• Member Since 21st Oct, 2017
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Complexity and simplicity. I am a jack of all trades. All I ask for is an upvote and comment. Maybe a watch to?

Comments ( 68 )

SO, what does everyone think? Also, Hadesscream will update next!

Twilight going Hitler mode? Unlikely.
Shining Armor dying even though he has that OP shield that ran for how long?! Unlikely.
Humans turn into Ponies? Unlikely.
Celestia winning over Russia? Unlikely. (Even with controlling weather Russia has like way more men than most countries combined. Hmph. Reminds me of Matrix. Eventually the Humans push the Robots out of Russia, only for the robots to recover it again)

In all...

Whole story...


In reality though, it would be harder than it seems. Yes magic is strong, but say Hydrogen Bombs don't work... Can't they use Antimatter Bombs? (They do have magic to make a magnetic field to make sure it doesn't touch any regular matter and then detonate it on Equestrian lines. Hmm... Yet again Humans show their stupidity to not doing the obvious, but still I see this as the same epicness as Matrix / Animatrix if implemented well.

If they killed one of the best shield users, can't they do the same to Twilight?

This was absolutely AMAZING, so well thought out and well written!

I definitely like the premise. Although I feel like Twilight went a little too far into straight nazi mode. It just doesn't fit her character at all. Obviously she's not the same Twilight from the show in this story, so I guess it makes sense, but it doesn't change the fact that I don't like seeing a character I love being such an evil villain. That said, I'm interested enough to keep reading. Let's see what the next chapter has in store for us.

Well. I was going more toward Code Geass Brittania rather than Nazi, I get what you mean. As for the character, acting OOC.....that'll be explained in story.

Military wise.......meh there are some things that just don’t make sense.

Why wasn’t there any air support?

Where was the tank support?

Why was a battalion commander in the front lines and not in the rear where he can better coordinate his men? (Which would at least be a thousand or so men excluding the support personnel)

How was the commander in question know who our hero was? ( a being can only know so many people with humans only able to remember 150 or so which can be an entire company)

How was an entire battalion able to approach a position? In a battle on a tactical level there are the companies which are the biggest units on the tactical level, platoons which are probably 30 men or so and squads which are the smallest tactical unit.

So how was our hero able to see an entire battalion coming without it getting minced meated by machine guns?

Speaking of equipment if human technologies have advanced to a sci-fi level then why does the main uniform of the human army so.....ww2 ish?

I would expect something like COD AW with Kevlar mixed with high tech gear.

And dragon scales that are harder then titanium? That’s just unfair!

And how is it lighter then Kevlar and not used on the tanks where they can do more damage then a infantry man could?

In short I believe you need to study military more and watch videos about how to operate a military.

But I do find the setting interesting if a little wired.


You bring up good points. I don't play COD. As for the dragon scale armor, eh. Sorry. I'll try to explain more in story. And watch those videos. Glad you're interested though.

Yeah no problem if I might make a suggestion about what kind of video you should look at I’d recommend Arch warhammer’s siege of Vrakks series as in some videos he explains some very interesting military iconography like logistics and manpower for example.

It your choice through anything that has a good military lore is a okay in my book.

OK. I'll be sure to check them out. And I also heard about a dude called Emporer Penguin or whatever. Soooooo........I'll bulk up on my tactical knowledge!

The laws are as such:

"Law 1: Humans cannot, under any circumstance, own property on the Gaian territory or where a large population of Gaians makes residence! They can, however, share a property with Gaians!"

"Law 2: Humans cannot use any kind of Gaian, or Gaian driven, transportation!"

"Law 3: Humans are to pay their tax to the royal family with Gaian Currency! Not human!"

"Law 4: Humans cannot work in any way, shape, or form in Gaian-owned territory!"

"Law 5: Any crimes humans commit against Gaians, which include major and minor crimes, will be met with extreme prejudice!"

"Law 6: Humans and Gaians are forbidden from living under the same roof together in any Gaian territory!"

"Law 7: Humans living in the Gaian territory cannot work at any Gaian-owned and Gaian headed businesses! Nor can they start a business!"

"Law 8: Humans and Gaians are not to use the same appliances as Gaians. Restrooms, water fountains, etc. to be used by humans and Gaians will be separate, and labeled as such!"

"Law 9: Humans cannot be in the same presence in stores as Gaians, and will have to carry out their business from the back of the store from the outside! Nor can they ride in the front or on top of any Gaian transportation!"

