - we all start somewhere. As your style develops, you may look back at your first stories and see how you could have done them better, but we all feel that. Just dip your toe in and give it a try - we're with you!
Good luck!

Cute, fluffy and all around d'aww-inducingly sweet. I have to say this is a ship I haven't seen used much and that earns some bonus points from me! Pony Sunset seems woefully underrepresented as well, so hey, another bonus in favor of this fic :3

I have some advice, double space the dialogue. Single spacing the dialogue made this story rather difficult to read. I will admit though, I absolutely love it! Starlight and Sunset do make a cute couple and I like how you made Starlight the naive one with Sunset being experienced in the romance department....that is how I would see it being in real life. Have an upvote and a fave.

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