• Member Since 5th Dec, 2017
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One might consider a battle with an Alicorn to be a lost cause. He didn't, and if it wasn't for his eagerness to fight back, he might actually have won. But she wins, and saves Equestria once again.

But that's not the important part.

For what is important, nopony even knows it's there to be important, save the Alicorn herself and any who forget to specify 'summary' when asking the simple question of how the battle went.

Cancelled for lack of a plot.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 10 )

well shoot, im pretty sure i know what this is crossing over with, time to add it to the list

I'm pretty sure you're accurate, as well.

For what is important, nopony even knows its there to be important, save the Alicorn herself and any who forget to specify 'summary' when asking the simple question of how the battle went.

You may want to re-work that sentence; it sounds awkward (run-on?) and "its" is a typo (should be "it's).

How did the move go? (Unless you posted that in a blog which I haven't read yet, because my feeds are a huge pile of nope right now and I don't have time to look.)

So, is this only a Bolo story, or are there more crossovers? I ask because the previous commenter is either new (ALL (almost, anyway) of your stories involve Bolos :P) or caught a reference that I did not.

I'm thinking he's new- the username is unfamiliar. Not that I keep track of my commenters, but I do tend to notice when someone comments on multiple stories and/or chapters, even over a semi-significant period of time.

As for the run-on behavior of that sentence, that's actually kinda intended. You know how she is.

Is the AI a BOLO?

Yes, actually. To be honest, I'm surprised you're reading this ancient thing.

Well, I just discovered the rewrite... Amazing where you can end up.following suggested stories based on the one you are reading... at least I THINK that is how it happened.

The rewrite... This story was to be a standalone, may I ask which rewrite you're talking about?

Ahh, first story I ever wrote. The supposed "rewrite" for that was Fire and Thunder, but it went very differently, then I think I started an in-place rewrite at some point, then abandoned it entirely.

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