• Published 30th Dec 2018
  • 138 Views, 1 Comments

Lonely Depression - StormLuna

Colgate has accomplished so much since graduating from the dental academy. She has her own practice, she has a nice house and she has financial stability. She knows that she should be happy but she isn't, she is downright miserable.

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Another Friday Evening

I have pretty much everything I could ever dream of. Ever since I was a filly I dreamed of becoming a dentist and when I graduated from the dental academy back in 2006, I had achieved my first goal. When I was working in a large practice in Phillydelphia afterwards, I was a true tightwad when it came to my money so that I could achieve my next goal, opening my own practice. That goal finally became a reality in 2010 when I saved up enough to finally open my own practice in a smaller community, away from the hustle and bustle of the big city.

Over the years, I continued to save up until I could buy a good sized house in 2015. I wanted plenty of space and I also did that because my younger sister, Lyra, would be coming to live with me. Times have continued to be good, I am not only the best dentist in Ponyville, but I am one of the best in all of Equestria. I have customers from Canterlot, Appaloosa and even the Crystal Empire that come to visit me.

I have everything a mare could ever dream of. I am building up a good sized nest egg, I have a good relationship with my sister, I have a nice spacious house and my practice is incredibly successful. I know I should be happy beyond my wildest dreams but I am not. As time has passed by, I feel like I am descending into a depression. I don't know if it is the lack of ponies I am truly close to, the fact that maybe I work myself too hard or what but I just feel like something is missing.

It was Friday afternoon and the last appointment for the day had been completed. It was nothing out of the ordinary, a simple exam and a cleaning. You know, one of those that always makes for a good end of the week. I knew that would not be the last pony of the day to come in though and I was right when I heard the door open and then a jubilant voice, "Hi Bon Bon, it's so good to see you!"

"It's so good to see you too Lyra!"

It was Bon Bon. I'm going to admit, while my life seems to be dull and lackluster, I can't help but be happy for my little sister. I remember when I opened up here in Ponyville and hired her. I remember how it was mom and dad who wanted me to do that because she had begun to hang out with the wrong crowd up in Canterlot and wound up having to drop out of Celestia's school.

When I headed out, I saw the two out in the waiting room doing their traditional greeting, "Boop, bump, boop!" I had always thought it was cute how they'd boop their noses, bump their cutie marks and then boop their noses again. I can't help but wonder how Lyra would have turned out had Bon Bon been up in Canterlot. I am assuming that she would have succeeded and likely graduated from Celestia's school. That is all in the past now and all my younger sister can do now is move forward and be happy with what she has.

When the two saw me Bon Bon always gave me her normal greeting, "Dr. Colgate, it is so good to see you!"

"Just Colgate please, no need to be so formal."

The first time I met Bon Bon, I will admit I wasn't overly fond of her. When I first had her as a patient, she had such a scowl on her face that I was actually unnerved by it but things are different now. Not only does Lyra make her happy, but Bon Bon makes my younger sister happy and as long as she treats Lyra good, she's good in my book.

"So Bonnie, with the day being over what do you want to do?"

"I was thinking dinner at the cafe, my treat."

"That sounds great but next time, I'm paying!" She then turned to me and added, "See you later sis!"

When I first hired her and had her move in with me, her just running off like that would have angered me but these days, I'm fine with it. As long as she's happy, I'll be happy for her. Once I got everything locked up, I headed home. On my journey home, I walked past the cafe and saw many, many ponies out eating and enjoying one another's company. I am going to admit though, I do envy them a bit. I know that such envy is uncouth, I know I should be happy for all of them but I really can't be, it is just too depressing.

Once I got home, I plopped down on the couch, turned on the TV and groaned in frustration. I knew how it was on Fridays when Lyra ad Bon Bon hung out. I knew that she likely would not get home until after I turned in the night so I did the same thing I always do on Friday evenings, watched the news and prepared myself for another long evening, an evening completely void of anypony to talk to.