• Published 3rd Sep 2018
  • 1,805 Views, 9 Comments

A Diamond, an Apple and a whole lot of Feelings - Jurt

Applejack tries to understand what's happening to her right now when she is near Rarity.

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Chapter 2: Hard as diamond yet so frail

Author's Note:

I am sorry for the Delay on the new chapter, I had lost access to my account for a while now and just gotten it back, and enough spare time to finish my second chapter. Hope you all enjoy and that I diddn't keep you waiting for too long.

While the others kept looking for Rainbow Dash and Applejack, Sunset was sure Rainbow just diddn’t disappear without a reason.
But she couldn’t think of any reason why she would run off, sure there was Applejacks problem but how would Rainbow about this.

I can’t find them anywhere” Twilight said out of breath after running around half of the campus. “Did any of you have any more luck?” Twilight sat down on a bench she never ran that much since their last magical adventure and even then, she was just easily tired by such activities.

Nope” Pinkie Pie exclaimed “BUT I did find this super delicious cupcake in the school Kitchen” as quickly as she showed her friends said cupcake as fast it was eaten leaving traces of cupcake on her face. “Oh, I hope you diddn’t want something” she said as she laughed with a short snort.

Pinkie Pie!” Rarity shouted angrily “This is serious! What if they got hurt!”.
Pinkie looked confused at Rarity still licking the rest of the cupcake of her face.

What? I’m just trying to lighten the mood” she said pulling a napkin out of her hair as she started to wipe away the rest of the cupcake she couldn’t reach with her tounge. “Rainbow would’ve appreciated that” Pinkie did a pouty face as she crossed her arms.

Whoa calm down girls, we should focus on finding Rainbow Dash and Applejack first.”
Sunset tried to resolve the conflict before things get too nasty. Despite beeing friends, Rarity and Pinkie Pie have very different perspectives on certain matters, which could lead to some heated discussions which then made the others join them if not stopped.

"How about we search in Groups? Maybe that way we find them faster and we could also suggest other places where we could find them to each other, so it's easier to know where we searched already." Sunset looked around nervously, she was sure the others were atleast a little bit suspicious about this, but she had to buy Applejack some time, she would need all the time she could get now.

"I suppose we can do that darling, it seems we would be out of ideas otherwise." Rarity sighed
"I am sorry Pinkie I think I just got a bit frustrated after this long search."

"It's alright Rarity, I should've known better than to make a joke out of this situation. But I thought maybe if we diddnt think about how bad the situation is right NOW. We could cheer up a little bit since we were all so tired from searching everywhere."

After their quarrel, the two girls hugged it out and sharing a laugh. To which Sunset was really relieved about. She remembered the last Time Rarity and Pinkie Pie had a fight like this and she could'nt afford them getting into another one.
Although it would be bad in any situation for them to fight, but Sunset really did not want any more disturbances today, for Applejacks sake.

"Ok, now that's over. How about we split into Search Groups now. Although....

Sunset paused for a moment to think about how to split them up.

"We are 5 People and dividing an Odd Number like this is not easy. So we could either go with two Groups,one of three and one of two people. Or the Alternative we split into three groups. Two of Two people and one of us would go alone."

After finally Catching her breath Twilight corrected her glasses and said.
"I suggest splitting into three groups, that way we can search a larger area and although I have to wonder. Why even split into groups when we could easily search for them on our own?

Sunset was taken aback by this, things have been so stressfull right now for her that she diddn't think about this.
She had to remain calm though.
"Well,... I was just thinking that searching alone would be getting tiresome after while. And in Groups we could motivate each other. Even though one of us has to take one for the Team and search alone. Sunset raised her hand "For which I will gladly volunteer.

The others looked at Sunset, sure it was her Idea but they wondered why she volunteered so quickly without letting anyone else do it first. Sunset looked at the others nervously and muttered.

"Unless.... One of you.... Wants to, I guess" she laughed nervously hoping that the others weren't suspicious about her behavior. Truth be told Sunset was actually hoping to buy Applejack some time to come to terms with herself, after what she heard today she might need it. What she was worried about though was, what Rainbow Dash has to do with all of this at the moment.

"I think I'll pass, I don't want to run around all day long alone. Might aswell go with a friend

"The more the merrier! I always say"

"I'd love to search with my friends, uhm if that's ok with you

"Well I suppose it's settled then. Sunset will search alone and the rest of us will split into two Groups
Rarity put a finger on her chin trying to think of a way to split up
"If you wouldn't mind I'd like to propose a way, so we can split up fair.

Everyone looked at Rarity, normally Sunset or Twilight acted like leaders to the group, sure the others decided with them on their decisions but no one has ever truly taken the wheel all for themselves. Which is what Rarity seemed to be doing.
But before anyone could even say sure no problem Rarity, she continued

"The way I see it is that we have Two more observing people and two more she cleared her throat a bit " active people , so the only fair solution would be to put one of each into a group.

Sunset diddn't know how to react, this wasn't like Rarity at all. Now Sunset was wondering if what Applejack is going through is also affecting Rarity somewhat, but not to the same degree.

"Ok, sounds like we have a plan guys. Time to find Applejack and Rainbow Dash. I'm sure they can't be far away."

While Twilight and Pinkie Pie were of to search the school gardens, Sunset looked near the Soccer Field near some bushes.
Meanwhile Rarity and Fluttershy wandered around the parking lot, talking about something that happened last week during their sleepover.

