• Published 1st Dec 2018
  • 805 Views, 25 Comments

My Little Pony The Movie 2 - CrimsonEquine

Twilight Sparkle and a friend stop an evil that threatens all of Equestria, again.

  • ...



“No dad, this isn’t right!”

“No son, don’t do it!”

With his power, he used his magical horn and blasted a exorcism spell at his father were he returned to the netherrealm to which he belonged. Twilight returned to herself and brazenly flew back to Equestria. With Jesus’s work done, he created a small black hole and teleported back to heaven.

Twilight and him went to Equestria and landed in the open grove where they were.

“Woo, that was a close one, thank goodness we didn’t destroy the sun, better get my friends and Celestia soon”.

“Yes you can say that again…”

“Well if you want to hang out sometime friend, here's my number, you did safe Equestria after all”

He took the number and smiled.

“Like for a date?” he said

She smirked.

“Yes like for a date…”

Twilight walked forward, with the other walking behind her. New love had just been created...

Comments ( 25 )

That low word count makes me nervous.

Stories this short are generally either troll fics or lazy fics. In this case I think it's a failed attempt at being funny, or maybe they were going for the so bad it's good vibe and didn't go quite far enough, so it's just so bad.

What the actual fuck did I just read....:flutterrage:



none of you actually read it did you <3

Usually, when I don't like something, I don't down vote it.
I say "Hey, the athor did their best" & just don't read it.
In your case, I'm making an exception

No, I haven't read it all.
In the words of George Bernard Shaw
"When I bite into an egg, I don't have to eat the entire egg to know if it's good or not"

You're part of the reason fimfiction is what it is.

Dunno man fimfic is doing alright.
If you mean down voting bad stuff into oblivion?
Am alright with that.

I never insult a story without reading at least most of it, because I get people commenting on my stories without reading them too often. Is it really that unbelievable that I read a 1000 word story?
Why do you think I didn't? Was my assumption you were trying to be funny incorrect? I hope not because that raises even more questions.
Seriously, I have literally written stories involving erotic depictions of abortion that got a higher vote rate than this. And more amusing comments.

What nobody here is understanding is that this is obviously Vogon poetry, which became evident to me as soon as the term "gibbering flapulator" came up in the first chapter. Viewed through that lens this is actually quite mild. For comparison, here is a rather well known piece by Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz. Spoiler warning due to it being a potential memetic hazard:

Oh freddled gruntbuggly,
Thy micturations are to me,
As plurdled gabbleblotchits,
On a lurgid bee,
That mordiously hath blurted out,
Its earted jurtles, grumbling
Into a rancid festering confectious organ squealer.
Now the jurpling slayjid agrocrustles,
Are slurping hagrilly up the axlegrurts,
And living glupules frart and stipulate,
Like jowling meated liverslime,
Groop, I implore thee, my foonting turlingdromes,
And hooptiously drangle me,
With crinkly bindlewurdles,mashurbitries.
Or else I shall rend thee in the gobberwarts with my blurglecruncheon,
See if I don't!
(I probably won't!)

Edit: This comment section is far too serious.

Okay, so why act all high an mighty then?
Even if it's bad, it deserves to be read before someone just mass downvotes it for no reason.

9323809 That view counter lags by about an hour. Also, the live-view counter stops working about the 20th of every month (it's hosted on a free cloud service, and goes over the monthly free tier about 2/3 of the way through every month).

If you have a restaurant, and you bring a plate of rotting trash out to the customer's table, you don't have the right to complain that they wrinkle their noses at the smell and refuse to eat it before leaving you the bad review you deserve.

Haha, well what if the food is good even though it smells bad?

It's not.

It's genuine rotting garbage.

How would you know that? Because of the texture? Or because you have an opinion that it is rotting garbage.

Comment posted by Jack Hammer deleted Dec 1st, 2018

I have never before seen a fic with ratings disabled....I didn't even know that was a feature of the site. :rainbowderp:

It looks like both comments and ratings can be disabled entirely under Basic Information > Feedback when editing the core information about a story (Title, Descriptions, etc...) Not sure if that's a recent feature but it's the first time I've seen it used.

Wow....never even noticed those.

Learn something new everyday. :rainbowlaugh:

You fuckin troll
Horsewords should be written, not shit out .

I've seen it several times and consider it one of the first signs of a really awful story. Whereas downvotes can be for several other reasons, removing the rating usually means the author knows it's bad. I'll sometimes check such stories but I've yet to find one that wasn't practically painful to read.
The options have been around for a while. The comments one I can understand several good reasons even though there are just as many bad ones. The ratings though usually have no good reason for being disabled.

Have you seen kitchen nightmares?

not a single A in this entire story, for shame.

That's because of the combination of embarrassment at choosing the obviously terrible option, disappointment at the anti-climatic ending,
and/or apathy at the cruel and unjust story that has no soul.

In the words Jack Armstrong and Ryukahr:
Get that garbage outta here!

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