• Published 12th Dec 2018
  • 691 Views, 2 Comments

Gotham City Heroes: Slayride - Batfan98

While on a mission to catch Two-Face, Scootaloo gets kidnapped by the Joker and is forced to witness him massacre civilians in a stolen vehicle.

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I felt the cold wind as it brushed over my face, but payed no mind to it. Normally, the sleeves on my Robin suit would be short, but I was wearing my winter suit which meant my sleeves were longer. It pretty much had the same design as my actual Robin suit; had the red tunic with an R on the left side of my chest, the black cape with yellow on the inside, black gloves and boots, red pants, yellow utility belt, and black domino mask. Only difference was that the sleeves were longer to keep my arms warm and the suit felt warmer, but I wasn't complaining.

I was twelve now, so I've been Robin for about two years at this point. I've been on several missions with Batman and already faced many enemies like Joker, Mad Hatter, Poison Ivy, Riddler, and Two-Face. Speaking of Two-Face, he just escaped from Arkham again, like seriously we just put him away two months ago, why do these people keep escaping?! Sorry, I'm off track.

Anyway, Christmas was just a few weeks away and me and Batman were hoping to lock him up again so we can have a nice holiday. Thankfully, we found one of his henchman hanging out at a bar and got info out of him. Now normal people would just leave a suspect alone once they've been interrogated, but this is Gotham and this city is anything but normal, so we just left him hanging by his feet at the edge of a building for the police to take care of. I know a thing or two about not being normal since I am a pony from another dimension, not that I have a problem with that.

So anyway, we found ourselves at a warehouse with the left side of it looking damaged with the cracked windows and burnt mark's on the walls. Classic Harv. Next thing we decided to do was sneak in through the top floor. We took care of a few armed guards ,quickly and silently, before making our way to the bottom floor to find the scarred freak himself. Sorry, I shouldn't call him that considering the fact that he was friends with Bruce back when he was DA.

We made our way to some crates to hide behind; Batman raised his head up a little as he was looking over the crate while sitting on one knee. As for me, I just stood on both my knees as I placed my hands on top of the crate to raise my head up to see Harvey sitting at a table, splitting up stolen money into different stacks; possibly to pay the four of his henchmen that were just standing there.

"Okay," I turned my head to my boss "how do we approach?"

Batman still eyed them "We've taken out the guards, so that just leaves them; this should be easy."

"Well then, can I make the first move?" I asked. I pulled a batarang from my belt.

He turned to me "Be my guest."

Yes! I leaned my head over the side of the crate as I raised my batarang and paused as I was trying to see which one of these bozos would be my target. I decided to go for the guy on the far right, so I threw my weapon. I was pretty good with batarangs, because it hit the guy right in the face, knocking him to the floor.

He stood back up as Two-Face and the other men looked in our direction as we came running out of our hiding spot.

"It's Batman!" Two-Face stood from his seat as he quickly pulled out his pistol, but was quickly taken care of thanks to a batarang.

"And hey, don't forget Robin!" I yelled as I leaped, kicking a henchman to the ground. One henchman tried to throw a punch at me, but I was fast enough to grab his arm and throw him to the floor. The both of them weren't knocked out as they tried to put up a fight. I noticed one of the henchmen retreating to the back door; can't let anyone get away.

I quickly ran after him; a couple years of crime fighting gave me a great running speed. I immediately chased him out the door and left Batman to deal with Dent and the other three thugs; judging from his fighting, I knew he could handle himself while I chase after this guy.

As I ran after him, he ran into an alleyway while I followed suit. The guy was clever enough to throw a nearby trash can onto the ground, but I jumped over it. I was catching up to him as he turned to his left into another alley. I was about to grab him, but quickly stopped when I noticed the number of guys that were just hanging out there and noticed me; there was a lot of them, probably like twenty. Sweet Celestia, I hope these aren't thugs.

"Well, well, look what we have here." said one of the guys "It's the Batman's brat."

"Let's see how well she can fight." another one of the guys said, breaking a bottle against the wall, now holding it like a knife.

I gulped; yep, these were thugs. Okay, I could handle multiple thugs on my own, but not this many without Batman or Catwoman or Red Robin or at least anyone who's good at fighting.

Just then, I heard a loud screeching sound to my right as I turned my head to see a red car stop on the street. The door opened "Robin! Get in!" the person inside yelled. I didn't know who it was right now, but I didn't care as I quickly sprinted to the car and jumped in as I slammed the door shut.

"Drive! Drive! Drive!" I yelled, eyeing the thugs that were approaching, only to see the outside world move as my mysterious rescuer stepped on the gas pedal. I sighed in relief "Thanks."

"Don't mention it, kiddo!" a high raspy voice said.

