• Published 3rd Sep 2018
  • 1,799 Views, 9 Comments

A Diamond, an Apple and a whole lot of Feelings - Jurt

Applejack tries to understand what's happening to her right now when she is near Rarity.

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Chapter 1: Love is in the Air?

This Day started out as any ordinary day would for Applejack. She woke up, packed her bag with schoolstuff,had an argument with her siblings, she ate breakfast.

Yup just an ordinary day, and yet something felt different than before. But she could’nt put a finger on it.

All she knew was that she had this weird feeling lately and she doesn’t know what it was.

She was too scared to tell her family what was wrong,
Because she knew that Big Mac and Granny Smith would just make a fuzz about it.

It’s probably nothing Applejack thought to herself maybe it’s just a stomach ache or somethin’,
I’m just worryin’ over nothin’ that was what she wanted herself to think atleast.

As she headed to school she met Sunset Shimmer who was talking to Trixie.
Applejack forgot these two are now really good friends,
Super Best Friends you could say,they were only rivaled by
Lyra and Bon Bon and Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie.

Sunset waved goodbye to Trixie who threw a smoke bomb on the ground and headed to school.
She really had a thing for dramatic exits.

Sunset turned around awaiting Applejack as they almost always see each other now before school.
Was it just a coincedance or maybe Trixie had something to do with it, she could’nt tell but eitherway
It was nice to have a friend by your side when you walk to school.
So, how was your weekend Applejack?” Sunset asked “you were so busy we hardly saw you

Well “ Applejack replied scratching the back of her head feeling a bit embaressed admitting this
I just wanted some time for myself, you know I had some weird feelings that I can’t talk about with my family

Sunset looked at her, questioning her motives but also seeing how much she cared about this subject. Applejack truly looked uncomfortable right now, she was looking down to the ground, one hand holding her hat over her face the other hand clenched to a fist.
And if Sunset didn’t know better she would be thinking she was talking to Fluttershy.
Sunset tried her best to reassure her friend that everything was alright, she put a hand on her shoulder and gave her the most reassuring smile she could give. “It’s ok Applejack, if you want to talk about it I’m here for you,” Sunset laughed a bit “ besides it’s the least I can do after all you’ve done for me.”

Applejack had to think about her offer for a moment, Sunset was like a second sister to her she knew she could trust her yet Applejack felt like she had to say it to someone, and if not Sunset who else.

Well alright I’ll tell you what’s been buggin’ me latley” Applejack stopped and sat down on the nearest bench with Sunset following closely. “But you have to promise me somethin’” the look she gave Sunset let the young woman know how much this means to her yet it also looked like she was asking for help. “Promise me that you wont tell anyone of what I’m about to tell you

Sunset smiled at her reassuringly
I Pinkie Promise that I wont tell anyone about this”.

Applejack took a deep breath to mentally prepare herself to say it, it was in her head for far too long and if she could she would just shout it out for the world to know. But telling it to a friend she could trust was obviously the better choice.

I.. I had those strange feelings latley, and I can’t really describe them too well. It all started about a week ago when Rarity forced us to watch this fashion show during our sleepover, more specifically when she was goin’ to the kitchen to get more popcorn, but as soon as she stood up she stumbled, fell and landed on me.“ Applejack tilted her head slightly “Not that it didn’t happen before though, she fell on me plenty o’ times during Gym Class.”

Sunset smirked a little as if she figured it out already, as if she suddenly knew what was troubling the Blonde Country Girl for a while now.

But something was different about her this time, and since then I can hardly talk to her without stumblin’ over my own words. I also get this weird feeling in my chest and stomach.” Applejack held onto her shirt and tugged on it slightly “and...” Sunsets smirk turned into a shocked expression when she saw tears flowing down Applejacks freckled cheeks. Applejack suddendly turned around to face Sunset and looked at her with her eyes tearing up the more she went on.

Sunset hugged Applejack trying to comfort her a little, patting her back and head a bit.
Nothing is wrong with you Applejack. This is perfectly normal when you first discover that you have a crush on someone.”

