• Published 4th Aug 2012
  • 973 Views, 9 Comments

Trapped in another world. - mild hotsauce

the main six must escape a world from my imagination.

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Ch8: The Sacrifice

Ch8: The Sacrifice

Sol looked over the chaos taking place in the city. His sole desire was to take part in the destruction, but he was ordered to leave it be. He was supposed to supervise, not get involved. His talons itched in anticipation, his current form causing him great discomfort; he never liked stalkers, similar to gators, only much more nimble, with human shaped heads and teeth as large as its claws. The scales were light brown and had spikes running down the spine.
These creatures were never meant to sit still while the prey flees. He caught a glimpse of the army’s targets, five mares with the three off-worlders. The orange one wielded a large hammer, the blue Pegasus had a heavy claymore, the pink and yellow ponies had daggers, yet they didn’t attack, and the white one was somehow turning the ghouls against their masters.

He let out a low and sinister hiss that gave his form away and silenced all other background noise around him. He started to change form, ignoring his order to stay out of the fight. His body stretched and shifted, his scales changed from brown to red, and he started taking on a more draconic appearance. He grew in size, and wings ripped from his back. Three wicked horns jutted from his head and his spines multiplied. A Hellfire Dragon, one of the more violent varieties, now stood in place of the stalker. He was as large as an inn, and looked as fearsome as an erupting volcano. He let out a loud roar and charged towards the city.

He leapt over the wall and let out a bout of flame, engulfing all those in front of him, even his own men. It is said that when fighting, Hellfire Dragons lose themselves in their bloodlust, destroying everything in the area, and that was what Sol was doing. He trashed anything that was in his path as he made his way to the castle.

“Get to the library!” Rogvir yelled. The troops he could save were now in the castle, preparing to evacuate the city. He couldn’t believe his luck, that blasted fiend Sol was here too, as if things weren’t bad enough already.

They made it to the grey library, the three siblings and the five ponies were the last ones to make it this far. Rogvir’s mind was filled with draconic rage, the anger threatened to overcome him, but he held it back, he had more important things to take care of first. He ushered the ponies toward the catacomb entrance. When they started moving the castle shook violently, causing two of the ponies to lose their balance. Rogvir helped them up and gave them a reassuring nod.

He looked to his sisters, Narine held a hurt expression. He knew she was reliving what had happened to their home. Celia was fidgeting like crazy, throwing nervous glances all around her.

“The banshees are in the castle, I can smell them. It won’t be long before the others get in here too.” Celia said.

Rogvir looked to the mares, who stopped when they saw the three weren’t budging. “Go on, we will be there shortly.” He said.

“Oh no, I’ve read to many adventure novels to see where this is going, you tell us to go, and you stay behind and get killed! Not gonna happen bud.” Rainbow retorted.

“You read?” Applejack asked with an amused expression.

“They’re right Rogvir, we should go, this place is lost.” Narine almost begged.

He sighed. “No, not again Narine, no more running. Girls, get going, no arguments.”

“But-” Rainbow started.

“Butts are for sitting, get going, meet up with the others, and head west, you will find friends there.” He interrupted.

They reluctantly left, and he closed the secret door behind them.

“Are we really going to stay and fight?” Narine asked.

“This place won’t end up like our world.” He said angrily as the shrieks of the ghosts became audible.

“We are the last of our kind-”

“I know that sis!” he bellowed. “Sorry, but we have no choice, you saw it too, didn’t you.”

“Yes, I might be scared, but I am ready to take the fall with you brother.” Celia said.

“I hate you both, but I guess it can’t be helped.” Narine conceded.

“Where are they?” a scraped up werewolf asked.

“Typical adventure novel, the cool people stay behind and sacrifice themselves to let the main characters live. Unfricking believable.” Rainbow grumbled.

“We must leave then. If they stayed behind, then they expect us to be long gone. We are traveling to Pyrus, where you will continue your training.” He said, leading the way.

The group felt worse than they looked, sure some of them were caked in blood, but they were torn up by their friend’s sacrifices. Applejack and Rainbow were probably the least visibly affected, the only thing they showed was the very pressing urge to either lob something’s head off, or beat it to a fine pulp. Fluttershy and Pinkie were practically crying, and Rarity seemed lost in her thoughts, making the others wondering what was going on in her head.

