> Starlight's Daydream > by Bronyxy > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1 A Friend in Need > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The spring day was one of the most beautiful Equestria had to offer. The trees were covered in fresh new growth and the meadows were bursting with an abundance of new life; flowers in a breathtaking array of vibrant reds, pinks, oranges, yellows and blues. The sky was a brilliant azure with a few nap clouds dotted around; not enough to be intrusive, but just about enough for a particular cyan pegasus to pick and choose her perfect spot, depending upon how the fancy took her. Under the shade of a blossoming oak tree, a primrose pony sang a little song, her forehoof angled in front of her, acting as a perch for a bright red songbird at her eye level. The bird warbled and trilled along in tune with the pony, much to her delight and a number of woodland animals gathered as an impromptu audience. At a respectful distance in the shadow of a bluff stood a figure whose very presence would have been cause for concern at the highest levels only a short time ago. The flame maned unicorn who had once been Princess Celestia’s pupil, until she had turned her back on both her mentor and Equestria itself to become human, had since embraced friendship and returned a changed pony. Now she listened happily as snatches of song wafted delicately on the merest whiff of breeze that rippled over the meadow between them. As she looked around, she took in the overwhelming beauty of the scene and the innocent joy being shared by her friend, causing her to reflect on what had driven her to rebel against such an idyllic life in the first place. Sure, she had ruled Canterlot High School by fear, but what had it gotten her? It certainly hadn’t won her any friends until Twilight Sparkle had taken her on. Gentle hoofsteps caught her attention and snapped her out of her thoughts as she turned her head to see who had come to join her. “Hello Sunset” said a lilac unicorn tossing her purple and light blue streaked mane away from her face and moving up close to give her friend a nuzzle, “A bit for your thoughts?” “Oh, you wouldn’t understand” she replied dismissively, then looked at Starlight, whose eyes dropped a little sadly. She was the seventh pony in the group of friends here in Equestria and although unquestionably accepted as one of them, would forever feel herself to be an outsider. “Or maybe you would” she continued, watching as Starlight raised her face again, her eyes sparkling with renewed expectation. “I was just thinking about my past” she confided, feeling her teeth grit as the words left her. “Well, if anypony can understand your desire to become completely awful and totally dominate a group of other ponies, then I don’t think you have to look too much further” quipped Starlight awkwardly, “No offence …” “None taken” replied Sunset, showing her friend a wry smile, “I’m used to it.” “You know” reflected the fiery looking pony, “Next to Twilight, you’re the one I know best in Ponyville.” “But I thought you knew all of her friends too?” “Only their human counterparts. It still weirds me out to see that they have exactly the same personalities either side of the portal. Poor Flash though, he started crushing on ‘other world Twilight’ thinking she was our Princess Twilight!” “I heard” replied Starlight, “From what I’ve been told, he’s quite a catch.” An awkward pause descended, and Sunset began to wish she hadn’t mentioned Flash, as something had clearly jarred in her friend’s consciousness. “How’s Trixie?” she asked, fumbling for safer ground. She had heard the rumours, and the body language she had seen between the two left little room for doubt. “Oh Sunset!” cried her friend, leaning her muzzle gently on hers, “I have to tell somepony and yet I can’t talk to those I know best …” Sunset turned and gave her friend a reassuring hug with her foreleg, “It’s OK, you can talk to me if you like.” “She … she’s gone off on tour again” sobbed the lilac pony, now unable to hold her friend’s gaze as her tears splashed forlornly on the ground. “Yes, but she’s done that before” clarified Sunset, “Right?” “Not like this” she wept sadly, “This time it’s … it’s …” “It’s OK” comforted Sunset, not wanting to hear her friend’s anguish as she spilled out the last few inevitable words. Once upon a time she had been happy to see others in tears, even plotted and schemed to make sure it had happened; now it just cut her open and reminded her how bad she had once been, especially when it was one of her friends. She drew Starlight close, feeling her friend’s body shake with the sobs of tears that had been waiting for an opportunity to be released, and squeezed her close as she looked over her to the carefree sight of pony and songbird singing happily together in the shade of a tree. “I’m so sorry you had to see that” sniffled Starlight, wiping the last tear stains from her eyes. “Not a problem; it’s what friends are for” reassured Sunset, giving her another hug for good luck before releasing her hold. “Thank you” whispered Starlight appreciatively, looking up into Sunset’s aquamarine eyes, somehow conveying a deepness of