• Published 4th Aug 2012
  • 973 Views, 9 Comments

Trapped in another world. - mild hotsauce

the main six must escape a world from my imagination.

  • ...

Ch9: Rise Again

Ch9: Rise Again

Vold sat on his throne, looking excruciatingly bored. He waved off what he hoped to be the final peasant for today.

“Damn mortals.” He grumbled.

“Master, do you want me to get you the punching bag?” his pale goblin servant asked.

“No, I just want to make sure those six are dead!” he growled as he slammed his armored fist on his throne.

“My lord.” Someone greeted.

“Ah. Cain, were you successful in killing the purple one?”

“Grim betrayed us, Eris found him.” he replied.

Vold growled deeply, making both Cain and the goblin back away in fear.

“Goblin!” he yelled, “Get over here!” the pale creature obliged, but as soon as he was within arm’s reach, he got his skull crushed by an angry king. “I’ll need more goblins…”

“No need to get angry sir, I'm sure Sol was-” he was cut off as a green drake swooped in through a window and proceeded to knock him over.

“Speak of the devil… so, were you successful?

Sol gave a shrill screech, and then shook his head and face-clawed. He morphed back into his human form. “I took care of the siblings; the dragon was nowhere in sight, and the five ponies escaped.”

Vold glared at Sol, and then sighed. “I expected you to be successful, now this means we need to step up our game. You two are aware of the standings I placed on my six deadliest warriors?” they both nodded. “List them for me…”

Sol picked up first, “Me, Cain, Odik, Gr-”

“Grim is a traitor.” Cain interrupted.

“I will handle him, go on Sol…” Vold commanded.

“Umm, Siid…. And… who is the last one?” Sol asked.

“Lord Dred, show yourself.” And as commanded, a figure clad in Black robes and silver steel plates materialized in front of the throne.

“Yessss massster.” He let out a hiss that one would expect to receive from a snake… if they could talk.

“This is Lord Dred, master of shadows, and a Vampire behemoth.” Vold said.

Lord Dred looked at the other two in the room. His skin is paler than the moon, his eyes redder than fire, and his fangs were exposed from the corners of his mouth. His skin was pulled tightly to his body, the signs of blood-starvation, which was the form that you would expect to see on the day of your death. “So, these are the ones you want me to work with?” Dred asked, putting emphasis on the S’s in his words.

“No, just Sol, you two will be going to the Air Temple. I want you to await the arrival of the six there.” Vold explained.

“What?! Him?! That runt looks like he couldn’t kill a fly.” Dred mocked.

“I’ll flay your corpse for that!” Sol raged.

“Care to try it out?” Dred replied, his tongue flicking out at the promise of blood.

“Enough! You can kill each other after our business in this realm is taken care of.” Vold scolded.

“What will the others be doing? Or are we the only ones who are capable of working?” Dred asked mockingly.

“Cain and Odik will awaken the Leviathan and lead it into the earth temple and then wait by the element chamber for them.”

“A leviathan! That’s suicide!” Cain yelled.

“Do I look like I care?”

“…no.” Cain conceded.

“Very well, Grim will be in the fire temple and Siid will go to the water temple.”

“Bug boy is going to the water temple?” Dred asked.

“Yes, do you have a problem with that?” Vold glared at his least known knight, his eyes threatening to rip him

“No ssssssire.”

“Very well. I have chosen you to go to those temples because your powers will enable you to combat them better. Fail there and we might have some fun little torture sessions in the future. Dismissed.” He ordered.

The three of them left to complete their tasks, leaving the king to his thoughts.

“Wrath!” he called.

“Yes master?” A figure in spiked steel armor with a black ethereal hooded cloak appeared in a cloud of black smoke.

“Retrieve Eris, I will shroud your actions from Grim until I get what I want.” Vold ordered.

“As you wish.” The armored figure disappeared the way he came in.

Vold turned towards the window in his throne room. “Either way, it will all be over soon.”

“Twilight!” Applejack yelled as she tackled the purple unicorn to the ground in a bone shattering hug.

“Applejack… can’t… breathe….” Twilight gasped.

“What was that?”

“I… need… air.”

“Whoops! Sorry sugarcube.” Applejack lessened her embrace, only to have her and Twilight tackled by the other four mares in another bone crushing hug.