They walked the dead-lined tunnels of the castle, making their way to their new destination, Pyrus, and hopefully, their friend Twilight.

“Wait for it… wait for it… wait for it…” Eris has been saying this for the past thirty minutes, and being a sand dragon right now, Grim was about as agitated as you can get without slaughtering a country full of people because a juvenile goddess who used you like a horse wouldn’t shut up.

His body looked a lot like a serpents, the only difference is the wings and legs. Sand dragons can literally swim through the sand, making them one of the fastest reptiles. His head was pointed like an arrow and had a pair of sharp horns pointing at a backwards angle, a flaw that made it nearly impossible for this species to remove its head from something going backwards.

He let out a low hiss.

“Fine! Go!” she yelled. He and twelve other Sand dragons dove into the ground above Pyrus.

After about a minute of sifting through the soft sand, and another two through the rock, the dragons broke through the ceiling above the city, raining death down upon Vold’s troops. Grim in particular, was going after Odik and Cain, whom he saw going after the purple unicorn.

The unicorn was gaining a large amount of kills at this point with the help of a Terra; bodies littered the streets they fought in. Grim flew over to and grabbed Cain, throwing him into a nearby building.

Odik seemed to notice him. “Grim! You filthy Traitor!”

He landed in front of the brute, towering over him.

“Grim found his master, tell Vold to suck off a serpent.” Eris yelled as she kicked Grim in the side, making him launch a torrent of flames towards the warrior. Grim looked back at his master and snarled. “Oh shut it, you knew that was coming.”

“Eris?” the Fire Terra asked.

“Sands, so good to see you again! Where’s my brother, we have some catching up to do!” she yelled, jumping from Grim’s back and hugging the oversized turtle.

“Yes, he should be in the temple with the elder.”

“YOU THINK I'M DONE! I’VE ONLY BEGUN TO FIGHT!” Odik yelled as he foolishly lunged at Grim.

Grim, being the gentleman he is, he casually flicked the man to the side with a claw. He hissed in annoyance and glared at Odik.

“You blubbering brute, we need to retreat, not piss off the lizards even more.” Cain said as he limped towards his companion.

“I can take him.” he growled lifting his axe again.

“His little trick took out three fourths of our army, the men already ran, it’s over you idiot.” Cain rationalized.

“I can take him.” Odik repeated as he started moving towards Grim, who looked unamused.

Cain zapped Odik before he could do something stupid again, and hauled him away.

“Seems like there isn’t much cooperation between them.” Twilight observed.

“Yeah, I don’t see why they are paired up, maybe Vold thought brains and brawn were poor separate, bad together, but two individuals together could make it work, obviously not.” Eris mocked.

Grim let out a guttural roar, signaling the other sand dragons to leave the city.

“Well, looks like I have some work to do.” Sands said with a sigh.

“That’s what I’m here for!” Eris said, and with a snap of her fingers, the city stopped burning, and the rubble rebuilt itself into buildings.

“How did you…” Sands started.

“You should learn not to question me, if I know how I did half the things I do… then I don’t know what would happen.” She said cheerfully.

Sands let out a hefty sigh. “Right, I’ll start on casualty reports then.” He walked off grumbling.

Grim hissed again.

“Alright…” Eris groaned as she conjured up a body from thin air, which Grim moved into from the sand dragon. The beast shook its head and dove into the earth, leaving the city.

“Our action will not go unnoticed.” The spirit said. His true form was a black ghost; he had leather wrapped around him and his fingers ended in steel claws. His head was covered in a black helmet with two eye slits that emitted a light red glow, and he had vials attached to his leather straps.

“What or who are you?” Twilight asked, a contemplative frown on her muzzle.

“A banshee, an old one at that.” He replied.

“I thought banshees were female, and only used a screech as an attack.”

“On this side of the gate, nothing is as it seems, magic here doesn’t flow in waves like yours does, ours’ spikes at random intervals, and is sometimes nonexistent.” He explained.