Applejack looked at her confused as if Sunset suddenly spoke a different languge, yet her cheeks started to turn red instinctivly.
P-pardon me? M-m-me ha-havin’ a crush on Ra-Ra-Rar” Applejack was so flustered she could’nt even say her name “me havin’ a crush on her?” Was this even possible? Granny Smith always told her and her siblings that love can only truly be between a man and a woman.
Did Granny lie to her? Or was there a possibility that she misunderstood Sunset’s words and she merely pranked her.
You’re jokin’ aren’t you Sunset? ‘cause Granny told me that..” before she could even finish her sentence she was interrupted

I’m not joking Applejack, Love is a universal thing it’s not bound to just a Man and a Woman. Dont you watch Tv? There are a ton of same gendered celebrity love couples out there, like the fashion Designer Hoity Toity he was so flamboyant it was only a matter of time for him.”
Sunset held Applejacks hands with her own “And I’m sure your family will support your feelings towards another girl. And even if they don’t you shouldn’t hide these feelings, it’s not healthy for your psyche.”

Applejack appreciated the kind words coming from her friend, she even smiled a little at her words but as soon as she mentioned her family that smile turned to a frown again.
I wouldn’t be so sure ‘bout that, Granny is really old school about these things. She always tells us aslong as you put yer feet under mah roof, ya’ll will live under mah rules. And if she knew about me liking another girl she’d either spank me until I can’t sit for week or she’d sent me to church to become a nun or somethin’.”

Sunset looked a bit worried “ So your Granny is quite religious huh?” Applejack silently nodded
After my Parents were gone, she turned even more religious than she already was.”

So I guess there is no way of convincing her?” Sunset asked with a glimmer of hope

Nope, not a chance she’s changin’ her mind.”

Applejack looked at her phone and they were almost too late for class “ We should go now Sunset, don’t wanna be late again don’t we?”

Sunset looked at her concerned “Are you sure it’s ok, maybe you could talk to guidance counselor Zecora about it.”

Applejack stood up and just sadly went past Sunset “I’ll consider it”.
As soon as they reached school they saw Twilight,Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and to Applejacks dismay the person she wanted to see least Rarity.
As mean as it sounded but she couldn’t hold a normal conversation with her nearby.

Rarity waved to Sunset and Applejack and greeted them “Applejack, Sunset how was your weekend darlings.”
Applejack however did not reply to her friends and just rushed into school just barely getting a sentence out of her mouth.

Itwasokaythankyou” Rarity looked confused at Sunset

Do you know what this was about Sunset darling? I was just about to tell her that Crankys class is beeing cancelled because he and his wife went on their Honeymoon.

Applejack overheard what Rarity said but she just wanted to get her head clear, but unfortunatley she ran into vice Principal Luna.
Oh I-I’m sorry Vice Principal Luna.” Luna who was notorious for punishing Students for misbehaving quickly stared at her with a glance that spoke for itself

And where were you heading to exactly Applejack? If I remember correctly your class is beeing cancelled because your teacher is on his Honeymoon” then she started mumbling to herself “and because we couldn’t find a subsitute in time.”

I know he’s on his Honeymoon but I-I” she could use this to her advantage if Cranky wasnt her to scream at her all morning she could try to talk to guidance counselor Zecora “I just wanted to know if I could talk to guidance counselor Zecora about somethin’

Hmm you normally seem like the type that would rather talk about her problems directly instead of with an adult , but I could call her and ask if she has time for you, you see normally she doesn’t talk to students during the first two lessons since it’s so early in the morning.”

Applejack pleaded for Luna to try anyways “It doesn’t matter when I-I-I just want to talk to her, it’s reaaaaaaally urgent!”

Well if it’s that urgent, just wait outside of my office and I’ll call her” Luna dissapeared inside her office and Applejack could only hear the muffled sounds of what was going on. She was hoping that she could get it over with quickly to not make her friends and other students suspicious of her behaviour.

After what felt like hours for Applejack, Luna came out of her office again. “She is willing to make an exception this time, but dont make it a regular occorruence do you understand young lady?” Applejack smiled and sighed with relief

I wont, thanks Vice Principal Luna
Applejack quickly went to Zecoras Office and entered it before any of her friend could see her.