“Twilight!” the rest of the mares screamed.

“Alright ladies, let go of Twilight, we still need her.” Melborn said. The group hug abruptly ended on his word.

“Uh, Twilight, who’s that?” Applejack asked.

“Yeah, and what is this place?” Rainbow added.

Twilight cleared her throat, “Girls, this is Melborn. Welcome to Pyrus, the capital city of the Fire Terra!” she said gesturing to the rock city around her.

Miles under the sea, something stirred, several somethings. Lights started shining in the dark depths as a city became illuminated. The buildings were laced with coral and it started to rise to the surface. Its elegance would put even the greatest Elven architects to shame, as it blended the aspects of sea life with those of polished stone and gold. Among the glowing underwater metropolis, various sea creatures swam through the alleyways.

The city was several miles in diameter and at the center rested a temple plated in gold. The creatures scattered as it broke surface, the sun glistened off its surface as the city seemed to come back to life.

Specters walked its streets and odd draconic beasts were congregating around the peaks of the buildings. As life slowly returned, a pair of menacing eyes could be seen in the steeple of the temple; they pointed east and glared,
challenging those from the mainland to claim its treasure. The hunt has begun.

There is a volcano in the center of the Ethereal plane that is normally dormant, but as the sun radiated on it, it came back to life. Ash spewed into the air as the giant mountain raged and roared. Magma spewed from its mouth as a city rose from its fiery depths. It spanned wide, but stopped a mile from the edges of the volcano, which still had magma spilling from it. Shadows moved along the fiery streets and loud roars could be heard. The sky was soon filled with the largest dragons ever seen on Tyr, each seeking to take advantage of the rare opportunity to absorb power from the ancient city. The brimstone buildings sucked up the sunlight and the temple in the center was glowing a fierce red, sending a challenge to all who listen, daring them to try and take its treasure.

The earth shook to the south of the volcano, causing the forest to shake violently. Trees fell and mountains toppled as the third great city rose. Peaks began to rise from cracks in the earth. A city made of smooth rock was glistening the sun’s light. Creatures of various types moved within its limits, unaware that the inviting aura was a lure to something much more sinister.

The city of earth has returned. And with it, the ancient warriors that once walked its streets. The temple in the center glowed a welcoming gold, leading adventurers to their deaths as the promise of fame and fortune was made.

A dark cloud rose as storms were ravaging the north. Weather of all types unleashed their fury on anything that happened to be under the path of the storm front. Inside the massive super storm rested a city made of clouds. Its buildings had the look of some sort of ancient architecture. Columns and domed buildings littered the streets and flyers of all types took refuge from destructive storm that it rested on.

The silver temple in the center sent out bolts of lightning. It seemed to host content for those of the land beneath, who have hunted its children near extinction. The city would have revenge, and since it couldn’t leave the planes, then it would lure the land dwellers to their deaths as the spirits of the air terra walked its streets.

The shriveled elder woke from his meditation. He rose from the floor of the Pyrus Temple, squinting in the
darkness that encroached on him. The vision, the candles, it was all coming together.

He walked to the balcony of the temple, and looked over his domain. “Raging Storm.” He yelled out.

An air terra dropped on the balcony. His white shell glistened like a polished pearl, and his feathered wings looked like they were recently preened.

“Yes Elder.” He said in a deep voice.

“Tell them it’s time and have White Fang lead them to the fire temple.” He ordered.

“As you wish.” The air terra flew out into the city to carry out the orders that had been given to him.

“I can’t believe it’s almost over. To think that, after all these years, Tyr will belong to us again. The thought is tantalizing.” He said.

“Yes, it will. It has been too long.” A gravelly voice agreed.

The elder turned around to see a unique terra. His eyes widened as he recognized the variety. It was an astral; the race that was said to be responsible for the creation of their planet. It held the body of an earth terra, but was pitch black with stars covering its body. Its eyes glowed like miniature suns that stared into the elder’s soul.

“To think, we had to listen to those fool gods for so many millenniums. Only Melborn and Eris had any real sense and with them gone, the gods won’t be able to do anything. Our races will finally be able to govern themselves without their interference.” It said in an echoed voice.

“And it will be an age to last.” The elder agreed.

