• Published 17th Jun 2019
  • 1,162 Views, 16 Comments

No Friend - Commander Joe

Equestria...a place of harmony? More like insanity!

  • ...

No Parties Please

I was still sitting at the window when I heard it. Without electricity I didn't have a whole lot to do other than think. I could go out into the village but...I'd rather not. They already seemed spooked by me as it was and I wanted at least one more day by myself anyways.

Apparently that didn't matter though. They seemed to be coming to me instead.

Rustle rustle

Looking outside the dining room window, cracked just enough to let some of the cool air inside, I could hear someone moving around in a bush that hadn't been there before.

"The heck?"

I went outside and walked around the house to where I'd seen the bush. Sure enough there it was, sitting there in all its leafy green glory. There were a few ponies on the street still, but most of them seemed to be actively avoiding me. I doubted I could get any useful answers out of them.

I walked up to the bush, hearing it rustle more and more as I approached. Was someone seriously using this to spy on me?

"You know if you really wanted to stalk me there's a house like thirty feet away with a perfectly good roof on it?"

A pink blob popped out of the bush.

"That wouldn't work at all silly! I'd fall right through!"




"Oh! Also hiya! I'm Pinkie Pie!" The aptly named Pinkie Pie yelled from the bush she was poking her pink head out of. How I didn't see that giant pink mane of hers I may never know.

Did I mention that she's pink?

"...Hi?" I replied.

"What's your name?"


"Great! Your party will be ready as soon as I figure out what cakey I should bakey!" She cried with a grin bigger than any I'd ever seen on someone that wasn't a cartoon character.

"Wait, party?" I asked both surprised and worried.

"The party I'm throwing for you! Silly!"

"Since when?"

"Since now!"


"Because parties are fun of course! And a great way to welcome new friends!"

"Sounds to me like throwing away a bunch of cash for someone you don't even know."

"But I do know you! Your name is Indie, you came to Ponyville because you were lonely-"

"Wait what?!"

"Sushy, I'm not done yet! Your favorite color is blue, your favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate, your favorite car is the DeLorean not that I know what a DeLorean even is or a car either but I'm sure I could find a way to get one to-"

"Hold it hold it! Holy crap lady how do you know all that?!"

"I'm the town party mare! It's my job to know!"

"But you just said-"

"Anyways I gotta get going now that you found me out! See ya later alligator!" The pink terror jumped out of the bush and trotted down the road into town.

What...what just happened?

I looked down the road where the pony had gone. No one else seemed freaked out by her...whatever that was. But that didn't mean I wasn't! Was that something that everyone could do? How does she do it? She knew things that should be impossible for her to know! Wait...

Could...could she have been the one who brought me here?

That thought settled any doubt in my mind. I had to find her and see what she knew.

Not today though. Today would be my final day of keeping to myself, before I would have to go out anyways to try and find work. Just in case
the crazy pink lady couldn't get me home.

Author's Note:

So...it's been a while.

I know this is short but it's just to get me back into the swing of things while I also properly plan this out. I know what I wanna do here. It's just a matter of figuring out how I wanna go about writing it down.

Comments ( 3 )

It's alive.


...dead story

Im afraid so. I have the majority of the story planned out but Im just not a good enough writer to make it what I want it to be.

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