• Published 4th Aug 2012
  • 973 Views, 9 Comments

Trapped in another world. - mild hotsauce

the main six must escape a world from my imagination.

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Prologue: near death experience

Prologue: near death experience.

Black, black was all Twilight could see at this point. One minute she’s trying a new spell, the next she is trapped in an endless black abyss. Slowly, her vision starts to return, but what she sees isn’t the library: a shriveled corpse, a biped by the looks of it. Black eye sockets, mouth agape as if screaming, and decaying fast.

She tried to scream at the sight, but couldn’t make a sound, she just lay there next to it, mouth opening and closing like a fish out of water. She quickly regained control of her facilities and shot onto her hooves and backed up, but ran into another similar corpse leaning against a tree, the only difference was the pointed ears.

She jumped forward, and tried to take in her surroundings. It was a clearing, corpses like that of different bipeds and animals, all with the same expressions. She saw her friends lying throughout the clearing too, but thankfully still very much alive. Deciding to spare them the horror of the clearing, she tried teleporting them somewhere else, but she wasn’t alone. A shadow moved across the clearing, something took a deep breath, and sighed contently. It flickered into existence slightly, the creature was bipedal, with gnarled black flesh and hunched over as if it was in pain. Four tentacles sprouted from its back, each one with a wicked looking harpoon at the end. Fading back into a shadow form, it took off in the direction Twilight teleported to.

They weren’t in Equestria anymore, that much was clear. Nothing looked remotely similar to their home, even the Everfree forest didn’t feel as if everything wanted to rip you limb from limb. The floor of the woods was extremely marshy, meaning that they were in some kind of swamp.

Twilight teleported to another clearing, which was actually clear. She started a fire, and laid her friends around it, trying to keep them warm. She joined the five of them, but when she got on her stomach, something pinched her. She shot up and looked around, nothing. She tried illuminating the area a bit more, but found herself unable to do so, she dropped on her knees, and felt extremely drained. Her vision started fading, and her breathing labored. When she was about to drop from random exhaustion, a gold colored arrow flew past her head, and imbedded itself into something behind her.

What she heard would have made her wet herself if she had any energy to do so. A scream, otherworldly and extremely bone chilling. She fell and managed to turn her head to the screaming creature. Black leathery skin, black orbs for eyes, sharp teeth lined mouth with harpoon tipped tentacles, one of which was dripping blood, her blood. The arrow was imbedded between its eyes, tears appeared in the creatures form and were rapidly expanding. Its wails died as it finally faded away, the arrow dropped from its spot in the air, and the last thing twilight saw before closing her eyes, was a livelier looking bipedal creature with pointed ears rushing towards her.

Twilight came to in a dimly lit room that had a similar feeling to it as her library did. Her friends were laying in beds similar to the one she was in. The material felt like silk and the bed softer than those from the royal palace in Canterlot. A look around showed that the walls looked exactly like those of the library, except without the books. The room was large, cabinets adorned most of the walls, ad a window allowed a little light in, it was dark outside, but a faint glow could be seen from all around.

She got out of bed, and fell on her face. The bed itself was larger than the ones she was used to. A low laugh could be heard from the other side of the room she was in, when she looked, she saw a figure with pointed ears. It stood on two legs and wore ornate lime green armor with gold highlights. On its back hung a bow made of an unfamiliar material to her and a quiver of gold arrows hung from its right leg.

“So, you’re finally awake, good. It’s quite remarkable really; nothing recovers as fast as you did after an encounter like that with a Ghast.” Its voice was gentle but strong, she didn’t know how it could do that, but she felt at ease around the creature, safe in its presence.

“Who and what are you?” was the first thing that left her mouth.

“Forgive me, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Volkig, commander of the elven guard here in Landris.” It said, now that she thought about it, it sounded male.

“Excuse me my ignorance, but what is an elf, and where in Equestria are we again?”

“Equestria huh, must be another realm. You are on the world of Tyr, and elves are one of the many sentient races across the land. Right now you are in one of the cities close to the border between the human land of Glacialis and the elven home of Lysandus.”

Twilight couldn’t believe what she heard: Elves, countries, and another realm. She almost broke down crying when a yawn escaped one of her friends. Applejack rose from her unconscious slumber, and like twilight did, fell out of bed.

“What in tarnation!” she yelled, standing up from her scorpion position. She found her hat on one of the bed posts, retrieved it and placed it back on her head. She looked around and saw Twilight standing there with some strange creature. “Uh, Twilight, what the hay is going on here?” she asked.

Twilight couldn’t say anything to answer Applejacks Question, so she turned to Volkig for help, who happily gave it. “Why don’t we wait for the rest of your friends to wake up before I tell you what you need to know.”

“Ah would prefer you tell me now.” She said back to him, clearly annoyed with the fact that she doesn’t know where she is, and this thing aint telling her squat.

“In due time, I would prefer to let you all know at once instead of repeating myself over and over again.” He kept a slight smile on his face, probably from seeing two creatures fall out of their beds in a comedic matter. “Now, why don’t we get you something to eat and drink, you must be hungry now, you’ve been out for three days.

“Well, ah am mighty puckish, I could go for something ta eat, but as soon as the others wake up, you are going to tell us what the hay is happening.”

“Agreed.” Volkig led the two out of the building and into what looked like a city with buildings made entirely out of trees. Each tree has golden lanterns hanging from their branches, giving the city a golden glow. The two stopped and stared in awe at the sight of the trees. Each one was different, just like the elves that walked the streets, even at nighttime. “Well, come on, the tavern closes the bar in about an hour, if you want something to eat, then we should not tarry.” They wordlessly followed their new companion, taking in the sights of the golden city around them.