Ahh Applejack, I presume please sit down, tell me what is giving you this frown.”
She diddn’t know why Zecora always spoke in Rhymes but she diddn’t mind it, and so as she was asked to, Applejack sat down and started telling Zecora everything she told Sunset earlier.

Zecora had one of her hand on her chin while listening to Applejack observing everything the young woman said and how she said it.
She truly earned her title as psychologist and guidance counselor. “I see, so you fell in love, that’s why you’re so jittery like a dove” Zecora sighed as it was hard to come up with a rhyme everytime she said something “Ok, I wont rhyme this time I want you to know that everything I say is serious” Zecora put her glasses down and looked sincerly at Applejack.

Applejack you need to come to terms with your feelings, but you shouldnt just admit them to the person you like right away, you need to find peace within yourself and explore these feelings maybe send them subtle hints if you feel comfortable.” Zecora stood up and put her hands on Applejacks shoulders “Just be honest with yourself first before you are honest to your love interest

Applejack looked at her “So you mean I should learn to accept myself and how I am now?” Zecora closed her eyes and smiled

Yes, young lady that is what I mean, how can you be honest about your feelings towards someone else when you aren’t honest with yourself.”
Applejack hadn’t even considered that, all she thought about was finding a way to tell her friends about it. But Zecora opened her eyes she first needs to accept these feelings and explore them more, even if it means beeing a nervous wrack near Rarity.

I think I need some time alone to think now, thanks Miss Zecora you were a great help” Applejack couldn’t help herself she hugged Zecora and smiled as genuine as she could do for the last week. Zecora just smiled at the young woman

If you do need some help with finding yourself you can come to my office during the afternoon, when my next consultation appointments start.”
Applejack walked out the door happier than she ever felt during the last week, but then she heard something that filled her with dread.

It seems my suspicions were true, the strong and independet Applejack is going to the guidance counselor like a REGULAR student?”

Applejack just sighed annoyed “Can’t you leave me alone Trixie “ Trixie and Applejack never got along but ever since she and Sunset were friends Trixie seems to have it out for her.

What’s wrong Farmgirl am I hurting your wittle feelings” Trixie was known for her snarky remarks but she wasn’t mean.

But for some reason she was mean towards Applejack, and only when Sunset and the others werent around.
What is your problem Trixie, ever since you and Sunset befriended each other you were a total Bitch to me!”

Trixie gasped “A Bitch? Me? Well I never expected such vulgar language from you. I only wanted to know what you were talking about with Zecora is all.” Applejack just glared angrily at Trixie

You know I ain’t tell you anythin’.”

Trixie just laughed “Are you afraid of something Applejack? I swear by my friendship with Sunset I will never tell anyone what you did.”
Trixie suddenly started to bombard Applejack with what she thought she did in there “So what was it?, did you steal something, did you blackmail someone , did you get into a fight, did you” after a few dozen or so suggestions Applejack finally snapped and yelled as loud as she could even though she never wanted to

I’M NOT TELLIN’ YOU THAT I HAVE A CRUSH ON SOMEONE!” Applejack held her hand infront of her mouth as she began to run away,yelling at Trixie “I FUCKIN’ HATE YOU TRIXIE” leaving tears on the floor.

At first Trixie felt victorious but then she saw the tears and felt guilty, throwing a smoke bomb on the ground running in the opposite direction before noticing that Rainbow Dash saw them talking. Rainbow Dash went after Applejack as quickly as she could
APPLEJACK!” she yelled trying to find her she almost gave up when she heard a quiet sobbing from the bushes
She went over and investigated the noise finding her blonde friend cowering, her head on the ground her hat besides her.

Ap-Applejack?” she tried reaching out for her friend but all she got for an answer was a quiet

Go away.”But the multicolor haired Girl wasn’t listening to her

Applejack come on I’m just trying to help you” she pulled her up so that Applejack was just kneeling on the ground

How could you possibly help me Dash?”