My eyes underneath my mask widened; I knew that voice. I turned my head to the driver, only to find a white face grinning widely at me.

"How's it hanging, chicken girl?"

"You!" I gasped. I was just about to jump outta the car, but was caught off guard as Joker squirted some kind of gas from a red ball in my face. I coughed and was freaking out, because I thought it was Joker gas. So I reached into my belt to grab some antidote me and Batman always carried for situations like this.

Suddenly my eyes felt heavy as everything in front of me was getting blurry and my head. I fought hard to stay awake, but failed as I passed out in the passengers seat.

I don't know how long I was out for, but I heard something faint; everything was black. The noise got louder as I heard that it was that Holly Jolly Christmas song that I heard a few times on the radio during December. My eyes were slowly opening and my blurry vision took a moment to clear. I found myself tied and buckled into the seat with duct tape wrapped around me like they were rope and my hands tied behind my back. Something smelt funny, but I didn't know what it was. Smelled rotten, must've been some old food.

"Oh by golly, have a holly Christmas this year!"

I turned my head so fast that I could give Rainbow Dash a run for her money and saw the Joker himself singing in the driver seat, wearing a brown coat and santa hat. I caught his attention as he turned his head towards me.

"Oh, you're awake finally!" he exclaimed.

I tried to yell for him to let me go, but was only met with muffled as I noticed that duct tape was covering my mouth.

"Sorry, kid. But I had to insure that you'd be quiet as a mouse on this ride." Joker said "I'm also sorry about the gas; didn't want you to pound on your old uncle Joker. That said, you can see why I had to, y'know, belt you in. Speaking of belts, I threw yours out the window a while ago. Precautions and all that."

He was telling the truth as I noticed that my utility belt was missing.

"Kind of funny, us running into each other this way, huh? I was just driving along, minding my own business when I just so happen to come across you cornered by a gang of thugs and I thought 'hey, the kid's in trouble, why not cut her a break?'" I ignored him as I kept looking ahead of me. Don't react. Don't give him anything.

He turned off the radio "Look, this evening came as a surprise for both of us, so I'm calling it a truce. Soon as we get some place safe, I'll snip the belts and you're free to jump out and call the big guy."

There's no way he's gonna let me go, the lying freak. As we were driving, I saw someone walking across the street ahead of us and the vehicle wasn't slowing down. I didn't know if Joker just wanted to run the guy over or if he just wasn't paying attention; either way I was freaking out.

"Say, what's wrong?" Joker asked, obviously pretending to care. I tried to break my arms free, as if my bindings would break miraculously, so I could grab the wheel and turn the car away from the innocent person who was just passing by. I was too late as I heard a loud bump and saw the guy rolling over the windshield.

Joker stomped on the breaks, emitting a loud screech as my body jerked forward. If it wasn't for the seat belt, my head would've hit itself against the dashboard.

"Holy schnikes! Did you see that?" Joker exclaimed as if he was surprised "That guy just ran right in front of me!"

I was in shock at what happened just now. I just sat there with my eyes widened.

"We better help that man! Let's back up." I knew what that sinister grin on the clown's face meant and I didn't like it.

He put the car in reverse as the car moved. I heard the bump and I didn't like the feeling of what the car just hit again.

Joker leaned his arm over his chair as he peeked over "Take a look and see if he's alright."

Even with the seat belt on, I was able to lean over and look behind me to see if the guy was alright, but that's not what caught my attention as I saw what was in the back seat. Now I knew where the funny smell was coming from. Laying there in the back were two dead bodies of a man and a woman grinning.

I stared in horror at the sight as Joker looked to see what I was looking at "Ah!" he snapped his fingers snap "You haven't met my two buddies. This is Nicky and Riley; they were so kind enough to let me use their vehicle."

I've seen the Joker kill a lot of people before, but this was just down right sick! There were wrapped presents in the back seat, so they must've just been innocent Christmas shoppers that the Joker randomly came across and just killed them! I didn't know these people, but whoever they were they didn't deserve this. I swear I was going to strangle this bastard once I get out of this.

I felt under the seat to see if there would be anything to help me. A pencil or something to cut these ropes. Just then I felt a small, solid object and grabbed it. Judging by the feel of it it was a little toy car. The couple in the back had a little boy...focus Robin. I tore the hood from the car as I used the edges to cut my bindings.

I felt the car moving forward as Joker pulled a flip phone from his coat pocket before dialing a number into it and holding it up to his ear.

"Hello, 911? Yes, I'd like to report a hit and run, corner of market and broome."

The Joker driving, the man that got ran over, the dead bodies. It was all too much to handle that I didn't notice the next civilian that just got hit.

"Make that market and boyle." Joker added.

