• Published 17th Jun 2019
  • 1,161 Views, 16 Comments

No Friend - Commander Joe

Equestria...a place of harmony? More like insanity!

  • ...

No thank you!

"Oh...right..." I said to myself upon looking out my bedroom window.

When I woke up I quickly began to fall into my usual morning routine, only to pause when looking outside. I'd forgotten that I was no longer on earth for...some reason...my parents were still missing too.

The world hadn't ended like I thought it would. That was a good sign at least. Based off the way those ponies (as I found out they called themselves) started panicing like chickens with their heads cut off I figured I wouldn't be waking up the next morning. Obviously I was wrong (not that I was complaining).

They had set up some sort of translucent purple dome around my house however. I suppose that made sense considering they probably had no idea what I was and didn't want me sneaking off somewhere. As much as the idea tempted me I had no idea where I would go anyways. There was absolutely no way I was on earth anymore, otherwise I would have heard about a pony civilization by now! In anycase I figured I might as well look around the town from the comfort of my yard, never hurts to examine your surroundings.

"Here's hoping they didn't make it air-tight" I thought to myself. It would really suck if they just left me in here to die on my own.

Upon walking outside I found several alien ponies outside the sheild, each one wearing golden armor and carrying a spear. These guys really aren't taking chances with me huh? Beyond them was the village itself. Besides the haphazard layout and...one particular building that looked like it was made from cake and gingerbread it was just a village...a village with talking ponies...

I still can't understand how the heck I got here. Yesterday made it obvious they didn't know why I was here either. What could do something like this? An act of God? Nuclear explosion? Did someone invent a portal and used my house to test it? I sighed and messaged my black hair. I knew this would keep bothering me no matter what I did. The only thing I could do for now was move forward and deal with it.

Commencing dealing with it.

One of the guards spotted my exit from the house. He jumped almost instantly.

"He-he's back!" The guard alerted his comrades, who then proceeded to panic and run into each other, resulting in three out of the four guards being knocked unconscious...

"...Wow..." I couldn't think of anything else to say. I'd never lost respect for anyone so fast before. The final guard ran off somewhere, probably to tell his boss that I was up and about. That just left me and the terrified villagers to stare at eachother in a tense, awkward silence.

Honestly I couldn't blame them for being scared out of their minds. You think a strange creature showing up in the middle of town is scarry? Imagine being said creature in the middle of an alien civilization he knows nothing about! I walked up to the edge of the dome and watched as the ponies slowly backed away. I mean at least they aren't outright running away?

I won't lie though. It still hurt a bit.

"Hiya." They stopped when I spoke. Though there apprehension was still quite visible. I didn't really know what else to say. I had a hard time talking to normal people, the uncertainty wasn't making things any easier.

"Please...please don't eat us mister monster!" A small grey pony shouted as she hid behind an older light puple mare with an amber mane.

I sighed, that one comment is gonna make everything infinitely harder isn't it? "I'm not gonna eat you...I just wanna go home ok?"

"But...but sis said that-"

"Look I wasn't talking about you ok?" I interrupted the tiny pony.
"I don't eat things that can think for themselves. All the animals back home...they don't talk like you."

"So...you don't eat ponies?" The elder sibling asked.

"No, I don't." I shook my head.

She seemed to calm down a little bit after hearing that. Her younger sibling seeming to settle as soon as she did. Few others followed their example however, and continued to watch from a fearful distance.

It was now that I noticed something else about this pony. Attached to the back of the pony are a small pair of wings! can she use them? They seem disproportioned compared to her body size.

"I-is something wrong with my wings?"

Apparently the purple eyed mare had caught my gaze.

"What? Oh! No ma'am! Or at least I don't think so...I've just never seen a pony with wings before.

"You don't have pegasi where your from?"

"Nope. Just normal old ponies and horses."

"Well then how do you control the weather?"




"Are you ok?"

"...You control the weather?!"