meaning that caught her by surprise; not so much the words, but the power of the emotion, like she was trying desperately to reach out. Startled, like a rabbit caught in oncoming headlights, she did not want to snub Starlight while she was clearly in such need, but equally this was not a situation she had envisaged and she cast around for something, anything to act as a distraction. As time froze, she alighted on the only thing she could think of and her mouth engaged before her mind had caught up. It was not what she had meant to say. “I’ve heard there’s a new restaurant recently opened in town, what do you say we give it a try tonight?” asked Sunset. Starlight’s eyes glistened as she reached just close enough to give Sunset an affectionate peck on the cheek; a kiss of the purest gossamer. It was an action that delivered such a torrent of raw emotion that it caught Sunset off guard and her pupils shrank under its deceptive intensity. Starlight edged her muzzle back to her ear and whispered a barely audible “thank you” before pulling away. The act of unexpected intimacy lasted for little more than a second, maybe two at most, but its impact lingered as Starlight turned and headed back towards the Castle of Friendship with a flicker of renewed hope in her heart. Sunset hadn’t intended to ask Starlight on a date; it had just happened all by itself. She bit her lip and tried to work out what had just happened. Once again, time seemed to stop, and she replayed in her mind’s eye exactly how she had put herself in this position. It wasn’t that she didn’t like Starlight; quite the opposite in fact, especially given the similarity of their pasts, but it suddenly struck her that she knew very little about the pony Starlight had become since. Also, her previous dating history made her pretty certain she was into guys, and she was fairly sure that preference translated into stallions in this world, although she hadn’t yet got around to testing that particular theory. “It’s not a date” she told herself, “Just two friends going out for a quiet meal together …” The more she repeated this, the more worried she became that this wasn’t how Starlight had taken it. She couldn’t go back now and say there had been a misunderstanding; this would only deflate her friend once more and make her feel rejected, doubly rejected in fact, given the news that Trixie had split up with her. No, she couldn’t do that. She couldn’t run away through the portal either because there was so much toing and froing through it, that word would spread and quickly discredit her amongst her friends in both worlds. Suddenly the name of the new restaurant sprang into her mind; ‘The Wild Thyme’, which was pronounced The Wild Time; and it wasn’t just a restaurant, but had developed more of a reputation as a night club. She also recalled Twilight having told her about it when it had first opened, and their sharing a joke about how it definitely wasn’t their sort of thing, principally because it catered exclusively for the tastes of the more outgoing dating couples. No wonder Starlight had acted the way she had; she clearly believed Sunset was hitting on her, and in a big way. She settled down onto the grass and wrapped both forelegs over her muzzle so that the loud groan she made wouldn’t disturb the primrose pegasus and the red songbird still oblivious to her presence. It had started off as such a simple and uncomplicated day … > 2 Friends Are Always There For You > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sunset made her way back to Ponyville, on her way to the Castle of Friendship where Twilight had given both Starlight and herself rooms. Even though time felt like it had stopped for her a couple of times already, it now seemed to be flying along, hastening the hour of her date. As she trudged past the Carousel Boutique, she was intercepted by a prim white unicorn who stuck her head out of the door and called cheerfully. “Oh, Darling!” she fussed, “Starlight came by to see me earlier. I’m so happy for the pair of you! She was so terribly upset after the news from Trixie, and I’m just so glad you’re going to be there for her …” “Rarity …” Sunset tried to interrupt, “It’s not quite like that …” “Tsk, tsk, dear” clucked the fashionista, dragging her friend into the Boutique, ”I’ve only had a couple of hours to pull something together for your special date; I do hope you like it!” Up on the stage at the focal point of the shop was a mannequin bedecked with a stunning purple cape with a red and gold flame design counterpointed by a black mesh overlay around the top. It wasn’t just beautiful, it was out of this world. “Of course, I’ve had to make my best guess at your size darling” tutted Rarity, scrutinising Sunset up and down through her trademark red rimmed glasses “But I don’t think I’m too far out. Do try it on won’t you?” Sunset was being railroaded, but Rarity had dropped all of her paying work to design and run up this most wonderful creation especially for her, so she hadn’t got the heart to say anything that would make her seem ungrateful. It fitted perfectly, although Rarity still found little details to fuss over and made a series of minute adjustments before hustling