"Fluttyershy dear, say do you remember what happened during our sleepover last week?"

Fluttershy diddnt know what to say at first, she was quite flustered.
"Uhm, I... I guess not. I forgot it after I learned for my test that I have this week.

Rarity turned around sighing a little bit, as if she was expecting this answer from her.

"Would you mind talking about it" Rarity hesitated a little bit before she continued.

Fluttershy was suprised just a moment ago Rarity looked like she was a born leader but now she was so unsure of herself.
"Are you alright Rarity? Back there you looked so stern and cool. But you look like you're shaking right now. Is something wrong?"

Rarity looked concerned at Fluttershy, she knew if she could tell someone what's going on right now.
"Fluttershy.., can I be one hundred percent honest with you?
Fluttershy just nodded but was also visibly confused by her best friends question.

Rarity took a deep breath to prepare herself for what was coming.
Fluttershy almost fell down after Rarity yelling louder than people in Horror Movies.

"Uhm, why is that Rarity? Did something happen to your Dresses?"
Fluttyshy got more and more confused, Rarity was a Drama Queen, known to make an Elephant out of a fly. But this sounded more serious so she happily stayed with her friend until she knew what was bothering her.

"Even worse, I'm afraid I somehow upset Applejack, ever since last week's sleepover she refuses to maintain eye contact while speaking to me. And just now when she and Sunset arrived, she was very eager to get inside as if she doesn't want to see me.

Fluttershy began to think about Applejacks behaviour, it did seem a little odd and at first Fluttershy diddn't pay any mind to it. But now after what Rarity is suggesting. Fluttershy told Rarity about what she thinks might the problem be.

"Well, if you dont mind I think I have a Theory on what might upset Applejack at the moment.

"Huh? Uhh g-go on Dear."Rarity was taken aback by this, has Fluttershy figured it out already? Or was she mearly suggesting something to calm her down.

"Well, if I remember it correctly you had fallen on Applejack during our Sleepover and forced us to watch this foreign Fashion show. Maybe this is the reason she's upset, she is just angry that you fell on her and forced her to watch something that diddn't even interest her. That still does not explain Rainbow Dash's absence.

Rarity thought to herself, was the fashion show really the reason for Applejacks behaviour or was it just the final drop in a full barrel of anger. But Fluttershy had a point, even if Applejack was angry at Rarity that still does not explain Rainbow Dash's absence.

"It seems we have found ourselves quite the conundrum.Oh what should I do to apologize to Applejack." untypical for Rarity she kneeled down on the Ground hiding her face behind her hands, instead of beeing the Drama Queen she was which made Fluttershy realize, that this time Rarity's problem wont vanish that easily like most before.

Fluttershy tried to calm Rarity down, she kneeled down next to her and hugged Rarity.
"I know it's not much, but a hug always makes me feel better" Fluttershy beamed at Rarity which made the young fashionista forget her worries for a moment.

"Thank you Fluttershy, you're always there for me when I need you most"
Rarity gladly hugged Fluttershy back and smiled a little bit.

"After you've been there during my times of need how can I not, you're my best friend now afterall"
Hearing those words Rarity and Fluttershy remembered something, that it wasn't always like this they weren't always best friends, they were friends for sure but not this close but a certain event in Fluttershys life changed that.

"I... I almost forgot Darling, that you and her are now. Well you know"
Rarity did not have the courage to say it, she was the only one knowing it of any of her friends right now which made her saying it feel worse than it should have.

"a couple?" Fluttershy playfully teased as they both released from the Hug.

"Y-yes that I'm sorry Darling, I think I am just nervous that our friends could hear it before we resolve the current conflict."

"There's no need Rarity, it may not be that common but they wont be mad at me and Rainbow Dash." Fluttershy giggled a little she thought it was kind of cute that Rarity was nervous to be the sole bearer of her and Rainbow Dash's secret relationship.
"I thought that I would have a harder time adjusting to these new circumstances but thanks to your and Rainbows support. I've gotten a lot more confident, atleast in terms of our Relationship now. And I wouldn't mind if the others heard it already." she giggled and laughed "Not sure if Rainbow feels the same way."

Fluttershy just had a realization that hadn't occured to her before now.
"Oh my, I think I know what is wrong with Applejack" Rarity looked at her curios she too wanted to know what made Applejack upset.

"Do you remember how I told you Rainbow Dash acted when she first started confessing to me? I haven't considered it as an option until now, but it all seems very similar to Applejacks behaviour "

Rarity blushed which was not very hard to see thanks to her pale white skin.
"Y-y-y-y-you mean th-that sh-she?"

"It could be all the signs that I noticed speak for it, avoiding eye contact, not comfortable around you, and from what I gathered from earlier this morning also very nervous around you"

Rarity was too overwhelmed with all the new information she had to process, Applejack, THE Applejack, strong and independent both physically and mentally Applejack has fallen head over heels in love with her.
While incredibly flattered that Applejack had chosen her, she was also worried about their friendship, what if she couldn't return Applejacks feelings, how would that turn out. Would they still be friends? It was all too much for Rarity too handle, and she started to faint and fall onto the ground with a now nervous Fluttershy trying to wake her up.

Comments ( 2 )

Didn't this story used to be longer?

well, yes the first Chapter was. But I just did not have enough Ideas for the second chapter to make it to 3000 words like Chapter 1 . And I didn't want to let people wait more than they already have.

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