"Law 10: Humans are to be viewed with the utmost scrutiny and suspicion, for they are untrustworthy and suspicious! They are to be paid less in jobs! They are to be legally discriminated, and restricted!"

You know what? Princess Twilight can takes these unethical laws and shove them up her purple plot! Fuck that racist purple bitch! Segregation is not just bullshit...THAT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT!!!:flutterrage::twilightangry2:

On one hand, I'm not too sure need to read more chapters when they're out. but other hand, you just made me hate this version of Twilight with absolute pure hatred and rage! :flutterrage:

So you doing something right so far.

Funny enough I had a dream like this just a few days ago. Xp
Well, it looks like shit hit the super fan. Cant we just nuke them back?
This sounds kinda like a conversion story, I dont mind those just be careful how much conversion is done.
More AWESOME chapters please! :pinkiehappy:

I sat on the bench, noticing I was the only soldier here alive, aside from the plane crew. I looked outside the round window and saw other C-19's flying alongside us. Like a ray of hope in this dark hour.

That aircraft design must have had entered service by the start of the war or before since USAF aircraft desgins take 5 to 10 years to get into mass production during peacetime, just look at how the F-35 ended up and it's still taking it's time.

She conquered Russia.

Now that is a impossible task but Equestrian magic makes it from impossible to implausible, the Russians have some of the best Insurgency tactics in the world so even if the Russians use inefective WW2 tactics to stop the Equestrians the hit and run tactics should and will hurt the Equestrian coalition or First Gaius Reich, another thing to a note of the Russians is that there is weapons everywhere and even more fun for Twilight is that Russians have Conscription for 12-24 months this means that most Russians know how to properly arm themselves with rifles.
And the icing on the cake is the humans who control magic, imagine Spetsnaz commandos armed with magic spells and Russian AKs upgraded with Magic now that is a deadly combo.

After they were done, any surviving humans were turned into Ponies and joined the ranks of the army as loyal and devout followers and patriotic servants of their Equine Overlords.

Yeah no that's propaganda conquering territories does not = 'instant win' you must resort to sending the Russians to the death camps or converting camps also I don't think the Crystal empire and Yaks have the population to militarise themselves quickly for the "quick" invasion of Russia oh wait just teleport? Yeah good luck wasting some of the best unicorns and Alicorns in trying to supply the logistics to invade the biggest country on the planet that acts like Veitnam but Charlie (Vietnamese) has air supperioty and the top of the line tanks.

The Russian Winter did not stop the Hitler's Germany when they invaded what truly stop them was logistics and manpower, the Winter slowed the Germans.

Russian arms industry is no joke. Half the military was modernized from the Soviet equipment by 2018 so what would it look like by the time the war started with magic assistance.

Their is a bucking good reason why NATO reported that invading and occupying the Soviet Union/Russian Federation was impossible.

Arcadia, Greece became one of the first of these fortress cities, seeing as the Gaians controlled Africa thanks to their Zebra allies, and humans flocked to these cities.

Controlling Africa?
Could the Zebras do it yes but no.
You see the Africans will make zebra life hell since insurgencys, militias that use child soldiers and the wonder of making homemade guns to using stone age tactics with poisoned arrows and spears humans will make Africa a contested area with no winners, also how the Buck did the Zebras get there?
Immigration or strategic use of mass teleportations by Alicorn's?

All in all I'll just bomb this story with events that look too far fetch for a military of colourful ponys and monsters that have abandoned the true meaning of harmony and all its worth for.

Wonder how that tree is doing right now.

I'll say this story is a good attempt but invading Russia without invading Canada the more stragically useful spot that is very easy to invade initially and a perfect place to get a foothold in North America in order to tie down the US military, then launch a invasion of the Iceland and the British isles using thousands of Pegasus but the combine might of the EU Airforce will slow down the invasion and could turn the tables unless the Alicorn's spend 24/7 time in the battle areas to prevent a military disasters.

But it would appear that the Equestrian went with the invade Russia in order to invade Europe and harass China and easily defeat them in a American patriots dream come true with the slavs surrendering seeing the power of friendship and magic and blab blab blab end of story.

Also who rule the waves?
The British ended their rule by 1940s
The American's started their rule by 1940s but will it end in the 2030s?
by the Chinese?

