• Member Since 10th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 28th, 2015


Comments ( 64 )

I just want to make it clear that Chapter 1 is completely optional background material for those who want a little history into the character that is introduced in this story. Choosing to not read it will take very little away from the story itself, as most of the information is revealed or hinted at throughout the story itself. This chapter is basically just a summary of the story that I wrote which I now consider this a part of. I see all of Come Dawn or Darkness as a sort of missing chapter in this other story. I guess after all the crossover stories that I have started in the past, I just felt the need to test the idea on one of my own creations, rather than ripping off someone else's setting or characters.

Also, just to clarify, the Abyss mentioned over and over again in this story is my idea of what it is that holds all of reality (anyone's reality) together. As such, it has been heavily influenced by other things that I have read, seen, or heard. In particular, the visual aspect of the place is heavily inspired by the Abyss from Dark Souls. The idea of it being a sort of purgatory is meant to be an obvious reference to Purgatory itself, based on religious writings and sermons I've seen over the years. The idea of it connecting all worlds comes from Stephen King's vision of Todash Space. The journey people may take within it has been inspired by several songs I listened to while writing (mainly Blind Guardian's "Lost in the Twilight Hall"). And the creatures of the void (possibly the only thing that I can take credit for in that entire dimension) are things that I have come face to face with in my dreams in the past. All in all, it's a whole lot of factors that heavily inspired the world I wrote into these stories... Enjoy!

this is certainly interesting......CARRY on

Will do, next chapter will be out in a few days.

Well, it's about 3:30am and my insomnia is telling me that this would be the ideal time to post the next chapter... So here it is! Hope you enjoy, fraid we won't be seeing the Abyss again for several more chapters so for anyone who was only reading along to find out more about that tenebrous old setting, my sincerest apologies... Got a little story and a whole lot of poorly-thought-out foreshadowing/exposition/whatnotandstuff to get out of the way first... See ya at the crossroads :pinkiecrazy:

So you did finally get around to posting it, nice work. Let me know when Applejack's chapter gets posted, I intend to wrip you apart if you wrote her dialog as horribly as you did in the first draft:twilightsmile:
All in all, the story is pretty good. "barrowed heavily" seems like an understatement in terms of the whole Dark Souls connection but I definately see what you were going for. Just dont let this keep you from finishing Sand on the Doorstep, that ones a lot more fun to edit...

Yes yes, thank you once again to my brilliant editor and all, blah blah blah my grammar sucks...
That about cover it? Good. In response to the rest of that comment, AJ's chapter is up next. I've decided to rip off George R. R. Martin a bit and have this story run in a point of view format. For anyone who hasn't seen any of the books in the Song of Ice and Fire series, this just means that each chapter will focus on one character, basically being narrated by a disembodied, semi-omnipotent, narrator thing. The chapter is done and will be up in a day or so, just as soon as I can post it without hitting another 502 error message thing. Until then, feel free to check it my other story... It's current audience is slowly dying off so I figure shamelessly plugging it in the comments of this story couldn't hurt. Enjoy!

News chapter will be up in a few moments. For those not familiar with the way I update, expect all future chapters to come out between 2-3am any other time their released, generally my insomnia prompts me to post them but tonight I decided to put it out a little early. Hope you lot enjoy, this will be the first time I've ever written lines for the Mane Six so, please, any advice or critiques on the matter would be most appreciated after you've gotten through it.

AJ is certainly on the ball..........the suspense on how it'll come together is....:twilightangry2:

Next chapter should be out by the end of the week, It's another Twilight chapter followed by one for RD. Hoping I can find a way to ensure this all turns out the way I see it play out in my head, Torrent likely won't get a chapter to himself for quite a while (the intro chapters were more his) but they should be fairly action packed when they come up... Hopefully

Not sure if this chapter is going to stay or not, so feel free to read it while it's here, it doesn't quite seem to flow well with the rest of the story's tone... Still though, what's the worst that could happen by leaving it in :scootangel:

holy shit... this was... awesome...

moar plox! i want to read the princesses' reactions!

Next chapter should be up on Thursday, just putting the finishing touches on it but I also have to post a new chapter for one of my other stories this week as well. Not entirely sure why I decided to have three different stories running at once but it's quickly becoming clear that one of them is going to have to wait a while before it gets updated now (Likely the Bastion crossover, it will be easy enough to write a huge amount for that one later, once I have these two up to date and all)...

Also thanks! Glad to see people are genuinely enjoying this one :pinkiehappy:

Well, there's this week's block of story. I swear this is going somewhere, but to say any more on the subject would be giving away huge spoilers so... Just let say that this chapter focused on something that I don't intend to fully explain until at least another two chapters from now. So jumping to conclusions about the last couple scenes of this one will almost certainly point you in the wrong direction ultimately. Sorry.... Enjoy :rainbowlaugh:

Well this seems to be coming along nicely. Your pacing is still a little slow, at this rate the story probably wont be finish for another 50 chapters or so, but beyond that It all seems to be coming together nicely. Whose the next chapter's view point?