Well, I kinda know how it feels to have a crush on someone.” she laughed a little bit
you’re not the only one who can fall in love you know” Applejack looked at her friend who was smiling as if she was Pinkie Pie

I-I guess but I just yelled it into the school hall, now everyone will keep buggin’ me about who I have a crush on.”

Rainbow Dash looked at her friend “I’ll tell you something I have only told one person so far, maybe it’ll help you feel better
Applejack looked confused, Rainbow Dash, the Rainbow Dash who keeps saying whatever comes to her mind having a secret that she only told one other person.

Y-you dont have to do that sugarcube

Oh but I will, now you just sit there and listen ok” Rainbow Dash sat next to Applejack and began telling her story “Do you know Soarin, he’s that famous college Student that broke all records during a sports festival at his school last year, back when I was in elementary school and he was a junior High Student, I kinda had a huuuuuuge crush on him.” Rainbow Dash laughed but couldn’t help feeling a little bit embarressed, Applejack couldn’t believe that one of her best friends would trust her enough to tell her a story like this.

But that’s only the beginning” Rainbow Dash said “After I found out he was dating his teammate Spitfire and eventually became her boyfriend, I felt two things. First I was jealous that she could have him and not me, but I also felt sad because I thought that no one else could give me the feelings I had when I looked at him, and then I met someone really special.” Rainbow Dash’s eyes started to shine as bright as the sun “they comforted me when I was at my lowest, they kept pushing me to do my best when I was already at my best.”

Applejack looked at her with a questioning look “So who was the guy who made you forget Soarin?” Rainbow Dash laughed

Oh it wasnt a guy, it was no other than my friend Fluttershy.” Applejack’s expression turned from questioning to shocked


Yup, ever since the day Soarin’s relationship with Spitfire became public she was there to help me.” she put a hand on her chest “And ever since then, I had these weird feelings in my chest and stomach. It was probably months before I had the courage to even tell Fluttershy that I had these weird feelings when I’m around her.” Rainbow lifted Applejacks chin a little “And you wanna know what she said to me once I did.” Applejack felt a little scared to ask but she really wanted to know what happened

W-what did she say?”

Rainbow Dash just casually smiled at her worrying friend “She said, Oh my uhm I-I was wondering why I had these feelings too.”

Applejack was really suprised”Wait a gosh darn minute, so you both had a crush on each other and never noticed it? What happened next

What happened next was that we started slowly, we started exploring these feelings, first we held hands when no one was around. Because we were kinda scared that if anyone would see us together we would get laughed at.” Rainbow looked up at the sky “But then during our last year of Junior High we got a little bolder, after everyone was ready to leave for summer vacation, I did something that the whole school never forgot. I asked Fluttershy if I could talk to her for a moment and before she could reply I did it.” exclaimed the multicolor haired young woman but

Applejack looked at her confused “Did what?”

I looked at her sincerely and kissed her on the mouth, and she wasn’t even mad, she embraced me.”

The whole class was looking at us, their jaws dropped to the floor. And remember some of my old classmates are now in CHS aswell, hell Lyra still looks at me weird sometimes.” Applejack tried her best not to cry again but this time she felt... relieved

Rainbow, thanks I-I think I really needed to hear that,but I was wonderin’ who was the other person you told this when all of your old classmates knew this already.”

Rainbow Dash casually pointed at their other friends looking for them both “I told it to Rarity, since she was good friends with Fluttershy even though they weren’t going to the same school back then. I figured it was probably the best to tell her.”

Applejack was now a little more stressed after hearing her Crush knew about this whole story. “I think it would’ve been better if I didn’t know that. What if she rejects me, what if I can’t find the right words, WHAT IF I

Rainbow Dash slapped Applejack as hard as she could which left the blonde woman in a state of confusion.
Don’t think about what could go wrong, otherwise I’d still be stalking Fluttershy, just think about what’s best for you. If you hold onto those feelings and suppress them you’ll feel worse than when she doesn’t return your feelings. And even if she doesn’t you’ll still be friends after that.”

While Rainbow Dash was trying to convice Applejack to do what was right, another problem unfolded itself infront of the school where Twilight, Sunset,Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Rarity were standing.