• Published 21st Nov 2018
  • 622 Views, 6 Comments

The Garden of Dreams - Snowliasion

In the garden beyond time, a young mare has a chance encounter with a pony dear to her, a unicorn that she had forgotten...

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Remembering the forgotten

This garden, filled with an endless sea of flowers and blessed with the warmth of the sun, graced with many pillars of the purest white marble, this garden is my prison.

In this garden I never suffer from hunger nor thirst. Never truly need to rest, yet often sleep out of old habit. The same goes for breathing, there’s no necessity in the act, just the comforting familiarity of another old habit.

It is so beautiful here, found nearly nowhere else in this world. the warm winds caress through my mane and feathers with every day that passes. It’s comforting, like a soft blanket draped over my body. Yet I still yearn to be away from this eternal paradise, for as beautiful and pure it is, it is also a terribly lonely realm. I simply wish to once more walk among my fellow ponies. To share a meal, to share in laughter, somepony to comfort and to be comforted by.

But deep down, I know such hopes are empty, for once you find entrance to this garden you can never return to the world outside of it. It’s a one way trip, and I have yet to hear about anypony that managed to return from this meadow.

I was not always in this haven, no, once I was a more simply pony like you, living a simple but happy life among my fellow ponies in a place known as Ponyville. I can’t exactly remember exactly what I did there nor why I know that town, but flashes of those times surface in my memory now and then.

Warm blue feathers, curly pink mane, a tender touch, honest green eyes, a white pelt. Memories of ponies I knew I suppose, but that was decades ago. Everytime I think that I can remember enough to recall their names or faces it all fades away once more. Sometimes I wonder if that little town still exists, so much time has passed.

There are also scents, paper, ink, sulphur all scents that once meant something to me, yet it all feels so far away, almost as if it no longer matters. I’m not perpetually alone in this paradise however, sometimes I am visited by those passing through this realm, at times they are ponies like I am, sometimes they are strange beasts or creatures made from multiple others.

There are a few visitors that even return here on a more regular basis. A magnificent white alicorn, often followed by a younger dark blue one. They always give me this sad but warm smile when they stop to talk with me for a bit, but they must always depart to the place I once lived in.

Every time they come by, I feel as if I know them, as if I have known them nearly all my life. But their names, they never stick with me, even if they have repeated them often. The very moment they leave, their names go with them. Almost like they were never here to begin with, almost.

So I return to my wandering through the flowerbeds and soft grass, grazing a little only because I still enjoy the taste of food, rather than any actual need for sustenance.. I wonder what I enjoyed eating back in Ponyville, I also wonder why the name of that place in particular stays in my memories.

Then one day I see something new among the pillars of my home, something that confuses me for a moment. Mainly because the sight of this figure triggers a warm memory that feels very dear to me.There amidst the crimson roses stands a unicorn, his coat pure and white while a full long blue mane cascades over his shoulders and armored plating.

He sees me and his lips curl up in a loving smile, but my heart tells me he shouldn’t be here. Ponies like him belong back in that place where Ponyville is too. Walking up to him, a name surfaces from the depths of my memories, and I am no longer in doubt of his identity.

“Shining armor.” I whisper, my voice lacking the strength for more. “Your name, it’s Shining Armor.”

He nods, bending his neck a little to nuzzle my mane. “Yes.” he replies. “And you are my little sister, Twilight Sparkle.”

That name sounds correct, but also as if it is no longer mine. “That was once my name I believe, but in here names hardly find meaning anymore, yet I can recall yours Shiny.”

“We miss you Twilight.” He nickers, his eyes glistening with held back tears. “What happened to you wasn’t right little sis.”

I stare at him but can’t piece together what it was that happened, but more importantly, another question burns in my mind. “How are you here, brother? You do not belong here, nor should be in this realm.

Smiling sadly he nuzzles me again, his voice heavy with loss. “I am old Twily and the reason you feel I do not belong here is simply because a place very similar to your garden waits for me when my own body finally surrenders. I won’t wake from my slumber.”

Tilting my head at him I try to make sense of his words, but fail to grasp their meaning. “Will you be here for long?” I inquire, pleased to have some company since it’s so rare.

Shaking his head he sighs. “For a little while Twily, then I must go where fate calls me, my bargain was for just a little while, I just had to see you.”

Bargain? Had he struck some sort of agreement with somepony in order to visit me? “Is that the reason why I remember you so clearly big brother?”

Nodding he sits down and pulls me into a gentle hug. “Yes Twily, you likely won’t remember when I leave, but mom and dad did the same.”

Snuggling into the warmth of his chest I must admit that he is right, I do not, can’t, recall those meetings. But if they were as pleasant as this one I’m glad I at least enjoyed them back then. “Something bothers me though Shiny.”

“Yes?” he asks, his hooves gently caressing my back and wings.

“If our parents passed before us why aren’t we together? What separates us? Assuming all of us went to places like these, why not as a family? Or a herd?”

With a sigh he kisses my forehead and rests his head atop of mine. “We will one day Twily, after you forgive yourself. Then we will all be waiting for you.”

Well that is not vague or cryptic at all, but I have a feeling he won’t or can’t elaborate any further on it. “So I will forget you once you leave too?

He nods and looks into my eyes. “That is the nature of Limbo little sis, but I promise that one day everything will be better.”

Somehow I know his words to be true and I kiss him on the cheek. “I think I miss you all a lot whenever those moments of clarity find me.”

We sit like that for a while, but eventually he lets go of me and rises to his hooves, smiling at me. “We will be waiting for you Twilight, forever if we have to.” Then he turns, before trotting towards the endless horizon.

And as I watch that strangely familiar stallion who’s name I knew just seconds ago wander away, I call after him. “Wait, Before I completely forget you, what did I do?

The unicorn whom I vaguely remember for some reason looks over his shoulder and regards me warmly, then he disappears.

Yet his voice lingers.

“It was never your fault Twily, and they never would, nor will, hold you responsible even after all these years…”

Author's Note:

This story came out of nowhere and I simply had to write it before I could forget.

- Snow

Comments ( 4 )

I'm actually thinking about it yes.
Why thank you.

WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED... sigh this is going to drive me crazy all night :pinkiecrazy:

If only our dear protagonist could remember that as well.

lol.. perfect Profile PIcture for that response 😂

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