• Member Since 17th Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen May 22nd


I'm a Proud ABDL mommy. Writer of padded pony fics, a lot of fics about Shining Armor and his mom, several about Rainbow Dash and her family, and far more mom stories than you can imagine.

Comments ( 72 )

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. :3

Edit: Question, I see no tags notating a reason for Mature rating. Is there a secret one?

This is freakin' Adorable. ;3;

Hi there! Thank you so much for your kind review! I usually tag all ABDL (Or in this case, possible ABDL) stories as mature, because even though I always portray it as nonsexual, it is still considered a fetish. Plus the subject itself is a bit taboo. I’d rather be safe than sorry. I hope that answers your question! Thank you so much for reading! :pinkiehappy:

Soo Cute~

Dafuq's ABDL? Cute story doe.


ABDL, as defined by urban dictionary (Because I couldn't think of a better way to explain it.):

This is typically a lifestyle choice (A fetish for some) where a adult acts like a baby for comfort reasons. Many people use this to deal with stress, traumatic life events, or just because this is how they chose to live their life. People who are into this might wear adult diapers, use pacifiers, and other various objects that one might use for a child or toddler.

This does not mean that they are attracted to children.

it’s really good so far

The next morning, Twilight woke in time with the sunrise. Yawning sleepily, she made sure to hurry and get in motion. She turned off Spike’s alarm clock and showered before she made her way into town. Since she had never been there before, it took her a while to find what she was looking for. She felt lucky that she had made it just in time for the opening. She quickly bought her items and put them in her saddlebag, thanking the owner before she went back to her home. When she got there, she double checked to make sure that Spike was still asleep. When it was clear that he was, Twilight put the items she had procured into a small closet. She felt a weight lift off of her chest. It was done. Her plan had been flawlessly executed. The only question left for her was if Spike would accept her plan. Only time would tell that. Sighing, she went into the kitchen and made breakfast for herself and her number one assistant.

I know exactly what Twilight bought. She bought... baby supplies. Her plan would be to baby her assistant Spike.

This story is very cute. I can't wait to read more. Keep up the good work. :twilightsmile:

I liked this a lot and cant wait to read more chapters from it, this was a good start to a story. I think Twi should be more of a mother to spike compared to just being friends or just spike being an assistant. There is nothing wrong with acting like a baby for comfort reasons, we all have our quirks in life. As long as you aint hurting no one...

Sorry for the rant got a little side tracked :twilightsheepish:

Keep it up and consider me a fan of what you write.

-Frost :heart:

Cute and adorable

I always loved Spike and Twi-Mom stories

I wonder how the rest of the Mane 6 take the news

I've been thinking about that, actually. I have an idea of how they will find out, but I think they're all going to process it differently. Who knows? We'll get there when we get there. Thank you so much for reading! :heart:

Another good chapter that has left me feeling happy. I love twilight and spike fics like this as this is how it should have been from the get-go.

keep it up as always. I liked the song as well, the lyrics were nice.

D'aww. The sweetness continues at such a delightful pace.

The way you had Spike accept Twilight's idea makes genuine sense compared to other ideas that may seem more out of character and/or forced. He always wants to please Twilight and has likely had more memories of being her #1 Assistant than of being cared for. So to please Twilight while satisfying a curiousity he'd go for it.

The way you started it also makes it work. You didn't go right to diapering. You went to Twilight going through items and words that were of a time Spike's mind likely may have thought never truly existed. So great job.

Great scene with him getting memories from the blanket. Great way to kind of start allowing him to gradually try the 'redo' on being a son instead of a sidekick.

The size of these chapters make them very delightful for a happy 'pick me up' feels read. You get a burst of joy before being left to just absorb what was written while you await the next section.

I am liking how Spike is embracing the mothering. Perhaps he is just as curious about what it is like to have a 'mom' instead of being a friend / assistant? Based on how smart Spike is I have a pretty strong guess he was rushed quickly through being a toddler to starting his education. He had to learn to be pretty independent pretty quick. Seeing what it is like to not have that 'must be responsible' along with 'Can't let Twilight down' has to be fascinating and super soothing.

Perhaps a Twilight after this would want to consider having foals like her brother and Cadence? (This story happens prior to Cadence and Shining Armor having Flurry but it is fun to think on if this event would make Twilight have "Mommy Moments" while out-and-about)

Rowena smiled at him.


Awww I love it :heart: You get a :moustache: from me

Ugh, sorry about that! I’m working on a non MLP fanfic at the same time as this one and the lines got a bit blurry. Thanks for catching that! It should be fixed now!

Don't worry, I've seen others make similar mistakes. I once read a story where the author forgot they changed an OC's name, so they're called by one name at first but then called something different a few paragraph's later.

D'aww! Sounds like things are moving along quite well minus being found out. It will be interesting to see how twilight explains this all compared to how Spike does.

Spike will likely be worried about what Rarity has to say, or think, of what he is doing. However this is, in large part, all on Twilight. Perhaps a moral can come out of this, too.

I also could see Fluttershy wanting to hold Spike in his current head space. He'd be a very happy camper in her coddling hooves.

Hmm. I'm not sure how i feel about this story. Part of me likes it because i like the idea of Spike and Twilight acting like mother and child and am even fine with the idea of them doing baby play.

The part of me that doesn't like it is the part that feels something is missing. Spike resisting. The thing that keeps nagging at my mind is that Spike has always taken great pride in being mature. He always wants to be treated like an adult and hates when he's treated like a child. I can fully buy the idea deep down Spike would want the kind of maternal love he didn't get much of as a baby and even secretly love acting like a baby.