her friend in front of a full length mirror. She caught sight of herself and gasped, Rarity truly was as good as her reputation; it was glamorous enough to rival even the best outfits worn by the Princesses at the most regal functions. Rarity tilted her head to one side, resting her chin on her forehoof, clearly dissatisfied by some detail. Suddenly she trotted over to a chest and lifted the lid to reveal a treasure trove of accessories picking out a black choker with a large red ruby at the front. She held it up, admiring the gem’s lustre and cooing gently as it sparkled in the light, before nodding her approval and carrying it in her magic to her friend, affixing it around her neck. “Per-fec-tion!” she crooned, and Sunset had to agree. “There you go, darling” she continued, standing back to admire her hoofwork, “She won’t be able to resist you now.” “But …” Sunset began, but was hushed down immediately. “No need to thank me darling” Rarity chipped in, looking her friend earnestly in the eye, “I am so pleased you were there to help poor Starlight. She was totally devastated by the news and I was so worried about her; we all were, but thankfully you were the right mare in the right place at the right time.” It would be next to impossible to say what she wanted to now. Rarity was clearly very concerned for Starlight and had made it clear how much she and her friends had all been worrying about her. “Um, Rarity ...” she tried for one last time to correct the misunderstanding that was mushrooming out of control. “Tsk, tsk, I simply refuse to accept a single bit” tutted Rarity, flashing her beautiful deep blue eyes, “Just make sure that Starlight is happy, and that will be payment enough.” “Thank you Rarity” conceded Sunset, totally trapped, “You really are most generous.” She left the boutique with her new cape bagged up to protect it from any dirt, but also more importantly, to ensure that it was not seen by anypony in advance of the date, and by anypony, Rarity had clearly meant Starlight. The shadows were lengthening as the sun had begun its final descent towards the horizon, and she knew that time was fast approaching for her to prepare for her evening with Starlight; or date, as her friends had all clearly come to think of it. Whatever her expectations were of the evening, she knew she had to make an effort for Starlight’s sake, and stopped by Daisy, Lily and Rose for a floral bouquet. Rose happened to be the one to serve her and enquired who it was for, so she could match the flowers accordingly. When she replied that it was for Starlight, Daisy and Lily emerged from the shop to breathe a romantic “aaah” in unison at the prospect, much to Sunset’s mounting embarrassment. When she eventually headed back to the castle, Rarity and Pinkie were stood on the balcony watching her approach. “Ooh look” said Pinkie, “It’s Sunset.” Rarity turned her head to see the sun sinking below the horizon and commented wryly, “It’s time for Starlight to come out.” “She came out a long time ago, silly” quipped Pinkie. As Sunset entered the castle she was greeted warmly by everypony she met, all six of the Element Bearers somehow managing to intercept her individually on her way to her room to extend their good wishes, all clearly under the belief that the night would end with the initials SS and SG being emblazoned on each other’s hearts. As a point of principle, none had any axe to grind with the choice of partner anypony within their group chose. However, although none would ever say it openly, they would all agree privately that whilst Trixie was a changed pony, she wasn’t the most stable of influences, and they all preferred Sunset as Starlight’s potential long-term partner. The only one who wouldn’t have agreed was Sunset. She opened the door to her room, dropped her bags and fell face first onto her bed letting out another groan. Everypony seemed to be under completely the wrong impression, and the longer it went on, the harder it would be to break away from. However, time was against her and she quickly showered and changed into her stunning new cape, took up her bouquet and headed down to the main entrance hall of the castle to await her date. Twilight just happened to casually pass by while she waited, dressed to her best. “Wow Sunset!” she exclaimed, “You look absolutely beautiful tonight.” “Thanks Twilight” she replied, “But to tell the truth I’m a little worried …” “Of course you are” replied Twilight, smiling happily, “I know you’ve only just come through the portal and haven’t got any bits, so please take this.” “Wha … what’s that?” she asked. “A purse, with more than enough bits to cover the meal and anything you want to do afterwards” she added with a wink. “Oh thanks, but that’s not what I meant …” began Sunset before she caught sight of Twilight’s jaw hanging open as she looked over her shoulder. Sunset turned her head and followed her eyes until she saw what Twilight had seen; Starlight Glimmer was coming down the stairs wearing a stunning deep indigo cape decorated with aquamarine diamonds and a choker similar to her own, but with a brilliant diamond in the middle. She looked beautiful. Sunset caught her breath. She had never