• Published 4th Aug 2012
  • 973 Views, 9 Comments

Trapped in another world. - mild hotsauce

the main six must escape a world from my imagination.

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Ch3: new problems

Ch3: new problems

The tunnel was dark, which is to be expected of something that wasn’t used in centuries. Five ponies and a human wandered down the narrow passageways of the elven escape tunnel after the dark paladin and his pets brought down the city. The trip was mostly uneventful, just a few giant spiders that made Rarity scream in terror, but Rainbow and Applejack reveled in the chance to smash something after what happened to twilight.

After about two hours of walking, they started seeing torches and crates line the walls. Something wasn’t right; nobody escaped with more than what was on their back.

“Hold up, I don’t like this, stay low.” The human said in a deep voice.

“Well I don’t see why we have to; it doesn’t seem that bad mister… um…” Rarity questioned.

“My name is Rogvir, and nobody escaped with more than the clothes on their backs, so there may be bandits up ahead.”

“bandits.” They all squeaked.

Then the rainbow haired one spoke up, “let me at them, I still wanna hurt something after what happened earlier.”

“I think we should let Rogvir go first, if that’s alright with you…” Fluttershy whispered.

“Yea, because unlike the spiders, the bandits fight back.” He added.

“What was that?” a gruff voice asked. A man with dark skin and black hair wearing leather armor walked down the tunnel. “Thought I heard something.”

“get back in here, I’m not done beating you out of all your gold yet!” another higher pitched voice yelled.”

“I’ll beat you this hand.” The bandit replied, and walked back.

Rogvir made a motion for them to be silent, and moved forward. Rainbow, who was not one to miss some excitement, silently crept after him, the others followed suit. A wooden wall, with a heavy wooden door, blocked the passage; it appeared the bandits took this cave as their own.

Rogvir carefully opened the door, which led into a newly excavated room with tables and a bar. There were bandits crowded around a single table watching a card game, where one was being badly beaten by another. The bartender was the only one not watching the slaughter of one bandit’s money pouch, and was cleaning out glasses with a piece of cloth. Rogvir crept up on him first; he snuck up behind the counter and snapped the poor sods neck, and allowed him to drop to the floor.

The noise caused one bandit to turn around, “huh, damn rats, always scurrying around in the shadows.” He turned his attention back to the game. Another bandit was watching the game from the other side of the room from Rogvir, smoking some new drug made in the southern human lands. It was at this point that Rogvir made himself known.

He took out his mace, and swung it at the one bandits head; the mace was stuck in the wooden beam and made a sickening crunch. The mace was stuck in the wood, and so was the bandit, whose body stayed upright when the mace crushed his head. This took the attention of the other seven bandits at the table.

“Looks like we got a hero here.” One stated.

“Rough him up a bit, if we can do that, we got another slave.” Went another.

They rushed him, bandits against in leather armor against a man in steel plate armor, should go well. Rogvir dispatched the first one very easily; he grabbed the bandits hand, twisted it around and let him take the hit from an axe to the chest, killing him. He dropped the bandit, and took the short sword he had, and parried a blow from a mace, then jumped back from being hit with a warhammer. He tripped the first one with a chair, jumped over another hammer blow, and landed on the poor guy’s head, crushing it and splattering his brains all over the floor.

“You’re gonna pay for that!” a feminine voice yelled. She charged at him with two glowing steel short swords. He blocked two strikes, but the second shattered his, and on her third swing, he ducked under, and tackled her. Rolling over her head, he dodged another hammer blow, but got an iron mace to the side. The bandit went for another blow, but Rogvir grabbed his shoulder, and jabbed him in the neck, crushing his windpipe.

Rogvir let the bandit choke to death as he turned to the last three bandits. One opted to use his bow to his advantage, and took pot shots at Rogvir, but was tackled to the side into a headlock by a cyan blur, who quickly snapped his neck. The other two turned in surprise, and the bandit with the hammer was bucked into a wall, unconscious. The last one swung at the orange horse thing, but was grabbed from behind, and swung over someone’s shoulder, landing face first into a rocky floor. A boot landed heavily on her head, splattering more brains over the floor.

“Yeah! That was bucking awesome!” Rainbow yelled.

“What is wrong with you two, you just practically killed those poor men!” Rarity scolded.

“Doesn’t bother me, I’m still mad about what happened to twilight, and if they weren’t afraid to do the same, why should I?” she retorted.

“Rainbow, Rarity, stop. Ah think we should just leave this behind us and never speak of it again.” Applejack commanded.

“I’m okay with that.” Something squeaked.

“Let me just get my mace.” This was still stuck in the wall, covered in blood, skull fragments, and brain. With a heave, he dislodged his spiked weapon from the wall, “damn it, just cleaned the fucking thing.” He mumbled, and then attached it to a ring on his belt. He walked to the unconscious bandit, took his knife, stabbed him in the chest, and took a rusted key that hung around his neck. When he got up, the ponies were looking at him in shock. “What, he would just do this stuff again when he woke up.”

“Hey guys, if you’re done being meanies to those people, I found others trapped in a cage!” Pinkie yelled, her mane was still deflated, and she opted not to talk to Rogvir because of the violence he just displayed.

The five of them walked into the room Pinkie was in, and found about twelve elves slapped in irons and stuck in a cage.

“Oh, thank the maker, please sir, help us.” One pleaded. Rogvir unlocked the cage with the rusty key, and the elves piled out. The last one gave him a hug, and left to follow the others.

“Son of a bitch.” He mumbled.

“Is there something wrong partner.” Applejack questioned.

“Yeah, the fetid swamps are the most dangerous place on the border between the human lands and the elven country. Watch where you step, and watch your backs, the creatures aren’t the only things you need to worry about.”

“Whys that?” Rarity asked.

“Let’s say that some plants are just bit more than carnivorous than others.” Is all he said before walking off, the ponies followed wordlessly behind him, watching for anything that might attack.

Twilight was getting sick of all the games that were being played on her. This weird creature has thrown almost every scenario at her to try to break her, but she held strong.

“Let me go you brute!” she yelled, she then released a powerful wave of magic from her horn, and heard the creature scream in pain, and she was brought into consciousness. In front of her, a figure clad in spiked armor with a black cape and black sword was on his knees a few feet away.

“Master!” something yelled, and a little light brown creature hobbled up the steel monstrosity.

“Get away from me!” he yelled, he glared at the paladin that dragged her to the castle, “you have one chance, if she still resists, you know what to do.”

The paladin nodded, and then the king and his minion left. He walked up to twilight, and she could see a ghost of a smile in the blackness under the hood, “you and I are going to have so much fun together.” He whispered into her ear, sending a shiver down her spine.