• Published 13th Nov 2018
  • 297 Views, 6 Comments

Meta Sketch - JaninnaMaynz

Meta Sketch is a very special pony. His cutie mark can change. This is his story.

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Wedding Night?

When they got back to the room, they were excited. It was finally time. She giggled in anticipation. He simply smiled as they climbed into bed...

What, did you actually think I was going to talk about that? You guys are sickos. Why would my parents tell me about that? Instead I'll tell you a story. A different story. A story a friend told me. Alright? So, it takes place in this alternate dimension, with creatures called humans that walk on two legs. I know, weird, but still.

The story begins with a girl. I forgot her name, so, let's call her... Sunshine. She worked at her grandmother's coffee shop. They had a competitor right next door, and they were ruthless. The girl and her grandma didn't get a lot of business. It all went to their neighbors. Largely because it was 'cool' while the grandma's shop was old and super old-fashioned, and none of the kids in the town liked that. Plus, the neighbors sold really fancy coffee. Espressos and stuff, as well as using high quality beans that were organic and stuff.

Now, Sunshine was a good human. Very good. She just didn't get to express it much. So, she lived her life. Then, one day, she was taking out the trash, and found a young man sleeping outside behind the coffee shop. It was raining, and cold, so she felt sorry for him, and decided to give him a cup of coffee, and some chocolate covered coffee beans. What she didn't realize, though, was that he was actually an angel, in between missions. He resolved that her kindness couldn't go unpaid, and offered her a wish.

She didn't want it though.

Long story short, he was sweet and goofy and she started to fall for him, and he kept trying to get her to make a wish for something she actually wanted. Eventually she did. She wished for him to get what he wanted most. And he disappeared. Oh, and the other coffee place was secretly using the cheapest beans possible and saying they were organic and stuff so they could charge more. They got their comeuppance. The end.

Author's Note:

Mature viewers, your treat is coming soon!

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