Likely Twilight again next. I want to get the conversation between her and Celestia out of the way before moving onto Luna's stuff. Next chapter should be up by the end of the week I think, expect a lot of talking...

Chapter's almost done, definately a Twilight one with Celestia and Torrent as the secondary characters. It should be finished tomorrow, possibly during the day but likely late at night as usual. As far as why there hasn't been another chapter yet up to this point... I uh.. well... I may have skipped to the end of the story last week and written the last two chapters over the course of the week. Yes, I am one of those kind of people who skips ahead to find out how a story ends, apparently.... even when I'm the one writing it. I did the same thing with Sand on the Doorstep's Discord chapter, having written that months ago, and just posting it last week... so I learned that about myself this week... and now I'm just rambling so, there ya go. New chapter tomorrow at some point.

My sincerest apologies that this took so long, we had a little family crisis that needed to be sorted out before I got back to writing anything... I should be back on a more normal writing schedule soon, until then, enjoy.

Thankee sai, I have wanted to throw that into the story since the first chapter (it comes up a few times in the story this one connects to) but couldn't find anywhere that really made sense for it. Glad it kind of fit in this one, otherwise I think I would have had to have just thrown it into a random, out of place spot in a future chapter :rainbowlaugh:

Suddenly, new chapter, out of nowhere... I've been meaning to write this scene pretty much since the very beginning of this story, but I could never figure out which of the Mane 6 should be the one to witness it. Fun trivia, the original idea for the forest scene was to have Twilight see it first hand, but seeing as how the rest of the story has evolved, it just wouldn't flow right. Enjoy

1469379Why does rarity distrust torrent? He hasn't given them any reason to not trust him and he even saved Twilight from the void!

Mainly because of the fact that she's never seen anything like him before (same reason AJ has a hard time trusting him) and because of something Spike said in one of the first chapters. The idea was that, when Torrent and Twilight emerged from the Void, some of its energy was still clinging to both of them. It will be explored further in a later chapter, but from the way I've described it in the past, it basically hangs about the person's body as a very visable black smoke for a few minutes. However, since Torrent has spent such an ungodly amount of time in it, it takes on a more physical manifestation whenever he leaves, giving him the appearence of the creature he changed into during the Cutie Mark Crusaders' chapter. The first thing Spike saw when they came back out of the void was that creature carrying Twilight (who would have appeared to have been smoldering due to the abyssal energy clinging to her). He never trusted Torrent after seeing that, thinking this human form was just a disguise to hide that other form and ultimately told the others this. Since Rarity knew he wouldn't consciously lie to her (being so deeply in love and all) she took it as the outright truth and had an instant distrust of the newcomer... Sorry about the wall of text there, hope it answers the question though. Again, I will probably make a chapter later on explaining this in a way that works it into the story better... I've got a ton of background on this that simply hasn't been written into the story but exists so that I can connect it all together in the end :twilightblush:

Wow... Very impressive, this fic has some great potential! Please, keep up the good work!:pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy:

1472326 ahh, I see, I just assumed it was xenophobia:ajsmug:

Thank you for the favorite and the kind words, I am hoping to continue updating this story on a weekly, or at least near-weekly, basis.
That is definately a big part of it, I just felt that the had to be something at least slightly more substantial in order to justify just how far the distrust would go (i.e. following him into a terrifying forest in the middle of the night :pinkiecrazy:)

Another chapter for those who still check in on this one. I think there will be one last chapter (likely from Fluttershy's point of view) before I throw in a Torrent PoV chapter. We will be diving back into the Void soon, so enjoy the next couple chapters set in Ponyville, as there will be a severe lack of color and joy in at least one of the upcoming chapters focusing on that little journey. Enjoy:pinkiecrazy:

Awesome!!! Here, have some moustaches - while Spike is still alive to give them.

Interesting turn of events in the last couple chapters. Correct me if I'm wrong, but didnt you originally say that Torrent was the "hero" in your other story? I'm just curious so that I might get a better idea of whether this is all just an act or if there is something that I'm missing here. Because let's face it, eating souls isn't exactly what comes to mind when someone mentions a hero. Also, don't mess up Fluttershy's chapter! No one messes with best pony.

Ah, see thats just it, I said that he was the "main character" of the original story... never stated hero, villain, or otherwise. And seeing as I still don't feel that that story is finished enough to actually see the light of day, you'll just have to wait and see how this one plays as it unfolds. As for Fluttershy... I have a certain rule with anything pony related that I write and it absolutely applies to this story too: "No matter what happens throughout the entire story, I will never purposefully write anything that brings direct physical Fluttershy in any way." ...That said, anyone who is reading my Bastion crossover story... lets just say she's not going to come out of that one mentally sound...