imagined that any mare could look so good. Starlight looked like a dream, but the smile on her face was fragile and she had clearly pushed herself as far as her failing courage would allow. She stopped on a middle stair, desperate for acceptance and poised to run away if she was rejected. Sunset knew there was no way she could back out now; to turn her down now would break her heart, and she couldn’t do that. For the first time she stopped trying to find ways to back out, but prepared to take an open-minded view and go along for the ride; they were only going out for dinner after all. “Starlight” she said, moving forward to meet her, “You look wonderful. Please accept these flowers as a small gift.” Starlight looked at the finely presented bouquet, taking in the fusion of purple and aquamarine flowers that complemented her mane and the red and yellow ones that matched Sunset’s. It was a perfectly composed and deeply meaningful floral arrangement. She lifted her head up to meet Sunset’s gaze and their eyes met. “Thank you” she replied, a little bashfully, “I wasn’t expecting anything, so I have nothing for you.” “The pleasure of your company will be enough” reassured Sunset, “You want to put them in water or bring them with you?” “Oh, I can do that” chipped in Twilight, “If you want …” “Yes. That would be nice. Thank you Twilight” replied her protégé. “Oh, one more thing” added Twilight, “There’s a chariot outside. Save your new clothes from getting dirty. Princess Celestia kinda offered it to you for the evening …” “Oh, so she knows too, does she?” probed Sunset pointedly. “Maybe …?” replied Twilight awkwardly. “Looks like you’ve thought of everything” said Starlight appreciatively, “Thank you so much.” Sunset turned to her date, “You ready?” Starlight looked at her with a shy smile on her face and Sunset could have sworn she saw a blush forming on her cheeks. She didn’t say anything, but her eyes sparkled, and she just gave a gentle nod. The two beautifully dressed ponies walked across the hall floor in perfect step and Twilight regarded them admiringly, shedding a little tear, that if anypony had asked would argue that it wasn’t a tear at all, but liquid pride. > 3 Fairy Godmother Helps Out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As the couple emerged from the castle’s main doorway, they were confronted with the splendid sight of Celestia’s Royal chariot waiting for them at the foot of the stairs. All their friends had gathered to admire the spectacle and cheered enthusiastically as the couple appeared, Applejack giving a wolf-whistle and Rainbow a suggestive wink. Starlight tucked her head into Sunset, partly to avoid the sudden glare of attention, but also she recognised something powerful and protective about the flame maned pony that she admired, something that she felt she needed in her current vulnerable state, and just the act of nuzzling her kindled a flame deep within her. Rarity and Fluttershy saw her coyly snuggling into Sunset’s neck and both let out appreciative “aaah” sounds at the same time. Sunset led Starlight to the chariot and offered her forehoof to assist her date in climbing in, which she accepted graciously and was the first to settle herself into her seat. Sunset walked round to thank the Royal charioteers and confirm they were happy with the address they were going to in town. “That’s not very far, Ma’am” observed the lead charioteer, “Would you perhaps like us to take a slight detour, such as a tour over Ponyville? “Thank you, that would be a marvellous idea” replied Sunset with a smile, “We don’t get to fly that often.” She walked back and climbed up next to Starlight, drawing herself close enough to whisper in her ear that they were going to get a flight as well as everything else. Starlight watched expectantly as Sunset sat down and moved close to her then turned and extended her head. Thinking her moment had come, she turned her head too, closed her eyes, puckered her lips and craned forward to receive her first kiss. Sunset found herself unable to stop in time to prevent her meeting Starlight’s waiting lips, in fact it was all she could do to arrest her own momentum and avoid bumping into her hard as Starlight had closed the gap between them by extending to meet her. When their lips touched, it was a sensuous pucker from Starlight, but Sunset had more of a frozen “eeek” etched across her face. She listened as their friends once again all joined in with a loud “aaah” sound and knew she couldn’t deny her date this one gesture, so responded to the kiss as delicately as she could. Inwardly, she was fighting it, because everything about her past told her she was not into mares, but the gentle sensation took her completely by surprise. It was only a quick kiss, which under the circumstances suited her fine, but it still left her speechless as she came to terms with it not being anything like as bad as she had worried it would be. She had kissed guys before, many times, and even though she was now a pony in Equestria, this was way more sensual than any she could remember. She sensed an unusual soaring feeling taking over and stared into Starlight’s eyes, wondering if this was what kissing her was