• Published 23rd Jan 2019
  • 1,177 Views, 7 Comments

Starlight's Daydream - Bronyxy

Starlight Glimmer's life implodes when Trixie dumps her, but Sunset Shimmer is there to help pick up the pieces. Starlight may need a friend, but how far is Sunset willing for their relationship to go?

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4 The End or a New Beginning

The meal was excellent, and worthy of the rave reviews the establishment had been awarded, but it wouldn’t have mattered to the two mares in the vip room whether they had been served haute cuisine or hayburgers; they had taken the opportunity to focus on each other without interruptions, even the exotic acts on the stage having failed to draw their attention.

All too soon, there came a knock at the door and the Maître d’ entered.
“I do hope you have enjoyed the evening” he commented, noting that the curtain was still in its fully opened position, “But if it pleases your Majesties, your charioteers now await your return.

“Oh, oh, yes, of course” stammered Sunset, ”This evening was the most enjoyable I can ever remember.”
“Why thank you, Princess” he bowed deeply, proffering a silver platter with a note upon it.
Sunset took it in her magic and opened it, expecting to see a bill that would have been the equivalent of a small mortgage, but instead two lines of immaculate calligraphy informed her that the bill was to be paid in full, including a generous gratuity, by Princess Celestia herself.
“I do hope we may have the pleasure of entertaining you again, your Majesties.”
“Moi aussi” replied Sunset, “As do I, Monsieur.”

He returned to the two capes hung up at the back of the room and fitted them carefully onto the two mares in an attention to detail that even Rarity would have admired for its care and precision. Once his guests were ready, he led them back down the stairs and through the main lobby to where the Royal chariot stood with the charioteers waiting attentively.

He waved them a fond farewell as they took off into the night and then he turned to go back into his establishment and congratulate himself on a night that had gone very well indeed, when he noticed that all the other members of staff had come out behind him to catch a glimpse for themselves of their Royal visitors. He hustled them all back inside making it quite clear that while they could be proud of the Royal patronage they had received, they were all to keep quiet about the identities of the two Princesses or they would be out of a job.

The chill night air gave Starlight the shivers as they flew back to the castle and she huddled up close to her date to keep warm. Sunset started to feel shivers run through her too, but they were nothing to do with being cold, and she returned the hug affectionately. In the back of her mind a phrase with which she felt oddly familiar went round and round, “Whatever happens is gonna happen. I've just gotta live in the moment …”

As they approached the castle, she felt Starlight nuzzle more closely into her and began to realise that the evening may not be coming to an end, but possibly just about to begin.

They touched down immediately adjacent to the main door and Sunset stepped down, helping Starlight who was now wearing a more confident smile than she had seen all evening. Sunset looked up into her deep blue eyes that seemed to draw in the very moonbeams that had been blessed to fall on her, and reflected back the most captivating display of sparkles to complement her smile.

Sunset had been the dominant personality all evening, but now felt Starlight come into her own and could do nothing but follow meekly as she was led inside.

Although the castle seemed to be asleep, she felt sure she saw the odd flash of wing or horn around a corner or behind a pillar, as all of their friends wanted catch a glimpse of the couple, hoping they would each find something in each other that could, just possibly, make them an item.

They got to Starlight’s door and stopped. Sunset was not in control any more; whatever happened now would be down to Starlight. Whether she wanted a platonic relationship or something more physical, Sunset knew she would find out one way or the other in the next few minutes. Her tough exterior began to crumble as she realised that, for all her earlier reservations, the thought of going with another mare no longer made her feel uncomfortable, and especially Starlight held a curious appeal.

She shivered again, but now she recognised that it was from the pleasure of a warm glow rising inside her.

Starlight knew the signs, and placed her forelegs gently around Sunset’s neck and drew her close, their lips meeting for another delicate kiss. Somewhere down a corridor, she heard an “aaah” sound that could have been Fluttershy. Next thing, Starlight kicked the kissing up a notch and opened the door, dragging Sunset with her and pushing it firmly shut after them with a nudge of her flank.

“Oh my …” gasped Rarity, “I do hope those beautiful capes don’t get ruined …”
“Well, I for one think it would be inappropriate to loiter any longer” said Twilight, blushing noticeably, even in the darkness.