"Yoh suh of ah bith!" I yelled, only for it to come out as a muffle thanks to the gag. Joker appeared to have understood what I meant though as he closed the flip phone, placing it back in his pocket as he glared at me.

"*tsk* *tsk* *tsk*." he waved his finger in disapproval "There's no need for any language like that, young missy." he turned his attention back in the road as he rested his head on his left hand while his right held the wheel. His smile returned as he glanced those green eyes back at me "Say, I'm hungry. How's about you and I go to this one place that makes those eggnog shakes at this time of year?"

To be honest, I was too disgusted with the carnage that Joker was causing that I wasn't even in the mood for anything. A few minutes later, we drove up to this drive thru place and Joker proved to be an impolite driver as he quickly cut in front of this other car behind us. Eventually, we made our way to the speaker as Joker rolled down his window.

"Hi, may I please take your order?" asked a female voice on the speaker.

Joker leaned his head out the window "Yes, I'd like the big beefer, heavy mustard, double pickles, three strips of bacon, make 'em crispy, ranch dressing on the side..." he was listing all those things so fast that it was hard for the person on the speaker to keep up.

"Uh, sir, you'll have to talk slower..."

"Side order of fries also crispy, one of those came pie thingies with the boiling hot juice inside that scalds the roof of your mouth, oh I love that..."


"Two of your special eggnog shakes, a kiddie meal and I'll pay extra for a full assortment of toys that come with it..."

"Sir! May you please repeat that? I'm afraid you're going to have to talk slower." she finally got Joker's attention, but he did not look amused.

"Well, of all the incompetence!"

A loud screeching noise was heard as the car went full on speed to the window, hitting a car just in front of us. Angrily, he stuck his head out the window as he pointed to the girl who was shocked at seeing the clown prince of crime.

"Listen here you brain-dead cephalopod!" he pointed a finger "I have better things to do than repeat myself ad nauseam in the fleeting hope that through some miracle you might somehow triumph over your own crushing ignorance and get one item of my order right!" he spat. He took away his finger and breathed as he took off his santa hat and stressfully rubbed a hand back in his green hair. "Look," he said calmly as he put his hat back on "I demand to speak to your manager."

The woman stood shocked that she didn't even seem to move or speak.

"Ugh, hold on." a man's voice said from the corner of the wall. The manager stepped over to the window "Excuse me, sir. How may I help-"


Oh my god! Before the man could even realize who it was, he was shot right in the face without the Joker even looking at him. I heard the lady scream as he drove away. I tried struggling in my seat; I swear this bastard was gonna pay for what he just did. Again there was no avail; I was gonna have to rely on the toy car's hood to cut my bindings.

Joker just drove in silence; he never took his eyes off the road, never saying a single word, never even smiling with that disappointing look on his face.

"I really wanted those milk shakes." he said plainly. I swear, this guy had no remorse over what he has done. I was going to break every bone in his body. Literally. Every. Bone. "Oh well, life is full of disappointment." he shrugged, him smiling like nothing happened and waving his gun nonchalantly.

"That reminds me, I'd better get rid of this." he reached his free arm over behind my back and grabbed the toy car and it's hood from my hands and tossed them both out the window.

I tried to make myself look as worried as possible. Thanks to the car's hood my bindings were getting weaker. I can't let him find out.

"I put it here while you were out. Just one of my silly pranks to instill false hope." his smile grew wider and more sinister "Like that line I fee you about letting you go."

I shouldn't be surprised. I knew he wasn't gonna let me go.

"And don't bother feeling around for anything under the seat." he said "I promise you there isn't anything there."

I don't have to listen. There's always another way out. Always.

"Might as well ditch the gag, too, in case you want to beg now." Joker peeled the tape off my mouth. "How about it, chicken girl? Tell me your Christmas wish, as if I couldn't guess."

I pretended to struggle; can't let him see me trying to break the ropes. Ugh, and there he goes again with that nickname. I've always hated that nickname.

"Hmm, well, if you won't plead for your life, I guess you'll plead for someone else's." Joker shrugged as he returned his eyes to the road. Oh no. I know what he's thinking in that sick mind. He's gonna put somebody in danger!

"Ooh, looky! Kids and Santa!" Joker pointed.

I looked and saw a man in a Santa costume with a kid on his lap at the entrance of this store.

"Now there's my wish come true." Joker smiled. The car turned in the direction of the Santa and the kid, the speed gaining up. "Last chance, chicken girl. Sure you've got nothing to say for dear old Santa Clause?"

I had to think of something. There had to be something I could do! Come one, come one, think. Wait...

""You can't fool me. There ain't no sanity clause.""

"HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!" Joker laughed. He jerked the car away from the two people; I sighed in relief.