All I can say is that I'm not a fan of Russia losing unrealistically and my avatar shows why I'm annoyed that you gave few indications why it lost so easily.

I right now show extreme interest in your story but I have noted that it has glaring flaws that need to be explained by the next chapters or a complete redo of the first chapter might have to be done.

If Russia and Africa were defeated so easily then why has the rest of Humanity survived why has Equestrian Airships haven't been attacked by chemical lasers and proven obsolete against magic powered Russian/American/Chinese hypersonic missiles?

I can keep on going but I need sleep so goodbye.


I am an idiot. Sorry. And, I'll explain stuff like the dimensional merging and how it affected the geography of the world, the human/Equestrian tech, and other stuff more in-depth in later chapters. I didn't know all that stuff and that's my fault.


Apology accepted since you had the wonderful courage to write the story in the first place something I won't be able to accomplish in 5 years but it will be great to know the geography of the world so I can help you on giving ideas where the First Gaius Reich (the new name I've given the Equestrians) where they can and cannot invade/defend do note however my knowelege of MLP only goes as far as season 6 and I did mot see the movie.

I can provide military information of counties around the world.

I will be wonder what logistics the First Gaius Reich can use.

Humanity rules the waves and I know enough Naval warfare and some ASW tactics.

Humanity can retaliate against First Gaius Reich atrocities by using chemical weapons, Bio weapons and tacital or Strategic Nuelear weapons.

The best weapon is a Bio weapon designed to be harmless to Humans but turn deadly once a human is converted to a pony this weapon can easily deny Equestrians extra pony power which will lead to the Gaius war machine grinding to a halt with lack of manpower or ponypower.

Hmmmmm.......OK. I have some ideas as well. But seems I need some help. Why don't you PM me and we can compare notes?

You know like a conversion bureau story?




Now this takes the reader to places. It's still too early to tell where those places are, but I'm intrigued nonetheless.

Oh boy does this pull in two very different directions. On one hand you got the sense of structure and passion that I really respect, I totally get that a lot of time and thought went into this. But on the other hand there's some cringe, I mean there's some pretty spicy cringe mixed into this. Like that last line, that's just no good bro, that's dialogue straight out of a self-aware deconstruction fic, I'd seriously take some time to think through how you're gonna cut the dialogue in each chapter and give it a good long proofread before posting it. That and I won't lie, the premise has very much been done a whole bunch, see any pro-human Conversion Bureau story as a reference. Maybe try and add some new points of intrigue to the story, set up relationships, tear down others, add a game-changing new way to move the plot along, just try and throw in a curveball or two. I'll pop back to check the story for the next chapter, but it does have a fair bit of improvement to build up to. Hope you keep up the good effort :twilightsmile:

Dame please tell me there’s more coming

If you want something to read in the meantime, may I suggest Chronicles of Light One?

Woah. Hod up. Never mind. I fucked up. Wait, and check my blogs.

"I noticed!" I grunted, putting my arm around his shoulders as we limp-ran to the open plane. We continued to run as the pony battallion grew ever closer, like inevitable doom.

He's taking it oddly well.

Eh. Adrenaline is numbing the pain. Also, that all?

This is good so far and I can't to wait to read more of it.:pinkiehappy:

Definitely my favourite story of yours. Still some minor grammatical problems, but I guess the main one to solve is the usual, 'your' and 'you're'. You know. :twilightsmile:

Small edit: Also, what's a Janie?

Its explained earlier..its based off the word Janisarie.

Ah, my bad. Still don't know what that means, but I guess it's time to, as you say, head to the Google Mobile.

Oh man, that's really my bad. Janissaries. Hahaha, I didn't recognize the spelling you had for some reason, even though it was close enough. :rainbowderp: I'm silly sometimes.

I'm reminded of the opening sequence of Metal Gear Solid V with this sneaking around a hospital that's under attack. Which is good, I suppose. It's easy enough to follow the story as it is now, and I am interested in seeing where it goes next.

Actually, I based it off that sequence
In fact Jonathan as he is now was sorta inspired by Ishmael (I think that was his name) who helped Solid Snake out

So my protagonist has a cutie mark?

It's like a cross between fallout equestria and the conversion beuroe universes....AWESOME!!!
More please! :pinkiehappy:

School. and life and other stories. Those got in the way. But the chapter's almost done

Idk why no one else comment on this chapter but I want to see the tech the humies got and what make him important

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