But that's the key, secretly. I feel he would be resistant to it at first and even once he accepted it would be very careful not to let anyone find out about him acting as a baby and possibly even lash out and blame Twilight if the secret was discovered.

Thank you very much for your comment. I did consider having Spike resist at first, but my thinking was more that he was so desperate both for maternal love and (Of course) his desire to please Twilight, that it cancelled out any resistance. This has actually been a secret dream of his for years, so when Twilight asked him he was all for it. But we'll cover that in a later chapter. Maybe the next one. I haven't decided yet. I also have considered his reaction to finding out that the rest of the Mane 6 know his secret. That will be covered in the next chapter. As for your guess at how he reacts, let's see if you're right! :twilightsmile:

I so appreciate you taking the time to read this far, and thank you for your feedback! It's very much appreciated! :scootangel:

Understandable. I can see him secretly wanting this. I can even see him giving in quickly and enjoying it after getting over the initial weirdness of it all. It's just Spike often has a large ego about both being mature and macho. So at the very least it feels like he would swear Twilight to secrecy about the whole thing and be mortified when the mane 6 fine out.

Dawww!!!! I'm loving this!!!

Very nice. The scene where Twilight soothed Spike after it all went down with the girls was quite touching with just the right amount of emotion. Spike having to battle between his 'serious side' and 'hatchling side' made a lot of sense and knowing he can still call Twilight 'Mommy' certainly is a plus. :)

I swear to Faust, if Rainbow makes fun of Spike for this or even tries to tease him, i'll have a pair of wings hanging on my wall.

Other than that......Awww! Such an adorable rutine, i just hope to see momshy holding Spike.

I think I'm going to die of cuteness

*gasps* HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGG *grasps at chest* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH DIABETUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *dies from cuteness derived diabetus*

Nice transition chapter. It gives a feel for the nursery along with how all of Twilight's friends react to the situation.

Applejack appears to just be taking it all 'as is'. Neither here-nor-there. Makes sense as, if I know AJ, she knows not to judge family.

I think dash is struggling not to laugh while also hoping no pony sees her in the room.

Fluttershy is in heaven for how she gets to see a baby dragon as an honest-to-goodness baby dragon. Perhaps this could help her with her phobia of dragons? Knowing they all start out so innocently and that, beneath every scary dragon, is still a hatchling raised to be as they were raised to be.

Rarity is being supportive but we all know her feelings on babysitting. I know she cares about Spike and twilight so she's likely going to find a way to make the most of this situation.

Pinkie is perfect as, well, she's very in-touch with her 'little' side. I'd not be surprised if she asked if she could have a sleepover with Spike in his nursery. She just is that silly and open to anything that could allow for sweets and fun.

Here's to more fun ahead!

I hope this doesn't end for a long time. I love it!


Usually I don't fave a story until its completion but I'm making an exception for this

Thank you so much! That really means a lot to me! I’m so glad you’re enjoying it so far! :pinkiehappy:

D'aww! The ending is exactly what needed to happen here. The best gift for Spike would definitely be to know how Twilight saw her as a 'son' over an assistant. Toys, blankets, etc. can't provide what a mother's love can. And a mother's love is far more than a pony's friendship.

It's interesting to think how much stress would be away from Spike if Twilight truly were to see him as a son. He'd no longer fear being 'replaced' by other creatures, like Owloicious, while never feeling he had to constantly live up to some sort of 'standard' that he, likely, feels Twilight and Celestia hold him to. He'd be free to grow up and learn just like the CMC and the rest of Cheerilee's class.

I wonder if feeling 'little' would also allow him to not get the 'Greed Effect'? Nothing being particularly 'rare' ' to covet could definitely help him to not get too excessive. Especially if twilight was a good mommy and helped him to appreciate what he had over just getting things.

Short but sweet!

I'm curious about one thing, where exactly in the series does this take place? I'm assuming it takes place after Keep Calm and Flutter On

You are correct, but it takes place before Magical Mystery Cure. Hope that helps!

Interesting. I never thought of a need for Twilight to formally adopt Spike. However, given their relationship, he would technically still be considered an orphan.

Nicely played. Very nicely played. :)

Beautiful end! I'm crying happy tears

"Woah there munchkin, let's keep those fingers out of there for now. We don't want you getting lead poisoning now, do we?”

:twilightoops: Just being exposed to lead is risky, why would they have lead paint and why would Twilight let Spike finger-paint with it?!

Good feels to finish the story. Having the 'mother' made official changes so much for Spike. Will he now be allowed to attend Cheerilee's school with the CMC? Will he be able to go out and play with the fillies and colts?

His life would be so different if this timeline existed. He'd be far more secure and have the childhood he never quite got to have at being a friend / number one assistant.

So often, in the show, Spike has shown signs of wanting to see Twilight as a mom. Particularly in "Owl's Well That Ends well". He wants that 'love'. Friendship is great but love would make so much of a difference. He'd be more relaxed about making mistakes as it would be less of an employer / employee relationship, too.

Great job!

a character from the Television Show-Supernatural, on the CW network on the US.

Amazing work on this story! When I saw that this story was done by you, I was really happy since I happen to really enjoy your stories. They are always so full of emotion, it’s hard to believe it’s a story and not real life.
I’ve been kinda busy so I had to wait to get a chance to read this. Needless to say, I love how this turned out!
Can’t wait to see/hear more from you! :twilightsmile:

I really enjoyed this, so beautiful.

Wow I could feel the joy that Twilight was giving off

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