• Published 13th Nov 2018
  • 297 Views, 6 Comments

Meta Sketch - JaninnaMaynz

Meta Sketch is a very special pony. His cutie mark can change. This is his story.

  • ...

Love Notes

Weeks passed, and their love blossomed. With every passing moment, they became more and more sure of their love for one another, but then...

"Meta... I have to go away for a while..."

"What? Why?" he exclaimed.

"My Mom is really sick, and you've never met a pony who hates hospitals more than her! If Ponyville had an herbalist, she'd probably go there, but the best we've got is Granny Smith's apple-based recipes, and they may help with some things, but I don't think she's got anything that'll help my Mom. I have to go home and help take care of her, make sure she comes out alright."

"Oh, Poly... I love you... hey! What if I came with you?" he exclaimed excitedly.

"Oh, Meta! That would be wonderful, but I need you here!"


"Nopony else knows me like you do, you know my work almost as well as I do, and you're the most qualified to run the studio while I'm away."

"What? Me, run the studio? But I'm not an art pony! I'm a diplomat pony!"

"I know, but even the best art ponies wouldn't understand my art the way you do. There are some pieces that another art pony might feel is worth only a few bits, but to me is worth at least 100, and there are others that might inspire somepony to pay 100 bits, when all I ask for it is 10. You know the value I place in these works, and I trust that you will sell them for what they're worth, not for what they're priced."

"Oh, Poly..." he sighed, caressing her cheek with his hoof. "I'll do it... but don't be mad if you come back and find I totally botched it, because you're the one who's asking me to do this!"

She laughed and said, "That seems fair enough. Au revoir, mi amore!" and kissed him on the cheek before running to catch the train to Ponyville.

And so, Poly Sketch went to Ponyville to take care of her Mom, and Meta Break stayed in Canterlot to watch the studio. The following months were wrought with letters...


Dear Meta,

My Mom is as stubborn as expected! Which is almost a relief seeing as how that means I was able to plan for it! It feels strange to be back in Ponyville after all these years, and what is strangest of all is all the ponies that still remember me... why, just today I went to a place called Sugar Cube Corner, and it's run by one of my old classmates and her fiance! Chiffon Swirl is such a wonderful mare, and her cupcakes are simply divine! Perhaps, after all of this is over, we could come back here sometime together and I could show you around! Honestly, if it wasn't for the medical expenses, I would've loved for you to come. The more I think about it, the more I wish I'd said yes... oh, how I miss you! I just know Mom would love you! How is everything going at the studio? Any sales? Has "Bubbles" sold yet? You know how curious I am about that one! Oh, I love you!
Poly Sketch


Dear Poly,

Well, you sure seem excited? Or maybe you're nervous? Nerv-cited? Oh, Poly, all of that sounds wonderful, and I'd love to meet your Mom. As for the studio, some upstart named "Fancy Pants" came in here, offering to buy the place out! I politely declined, and shooed him away. As for "Bubbles"... nothing yet. The stupid upstart was the only person to come in
today. Of course, I love you, too... I got bored, so I actually wrote something for you...

Pink bubbles fly,
Life passes by,
I have nothing to do,
When I'm without you,
I hope you're home soon,
I'll get you a balloon,
We'll go out to dinner,
Call me a winner,
Because I'll finally be with you.

With all my heart,
Meta Break


Dear Meta,

That... that's just... oh, I wanna hug you so much! I love you! I suppose it is a bit silly to expect "Bubbles" to have sold so soon... but do let me know if it does sell! Also, I've had an idea for a new picture! This one aught to turn some heads! I'll make cutie marks that resemble their ponies! Like Chiffon, her cutie mark is 3 cupcakes, so I'll have a blue cupcake wrapper (that's her coat color) with swirly pink icing (like her mane!) and a little apron on top instead of the cherry! I just know it'll be a hit! Also, Mom is doing as well as can be expected, thanks for asking. ;)



Dear Poly,

Woops... I'm really sorry about that... and, guess what? "Bubbles" sold! Already! A young stallion came in here, looking for a gift for his special somepony, and when he saw it, he said it was just perfect for her! He seemed vaguely familiar, though, I wonder why? That idea sounds amazing, by the way... I wonder if I could commission a piece? ;) Wait... you were teasing me about not asking about your Mom, weren't you? Darnit! Now I feel silly... I'll leave it in anyways because I know it'll make you laugh, and if your Mom is as stubborn as she sounds, you could probably use the comic relief. Well, I hope she gets well soon, so you can come home and we can cuddle! I miss your cuddles...



Dear Meta,

He seemed familiar, hm? Could it have been that "upstart" you mentioned before? If he's as snobbish as he sounds, I certainly wouldn't put it past him... and I couldn't agree more with the cuddles! The misunderstanding was truly a joy, and Mom especially loved it... ;) As for the piece... we'll see. If you're a good boy, perhaps...

Love and kisses,


Dear Poly,

No, it wasn't that upstart Fancy Pants. Fancy Pants has crowns for a cutie mark, this young stallion had a shield with a star inside it. Also, REALLY. You shared that with your Mom? Not cool... :C Also, "Bubbles" went for 120 bits! He really wanted it, bad! So I brought the price down a bit. I hope you don't mind!



Dear Meta,

A shield with a star in it? That sounds like the rumored boyfriend of Princess Cadence! Nopony's been sure if they were a couple or not! If he bought "Bubbles" for his special somepony, and she gets seen with it, it'll be confirmed that they're an item! This is so exciting! I'm perfectly fine with the price coming down, especially if it's true! Oh, by the way, I just found out that a couple of my old classmates got married! Bright Mac and Pear Butter! I never would've guessed they were interested in each other, the way their families hate each other, but looking back, there were so many signs! Oh! I wish you could meet everypony! Another time perhaps... oh! I've run out of time to write today. Mom has to go to the doctor... love you!



Dear Poly,

That... that's just... wow. I'll be keeping a closer eye on the tabloids from now on! Also, the marriage thing... is Pear Butter part of the pear family? I hear they're opening up a place in Vanhoover, and they're gonna ship their products all over Equestria. (I love pears... ;* hehe...) Anyways, I would love to meet everypony. Hope everything goes well!



Dear Meta,

Coming home. Mom... I... I'll tell you when I get home. I can't wait to see you again.



Author's Note:

I think it's pretty obvious why Poly would be upset, let me know what you think! I'm always open for some CC! Please and Thank You!