• Member Since 10th May, 2012
  • offline last seen Oct 28th, 2015


Comments ( 17 )

For those wondering, the ponies show up at the end of the second chapter and are the found throughout the rest of the story after that point. Just felt that a little mood-setting was needed and for that I needed Roland to still be human. The other two memories that are mentioned are two other stories that I am current writing, one before this and one after. For whatever reason, the middle story seemed like it would work better as the first story put out there, possibly because i hate the whole "fish out of water" feel that the first first story has to it. Anyway, hope some of you enjoy first two chapters!

...Let me get this straight. You crossed one of the most cynical things ever written with magic talking ponies.


This is certainly a cross-over I never expected to happen. I am doubtlessly intrigued. I would suggest getting the assistance of a beta-reader, as you have some misspellings and missing word here or there, otherwise your wordcraft is excellent.

I'm watching this now. Seriously, if you can do this right, it will be gold. Try not to fuck up two of my favourite things, will you?
Fingers crossed.

"Try not to fuck up two of my favourite things, will you?"
Oh trust me, that is exactly what has been haunting me since I started writing this. Figured I wasn't the only one out there who enjoyed both of these topics (though I have to admit, I wasn't sure it would be a huge demographic) and I know just how dissappointing a bad story can be. Just to be clear, this was all done in an insomnia-driven, near-midnight three hour span and, as such, could certainly be much better. I am in the process of making a few grammar-related corrections right now and it should be at least 20% more presentable by 2:30 or so this morning. While I know this probably isn't the best time to be writing, it is when my brain seems to be the least... distracted? That seems about right, anyway, I want the rest of the story to be the best it possibly can. So, for all of you interested in this particular story, please please please keep me in line story-wise. Any critiques I can get will only help to make the journey that much better for everyone. As for a beta-reader, I just got someone who is insanely focused on good grammar, spelling, tenses, and all those other things that I never had much patience for. So expect a much smoother-sounding chapter next time around. And just on one last personal note: a sincere thank you to all of you for such positive feedback so far. My ego thanks you and so do I. More to come as soon, if it please ya.

Just wondering if some of the people who have given a negative rating for the story would mind letting me know what it is about it that you are unsatisfied with. I promise you I am trying to make this a good read and all, but any feed back would be greatly appreciated as far as what I'm doing wrong.

Ok, its up and I will be jumping back into the usual new chapter each week schedule. Again, my sincerest apologies to everyone who is disappointed with the story thusfar, but until you give me some feedback I don't really know what to change. So enjoy whats here if you can, otherwise please give me some idea of what needs to be different.:twilightsheepish:

A little credit to your wonderful proof-reader wouldn't hurt :pinkiehappy:
All things considered it definately looks better than it did originally. You may want to try splitting that first chapter up into two seperate chapters. Again. Sorry :rainbowwild:

703725 Your absolutely right, thank you very much for all the work you have done improving my spelling and corrupting my grammar over the last few weeks. Mainly, thanks for simply reading all of this!

As for the whole chapter 1 thing... I seem to remember telling YOU that it would be a better idea if I broke it up more but was then assured that 1700 words wouldnt be too many for one chapter... Oh well, ill see what i can do about it. Thanks again.

The next two or three chapters will all be following Walter's entrance into Canterlot and just why/how his plan is unfolding. They'll all be released before next Wednsday and will be followed by more of Roland's chapters soon after. With any luck, Discord should be making his appearance within the next two weeks at the most.