“But-” a muzzle appeared over Twilights mouth.

“Seriously Twinkle, you should stop questioning our world, it will only lead to you getting a massive headache.” Melborn interrupted. Twilight just frowned. “Grim, how much longer do we have till they get here?”

“The banshees out east have been silenced by the siblings’ blades, the last I heard was Sol’s rage about how his prey escaped, but I know no more.” Grim replied.

“Good, we have two days till they get here.” Melborn said with a clap of his hands.

“Who’s coming brother?” Eris asked.

“Five more colorful ponies… don’t look at me like that, they came with her.” he said back.

Eris shrugged and walked towards the center of the city.

“Mhmhmnmnm.” Twilight mumbled.

“Only if ya promise to stop questioning our home.” Twilight nodded. Melborn snapped his fingers and the muzzle disappeared.

“Thanks.” She said.

“If you’ll excuse me, I need to go and find another host; this form isn’t one you should parade around in near others.” Grim said before slinking towards the shadows.

“How do you think they’re doing?” Twilight asked.

“Ah should say that they are shaken, but not stirred. As soon as they see you, they should forget about Rogvir and his band o wolves ‘n bats.” He replied.

“I doubt it.” Twilight retorted.

Sol stood before the three siblings, each tied up and being subdued by several possessed Lycans. He was in his human form, spiked iron armor covered his body and his light brown hair was spiked up, making it look like a mace. His eyes never stayed the same color, always changing, and looked like a rainbow. He gave a crooked and toothy smile as he looked at his prizes.

“I will only ask nice once, where is my prey, I can’t seem to sniff them out, only you three. Potent like garlic is to vampires.” He said. His voice had a slight change in tone, like he was slowly forgetting who he was; it is likely that he doesn’t remember half of the things about himself.

“Sit on a pike Sol.” Rogvir taunted.

Sol’s smile widened. “How about I do this…” he took out a silver dagger, and dragged it along Narine's arm, singing her robe and burning her flesh.

“AAAAAAHHHHH!” she screamed in agony as the enchanted dagger exploited two of her weaknesses, fire and silver.

“Need I continue?” he asked with an insane look in his eyes.

“Go burn in hell, Sol!” Celia and Rogvir yelled at the same time.

“Do you want me to die from torture?” Narine yelled.

“Silence!” He yelled as he used his blade to weld Narine’s mouth shut, and then stabbed it upwards into Celia’s head, being careful to only keep her mouth shut and not kill her. They both squirmed in pain as the weapon exploited their weaknesses. “You will tell me where they are.” He glared into Rogvir’s eyes.

Rogvir spit blood into Sol’s face.

“Fine. Have it your way.” His face twisted into a toothy and maniacal grin. He brought his hand up, morphed it into a claw, and ripped out Narine’s undead heart, and Celia’s beating heart. He crushed them both, killing the sisters. Rogvir just glared at Sol with hatred.

“Oops, did you still need them? Sorry, I was having fun. How about this, you tell me where the ponies are, and I’ll kill you quickly.”

“I will hang you from the rafters by your intestines.” Rogvir growled.

Sol frowned deeply, but then he smiled widely. “I’m going to enjoy torturing you for a long time. Who knows, maybe I won’t kill you. It would be fun to watch you squirm in pain with no hope left in your heart.”

Razor Wing could only watch through his master’s eyes as his family was tortured by the shape shifter. He stood upon a tower away from the town; it used to be a watch post in the older days, and now served as his roosting point. He let out a howl of pain as his last friend became a torture doll. As he looked away, he remembered what Rogvir told him.

“You are the glue that will hold their power together. Now live and end this nightmare.” Rogvir told him. The man that hatched the last living Blood Dragon might as well be dead now, and it was Razor who was going to be the essence that held the elements together, once the ponies found them. He leapt from his perch and flew west, determined to reach his destination and meet with the ones that Rogvir sacrificed himself for.


Sweet Merciful Mara, do you see what the difference is when i get an editor? i must thank Fluttershy_Is_Metal for editing this. i also must send my thanks to BIGBLACKINTOSH for helping me with the chapter title.