supposed to feel like; then she noticed they were airborne. They stayed close to each other while the chariot flew out over the Everfree as far as the abandoned Castle of the Two Sisters. When they got there, they orbited around it a few times, marvelling at how spooky it looked from every angle in the last dying rays of the sun, before returning to Ponyville and landing just outside the night club. The traffic stopped as the Royal chariot came to a halt and everypony strained to see who the privileged passengers may be. Sunset stepped down, offering her hoof to Starlight who took it lovingly. One or two passers by thought they may have recognised Starlight, but the exotic flame maned beauty beside her remained mysterious and enigmatic and both drew gasps of admiration from the forming crowd. Leading them into the night club, Sunset stood before the Maître d’, waiting for him to look up from the list of reservations for the evening. “Bonsoir mesdames” he said, finally breaking away from the list of scribbled notes before him. “Bonsoir a vous aussi, Monsieur” replied Sunset, “Avez-vous une réservation pour nous, s’il vous plait?” “Enough!” he cried, shocked, “Too fast – I don’t understand you!” “Sorry” said Sunset, “ It kinda sounded like you were speaking in French …” “Um, yes” he confided, looking around to make sure he was not overheard, “My father was French, but he disappeared before I grew up, so I never actually learned French. It’s all an act for the customers.” “Oh, OK then” she smiled, “Reservation for Sunset Shimmer please?” They could see his eyes running down the list, but became discouraged when they saw his head start to shake slowly. “Boss! Boss!” came a breathless voice, “It’s Princess Celestia! Her chariot’s outside!” The Maître d’ looked up at Sunset quizzically and asked simply, “You …?” She locked him in her gaze, raised a single eyebrow and nodded slowly. Forehoof trembling, he reached tentatively for another book, opening the pages to reveal a single entry. “Ah, I see it now, Princess Sunset du Miroir de Cristal” he gasped, awestruck, “A reservation made by Princess Celestia herself!” “Yes, that would be us.” “Your Majesties!” he acknowledged, bowing deeply, “Clearly you are wishing to remain incognito; I understand entirely. We have a special table for you tonight as our first Royal guests; upstairs where you won’t be disturbed, but with the best view of the stage in the house!” “Thank you.” “Would you like us to take care of the charioteers for you?” he continued. “Yes” concurred Sunset, “Please see to it they are given what they want.” “I shall see to it personally, Princess” he grovelled, “But first, if you would care to follow me please?” They ascended a flight of plush carpeted stairs at the top of which the Maître d’ opened a door to reveal an opulently appointed room overlooking a balcony with a picture perfect view of the stage. “If everything is in order, may I take your capes please Princesses?” he asked reverently. “Thank you” agreed Sunset, “If you would be so kind.” He helped them out of their capes which he ensured were hung carefully at the back of the private room and then returned to fuss over his guests as they were seated. “Please allow me to get your choice of drinks while you make your choice from the menu” he said passing out two gilt edged drinks lists and standing back to give a respectful space for his first vip guests. Just at that point, a couple of very attractive young palomino mares came out onto the stage to start their act and Sunset quickly placed an order for a bottle of Chardoneigh to which Starlight nodded in agreement. As they heard the door close behind them, Starlight leaned over and whispered, “Thank you.” “For what?” “Getting Princess Celestia to make the reservation, the flight in her chariot and for speaking French fluently, and …” she faltered, ”Just for being so kind to me.” Sunset turned to face her and saw deep, intense gratitude written all over Starlight’s face. She wanted to say how it had been Twilight who had called in a favour from Celestia and how it had never even been her intention to come on a date with her, but Starlight just looked so much like she needed somepony to make her feel special that she didn’t have the heart to. Instead, she just leaned over and placed her puckered lips on Starlight’s. This time, she truly meant it. A respectful knock at the door announced the return of the Maître d’ with their wine and the two mares slowly disengaged from each other, staring into each other’s eyes for way longer than friends ever did, even good friends. He knocked again, this time suspending the precious bond of magic that connected the two mares. “Come in” croaked Sunset in a voice she didn’t recognise as her own. He entered carrying a silver wine bucket which he placed on the table with barely a sound other than a gentle slosh of the melting ice around the wine bottle as it settled within its icy grip. In a single deft movement, he slid in his napkin covered hoof and rescued the wine, uncorking it with a practiced flourish unnoticed by his two guests and poured a soupçon for Sunset to approve. She just stayed riveted to Starlight’s eyes until her date