• Published 24th Sep 2018
  • 1,086 Views, 11 Comments

Equestria's Most Daring Mom - TheMajorTechie

Scootaloo rarely spends time with her mom. That's because she's Daring Do.

  • ...


Scootaloo yawned, fumbling for her keys in her backpack. Another day of school's done and gone. She yawned again, extracting her Wonderbolts keychain.


She turned the doorknob and entered her house, scooter dragging along behind her. The door creaked shut as she trudged further into her house, the worn carpet rumbling underneath as the corner of her scooter caught on the loose threads.

"Mom?" Scootaloo called, "Moooom?"

No answer.

She wandered into the kitchen, leaning her scooter against the counter as she flipped the light switch. With a flicker, the glaring overhead lights came on, flooding the filly's vision. Instinctively, Scootaloo made a beeline for the fridge. She paused as she caught sight of a note stuck to the handle.

I'm gonna be out for the next few days, Scoots. There should be enough leftovers in the refrigerator to last during that time. Watch for me on the news!


Scootaloo snorted, grumbling under her breath as she opened the fridge. Her eyes flicked between the shelves, searching for something to eat amidst the foil-wrapped lumps. Ultimately, she simply grabbed one of the said lumps and closed the door.

"Huh." The filly mumbled to herself, eyeing the typewriter at the dinner table, "Looks like mom didn't finish writing before she had to go again."

She turned away, setting her gaze upon the microwave.

Unwrapping the foil, Scootaloo scrunched her muzzle at the putrid smell that wafted from the moldy mess before her. WIth a gag, she scooped up the mess and dumped it in the trash can. She stared back at the refrigerator.

Mom's always been more of an adventurer than a cook... She thought, turning instead to the pantry. I'd might as well just make something myself.

Scootaloo sighed into her cup of noodles, the steam billowing away as her breath hit. She picked at the remains of the paper lid lining the rim, tearing a soggy chunk of paper off the styrofoam and wiping it onto a napkin. Her stomach grumbled as she poked a fork into the noodles, scooping a generous amount up before they slipped back into the broth with a splash.

"Ah, darnit." The filly grumbled, pushing the cup away. "I'd might as well let it cool in the meantime."

She looked down to her backpack, grabbing her homework from within.

"Urk." Scootaloo groaned, setting the worksheet down, "One of these things."

Assignment 1: Let's get to know you better!

Write a little bit about yourself. What do your parents do for work? What did you do over the summer? Do you have interesting hobbies?

Frowning, Scootaloo reached for her backpack again, pulling her Daring Do mechanical pencil out.

My name is Scootaloo. I've never heard my mom talk about my dad before, and I've never seen him. You probably know my mom pretty well if you read the Daring Do series; she writes the books herself.

You may think that having somepony as famous as A.K. Yearling as your mom would be great, but usually, she has to go out on... business trips and stuff, so she's really not home very often. When she is home though, she's only around for a day or two to do some writing, and then she has to leave again. But... at least she's happy.

I spent most of the summer out with my best friends, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. Based on how crazy things get when we're around, which is pretty much all the time, I'm pretty sure you already know what we do.

There. Scootaloo smiled, setting the pencil down, Done.

She leaned back in the chair, watching as the steam from her cup of noodles curled up into the air, illuminated by the simple light fixture above the table.

It must be hard to be like mom... Scootaloo thought, her eyes still fixated on the steam, She's got a double life that she has to hide away, an identity she has to keep locked into her stories, and on top of all that, she's freakin' Daring Do!

Scootaloo blinked. The steam was gone. It'd already long-since dissipated mid-way through her mental rant. She reached for the cup, flinching as her hoof brushed against the now-hot fork.

On the other hoof, would it really be that bad if mom could be around just a bit more?

Scootaloo jiggled the doorknob, nodding to herself as she confirmed that it was locked. Always lock the doors at night. Her mother's voice echoed through her mind, Even though we live in a good neighborhood, you can never be too careful.

Daring Do. Careful is gonna be the last thing that comes to mind.

The filly snickered at the irony of the advice.

Nevertheless, Scootaloo went about the house, systematically checking the locks of every exterior door before finally heading to her room for the night.

Wonderbolts and Rainbow Dash memorabilia filled her view as she entered her room and turned on the lights, with the two clashing together at the uniform-clad Rainbow Dash figurine sitting on her shelf. Scootaloo crawled into bed without bothering to turn out the lights.

Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep bee--

Scootaloo's hoof met the snooze button of her clock.

"Morning already?" She moaned, rolling herself out of bed. "That didn't feel like I even slept at all."

Scootaloo bit into the still-cold toaster waffle, mentally noting the similarities the breakfast food shared with frozen cardboard. After finishing, she groggily set her helmet over her head and set off for school.

"...Wow, your mom is the writer of Daring Do?" Snips exclaimed, "All this time I thought you lived with Rainbow Dash!"

Scootaloo shook her head vigorously, her homework still in hoof. "I definitely look up to her, but I don't really think that it's a very good idea to live with Rainbow Dash, y'know?"

"And anyways," she continued, trotting back to her desk, "even with the downsides of having A.K. Yearling as a mom, she's still the most daring mom ever."

Comments ( 11 )

I remember a story similar to this one but cant remember the name.

I think it was called something like awesome mom

EOne Awesome Mom
Scootaloo's mom comes home for a visit. Why doesn't Scootaloo want anypony to know?
moguera · 7k words  ·  990  15 · 12k views

Isn't Scootaloo supposed to live with her aunts while her parents are out of town?

Behold the glory of fanfiction

Ya, I know, it just bothers me when people write AU's but don't put an AU tag on their story

Whoops. Forgot about that. I'll add it now.

Dang, this is by far the most recent story I’ve ever seen on FiMFiction, can’t get more recent than today amirite?

Anyway, half-decent story. Not really one I’ll remember, however.

>Do you even read the tread for the reviews? :unsuresweetie:

Your story must have one of the following tags as focus:

Mystery, Horror, Comedy, Romance

and musn't contain:

Human, Crossover, Anthro, Sci-fi, sad <- this one only if not horror focused.

However, I consider it because it seems interesting:derpytongue2:

It isn't any of those though. It's slice of life and alternate universe.



Nevermind, okay. I just misread the thread then.

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