• Published 3rd Nov 2018
  • 557 Views, 7 Comments

Forest of Harmony - MisterNick

The Tree of Harmony decides to grow into the outside world.

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Chapter 1

The ground trembled briefly before it slumped to one side. The sound of rocks and dirt falling was enough to rouse the Tree of Harmony from its slumber. In a way that only a groggy magical tree could do it appraised the situation.

No roots were damaged. No branches broken. Everything was reasonably okay. It wasn't the first such tremor the tree had felt in its many incalculable years and it wouldn't be the last. Yet in spite of things being as normal, albeit a bit more dusty, as ever the tree shook its branches in a sigh.

For the briefest of moments the tree had hoped that the sound of rocks and dirt shifting had come from the approach of a potential visitor. It certainly had been a while since anybody had paid the tree any mind unless goaded. Most of the time the tree had to set up some sort of game or trickery in order to score a visit and even then it was only because it suited the wants of the would be visitor. There were many nights it wondered why it was so unpopular to the world outside of its cave. It did so now as it wondered if anybody would come to check on it after the tremor. It would be nice.

While the tree considered the possibility of a guest something cool ran through its branches. In that moment if it were possible the tree would have jumped and scurried across the cavern in surprise. Instead it quickly shifted its focus to the cavern ceiling and noticed the large crack that had formed above it.

The tree cautiously grew up to the earthen slit, being magical had its immediate benefits. As it grew the trees pointy branches slowly caressed the crevice's edges testing its stability and diameter. The cool night air of spring gently wove its way down the probing branches sending a light shudder through the tree's trunk. If it could have blushed it would have done so and paused its growth as it attuned itself to this new sensation.

Long had the Tree of Harmony resided in its cave. It was reasonably safe there. Only a few still living knew where it was and yet up there was so much more. If the world above would not venture below to visit it surely it was okay for the tree to venture up and greet the world. Besides ever since time immemorial plants were born from the earth, thrived and then slumbered sometimes forever. Why shouldn't the Tree of Harmony be able to enjoy the first two? On top of that it would be nice to finally be able to interact with others on its terms not just when they needed something. It was decided.

The tree pulled its branches in as tight as it could into a point. While it was certain that only the most minor grassy debris stood in its way, the tree wanted to make sure that no branches were lost in its push. With its resolve steeled, the tree pressed upward into the crack. As it did the ground grew tight in some places forcing the tree to push harder, some minor bits of branch stripping off in the process.

The scrapes hurt but the tree remained was undeterred by the slight wounds and with one final push the tree grew past the final bits of grass and dirt that hampered it's progress and burst forth into the world above and beyond the forest canopy.

The wind rose electric and sent a cool gust down the trunk of the tree. The tree shuddered once again at the sensation as the night air caressed its trunk gently. It hoped that it hadn't timed this wrong and sprung up when the rest of the world wound down. Yet, a quick scan of the other trees around it told it otherwise.

The world around it was a new green. Some flower buds remained tightly shut yet others were open. While the air was cool it was also moist with the anticipation of new life and the potential of sunny days and sweet soaking rains. It was most certainly Spring.

Throughout the forest the songs of crickets and frogs floated through the forest. Owls and various other nocturnal creatures chimed in as well. The rhythm of the night throbbed through the trees trunk and roots and it loved every second of it.

The Tree of Harmony stretched its branches out and embraced the night sky. Its flowers and orbs shimmered in the pale moonlight like distant stars. Without any coaxing the buds of leaves soon sprouted from the tips of the tree's branches. When fully grown they would shimmer like snow in the sun and cast a rainbow of colored light down to the forest below them.

Yet as the tree grew and spread concern rose through the forest. In their own way the trees and grasses of the Everfree whispered among themselves about this new behemoth that in less than one night had grown taller than even the oldest among them. Silently they worried about the availability of food from the soil and sun, and water that to their knowledge would dry up with such a large plant casting its shadow over the deep wood.

A gust of wind clacked and clattered the forest's branches together angrily while to the far western side several ancient eucalyptus plants began to leak and smolder. It was outrageous that such a plant would dare rise above them and deny them what they needed. Better to die and take out this pest than to slowly starve in its shadow. The forest was ready.

Without a word the roots of the Tree of Harmony sprang forth from the ground and wrapped around the base of a large redwood. They coiled about its trunk and made their way up to its branches and squeezed. The redwood creaked and whined under the pressure of the squeezing Roots of Harmony. Sap leaked from every inch as the wood cracked loudly in the dark night. The cracking continued until the tree crumbled to the forest floor below and took with it a number of young saplings and silenced the rest of the forest.

In a deep tone that only trees might hear the Tree of Harmony spoke, "I understand your concern and let me assure all of you right now that my one and only desire is peace and kinship with my fellow plants. You have all done well on your own but to act in a way that would destroy not just yourselves but others who have nothing to do with your worries is unacceptable. Therefore I propose that we work together in the way that plants and nature intend. I will guide and redirect the sunlight with my leaves so that no plant need fear going hungry. I do not require as much water as any of you and my roots run much deeper in this world than any of you could possibly assume. If any of you have any further concerns please let me know and I will do what I can to allay them."

The Tree of Harmony lifted some of the remains of the redwood above the forest, "However, if you insist upon this action and cannot or will not work with me this is the fate that shall befall you and yours. No seedling of yours will grow and in time no living creature save me will remember who or what you are or were." The tree dropped the remains of the redwood and asked, "So are you with me or not?"

Silence echoed through the Everfree as the trees quietly reversed their course of action. The eucalyptus ceased leaking their flammable fluids and an uneasy peace slowly wove its way through the wood. For its part the Tee of Harmony was pleased with the response and slowly opened some of its budding leaves.

"To celebrate this night I have a gift for you," said the Tree of Harmony. From its flowers and orbs a thick yellow fog slowly descended upon the forest below carried by the faintest of breezes. The Everfree's response was immediate as each budding flower and tree followed suit releasing their own pollen into the air eager to participate in this new joining.

Through the forest the yellow fog slowly spread outward to the farms and then to Ponyville proper. Before long the surrounding area was coated in a thick layer of pollen. Soon after the first sneezes of Spring echoed from the town. The forest however, was calm.

Comments ( 7 )

Oh god... What the tree just did.. All over ponyville...

Huzzah, 10th upvote! :rainbowdetermined2:

Right after strangling a redwood to death, so don’t forget that. :trollestia:



Yeah this sort of thing happens in my area every Spring. You really do hope for wet weather to knock that stuff out of the sky.

Hooray! :derpytongue2:


so that's where bridlewood came from!

The more you know the wilder the world is!

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