made upward movements with her eyes to prompt her. “Oh, sorry” she apologised, taking a sip, “Sorry, I was miles away.” “Do not worry, Princesses” he replied knowingly, “We pride ourselves on being discrete. I will be returning in about twenty minutes with your orders and will of course knock first.” Before he left, he added one further thing. “The entertainment gets a little more risqué after 9 pm; if this is not to your taste, you can draw the curtain down here …” he demonstrated, “But if not, I hope you will enjoy the show.” Then he left, leaving the two young mares alone. On the stage, the act was drawing the attention of every patron in the house, except for two at a table of their own, who were more intent on sharing each other’s company over a bottle of wine. > 4 The End or a New Beginning > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The meal was excellent, and worthy of the rave reviews the establishment had been awarded, but it wouldn’t have mattered to the two mares in the vip room whether they had been served haute cuisine or hayburgers; they had taken the opportunity to focus on each other without interruptions, even the exotic acts on the stage having failed to draw their attention. All too soon, there came a knock at the door and the Maître d’ entered. “I do hope you have enjoyed the evening” he commented, noting that the curtain was still in its fully opened position, “But if it pleases your Majesties, your charioteers now await your return. “Oh, oh, yes, of course” stammered Sunset, ”This evening was the most enjoyable I can ever remember.” “Why thank you, Princess” he bowed deeply, proffering a silver platter with a note upon it. Sunset took it in her magic and opened it, expecting to see a bill that would have been the equivalent of a small mortgage, but instead two lines of immaculate calligraphy informed her that the bill was to be paid in full, including a generous gratuity, by Princess Celestia herself. “I do hope we may have the pleasure of entertaining you again, your Majesties.” “Moi aussi” replied Sunset, “As do I, Monsieur.” He returned to the two capes hung up at the back of the room and fitted them carefully onto the two mares in an attention to detail that even Rarity would have admired for its care and precision. Once his guests were ready, he led them back down the stairs and through the main lobby to where the Royal chariot stood with the charioteers waiting attentively. He waved them a fond farewell as they took off into the night and then he turned to go back into his establishment and congratulate himself on a night that had gone very well indeed, when he noticed that all the other members of staff had come out behind him to catch a glimpse for themselves of their Royal visitors. He hustled them all back inside making it quite clear that while they could be proud of the Royal patronage they had received, they were all to keep quiet about the identities of the two Princesses or they would be out of a job. The chill night air gave Starlight the shivers as they flew back to the castle and she huddled up close to her date to keep warm. Sunset started to feel shivers run through her too, but they were nothing to do with being cold, and she returned the hug affectionately. In the back of her mind a phrase with which she felt oddly familiar went round and round, “Whatever happens is gonna happen. I've just gotta live in the moment …” As they approached the castle, she felt Starlight nuzzle more closely into her and began to realise that the evening may not be coming to an end, but possibly just about to begin. They touched down immediately adjacent to the main door and Sunset stepped down, helping Starlight who was now wearing a more confident smile than she had seen all evening. Sunset looked up into her deep blue eyes that seemed to draw in the very moonbeams that had been blessed to fall on her, and reflected back the most captivating display of sparkles to complement her smile. Sunset had been the dominant personality all evening, but now felt Starlight come into her own and could do nothing but follow meekly as she was led inside. Although the castle seemed to be asleep, she felt sure she saw the odd flash of wing or horn around a corner or behind a pillar, as all of their friends wanted catch a glimpse of the couple, hoping they would each find something in each other that could, just possibly, make them an item. They got to Starlight’s door and stopped. Sunset was not in control any more; whatever happened now would be down to Starlight. Whether she wanted a platonic relationship or something more physical, Sunset knew she would find out one way or the other in the next few minutes. Her tough exterior began to crumble as she realised that, for all her earlier reservations, the thought of going with another mare no longer made her feel uncomfortable, and especially Starlight held a curious appeal. She shivered again, but now she recognised that it was from the pleasure of a warm glow rising inside her. Starlight knew the signs, and placed her forelegs gently around Sunset’s neck and drew her close, their lips meeting for another delicate kiss. Somewhere down a corridor, she heard an “aaah” sound