"Very good! A Marx Brothers quote." Joker said, patting my shoulder. "Very good Indeed! A part of me wishes not to kill you later."

I...didn't exactly know how to respond to that, so I just went with "Gee...thanks?"

"No problem kiddo. No problem indeed." Joker grinned, driving up the highway.

I remembered watching Marx Brothers with my friends. I tried remembering the names of each episode as my plan folded into action.

"Sure. I love "The Big Store"". I said.

Joker looked back at me as if I were stupid. "What? No that line is from "A Night at The Opera!""

I knew he couldn't resist, so I just shrugged "Nope. I don't think so."

"And you call yourself a fan!" Joker pointed at me. He went on to explain " It's the scene where Groucho and Chico are going back and forth over the singer's deal and tearing up bits of the-"

My bindings finally snapped off. Yes. Time for some pay back. Before he could even explain the whole thing, I brought a hard punch to his face. I was then quick enough to go for the mirror. I had one chance. Don't make jokes. Just go "Batman" on his ass.

I hit the mirror across his face, forcing him against the car door. He tried to grab me, but I was able to jump into the back seat with the two dead bodies.

He raised his fist "Lousy little-!" I quickly grabbed the woman's corps and used it as a shield. The Joker's fist ended up making contact with the woman's dead, grinning face, scratching his fingers against her teeth.

"Ow!" he coiled back in pain and held his fist. "You just made me bit a woman, chicken girl!"

I sneered "Don't. Call me." I thruster myself into the gap between the two front seats "CHICKEN GIRL!" I thrusted my foot forward, literally kicking him out of the car as the door opened behind him. Before I could even recover from the trauma, I noticed some kind of light shinning across my face and looked to see where it came from.

My eyes widened as I saw a car coming. I was quick to grab the wheel and jerk it left, crashing the car into a highway fence. The impact jerked my head to the wheel, but was thankfully blacked by my arm.

I just sat there for a long moment, panting like I just ran a marathon. This wasn't my first time escaping death, but that was so close. Then I just remembered. The Joker!

I quickly crawled out of the car and frantically looked around for that psycho. All there was were just endless cars passing by. Where the trick was he-

Just then, an arm wrapped itself around my neck. I struggled, but a knife was held to my throat.

"Ah, ah, ah, chicken girl."

I heard Joker's voice. I continued struggling, but immediately stopped when the cold blade made contact with my throat.

"You have gotten on my nerves, before." Joker sneered "But this time you really pissed me off. Any last words?"

My only response was a spit to the cold ground. If these were my last moments, I wasn't gonna last any of it in fear.

"Eh, quite the brat, aren't you?"

I felt the knife begin to move when suddenly...


The eyes under the lenses of my mask averted to see my saviour. Batman stood there, scowling at the clown holding me.

"Let her go. Now!" he demanded.

Joker laughed as usual. "Batsy! Looks like you showed up as well." he looked down at me "Quite the coincidence of all us running into each other in the same night, huh chicken girl?"

Unknown to Joker, I saw Batman's hand being slowly pulled from one of the pockets of his belt. When he held a batarang within his hand he gave me a single nod. He had a plan. I nodded back. I raised my foot high before stomping it on Joker's, causing him to push back and scream, removing the knife from my throat.

As he stood hopping while holding onto his foot, Batman sent his batarang flying at him. I was quick enough to move out of the way as I saw it impact with Joker's face, knocking him to the ground. Once he was on the ground, I turned on my detective mode. He was unconscious. Good.

"Are you alright?"

I turned around to see Batman approaching me. I couldn't help but wrap my arms around his waist tightly, my head hurried into his lower chest. I felt his arms wrap around me in return and I just couldn't control myself from sobbing.

Everything that happened tonight. Witnessing first hand the way the Joker committing acts of murder and violence. I saw him kill before. I've heard the screams of the innocent victims he's claimed. I've seen the blood he's shed. I remembered the families he's affected.

*sigh* I know what you're thinking. Why do I keep on going with this career? If I've seen so much death then why don't I just quit. That's the thing, there is no quitting. Bruce isn't forcing me in this, I know he would understand if I quit. But I can't. I just can't. The reason why I became Robin was to become a hero; it was to keep people safe. So if I quit then...what kind of hero would I be?

Real heroes don't quit. Even when times are tough, they just can't quit. There's always going to be hard moments. Moments that aren't easy to bare; but I have to get through it. I always get through it. I had, no, have a responsibility to protect this city, and I'm damn sure gonna keep this city as safe as I can.

Author's Note:

Happy holidays, everybody.:twilightsmile:

Comments ( 2 )

Should've called it "why don't you slay a while".
Missed opportunity.

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