Sorry if this one seems like just more exposition, I swear this is going to have a bigger part in the rest of the story, a bit further down the line. Enjoy :twilightsheepish:

I've just discovered that Torrent's chapters are incredibly easy to right, likely because I get to dictate every aspect of his words, thoughts, personality, and background rather than having them previously established by the show... As such, please enjoy this mid-week offering; Part 2 will be ready by Friday, I believe, so it should still run on the usual Friday Update schedule. For the record, the story itself is going to get a bit more.... actiony from this point on. The story is starting to come to a close, but it will still take many more weeks for all the chapters to be ready. Hope you enjoy this one, Part 2 should pick up at the festival if it goes the way I think it will.

Darkness falls, shadows gather, and the action portion of the story slowly starts to take shape. Next chapter should include a good deal of walking, exposition, and fighting so.... yeah.... that's on its way. Probably going to by a Twilight Sparkle chapter for what I'm looking at currently (as I've said before, I make this stuff up as I go so you guys only read it for the first time about an hour or so after I've read it for the first time). Anyway, enjoy and whatnot:ajsleepy:

Nice catch, thanks. I'll be editing a bit of the grammar in there tonight. New chapter should be ready on Friday I believe. Happy Thanksgiving lads and lasses:rainbowdetermined2:

Quick update, I'm going to retract that last comment on the grounds that I am going to be far too stuffed full of turkey and other delicious formerly-living things to focus on writing anything else for the rest of the week.... That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it; this has absolutely nothing to do with writers block, procrastination, or being hopelessly addicted to Dark Souls................ Shut up............
New chapter next week.:pinkiecrazy:

Apologies in advance for the late update... and for the entirely unrelated title of the chapter... Anyway, big stuff is about to start happening in here. Over the next few weeks, once I start writing again, there will be some fairly action-packed chapters coming into the story. Until then, hope you enjoy this latest chapter. Maybe go enjoy it while listening to some good music of your own... Something written by Bruce Dickenson perhaps..... I need to sleep.....:twilightangry2:

i bet twilight wold be good at singing soul music now!

The next chapter likely wont be out until the Friday after this coming Friday (as in, wont be out until the 14th). I've got one real week left of classes for the semester and, as such, writing will be done very randomly and sporadically. Also might be writing a new chapter for my other two stories as I'm pretty sure anyone who had been following them has likely given up any hope of seeing them updated by this point. Dawn or Darkness is officially my favorite story I've written so far, but the other I want to make the other two just as good, if not better... Anyway, long story short: no new chapter this week unless something goes horribly, horribly right.... Also, hopefully everyone has been keeping up with the new season, because they have completely made up for the lack-luster opening two-parter. Now if only we could get another Discord episode....:trixieshiftright:

Sorry I'm late, got a little wrapped up in Far Cry and forgot to post this... Won't happen again. Anyway, this week's chapter features Rainbow Dash, two soulflayers, a demonic presence, and more than a little bit of violence.... So, uh, yeah... I think its safe to say we're slowly making our way into the darker section of the story. No Fluttershy or Pinkie for another week or two, I'm afraid (though I think Rarity might show up again in the next chapter). Got a message from one reader last week asking about Spike, so I figured I'd just go ahead and make it perfectly clear that his part in the story isn't done... no matter how much he might wish it was... Anyway, enjoy the chapter, this one takes place at the same time the previous one but focuses on RD's point of view. We'll pick up right here again next week most likely. Enjoy!

On a brief housekeeping note, all the chapters are now properly labeled with whose point of view they are from for your convenience :twilightsheepish:

So quick little note: this week's chapter IS done. It has been done for a few days now. Unfortuately I am unable to actually publish it for some reason. All of the work is saved but it just won't load when I hit publish. Will do what I can to have it up within the next day or so once the technical issues are all sorted out. Thank you for your patience guys, it will be here soon.

This weeks chapter is coming along.... slowly. Not sure if it will be done by tomarrow, so my sincerest apologies if there is not a new one this week.

Hello? Anyone still out there? ...ok, looks like the coast is clear, lets get that next chapter uploa-OH GODDAMMIT! No, put that back, I need to post that chapter tonight, its been weeks since I last updated! What? No, no more flashback chapters, those things are annoying to write and no one really likes reading them... What do you mean I never explained what happened to Spike, I had a whole chapter dedicated to that that I posted last wee..... CRAP!!!
(New chapter coming tomorrow, sorry about the delay... The weeks of delay...)


Uhhhh... Ok I have no excuse on this one. Sorry its so late (again, sorry...) but its finally up. People can stop asking me what happened to Spike now. Next week I should have the next story-advancing chapter up, no more recap/flashback chapters for a while now. Enjoy:facehoof:

....oh and also, I have a new story up as well. If anyone here happens to be a fan of Iced Earth, by all means give the first chapter of "From Sacred Flames" a read. I'm essentially trying to reimagine the Something Wicked saga in Equestria... with Discord.... and chimeras....... Check it out some time....

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