• Member Since 15th Mar, 2016
  • offline last seen 12 hours ago


Y'all don't hear me, you just wanna fap | The Death Writer | Ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/lewdchapter

Comments ( 23 )

Okay good sequel, but I'm guessing that Twilight will be healed up just like Celestia was in the first story too, but will she forget what happened to herself or what, I would think that if she didn't know about this and it happened to her then that Celestia would make sure to have her forget what has happened to her.

Light breast inflation? :pinkiegasp: How does this filth manage to pass through moderation?!


I agree, someone needs to stop me

Didn't think that far ahead, but she'll probably think it was a weird dream when she gets put back together


You could always make a mini-epilogue chapter that shows Twilight waking up in her old bedroom in Canterlot Castle and she could think that it had been a dream.

Mother Nature tried a while ago and it didn't work, Celestia save us:raritydespair::trollestia:

I don't understand how such a light-hearted like this is garnering any amount of dislike. I tip my hat to you, good sir. A lot of romance writers could learn a thing or two from you.

Is it wrong I want a next part to have Twilight being a willing 3rd to there group from time to time?

If you read the first one, you would know that alicorns in this universe burst into flames when they die, with them emerging from the ashes good as new, like a phoenix.

Twilight is fine, not that it matters in the slightest

I want a sequel

The author, if you are here, answer, if in your universe alicorns are reborn like a phoenix, then if pieces of twilight are scattered around the room, you need to collect them in a heap to be reborn or and so reborn without collecting pieces of the body

All of her pieces would burn to cinders and she would reform around her horn, wherever that would end up being.

Then the horn also needs to be rebuilt, or is it some kind of indestructible part, where is the moon where is the cadence.

I think I said in the first story that the horn meeds to be protected, and that's because that's really the catalyst behind the regeneration. So long as the horn isn't obliterated, the alicorn can come back.

Luna and Cadance are minding their business, living their own happy, not batshit insane lives.

This is an old story that had very loose lore anyway, so none of this really matters

This means that the horn must be indestructible, because if it is not, the twilight is dead, it threw the remnants of the twilight into the lawnmower, which means the horn must also be shattered into pieces.

Celestia mixed something with twilight in her food, I don't think twilight would agree with that in their sane minds.

it hurts when your favorite character is ground with a lawnmower.

overturn the lawn mower, exposing the spinning, whirring, angry blades of the machine.

I literally grew up on these things, and I will tell you if you flip a lawnmower like that, especially when running, all that will happen is the engine dying. Those things use gravity to feed the fuel, you turn it upside down the engine dies due to lack of fuel

What you failed to take into account is.... Magic!

Or the reality that the actual mechanics of a lawnmower matter far less to me than writing the story I was asked to write

Sorry for being pedantic

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