that could have been Fluttershy. Next thing, Starlight kicked the kissing up a notch and opened the door, dragging Sunset with her and pushing it firmly shut after them with a nudge of her flank. “Oh my …” gasped Rarity, “I do hope those beautiful capes don’t get ruined …” “Well, I for one think it would be inappropriate to loiter any longer” said Twilight, blushing noticeably, even in the darkness. > 5 Demons and Capes > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The next morning, Twilight got up early. So many things had been going around in her mind that she had given up on the unequal struggle to get to sleep and got up instead. She sat at the breakfast table alone, staring down into the first of many coffees she would need that day, fretting about what could have happened between Starlight and Sunset. Sure, she had helped them along a bit, but the two demure singles who had gone off on their date bore no similarity to the love crazed couple who had returned, and she began to worry that something had happened and they had both become possessed by demons. Or something. She sighed heavily and stared into her coffee as she stirred it slowly but unceasingly with a silver spoon, seeking answers that the cup itself would be unlikely to help her with, but it still didn’t stop her from trying. A polite cough from the doorway heralded the sound of hooves approaching to join her at table. “Oh darling” clucked Rarity, “Did you see those two lovebirds last night? Honestly, who would have thought it?” “Who indeed” grouched Twilight. “Come now darling, it was a delight to see two ponies so much in love. Why, they could barely keep their hooves off each other.” “And you call that normal? emphasised Twilight. “Well, the progress was a little faster than I would generally have expected to see, but they were just so much in love, weren’t they?” “You don’t think they could be possessed by demons do you?” “Oh, don’t be silly darling, they’re just two drifting spirits who finally found happiness in each other” cooed Rarity. “So, there’s nothing to worry about then?” queried Twilight, deferring to her more experienced friend where matters of the heart were concerned. “Only the damage they may have done to those two exquisite capes I made. Oh I do hope they remembered to hang them up properly before things got too … overheated.” “So, you think a couple of creased capes is all we’ve to worry about?” “Oh, you make it sound so trivial darling. Those capes are one of a kind and utterly irreplaceable.” Twilight’s mood lifted fractionally, “I guess we'll see when they come down for breakfast. If they have become two she-demons, then I'll be the first to say 'told you so’.” “Really darling, you're not actually waiting for them are you?” “Of course” scoffed Twilight, “They’re not going to want to miss breakfast, are they?” “Oh darling” chided Rarity softly, “You have so much to learn; I doubt we’ll see them much before lunchtime.” “Why? What'll they find to do up in their bedroom until then?” asked Twilight, before turning bright red and gasping, “Oh ... you don’t think ...?” Rarity just looked her in the eye, nodding gently. “Howdy y'all” drawled Applejack, strolling in boldly. “Doubt anypony got much sleep in here last night” she chortled. “Twilight does seem to be a little stressed this morning” observed Rarity. “Am not!” protested Twilight. “Oh, I see what you mean” concurred Applejack, ”Definitely a little testy.” “I am not being testy!” growled Twilight, as her two friends giggled at her growing discomfort, “I just so happen to have been up most of the night researching what to do if our friends have turned into demons ...” Applejack looked at Rarity who replied, “Oh darling, she's just being a little over-theatrical.” “Says the pony worried about creased capes!” exploded Twilight, “Creased capes!” And I'm the one you’re calling 'over-theatrical'!” The orange farm pony looked at her pure white unicorn friend and tried her hardest to keep a straight face, but couldn’t help the corners of her mouth turning up as she fought to stop herself from bursting out laughing. “Creased capes can be an absolute disaster darling” said Rarity earnestly. Applejack cracked at this and guffawed loudly, much to Twilight’s mounting annoyance. “No. Really” replied Rarity defensively, “Creases can be so difficult to get out ...” Tears of uncontrollable mirth ran down Applejack's muzzle as she choked out an indecipherable apology and excused herself on some pretext or another. “Well, that was a little rude” commented Rarity raising her head haughtily. “Do I look testy?” demanded Twilight aggressively, an involuntary twitch afflicting the corner of her eye as she stared directly at Rarity. “Oh, hello everypony” greeted a primrose pegasus in a hushed tone. She took one look at the angry expression on Twilight’s face and Rarity's aloof detachment, and gave a little “eeep!” “Love crazed demons!” raged Twilight. “Or I can come back later ...” whispered the demure pegasus, backing out quietly. “I think Twilight just needs a little space” huffed Rarity, “She’s imagining demonic possession, simply because two friends happen to have fallen in love.” “She couldn’t be right, couldshe?” enquired Fluttershy nervously. “Of course not darling. All she needs is a little rest instead of studying all night and then she’ll be able to see things for what they are.” “I did not study allnight” replied Twilight defensively. “The bags under your eyes tell the truth darling. Now how about we all go down to the spa – my treat.” “But, what if Starlight and Sunset come down while we're out?” 