I've got one last more major chapter left to post, likely within the next few days. I say "last" not because I'm ending the story any time soon, but because I have no idea when the next chance I'm going to have to write again will be. On monday I'm beginning a summer class at a local college (finally going to learn sign language) and its looking like the studying involved is going to dominate all the free time that I would normally spend writing. I'll still be checking in and writing on a weekly basis, just not as much each time I write, so it may be two or three weeks between each New chapter... Or I may very well still end up keeping to the same weekly schedule, it's all going to depend on how many nights I end up not being able to get to sleep until 4am or so... Because so far that's where all the chapters so far have come from with the exception of parts 1 and 2 of The Eye Opens. Anyway, feel free to keep contacting me through this site, my steam account, and my Xbox live account. Been fun getting to fight a few of you in Soul Calibur over last couple weeks :pinkiehappy:

New chapter is up and, as a few of you have suggested, it as wee bit longer than the others. Hope you like it, it was a bit of a pain coming up with an appreciate place to end it so it does kind of leave off on a... well not really a cliff hanger, but definately a point that leaves a lot of stuff unanswered. Rest assured, the next chapter picks up exactly where this one cuts off, so look for that either later this week or early next week (like Monday at the latest, hopefully). As always, keep the comments coming, whether on here, through private messages, or through email. I love hearing what you folks have to say and am very open to any criticisms and suggestions you may have.

Not sure anyone still reads this, but for those who may come across this accidently while trying to find a good story, I want to apologize for the extended leave of absence I have taken from posting new chapters. I write everything (Everything. This fix, school work, short stories, a novel I started back in highschool and have since transferred to here, and anything else that my eventually end up somewhere) on a second generation iPad. Recently, I hit a slight... pothole, let's say where everything (again let me reitterate... Everything!) mysteriously disappeared. I had back ups prepared for just about all of it, but fanfiction and a few of the newer short stories did not make the cut for that so I kind of... lost everything pretaining to this story.

Anyway.... Uh... A little late for this at this point but... New story and chapter for this story coming out early next week. Sorry again.

Likely talking to myself here at this point (it's late, quit judging me :rainbowwild:) but just figured I'd clear up something before I get asked by any more people. Yes, I am still writing this story, no I have not abandoned it, and yes again, there will be another chapter out soon... Unfortunately, soon in this case could still mean a couple more weeks. I just started up on a 5 day per week work schedule with the other two days being nothing but college courses and a side job thing tutoring kids... Needless to say, my free time has suffered slightly, bu that can I say... I like money...

Anyway, I promise you will all have your follow-up chapter with Roland, Celestia, and Luna's little palaver within the next couple weeks. Then it's on to at least two chapters of Flagg's story which, you will be happy to hear, are already finished. So those will go up much quicker. Anyway, to anyone who may be reading this, thanks for not jumping ship on me just yet.

There'll be water if God wills it.

An update... At a daylight hour... Not sure how it happened but it did. Hope you enjoy, the next chapter will be out on Friday.

Please ignore the pretentious chapter title, I couldn't think of anything better... Anyway, I believe Rise of Discordia marks the half-way point of this story. From here, I'm hoping to get into some real action and some much more epic-scale scenes than what has shown up so far in the story. I have, unfortunately, gone ahead and written one scene that I feel is necessary for the story already that will not show up toward the end of the entire tale. I say unfortunately because it was a scene that litterally brought me to the edge of tears when jumped into my head and made me question why it was I was writing something like this to begin with.... Looking back, its not really that sad or unexpected, but if I didn't write it down as soon as it came to me, I probably would have dropped the scene entirely and made the last few chapters of the story a whole lot weaker.... anyway... Enjoy this chapter :twilightsheepish:

I think it kind of goes without saying after a month without a new chapter, but Sand on the Doorstep will be taking a bit of a hiatus until further notice. I have plenty of ideas for new chapters and several already-written portions of future chapters that need to be rewritten to better fit with the story. Unfortunately, with a full work and college schedule running everyday of every week... lets just say finding time to actually hash out the chapters themselves has become a bit of a struggle. I'm currently rereading THE GUNSLINGER and DRAWING OF THE THREE in order to try and rediscover Roland's voice and character, as I feel I kind of lost it during his last chapter, for which I apologize. I will try to have another chapter prepared by November, but until my schedule becomes a bit more manageable I can not make any promises on an actual release date.

...There will be water if God wills it...

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