"You mean you don't!?"

"No! It all happens on it's own with temperature changes!"

"Really! Wow that sounds awful! How do you keep your storms under control without pegasi magic?"


"Oh colt..." The filly groaned.

During a rather...interesting conversation with the mare I now knew as Cloudkicker (wow that's an odd name!) We were interrupted by the guard from before, who had returned with friends...a lot of friends...Over a dozen by the looks of it. One in particular stood out with dark purple armor rather then the gold I'd seen on all the others. From the armor, to the subtle glare, to the stiff posture he held as he walked to the shield. Everything about him screemed "Hey! I'm an officer so don't screw with me!"

Well...as much as a being half my size could anyways.

"I am captain Shining Armor! State your business here creature!" He spoke with clear authority. The first introduction I've gotten without a stutter too. That speaks volumes when compared to the other inhabitants of the town.

Also Shining Armor? Seriously what is it with these names?! I didn't dare say such a thing out loud though.

"I'm not a creature. My name is Indie, Indie Calway. I'm a human from the planet earth." I replied. Again to his credit he showed no emotion to my response when the rest of his troop gasped. Really? how was this place still standing if this was the state of their military?!

"As for why I'm here...honestly no idea." I shook my head and shrugged.

"You really expect me to believe that you just showed up right smack in the middle of Equestria for no reason?" He asked in disbelief.

".........Yes? Speaking of which I don't suppose you could send me back?"

"If I knew how I would have done so believe me."

"Then I guess you're stuck with me mister Armor."

"Just call me captain please."

"Sure. So what now?"

"Now, I ask you some questions. Starting with where on this...Earth you're from?"

I paused a moment to think. I usually don't give tell random people where I live if I can help it. From the looks of it though it may be in my best interests to just go along with it. I have no desire to get thrown in a dungeon or something.

"Im...from Missouri. It's part of the United States of America."

This was a lie. Just because I had to answer didn't mean I had to give him the truth. Besides he just said he didn't know how to get me home so how can he doubt me?

If the captain knew I was lying to him he didn't show it and continued his interrogation.

"How old are you?"


Another lie. I'm actually sixteen, but I'd rather not end up in a government foster system I know nothing about. If they even have one at all that is.

The questions went on like this for quite a while. I did my best not to show it but I was happy that we had the barrier between us. I doubted it would actually stop him but it offered a small feeling of safety, I'd take what I could get.

"Alright, I think that's enough questions for now." The captain relented thankfully. Any longer and I don't think I could have taken it!

The unicorn hesitated a second, seeming to debate something in his head. Then looked back up at me.

"I'm going to let down the sheild, but I'll be back as soon as I take care of my debriefing, understood?"

"Yes sir." I nodded.

"Good. Don't make me regret it."

"I don't plan to."

Their guards don't look like much. But then again it's not like I could do any better. I haven't even been camping in years let alone handled a weapon! The captain lowered his horn. The shield disapated to nothing a moment later. Geez...I thought they used some device or something to make that! If one unicorn can make a shield that covers my entire house then what could I do if one of them attacked me...

And yet their afraid. At least most of them are.

Then I remembered something I'd been wanting to ask for a while now.

"Wait captain!" I shouted. I put more emotion into that then I'd meant to.

"Yes?" The white unicorn asked and turned around.

"Have you seen anyone else like me? Anyone at all?"

The captain didn't say anything for a few moments, but something changed about the way he looked at me. He looked...softer somehow. What exactly did I do?

"No. No I haven't." He finally responded.

I gave him a thank you and the captain took his leave, along with the guards that came with him. As I walked back into the house I found myself torn between many different emotions. Relief that I wasn't being thrown into a dungeon, a lot of anxiety that I was doing my best to keep a lid on, and a little bit of curiosity as well. I've only been here for two days and yet so much is different from home!


The house might be here, but I still haven't seen my parents at all since this happened...I wonder if they're ok?

I hope so.