'Trust me Twilight” reassured Rarity, “They’re not going to notice. Now, who's with me?” > 6 A New Future Dawns > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “I’ve got to give it to you Rarity, I feel so much better for that” sighed Twilight as the three friends returned to the castle having spent a relaxing morning at the spa, “I guess I was overthinking things a bit. I'm so used to taking on monsters and all kinds of other demons that I don’t always look for simpler more logical explanations first.” “Quite so darling, but one mystery still haunts me about all this.” “What’s that?” “Only that Sunset never struck me as being into mares” confessed Rarity, “One does develop a feeling about such things, you know?” “Well I just think we should be happy for them and the choices they make” commented Fluttershy, and they all agreed. In the silence that descended on the friends, Twilight started counting up the ways in which she and her friends had 'helped' Sunset on the way to a successful date with Starlight. With every action, she began to realise that in her enthusiasm to help, she had set a series of traps that would have been impossible for Sunset to have backed out of. Suddenly, she was hit by a wave of guilt as she realised what she had done, and stopped in her tracks. “What’s wrong Twilight?” asked Fluttershy. “Oh my” gasped Rarity, “You really don’t look well all of a sudden.” “Oh no! No! No!” exclaimed Twilight, “What have I done?” “What have you done darling?” asked Rarity, looking confused. Twilight started pacing in circles, admonishing herself for something while her friends looked on, wanting to help, but looking for a clue as to what was bothering her. “It’s all my fault!” she kept repeating to herself. “Darling, do slow down” requested Rarity, “You’re making us quite dizzy ...” “It’s all my fault – I forced Sunset to go on the date!” wailed Twilight, “She went against her will! I didn’t know it would end up like this! She’s going to hate me forever!” “Are you sure you’re not making too much of this darling?” asked Rarity, “I mean, we all saw them in the corridor outside Starlight’s room last night.” “It didn’t seem like she was terribly upset” confirmed Fluttershy, “In fact, I would say they both looked very happy.” “Oh, what am I going to say when I see them?” fretted Twilight. “Nothing darling; just wait and see. It probably won’t be anything like as bad as you think.” “I do hope you’re right” said Twilight, finally stopping her pacing. They continued on and soon arrived back at the castle, Twilight listening intently as she entered through the main door. Sounds of laughter and good natured banter met her ears and immediately her mood lifted. She followed the sounds of happy chatter into the dining room where she saw a pair of unicorns more into each other than into their food. “Sunset, Starlight!” she called, “How nice to see you! Is everything alright?” “Oh hey Twilight” acknowledged Sunset, “Yeah, we're pretty cool, thanks.” “Did you sleep well?” asked Twilight innocently as Rarity facehoofed at the question. Sunset bit her lip, trying to bite back her giggles, but Starlight had less restraint and let rip with a raucous laugh. As Twilight cottoned on, she blushed violently, inwardly cursing her naivity. Meanwhile, Sunset tried to shhh her marefriend, but this just made her laugh even more. “Twilight, I wanted to thank you for all the trouble you went to for us yesterday: it was a great evening.” “You’re not cross then?” asked Twilight, a mixture of surprise and relief flashing across her face. “Told you so” preened Rarity softly into her ear. “Of course not. It was very kind of you and Princess Celestia to do so much for us, and we're both very grateful.” Even Starlight managed to regain her composure long enough to add her sincere thanks, before going on to say “You should have heard Sunset speaking French ...” “Oh, I see ...” said Twilight, who clearly didn’t. Then she went on to say. “So you two are dating then?” “Twilight, really” chided Rarity, “That is simply not a fair question to ask.” “No, it’s OK” replied Sunset, laughing off the rather ineptly phrased question. She looked briefly into Starlight’s eyes, and then back to Twilight before replying, “Yes, yes it’s official – we are dating.” Rarity immediately squeed while the announcement drew an “aaah“ from Fluttershy. “Oh, so that’s good then?” smiled Twilight awkwardly. “Is there a problem?” asked Sunset. “No” replied Twilight, “Just relief.” “Relief?” queried Sunset as Starlight looked on quizzically. “What Twilight means is she is very happy for you” chipped in Rarity, then turned to Twilight and added, “I suggest you stop digging now, darling.” “Thank you Rarity” she replied, “There are times I'd be lost without you.” “I know darling, I know ...”