“Let me go you bastard!” Eris yelled as she was manhandled into the throne room.

“Shut it you runt, now watch as I predict the future. He should be here in three, two, one…” Grim howled in rage as he hurled himself at Vold, who trapped the banshee in a black cage. “Right on time Grim. Say, did you ever wonder what it looks like when you drain a god of their life essence?” Eris cringed and struggled even more.

“Grim! Help me!” she screamed.

Vold held a hand to Eris’s forehead and started to suck her immortality right out of her. She screamed in agony as her powers were ripped from her body.

“Master!” Grim yelled.

The draining stopped, and Eris looked at Vold fearfully. “WH-what did you just do?”

“Made you mortal. Now you can feel pain. Good. This will be fun.” His face twisted into a maniacal grin. He then growled and stabbed a knife into her stomach.

She screamed in pain as he twisted the knife, blood oozed from the wound and dripped onto the floor. Vold ripped the blade out and began to mock her.

“What’s wrong? Can’t take a little pain? Don’t worry, you’ll get used to it.” He then shoved the knife into her thigh. She let out another bloodcurdling scream.

“Stop! Please, I concede! Just, leave her alone.” Grim said from behind the bars of his prison.

Vold looked at Eris, who was shaking from the pain, her head dripped as she jumped in and out of consciousness.

“You have one more chance, kill them, or I kill the girl. Slowly.” He warned.

“Grim… no…let me die.” Eris said shakily.

“I promised your father Eris, I should have done as I was told before. You better live up to your word Vold.”

“When do I not?” Vold said defensively.

“I'm not going to answer; there are just too many instances.” Grim growled. His spectral form disappeared as Vold sent him to the fire temple.

“Throw her in the dungeon.” Vold ordered.

“She will die if she isn’t healed.” Wrath reminded him.

“Not my problem.” He snarled as he sat back down on his throne, and idly played with his jet black sword.

“No way! You can actually change the weather!” Rainbow yelled as the six mare swapped stories in a local tavern.

“It’s one of the many spells I learned while here, what about you Rarity, learn anything new?” Twilight asked.

Rarity just looked a bit, out of it. “What… oh, I'm sorry; I just got lost in thought there for a bit.”

“What’s the matter Rare?” Applejack asked.

“It’s nothing, just some side effects of some of the spells Narine taught me.”

“Like what?” Pinkie asked, taking a swig of a large mug of Terra ale. She shivered as she finished the cup and hiccupped heavily.

“She said that some schools required sacrifices, I just, need some time to think. And to answer your question Twilight, I learned many spells. I learned how to use runes, how to make my mana pool larger, and even some more things that even you would question.”

“What do you mean?” Twilight asked, confusion masking her face.

“For the protection of my friends, I learnt some things from Narine; you will all see when we get out there and fight.” She replied.

‘Rarity’s not acting like herself.’ Twilight observed. She looked at the alabaster mare closely, and saw a slight red glow emit from her eyes, and sharp fangs protrude slightly from her muzzle.

“Rarity… did you…?” Twilight asked.

Rarity just sighed, and moved her mane, revealing a set of bite marks. The others gasped, their friend, was bitten.

“Who did this, ah’ll murder them!” Applejack roared.

“You can’t, Narine is dead, and I volunteered for this. It makes me more powerful and ensures some of the spells I do won’t kill me. I'm a fashionista, not a fighter. She taught me spells to defend myself, and it was my decision to go further!” she yelled, shocking her friends.

“Um… Rarity?” Fluttershy squeaked.

“Oh, dear, I'm sorry Fluttershy, but it just… what she told me… the visions she shared… I felt like I had to do it. If you h-”

“Don’t even finish that sentence Rarity. It’s getting too sappy in here as is, and you know we wouldn’t hate you for anything.” Rainbow reassured. The others nodded in agreement.

Rarity wiped a tear from her eye, “Thank you girls.” They got into a heartfelt group hug and…

They heard slow clapping. Melborn looked amused and the other patrons looked agitated.

“So sappy, but I believe we have a problem.” He said.

“Lay it on us.” Twilight said.

“It’s time that I tell you about the weapons you will use to fight Vold and where they are located.”

A/N: Baddass editing done by Fluttershy_is_Metal.