• Published 30th Dec 2018
  • 139 Views, 1 Comments

Lonely Depression - StormLuna

Colgate has accomplished so much since graduating from the dental academy. She has her own practice, she has a nice house and she has financial stability. She knows that she should be happy but she isn't, she is downright miserable.

  • ...


Author's Note:

This chapter will involve a fair amount of back and forth dialogue.

After what seemed to be a rather brief quick from the castle back to Ponyville, Amethyst and I headed to the cafe. The evening rush had hit a couple hours ago so there was no line of ponies waiting to be seated so we were seated right away. Talking about things out at the castle was one thing since we were talking about the antics of Celestia and Luna when they were fillies, just as we did on the way back but what we would discuss once we sat down for supper did make me a bit nervous. I honestly wasn't sure what that would be and I'll admit, I really hoped that Amethyst would be the one to start the conversation.

Once we got sat down I would be in luck as Amethyst immediately began in on the conversation, "So Colgate, before deciding to be a dentist, what did you do."

"I was a student up in Celestia's special school. I was really good with magic but I wanted to do something with my life other than magic work. I wanted to do something that would benefit everypony."

"You went to Celestia's school? I did too!"

Now that I think about it, I do remember seeing her up in Canterlot while I was in school, it was just a matter of me never knowing she was also in magic school. I suppose that is one thing where we could begin our discussion, "So Amethyst, did you like it?"

"It was ok but I really couldn't get into it that much. I had strong magic but it just wasn't my thing, especially once I discovered that I could cut and shape gems."

"I know how you feel. It was when I did a report on dentistry that I really decided I wanted to become a dentist and then applied to go to the Manehattan Dental Academy, which of course I got into."

"Graduated from and then achieved your dream."

"Yep, well after a couple of years working in a large clinic in Fillydelphia."

"How did that go?"

"It was alright but my boss was very rude and unpleasant so I saved up for a few years and then finally opened up my own practice here in Ponyville."

"Why Ponyville?"

"I wanted a slower pace of life and also my parents asked if I'd go somewhere smaller and hire Lyra because she had began to hang out with the wrong crowd in Canterlot and had to drop out of Celestia's school."

"That is very nice of you, it sounds like your sister is important to you."

"Very much so, I would do pretty much anything if it was for her well-being."

At that point the conversation seemed to be going fine. With most ponies, I would not have revealed much of anything about my past nor would I have stated the reason I moved to Ponyville. With Amethyst though, I felt as though I could trust her to not go out and tell other ponies about all this, especially about Lyra and how she had began to hang out with the wrong crowd, having to drop out of magic school and why I hired her. I then figured I would learn more about her, "So what brought you to Ponyville?"

"Well like I said, I discovered I could cut gems very well and the jeweler was looking for ponies who could cut gems small enough to fit into rings."

"And obviously you were able to?"

"Yep." I could tell she became more proud as she continued, "Rarity may be able to find gems but I'm the one who can cut them." She then became a bit more irritated as she continued, "I also used to be the town's primary organizer until Twilight showed up."

Twilight, one pony that I was friends with at one time before she simply bolted. "Oh yes, Twilight. I was friends with her once until she simply took off, came down here to set up a festival for Celestia, made new friends and then forgot those of us up in Canterlot existed."

"I take it you aren't a fan of her?"

"Not really." Twilight was not exactly a pony I cared to discuss much, even though she did eventually make amends with me, "I mean she is ok but we aren't exactly close."

"Can I share something with you and you won't tell Twilight?"

"Of course you can, it's not like I talk with her much anyway and even if I did, I certainly wouldn't share anything with her."

"Ok. I'm going to admit, I am envious of her. I hate it how she came in, began organizing everything and suddenly the whole town seems to worship her and forget I even exist, they forgot how good I used to be."

"I can understand that entirely."

We had got so lost in our discussion that we didn't even notice that the waiter had arrived, "Ladies, what would you like to drink."

I ordered, "I would like a large cider."

"I would like a large cider as well."

Amethyst gave me a slight smile when we both ordered a large cider. Naturally I thought nothing of it but apparently she did. Now what us ordering the same thing to drink meant to her I'm not sure but apparently it was something. After the waiter left, again there was another minute of uncomfortable silence, well on my part anyway. While it felt like it was forever, it was roughly a minute before the waiter returned, "What would you ladies like to eat."

I ordered my usual, "I would like a steak, medium rare along with some hay fries."

"I'd like my usual."

"The same thing she's ordering Amethyst?"


Now that was something that shocked me. I always knew that I was one of the few ponies in town that actually ate meat but I honestly believed that I was the only pony who ate hers anything less cooked than medium well. Once the waiter left she gave me a smile, "You like yours undercooked too?"

"Yep, I do."

After that both of us gave the other an amused chuckle and I could tell that perhaps she was friendship material. We did seem to have a fair amount in common. Both of us weren't the biggest fans of Twilight, we both like to seek solitude in the castle of the two sisters and we both like our meat undercooked. I knew that as time passed, we would likely discover more things that we had in common.

Again there was a silence, albeit more brief yet not nearly as awkward. It was more of one of those silences you get when something is crossing your mind. That silence would be broken though when she extended her hoof to the middle of the table and asked, "Friends?"

I gave her a hoof bump and replied, "Definitely friends!"

Now that was something that I certainly did not expect, especially from a reserved pony such as Amethyst. The more I think about it though, the more I think that perhaps it wasn't so odd that Amethyst was the one to offer me her friendship. We do seem to have a fair amount in common, a whole lot more than Roseluck and I have in common. I normally don't believe in foalish nonsense such as fate but perhaps I can make an exception just this once! Maybe it was fate that I went to the castle of the two sisters.

One thing I am happy about is that I finally have a friend down here but I am quite sure that it will never end up in anything like what Bon Bon and Lyra has. Even if Amethyst and I grow closer, such behavior simply isn't our thing. Speaking of Lyra though, I can't help but wonder how she will react when she discovers that I made a friend, without her help!

Comments ( 1 )

If I had to pick one thing that this piece needs work on, it's voice. Each of the characters is speaking in a very similar way, and it makes it hard to really become invested in each of them as a different pony. Take the following lines from chapter 2:

"Sis, why are you depressed? You have accomplished everything you've wanted ever since you were a filly and then some!"
"Ok, I'm going to admit it, I'm lonely! I see what good friends you are with Bon Bon and I wish I had a friend like that."

While I can tell who is talking based on context, the two characters are speaking in the exact same way, they exude the same overall personality. Optimally, the way the character's speak should provide the reader with a lot of information about who they are, and how they are different from the characters around them. If Colgate is a character who is locked in routine and unable to help herself break out of it, she should be reticent to speak, avoiding her more outgoing sister's attempts to connect. Think about the emotions running through each character's mind and how they would likely act based on them.

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